Area 51 (2005): Game Walkthrough and Guide

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June 13, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Area 51 (2005): Passage
Area 51 (2005): Game Walkthrough and Guide
There was something incomprehensible on the secret base, or rather, the alien life began to capture the struck bodies of scientists and soldiers that are on the basis. You are as part of the rapid response unit sent to deal with the problem that appeared and restore the procedure for the once prosperous territory.

Earth hopes

Upon arrival at the base, you need to get a weapon and try it in a dash, the location of which will indicate the soldiers accompanying you. Next, you will go to a small laboratory, where you need to take a scanner. After that, go to a catal on which the corpse is covered with a cloth, and scan the body. Having finished this simple operation, leave the laboratory and move to the left through the lifting gate.
After receiving instructions from the commander of the officer, move the soldier running through the gate. You need to find and neutralize a saboteur that has gone to the base. Passing through a pair of premises, you will find it for the sounds of combat. Your goal is: to pursue the villain – along the tira, through a small warehouse and to the goal. You can only kill him there. You just need to shoot a barrel, near which he will stop. By the way, in a warehouse, through which you will pass, there is a laptop. With its “screw” you can withdraw the data using the scanner.
Returning to the commander and listening to the words about good work, take your place in the elevator to go for the task.

Zone death

Coming out of the elevator, you will find the team “Bravo”, which you need to help repel the attack of zombies that appear from the depths of the corridor. At the end of the battle, move forward. At the end of the corridor, go to the door on the left and get to the Big Hall. Get out of his middle and keep the burning doorway under the sight. When the stream of mutants is over, unfold 180 degrees and take the attack from the second level of the hall. By beating the attack, run into the open door in the corner of the hall.
Through the corridor you will go out into a dark office, where it is best to use a flashlight (key F). You need to move left along partitions. When you get to the table, on which a mutant corpse lies, use the scanner to get information. Next you need to climb the second floor and go to the transition to the hall where you recently kept defense. On the blue platform in front of a closed door, pick up a document lying on the sofa, or rather scan it.
Behind the closed door you will find the generator hall. You need to go down the stairs located in the right corner of the hall, and then roll to the left to go through the door. After you climb the stairs, run to the right of the transition, and you get to the control room. There you need to go between two generators, having sought away from electrical discharges. Being in front of the vertical staircase, lift the document from the floor, and then go upstairs. From the angular platform, go to the left to the control panel, where press the lever. Next you need to return to the hall where the members of your team remained. And together with them climb up the transition from which mutants fell on you.


Move forward along the corridor and roll to the left, passing through the broken glass. When you go to a large room with transitions, take the position to the left of the door and shoot the mutants appearing from the fire. Having finished with them, go on the door opposite. Going to the center of the room, roll right. In the corner near the killed soldier, raise the red card. Next, come to a computer worth not far and activate it. After that, report Ramirev about their affairs and leave the room. Next, run to the left and go to the opposite side of the hall. Go to the last door, and in the corridor you will find a yellow card. Return to the room with these cards where the computer has activated. There you need to open a wide door using cards, followed by a shotgun and a bunch of cartridges to it. Also, if you jump into boxes, you will find one of the secret documents that you can scan. After that, go back to the hall where the battle is going, and help the soldiers to kill the remnants of the army of mutants. Next, go on the door, located close to the last minute.

Moving for his team, you will reach the laboratory in which there is a large number of green flasks. Lying near the exit from the placement flask you can scan to get more information. Continuing the movement, you will go to the previous two-level hall that you need with the fight to go to the end and climb to the second level. There go to the first door on the left and take the position near the door. One of your soldiers will begin to mess with a computer, but he needs a security card that you have to find.
Get out of the room and go on the door opposite. By the corridor, come to the place where the aliens attack the soldiers of the guard. After the battle, go to the proloma in the wall, there you will find a torn hand that you need to choose. Next, go through the door, located opposite the break. To get to the warehouse, apply the hand found on the left scanner, and activate the right. Getting to the warehouse, go to the left in the corner, pass the document lying on the table, on the wall you will see a box with cells, where the map is awaited by you. Now you need to go back to Christi so he can hack a computer. By passing the map, you will have to protect the soldier within 45 seconds.

They grow

Together with the soldiers of security, you will go to the cargo shop, where you first need to clean the territory, and then get to the opposite side of the hall to activate the crane management. Next go down and climb the vertical staircase up. On the beams of the crane, depart on the opposite side to be on the transition leading to the door control unit. After that, reflect the new attack of mutants and watch the video. Through a break in the fencing of the transition jump down and run to the door, followed by your comrades. After their death, go to the door to the left and take into ventilation. Behind the door of the cargo compartment, you will find your mutating soldier you need to shoot to stay alive. Cutting the villain, sit down in the elevator.

On the edge

Going out of the elevator, run on the corridor to the communication hall, where you need to enable the communication device located under the large screen. When your communication session is over, go to the door to the left of you. Through it you will go to the hall, where the defense holds the team “Delta”. To begin with, you will have to help the soldiers to reflect the attack, then you need to climb the stairs and get to the warehouse of ammunition to take charges for large-caliber cannons. After beating the next attack, return to the warehouse and go to the door from which the mutant will jump. In a small snack you will find Remkomplekt. Return to him back and turn the left at the exit, go down the stairs and go straight. In the wall on the left you will see the destroyed ventilation. Here and climb. You need to exhibit sparkling high voltage wires, after which it is necessary to return to the “Delta” group to turn on the communication device. Next, with one of the soldiers run to the warehouse to pick up explosives from there. When you enter the warehouse room, roll right near the boxes. There you need to climb on the boards on the ventilation box and go through them to the opposite wall. From there, jump down, pass between the stack of drawers and turn the left. Near the born wall you will find bins with explosives. Taking a charge, return back. Once at the far wall, pass explosives to your partner, and then run to a large-caliber gun located on the right side of the corridor. From the gun you need to shoot the charge of explosives to destroy part of the wall. But before you can pass in the break, you will have to kill another bunch of mutants.

One of them

Here they are, as they say, all the burden and deprivation of the army service. You began to mutate, t.E. One of those who recently “piled” with all proletarian hatred. Now you need to return your body into the old look, and to do it, get to one of the laboratories where the appropriate unit is located.

On the site where you turned out to be in a hand-to-hand fight (key “C”) beat with monsters until one of them drops the staircase. Raising her, you will find yourself in a round room, where you need to go to the elevator located opposite the door in the opposite part of the hall. From the elevator to the top of the elevator, go to the left and go down the stairs, and then on the trappers leading to the door, near which you will meet a long-standing corpse. Behind the door you need to climb the stairs and from the garbage site to go to the right to the open door. Next, fold again to the right and run to the door at the end of the corridor. It is located behind it the laboratory you need, in the future of which the camera is worth. You need to visit her to get back the human appearance and weapons. When you get out of the laboratory, Dr. Gray will contact you, which will tell that it really wants to see you.
Run the room located at the end of the corridor. There you will witness a group of scientists. Once you deal with punishers, pick up the access card, lying on the floor, and return to the corridor to sit in the elevator.


Arriving down, leave the elevator and run along the transition, where several enemy soldiers shot mutants. Once in the laboratory, in the walls of which the scientific symposium passes, go forward to the viewing platform, and then run to the left through the open door. When you find yourself at the bottom of the laboratory, scan the body of a monster lying on the table, and then climb on the right side of the table elevator in the control room to open the door. It will open the corridor on which you will reach the hall, in which the enemy installed a mine to blow up the power pipeline. The charge of explosives will be installed on the middle tube, and you will have only 45 seconds to remove it. Next raise from the floor a yellow access card that lies next to the control panel and go to the left of the stairs to leave the hall. Going out in the second-level corridor, sit down in the elevator and go deeper to the ground.

Life death

From the elevator go to the right on the corridor. In front of the door located in the left wall, scan the secret document lying on the table, and then go through the open door.
Going down the stairs, you will go out into a large hall with a mass of stairs and transitions. Run from the door directly and on the transitions will get to the right corner of the hall, where descend the vertical stairs. From there, move to the opposite corner and sit down on the lift that will deliver you to the top level of the hall. From the site of the lift you need to get to the right far corner of the room. There is a door leading to the next room.
The main transition by which you could move to the other side of the hall will bloom the enemy. Therefore, you will have to go down on the bottom of the room and run along the corridor before the lift. Rising upstairs, continue the rise on the vertical stairs. At the site near the killed guard, you will find a blue key card with which you should return to the beginning of the hall and take advantage of it on the panel of blue tanks. When the mechanism comes in motion, return to the site where you picked up the map. Open the protective door there and depart on the movable unit. He will deliver you to the site located at the opposite end of the hall. From there you can get to the door from which the soldiers of the enemy appeared. According to the corridor you will go to the hydraulic workshop that the enemies intend to blow up. You have only 4 minutes to stop them. Shooting in everything that moves, run to the left by transitions, go down on two spans down and turn to the right. The next transition will lead you to the stairs, through which you get to the base of the four columns. Next to each of them there is a small remote in need of disabling. Then return to the top to the place where the break in the transition can be joined and move this way to the door in the right part of the hall. The corridor is hiding behind this door, in which the elevator is located leading to Dr. Relas.

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