Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag – Freedom Cry: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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September 19, 2022
14 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag – Freedom Cry: Passage
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag – Freedom Cry: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Off the coast of San Domingo, 1735
Memories 1
“Put in front of the storm”

Fifteen have passed since the adevale left the post of apartment departments on Edward Kenuei ship. Having entered into the brotherhood of assassins, he was increasingly penetrated by credit and most importantly – did not cease to be a supporter of the free world, the world without slavery. Advale acquired his own ship, scored the team and became captain.

Dragged down the Fleet of Admiral-Templator, approach it slowly and use a picking pipe to mark the main ship. Then, before we find, let us go to the move. Sudden defeat of enemies from the mortar and the detection of a linear ship – the conditions for one hundred percent synchronization. We destroy the schooners, immobilize the main ship and take it to the boarding, boiling as close as possible, or shells until he leaves for the bottom. If you decide to board, before you step on board, we use falconet to eliminate as much enemies as much as possible. The number of shots is limited, so Ice more accurate. We are racing ten ordinary soldiers, two officers and one captain. The stronger the enemy, the harder it is to kill him. Parify attacks, apply throws and breaks. Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag – Freedom Cry: Game Walkthrough and GuideBastienna Joseph.
Descend in the bag through the highlighted hatch. Go forward, destroying enemies. Get to the admiral, we kill it and take the parcel from the table. Climb on the stairs behind the stairs and return to your ship. The parcel is designed for some Joseph Bastienne, located in Port-O-Prince.

French ships surround us from all sides. The only way out – break through the storm. ApartmentSeister takes our decision and prepares the team to the worst consequences. Fully rushed forward, holding away from the tornado and avoiding the damage from the waves. A mini-card in the lower left corner will be useful than ever. On it, the direction of the waves is shown by the arrow – we become a nose to it. No matter how hard you tried, the ship still suffers collapse.

Memories 2
“Common Enemy”

Adval, along with the parcel, carried to the island. We see how the slave is trying to escape from the ruthless supervisor. We select machete and rushing in the chase. We are growing with the enemy in any available way. By default, we have Shengiao – a rope with a sharp tip. We climb on a tree, aims in the supervision, and hang it to a long-range gun. After words of gratitude, we will ask where we can find Bastienna Joseph. Slave will tell me that any “White Mr.” in the city will lead us to her.

Get to the specified point, we climb on the roof of the building about the center of the green zone and activate the eagle vision. The target allocated yellow is located near the cell. Learned a look at her to fix it and be able to monitor even through the walls. We close closer and imperceptibly pursue the “White Mr.”. He will lead us to a brotheld. We go inside, we turn left and mix with the crowd near the stairs. We listen to the conversation without leaving the zone, and slowly follow the blasting and governor, continuing to hide among the visitors to the institution. Governor Marquis Pierre de Fai convinces Madame Joseph so that she affects slaves and those ceased to rebel. When the governor leaves, let’s talk with the blast. She assures us that it cooperates with the governor only in the interests of slaves. As a proof, she proposes to help her in the delivery of a message for Augusten Diefora – the leader of the Maron (escaped slaves).

Memories 3
“First step”
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag – Freedom Cry: Game Walkthrough and GuideIt is worth noting us to notice us as they will immediately call for the help of the nearest guards.
Reaching the plantation, finding out the green zone on the mini-card, activate the eagle vision and detect the allied near the barrack. We interact with her and sing a password song. We go to the refuge of Marona, where the fierce fake between the heaven slaves and the supervises. We go to the right to the cliff, look down and click on the shock button to hold an air attack. For the second additional task it is necessary to reset the supervisor into the water. Climb on the platform on the right side, attract the attention of the enemy and have it back to the water. Parify the blow and immediately press the cast button to throw it into the water. Crashing with all the supervisors, get to Augusten and free it. He reports enemies who are trying to hide on the boat. You can not allow someone else to find out about the refuge of Mariron. By intuitive route, accelerated forward and overtaking fugitives.

Liberation of slaves

We pass the message of Ogustenu. He proposes to join maronds and help in their difficult business for the liberation of slaves. Awards for the salvation of Maron recruits differ from the awards for the liberation of slaves. Marmones recruits will replenish the rows of sailors of our vessel. We get a new weapon – Muscoketon. Even one shot can be killed at the same time a few enemies, provided that they will stand next to each other. There are several types of musketones – with a large scatter for short distances and with a small variation for long-range distances. We purchase ammunition for Muskequeton and return to Port O-Prince. Aims in the opponent in the middle and produce a shot. The fraction will split on the sides and will additionally strike the nearest enemies.

Focusing on the map, search for forbidden zones with appropriate designations and release prisoners. The more slaves we release, the more we get awards. These are basically bags that increase the transferred number of ammunition.

“Punishment” – kill the guards and free the slaves.
“CONCLUSION” – Drag of the Guardian, praying with him from the back, or kill him and seize the body. Open the door of the cell and release slaves.
“Escape” – catch up with the supervisor and quickly kill him while he did not deal with the escaped slave.

“Plantation” – kill the required amount of supervision. You need to act as closely as possible, hiding in the grass and calling the enemies whistling to avoid slaves’ deaths. In front of the plantation raid, buy darts with sleeping pills and poison. At night, the process of release of slaves is somewhat different. Get to the green area and search for a key owner using eagle vision. Kill him and search for the body or tear up, finding from the back. Then visit three barracks, unscrew the doors and free the slaves.

“Auction” – deal with the guards and release slaves.
“Wound” – take a slave on the hands and deliver it to a safe place, avoiding clashes with the guards. A safe place is usually hidden from prying eyes, so we boldly turn off the trails and pass through the bushes.
“Convoy” – kill the supervisors and free the slaves.

Memories 4
“Ship for Captain”
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag – Freedom Cry: Game Walkthrough and GuideAugusten Dwiefor.
Augusten Diefor indicates a mooring brigantine. Let’s take it by lumbling to the coast. We get firefights with which you can distract enemies and get to the right sites. Throw the Petardis and watch the reaction of the guards. Jump over the roof of the next building. We turn to the left and throw the petard. To perform an additional task, you must unscrew the four guards. The roof enemies are best neutralized with a dot with darts with sleeping pills. Blue dots are marked on the mini map – this is the devices of Bastienne. We jump into the bushes and immediately interact with the allies on the terrace. We look in the direction of the guard and click on the appropriate button to distract its attention. Also on the map you can see red dots – these are barrels with gunpowder. Again, you distract the guards with petardes or girls, quickly select a barrel and carry it to the base of the tower. Gilt and run in safe place.

We wait for the majority of the guards run to the tower, and only then go around on the right side and swim to the ship. Neutralize single guards, climb on the most top of the mast and give the signal to the allies.

Liberation of slaves

In the open sea rarely there are rarely encountered ships with a large number of slaves on board. As a rule, such ships are surrounded by enemy vessels. Use the Mortira with caution. The more damage is inflicted by a slave ship, the smaller the slaves in it remains. Therefore, even when the battle passes at low distances, we try not to swim next to the slave ship so that the fire of enemies do not hurt him. Crashing with everyone, take a slave ship to boarding. We kill the command of the enemy and several leasers on the upper positions.

The next slave ship will emerge soon. It should be borne in mind that the next task will be available only after the release of a hundred fifty slaves. To get rid of itself from the tedious liberation of slaves in the city we will try to preserve the lives of all hundreds of slaves on the ship. If it did not work out from the first attempt, you can always restart the game from the control point and try again.

Memories 5
“The fog is scattered”

So without receiving the parcel, Bastienna will ask to trace the governor. Wear a slave rag, follow the blasting and get instruction. De Fahya satisfies the reception and in connection with this in the estate there should be a large number of supplies. Finding the moment, get up at the end of a row with slaves. Follow forward without stopping and without rejecting. Reaching the estate, throw the drawer and continue to follow the slaves. Mixed with them at the specified point and wait for the night.

When the guard goes on the left side, catch up and neutralize it. Hiding in the bushes near the gate. Turn on the eagle vision and recognize the yellow goal. We wait for the conversation conversation, the whistle is tolding the enemy and deal with it. Catch up with a yellow goal and stun her from behind.

We go around the mansion on the right side, climb upstairs and listen to the conversation between the governor and the scholars of Louis Godn, putting near the window. Moving along the windows on the right side, without leaving the eavesproof zone. Screw up even higher, jump into the shelter on the other side of the mansion and quickly hiding in the bushes adjacent to the terrace. We continue to follow the goals, moving along the terrace. We find out that de Fahya sponsors the development of navigation. On the right side of the border of the forbidden zone are slaves. We climb on the building and straighten with the guards. Freeing slaves, we move on the other side and jump onto the tree. Leaving the estate, we return to Bastienne with the report.

Memories 6
“Scientific interest”
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag – Freedom Cry: Game Walkthrough and GuideAdvale.
Bastienne will send us to the captain of the port, which must be known about the goals of Godan’s visit to Port-O-Prince. Get to the barn, go around and detect the passage without guards. We are waiting when patrolling guards will pass by us, will be born inward and hide behind the partition on the left side. The governor ordered to provide everything necessary for the expedition of scientists. The first request is three competent slaves that will record.

It is necessary to complete five investigations to get even more information. We care without a single murder and do not even enter anyone to the battle for one hundred percent synchronization. Get to the ship and rushing in the pursuit of the thief. Hung him to the ground and quickly the usual before he has time to get up. Two other investigations are not very different from each other: we find the goals with the help of eagle vision outside the forbidden zones and tear them or catch up with the land and rolle. The fourth investigation is to receive information from the merchant who will ask to free the slaves from the cell. In the fifth investigation, we listen to the conversation between scientists. Follow them on the left side, without leaving the eavesdropic zone. Delayed around the corner of the building, then hiding behind the tree on the left side. I miss the oncoming guards, briefly leaving the overheard zone, as it is for us forbidden.

Tell Bastienne about everything we managed to offer. We propose to introduce an experienced maroon on an expedition, get important data and, using them, carry out a large-scale liberation operation. However, everything is not as simple as it would seem at first glance. Slaves remaining in the power of slave owners are exposed to more rigid actions from supervisors. Therefore, the bastic reacted skeptical to our venture.

Liberation plantation

Get to the shore and use the boat to move on board the ship. Open the global map, we mark the “Wellington” plantation on the next island and go there. At the berth patrols a powerful ship. Beginning in advance to fill it out of the Mortira, and then finish heavy onboard nuclei.

Mooring at the pier and penetrate the territory of the plantation. If the day, then you kill twenty supernators as you kill twenty. If the night, then you get to the green area, we are growing with the key owner, search its body and unscrew the three marked barracks.

Memories 7
“Skip to the Future”

We get ship manifest, which will allow maronds to legally get to the expedition ship. Louis Godan and the captain of the port will discuss the expedition before it is sent. Get to the specified place, activate eagle vision and detect Godan. Surely proceed for him, not falling on the eyes of the warders. For this, look at the mini card. Being in the forbidden zone, we climb on the roof and throw the petardes. Guards are distracted, and we will be able to replace the manifestos. If necessary, also use the brass tube. Let’s leave the forbidden area and become incognito.

Watching the despair of the expedition, we notice pirate ships preparing to attack. On all sails rushing to save a friendly ship. Need to meet in six minutes. First of all, we are separated with schooners and only at the end we destroy the Brig.

Memories 8
“Help in trouble”
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag – Freedom Cry: Game Walkthrough and GuideMarquis Pierre de Fahya.
Augusten found out about the new slave ship. As it is easy to guess, all these vessels belonged to the Governor de Fi. We go out into the open sea and destroy the accompaniment ships. As usual, we start the shelling from Mortira. We avoid provisions in which enemies will be able to hit us from onboard guns. To fulfill an additional task, do not allow more than 50% damage to obtain more than 50%.

We swim to the unfinished ship, we move to him and go down in the trum. We liberate slaves, interacting with chains on highlighted backups and pressing the buttons shown on time. Go to the next compartment and we are experiencing similar actions until an additional task is performed.

Swim from one checkpoint to another. Boil around the protrusions and leave the ship.

Memories 9
“Last fight de Fae”

Open a global card and move to the refuge of Mariron. It’s time to apply a decisive blow to the governor. Reaching the mansion, we get up right in front of the gates, aims in the crowd from Musketertone and we kill five guards at once with one shot. Muscoketon should be with a big scatter. The governor will try to hide, so they accelerately rushing after him. Switched on fists, Parify the blow of de Fahy, disarming it and kill the iron brand.

Advale kept promise to maronds. I say goodbye to the bastic and passing her the parcel, he returned to the island of the brotherhood of Assassins.

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