Battlestations: Midway: Game Walkthrough and Guide

You have already been brought up OKOMIN numerous strategies about World War II? Tired of driving in the attack of soldiers with tanks? Forget, this in the European fronts of battle was mostly passed on land, and in the Pacific Ocean there was another war in which the main part was played, but fleet and aviation. It is ships and aircraft to us to be managed, other troops under our command will not be.
In the game one major campaign and three tests – high complexity, separately dedicated to the actions of aviation, ships and submarines. Each consists of individual missions. In a separate campaign, learning. In our disposal comes troops, and you need to fulfill the combat task. No construction, reinforcements from the command, too, do not expect, if this is not provided for by the plot. We do not choose the side in the battle, the flag under which we enters the battle depends on the mission conditions. In the campaign for allies, you can choose one of three levels of difficulty – from the recruit to veteran, in the test missions there is no.
This is interesting: Missions in the game made “based on” historical battles, but the balance of power is changed in favor of the game process.
You need to give orders for troops in the tactical card mode, which is familiar to all strategy lovers. Any ship or aircraft link can be taken under their direct control, and the game turns into an arcade simulator, but the combat tasks are not reset, and the unit controlled by us upon receipt of independence will seek to return to their implementation. Each type of troops has its own control features, what will be told below.
In all missions there are one or more main tasks, on the execution of which they ends, and most – additional. They can both be known from the very beginning and flow as passing. Another variety is the hidden goals that only becomes known in the victory report on the fact of execution, otherwise question marks are in place.
Tactical map
In this mode, we will not hold a lot of time, but to ignore it – it means to fight blindly. We do not want to repeat the error of the Japanese in the battle of Midwai Island, which was worthy of defeat in war.
The card has three zoom levels. On the first we see the whole area of the fighting, the troops are displayed at the level of units, regardless of the number of combat units. Convenient to evaluate the general situation. On average, individual ships in the squadron are visible, and not just their leaders. And in detail you can consider individual aircraft in squadrons and coastal strengthening of all kinds. Here are visible torpedoes in water. They are noticeable and visually, on the raubunam on the water, but you need to look closely, and when the trace is clearly visible, it is already too late, it remains only to scream “Hall!”And run to close the holes.
Circles show visibility zones;All that they are covered with fog. In the borders of the dark, the presence of vessels and aviation of the enemy. In bright ships are identified to type and titles, and airplanes – to the model. Brown field around the ships – the zone of the Sonarovs that determine the presence of submarines. The space ahead of the ship is scanned for a large range, rather than the rest. On any of the levels you can give orders to connects. Each subsequent point is added to the end of the way, but if you give a task to attack the goal, execution goes immediately.
Mission’s tasks are displayed on the map of yellow (basic) and white (additional) circles. Read what is required from us, you can, by visiting the mouse pointer, or by calling an additional window with a button about.
On water and in the air
Under our control, most of the six dozen ships and aircraft presented in the game will be. What exactly will you get depends on the mission conditions, but in any of the fixed we can “accomplish” and manage the combat unit on their own.
All troops can be divided into several groups – ships, submarines, patrol boats and aircraft. All of them have their own characteristics, even the management is arranged in different ways. Below besides the description, I will give tips on the use of each of them.
In most missions, under our beginning there will be one or more ships of various classes and types. However, you do not have to choose what they were given, the fact and fight. All ships are installed artillery towers, the caliber of which corresponds to the size of the vessel, and the means of air defense. The guns are located along the axis of the case, in the nasal and theft of the vehicle parts, and in the middle there are deck add-ons. The greatest density of fire is achieved when shooting for the purposes to the right or on the left side. Although there are exceptions – for example, the Japanese heavy cruisers of the class “Tone” lay the arrangement of the guns makes the most efficient fire firing and forward.
- Squaded Ministry of Justice. The easiest and most common type of ships. Small fireproof power, most equipped with four and five-lifted guns, and the strength of the hull makes them almost harmless for larger vessels. But they have other tasks – the escorting of battleships and aircraft carriers. All destroyers can use deep bombs and torpedoes, which in combination with a speed of about forty nodes makes them good hunters for submarines and patrol boats. In history, there are cases of cases where the Squaded Museums have made a blow to the torpedoes released in larger and important ships. In the game, such a reception is unlikely to have to use, but such situations may arise. But you can come close to the close distance and release the torpedoes exactly in the goal.
- Cruiser. Lightweight and heavy cruisers – larger types of ships. Basic caliber tools – six and eight inches. Some of them are equipped with torpedo tubes, but it is used mainly to protect. Alone is able to deal with several destroyers and ensure reliable protection against air attacks. These functions, they perform, being in the guard of aircraft carrier or accompanying battleships. Can act both as the flagship of a small squadron;In the game they have such a role most often all.
- Linkers. The largest ships with crews from hundreds of people who can cope with the whole squadron of ships smaller. One getting from their main caliber – and this is twelve, fourteen, and the British battleships and fifteen-aumed guns – enough to send a smaller ship to the bottom. But with all this without accompaniment, they represent a light target for submarines.
- Aircruites. Large, slow, clumsy and vulnerable. But their strength is not in the turrets, they do not even installed on aircraft carriers, only the machine guns and anti-aircraft defense cannon, and carrier-based aircraft. Fighters, bombers and torpedo bombers – these are their arsenal.
On the decks is from two to four dozen of each aircraft type, and at the same time in the air can not be greater than four aviazvenev total of twelve planes. On takeoff and landing time is required. Airfields are arranged in the same way.
This is interesting: take off not only those planes that rise from the lower deck or leave the airport hangar, but also, if necessary, those who stand in the open air.
With classes of ships, we figured, let’s see what is the proc. Several ships can be combined in a group, one of them will be the flagship. All included in the group of vessels is given by order of the place and to the master – to him they will seek to return. Orders are executed throughout the squadron flagship.
Proper construction – one of the winning secrets. Aircraft carrier or battleship is in the center, at some distance cruiser, and the right and left – the destroyers. In the battle, especially with the use of torpedoes, destroyers be output on the cutting edge, it is additionally compensate the low range of their shells.
Damage and Repair
The ship zonal system damage. Received a torpedo into the side – from this side will flow. Shell hit the deck construction – will start a fire. Not removed the periscope and sailed under the bottom – will emerge or be content with partial information. Part of the damage is necessary to eliminate the self-distributing people on patching holes and repairing. The rest repaired on their own. If the ship is not under our direct control, the crew and critical failure removes himself. But in addition, as in all other combat units, has a total strength of the body – if it falls to zero, the ship sinks.
For troubleshooting we have a repair crew, three conditional man whom we can distribute. Jobs – four, and on aircraft carriers all five. With great damage to save the ship, most likely fails. Breakdowns of nodes can be different levels, from weak to critical.
Broils housing. Appear, as a rule, as a result of torpedoes, less often from artillery shells. Cause leaks, the hold begins to fill with water, and the ship can sink. Repair brigade close the hole and pumped out water, thereby Restoring the overall strength of the vessel, but not to the maximum value. Each ship has six zones of damage, three from each side.
Fires. The burning ship has some probability of the detonation of the ammunition, which leads to the instant death of the vessel. The stronger the fire, the higher. May be caused by artillery shelling or bombs hit, less often – as a result of a torpedo attack. The fire may occur in the nasal and in the stern part. Additional damage during fires is not applied.
Damage to the chassis. In case of shells or bombs In a motor compartment The speed of the ship is reduced either, depending on the damage, falls at all. May be damaged Management, And until the repair is made, it becomes more difficult to maneuver.
Armment damage. Artillery towers and torpedo devices are outlined, with particularly severe damage they become inoperable.
Damage to flight deck. This item in the repair menu is only in aircraft carriers, with any malfunctions it is impossible to take off and landing of aircraft.
Patrol boats
It seems to be ships, but the differences from large vessels in the game they have no less than that of aircraft. They have a different management principle – you can set a steering wheel to a large ship, and the course of the patrol boat must be adjusted constantly. There is no damage monitor, as there is no damage yourself, there is only a common health strip. Armed with patrol boats by machine guns, deep bombs and torpedoes, and Japanese (but they will not give us to drive) – also to the gun. We are vulnerable to machine guns of aircraft and air defense guns, and torpedoes are safe for them due to low landing.
At speeds in fifty nodes, they become dangerous opponents;They are especially good to frame with submarines, and fighters fight on equal terms;can how to be swamped themselves and knock the plane. Can be used when attacking weakly protected convoys. Attack of large compounds, and even more so aircraft carrier groups can be productive, but leads to loss of boats.
Largely similar to ships – both on management, and by damage system. But for them there is a third dimension – depth. Dive levels are only four, and they are rigid. The first is an oversight position when you can use all weapons installed on submarine, but it is easily vulnerable. The second is the periscopt depth, when the boat is visible to the enemy’s sonars and may suffer from deep bombs. Only torpedoes are available from weapons. The third detection radius is reduced to mile, but it is impossible to attack from such a depth. In the last, fourth, submarine can not be found and destroyed, but under the pressure of water there is slow corrosion of the case, and too deep and for a long time to dive harmful to health. In the superval position, the speed of boats is thirty knots, and in the underwater on any of the levels – twenty five.
While the submarine is under water, the reserves of oxygen are consumed, and they are restored on the surface. Enough one full throat for a few minutes. Here it lies one of the biggest dangers for the submarine – if the arrow of the indicator will lie down to the middle of the red zone, there will be an emerge. And it does not matter that and who is on the surface, at least two linkers on both sides, – while the stock of oxygen will not be restored for two thirds, it is impossible to dive. Strange guys these submariners, oxygen not to zero fell to urgently pop up to the surface. You can only fight this attack in one way – to emerge on your own and immediately command dive.
Main opponents of submarines – Esminets, boats and airplanes with deep bombs. Bombers will be only in one mission, and they can be knocked down. The most difficult with the destroyers;If you do not fit close to the squadron, then they will be suitable one by one. We combine the axis of the movement – on the target you need to go out – and slowly reduce the distance. At four cable stopping machines, with three let’s give full. As soon as the distance decreases to two cable, we release two torpedoes. If the destroyer confines from one of them or even both, we still have a couple in stock. It happens that three or four will be passed by, then only one thing remains – to emerge, so as not to turn a portion of deep bombs. Dangerous, but there is no other way out. The destroyer will have to collapse. We dreamed with him and give a volley from feed torpedo devices. With patrol boats Only one possible option of action – to pop up and drown out from deck weapons.