Blobjob: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Home » Game Guides » Blobjob: Game Walkthrough and Guide
September 5, 2022
14 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Blobjob: passage
Blobjob: Game Walkthrough and Guide
The entertainment industry, born in the United States, created such powerful semisting canons that it became impossible to hide from them. From their influence could not get rid of the Finnish Intelligame company, which created a toy that fully responds with all Hollywood traditions. The action starts in the city of the future named Save City, in which the clooning of people began to clone the Nanoblob Enterprises. Businessmen believe that the Nano-technology created by them is of great importance for humanity. It is quite natural that they have a desire to patent their invention.

Since everything happens in the mythical future, the normal patenting for Nanoblob Enterprises is impossible – instead, the firm sends five synthetic people to the city patent office, like two drops of water. But there is little of this ill-fated corporation – seeking to classify the operation, its employees are committed to all the documentation for the development of dividing into five parts, and each part is stored in its Case. On this eccentricity, these cases are entrusted to these cases, thereby synthetic people called Nanoblob. All these wisdom ends with the fact that the messengers of the company disappear. You, that is, the Security Service officer named Ridley, is instructed to investigate the causes of the loss and find ill-fated portfolios with documents.

During the investigation, you will find that Nanoblob has all the shortcomings of an ordinary person and are unable to confront the temptations of the outside world, together with the appearance of people, they inherited all their weaknesses and disadvantages. You start saving them from car accidents, fires and overdoses of rubbish, very similar to drugs, pull them out of the troubles that occur with them in shadow nightclubs, and patronize them in a variety of similar stories. In general, speaking as Ridley, you will master the skills necessary not only in virtual reality, but also in the real world, these sinners will continue to be smallest, and you, being the embodiment of Altruism, will put them in saving, thus acquiring life experience. From each of them you will learn the location of the cases – of course, if you take all possible actions to instruct them on the right path. At the end of the investigation, you will understand the essence of the vile conspiracy, which your employer builds against humanity.

As you know, any task issued by the manager begins with instructions and related information. By the way, the toy gives you the right not only to work for work, but also to abandon its implementation. If you choose the second, it is very soon for you in trouble, so you do not pay attention to the showful democracy and take all tasks. Be prepared for your head by name Steel, having a rather extravagant look, will catch a stream of valuable instructions on your head. It turns out that one of the clones were seen near the building with proud name 4.2 (I’m not kidding) and it is there that you have to go. Before you leave, take a laptop computer from the table (BLOBMAN), with which you will find out the places of intended appearance of clones. The technique of electronic cheeks is simple and consists in scanning a card using a cursor. Finding the breath of any section of the card, you need to quickly move into the corresponding part of the city.

Ceremonial sleep in his own bed will end for you an annoying braid of fire alarm, reporting on the fire of your favorite TV. Getting Started, do not forget about the rug, which is made of refractory material – pull it out from under the sofa and take on the TV. Having waited for the attenuation of the fire, you will see that the burntable cord of the TV still sparks with electricity and your Savior will again become all the same rug. Cover wiring rug, try to go to the hall. Seeing the wall of the fire in front of him, do not try to break through, and come back. Making sure that the elevator, for some reason, in the bedroom, does not work, boldly … Jump in the window. Below will be the fire brigade in your arms, after which you will have to start investigation – go to the structure of 4.2.

Building 4.2
Entering the room, you will see one of the clones raptured in three deaths. If you listen to his moans and sobbing, you will understand that this subject suffers from an overdose of some kind of rubbish standing on the refrigerator. Observing in the refrigerator, you will find milk with the ability to neutralize poisons, after which you will be able to drink an unfortunate idiot. Thanking you, the Son of the Corporation will tell that one of his twins took a bike with a pretty lady from the laboratory of the company, finally, he will give you a business card of this woman. Seeing the coin on the table in the ten Finnish brands, take it and go to the hotel "Zero".

Hotel Zero
Updated at the hotel, you will see that the Chinese for the counter to skip you in the room is not in a hurry, but you still do not need there. On the rack before the corridor lies with an ad, the content of which states that a person who destroyed lighters and cigarettes has the right to a free call. Next to the poster you will see an automatic execution guns of smoking, but for now this information. At this moment you need to pick up a coin on five brands, which is not so easy to see at first glance. (A person unfamiliar with Finnish thrift, at this moment might think that residents of Suomi are poor, but in fact they live not so bad!) Having fifteen brands in arsenal, hurried to entertainment center.

Arriving in place, you will find a clone number four, almost mindless. Next to him you will see a broken bike – it seems that this son of the corporation in the realities of life fits not the best way, and now he has just become a victim of a traffic accident. Near the elongated hand lies the scrappy of the toilet paper, the inscription on which points the room three in the toilet in the entertainment center. It makes sense to hurry there for two reasons: first, you need to make sure that the clone is alive;Secondly, the cabin is still busy with a sheriff (it seems that he suffers from intestinal disorder, which the Bigler has become famous for him – one of the heroes "Honor of Brave Soldier Schweik").

To make sure that the clone is still alive, you need to click on the face. Feeling what he breathes, try to help him. According to Irrodelov from Intelligame, the first medical care should begin with the inspection of the wound on the head. After that, you should be changed to change the position of the victim: you first need to bend the left leg, then put the right hand on the chest and turn the body for the waist until the unfortunate turns out to be on the side. At the end of this actions, correct your head and store to the telephone machine, which can be seen in the background. Before calling, you need to know the address of your location. Pay attention to the post with signs on it signs that you are on the intersection of Watson Avenue and CRICK Streets, which is translated from English how the muscle stretching (by the way, it suggests that the Finns are not deprived of the sense of humor).

Hurry to the telephone. Going to the booth, you will see a directory lying there, find out the ambulance number is impossible. Obviously, the developers prepared their product for their own country, each resident knows that the ambulance phone is not at all 911 and not even 03, but (you can not be guessing) 112. If you are going to go to Suomi, then this number you can remember! If you are not located for traveling to the country of northern lakes, then this knowledge will help you only in the game.

After you tell all doctors, you will be asked to wait for ambulance. I do not advise to hurry, since the process of arrival by a white carrier will not be shown anyway, but you will learn about the events only on the coming sounds. Send from the booth, you will find that the victim has already taken away, and instead of it at the scene of the incident, you will see the sheriff, with whom you have already met to some extent. Consider him a business card received from clone number one, you will receive this bike, after which you can return to the most infidel place, where in the vacation toilet box you will see a lonely awesome Case on the floor. Now you have to find the fifth caiss, for what you need to go to the Nano laboratory.

Recreation Center

Once in a brothel, you will see a clone at number five, located in the society of two beauties. The most interesting thing is that this entity is in the depressed mood and when trying to start talking with him, only the fact that he does not have enough of something and the conversation will continue only after receiving a cherished thing. The desired subject you will find in the toilet of a funny institution. Seeing the wall with condoms on the wall, throw five grades into it and get the packaging of ill-fated gum. In addition to the machine, there are several cabins in the toilet, and in the room number three sits the sheriff of the city, which, when trying to penetrate into its turn, the noisy brand. Giving his ward a pack of condoms, you will hear about his counterfeit, which is located in the hotel and strongly suffers from the shortage of nicotine. Moreover, your interlocutor will give you a nicotine gum, which he bought for a friend. Now we return to the hotel "Zero".

Hotel Zero

Showing the corridor nicotine chewing and asking for a person in need, we need freely in the numbers. On the first floor, nothing interesting to detect. On the second floor you will find the clone number two you need. He is drunk before disgrace and sleeps, and a fire has already begun in the room (it seems that from a nonpread cigarette). Since the process has not yet managed to go far, it is possible to pay off the fire from a bottle standing near the bed. Woken clone will require you another dose of nicotine. Having hijacking his chewing, you will hear what the case is under the bed. Taking a suitcase, do not forget to grab cigarettes and lighter lying on the floor, then go up on the third floor.

In the open room you will see on the bed lying corpse of a man. Be prepared for the fact that the wounds caused by him the criminal are naturalistic to indecency and produce a repulsive impression. Pay attention to the floor with the advertising avenue that demonstrates the call girls on it. You will see in it already familiar faces of those two girls who were in the clone society number five, from which you easily make a conclusion about the need to warn him. Since it doesn’t make sense to run into the entertainment center (there you can’t get out this trinity), go down to the corridor and execute the cigarettes and a lighter – to do it in that the most ill-fated automatic machine.

Now you have the right to a free call, and you need to type number from the announcement. Tube takes one of the girls, and she says with an obvious accent. It turns out that the crown of love is called Svetlana and Natasha. Try to explain the ladies that you need to talk to the clone number five, after which you warn the ward about the danger. Having rejected the rid of the Russian mafia, he will tell that his case is located on the bus station in the cell number thirteen storage chambers, and the key that opens the cell lies in a ficker with a ficus standing in the same building. Having received such news, it remains to hurry on the bus station (the departure from the hotel will turn out to be more timely for you, since very soon the entrance to it will be blocked by the police, discovered the corpse).

Safe City Bus Station

Before entering the bus station, you will find not only buses leaving on the flight, but also a car in which the clone number is digging with the keys. He is not able to start the car, as he is very drunk, for the same reason he cannot remember his name or the location of the case. Keep in mind that requests for help you must reject, since drunk driving will destroy not only yourself, but also your mission. Instead, enter the bus station and go to the left, where you will find a key left with a ficus. Seeing the right cells, open the thirteenth and take the case. Cells will stand the bus ticket sales for the bus – Lower the remaining coin and click on the burning button, after which you will receive a bus ticket, next to Lost Degas city. Give the ticket clone number three with the assurance that in this state behind the wheel you should not sit down and much more reliable to take public transport. In return for a ticket you will receive the keys to the car – it’s not worth riding on it, but by opening the trunk acquired keys, you will find another case. After that, from among the institutions you need to visit, strikes out the bus station. Now we go to the search for the remaining client, which you can find at the intersection.

Nanoblob Laboratories
A pretty girl engaged in computer, microscope and other complex devices, so poorly consistent with her youth and attractiveness, will meet you extremely unfriendly. Melt the ice of its alertness will help the return of the lady bike – although he is not in working condition, but the appearance of his beloved thing will play their role and you will have the opportunity to ask the girl about the location of the clones. Although information from it you are unlikely to wait, but instead, Lady will give you the same Case that you are looking for – she forgot her one of the clones.

Caverny geym makers such a utilitarian thing here was not limited here, and some surprise prepared you – digging on the desktop, you will see flasks on it filled with all known drugs on earth. Clicking on test tubes, you will learn about each of the presented drugs, about its dangers, action and side effects. The most interesting thing will be in a flask containing the ill-fated Nano formula, the documentation for which you wanted throughout Save City. Summarizing everything seen on the table, you will come to the conclusion that this formula is nothing but a mixture of the contents of all the flasks placed on the table, and the case is not clean! But duty requires the end of the mission and you will go to Mrs. Steel to Nanoblob Incorporated Corporation.

Nanoblob Inc.
Having all these suitcases before the boss, you will hear almost endless praise. Meanwhile, you have to make the last and decisive step, planned for you with valiant needles – you will declare the boss that the company’s actions are interested in the Department of Internal Affairs. She laughs, thinking that you have no evidence. In response to this, you need to show a test tube with Nano-formula and quickly, very quickly – in the department you will find a reward.

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