Broken Sword 2.5: RETURN OF THE TEMPLARS: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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July 20, 2022
14 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Broken Sword 2.5: RETURN OF THE TEMPLARS: Passage
Broken Sword 2.5: RETURN OF THE TEMPLARS: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Chapter 1 Paris.

We look at the movie about George in the plane, after which we find out in the apartment of Niko. Niko puts us out of the door, everything that remains for us is to go down the stairs and talk to the old familiar – flower. After passing all themes in the dialogue, the newspaper and the indication go to the park Rouge, for ice cream.Having studied the newspaper right-click we learn about the opening of Shandel Vert. Going while in the park Rouge, still do nothing more here.

In the park Rouge we see a van with ice cream, knocking out the window and understand that we have no money for ice cream.Attempting to pick up a three-meter horror from the roof of the van, either not crowned with success, well, what about, it’s time to look into the fountain and become owners of three euros, abandoned in the fountain of omnipresent tourists. We give three euros ice cream and get … Another catching! Really George could not distinguish the euro from old panels! We explore the newspaper with the right mouse button, and we get an envelope in which exactly three euros. Poke yourself buying ice cream. It’s time to return to Nico.

In the apartment Niko is no longer, fortunately she left the door open and we can seem to see. We select a note from the floor under the table and read the word “Met”, Sharim in a handbag on the table and pull out scissors, hairpins and purple thongs from Andre (again?!). From the shelf over the sofa, we take a screwdriver, with the stand between the windows we take the second part of the note, with the word “Buffo”, connect both parts of the note in the inventory and get the cherished name – “Baphomet”. Long to rejoice on this occasion we will not and continue the inspection of the apartment. We are trying to turn on the computer- nothing comes out, you need a password. Click on your computer a piece of paper with a bofmother-! We see a list of any names. Before leaving, taking a nico sweater from the bed and go to Shandel Vert.

We go inside the cafe, chatting with the waitress and sit down at the table. Andre comes and we have with him “a pleasant conversation from which we learn that something is happening with Niko. Treating with Andre leave the cafe and go to Ryu Zharry

In the apartment Niko, we need to listen to the message left on the answering machine. The voice speaks of the fountain, and the most important fountain for George in Paris is Montfree, we go there.

After waging around the square, and not finding Niko, we climb the stairs and see the homeless lantern. We need a flashlight, but the homeless does not agree to give him to give, he needs women’s panties instead. What, this rarity we have, because we accept the deal. Unfortunately, the batteries in the flashlight completely sat down. We go back to the Montfree and we spin the electric boards using a screwdriver. Inside two batteries lie, and we will take them with the help of a nico sweater, do not climb bare hand. We change the batteries in the flashlight and go to France Nacional

We study the door to the side of the building and understand that it is locked from the inside. Press the right button on the nico pin and get a hone, with which we can easily open the lock. Inside dark, use the lantern on the door and go. We see the shelves with newspapers, we take the newspaper from the third shelf, for 2003. After George finished reading, the Molotov cocktail will fly into the room. It is necessary to act quickly! Unscrew the fire extinguisher from the wall and use it on fire.Everyone, we are saved, go on Ryu Jari to learn more about the mysterious reporter.

In the apartment of Niko, we study the entries in her computer and finding the address we need, go to the Hotel “Yuba”.

Near the hotel we have a “pleasant meeting” with your old “friends – Guido and Flep. Talking to souls, slip inside the hotel at the moment when a guy with suitcases come out of the door. Inside the hotel we speak with the boy, and we learn that the reporter’s desired reporter is his father, we will talk so much with the hotel administrator. We rise to the second floor and select a piece of paper from the middle door. Now we need to get into the room. Go down and show the paper of the son of Irwin. As a result of a small scam, we get the key to the right number. Raise upstairs. Opening the door to the key go inside, consider a small suitcase on the bed. It’s time to look at Nico!

That’s not enough! The path to Ru Jari blocked the clowns parade. Let’s talk with a single viewer on the left, after which I burst scissors Boy’s ball in the crowd (well, we and the pig!). While the milf is buys a new ball – the path to Ru Jar is open.

It was not here. In the doorway we are encountered an evil dog! But we guys do not miss! We feed the moon frown with the smell of socks and go to the apartment Nicole. After a conversation with Niko go outside. On the map of the city appeared a little red shooter airport. Press!- We depart in England!

Chapter 2 York.

Go to the library. Talk to the secretary, pick up a small ball from the floor, at the rack. Talk to the student at the Far End of the Hall, it’s time to go down to the basement. In the basement, we select a T-shirt, under it lies a piece of instructions to the shield.Open the shield with a screwdriver, so, the correct order of the buttons: the first, the second, the last. The secretary went to deal with the breakdown, and we, meanwhile, with her card file. We learned the address of our “friend”, it’s time to move to the Rangersfield Hall.

Call the call and the maid spends you inside. Go to the door and overhear what is so cute over the wall. Long to enjoy will not come out, the door will open and Andre will appear on the threshold. Do offended face and leave the house, and on the face you are already waiting for Guido and Flep. We will be put in the basement, in which, together with us, turned out to be a big surprise!

Now we are -niko.Call the professor on the phone and agree on the meeting. We did not have time to finish how the outlets came from the airport due to the verification. Talk to all the guards, and so with the Dainne and Pearl, they stand on the right.Try to go to the personnel room and the security guard is self-recognition. While he walks behind a handbag, we are trying to get into the staff room, but he immediately goes back. We ask Dwayin and Pearl to help us and distract the guard. While they are photographed together – boldly make your way into the cherished door.
Take a towel from the shop and the key that lay under it. Call a certificate from the table and do not forget to try uniform. Heck! The form is not our size, but it will not hurt us at all. Get out of the room for staff, after opening the door with the key. Present a security certificate and head to the museum.

We go to the lane, stool towel on the puddle and climb the window. Everything! Finally – we are inside the museum! Talk to a woman who stands with children – she holds us to the house of professor.

Pick up the hose from the lawn and talk to George through the lattice at the base of the wall. Near the house, right on the corner, there is a small stone niche. Take a screwdriver from there. Apply a truck hose, after apply a screwdriver. It’s time to get drove.

After the roller we find ourselves in the crash train. Choose a dog medallion near yourself and talk to the girl.Go to the left and talk with a guy in a beige sweater.Pass on and see Miranda’s dog. Look at what exactly she sniffs there and understand what it is a bomb! Bomb need to be released from Scotch, we use a dog medallion for this. George takes a bomb with me, and in the meantime, press the dog and take a whistle of Miranda. Use a whistle on the dog several times to make a dog getting closer to Mirandar every time. Miranda thanks you. Go again to the left and talk to the old man, unfortunately, he will die, a well-ahead of the body twice and get tape. Circle a bomb of scotch and attach to the slot on the entrance door. Now it remains to warn passengers that the bomb will be held soon. Behind Miranda whistle and use it on the dog, the dog closes, and the passengers will hear your call.

Go to the pharmacy.Explore the showcase using the right mouse button. George will detect laxative. Talk to Pharmacar. He refuses to give you a bubble.We leave from the pharmacy.

Start in the bar.Read the ads, take the needle from the glass on the bar stand and inspect the soap slice there – iz. Talk to the bartender, he will not give you, but about the Templars will tell you and give you a room along with the key. Talk to a couple at the table and go to the view of the apartment. Try to open the keystone key, but it was not here. The lock is broken! Go down to the bartender of the scandal for the sake, but the lousy is not on the spot. Great way to pull soap! Talk to a couple and pull in arm wrestling. Yes, George went out only with the mind, but it will help us in this situation.Cut the soap with the help of a dog medallion, explore the right mouse button, the remaining newspaper. George read about the symptoms of child poisoning. We go to the pharmacy.

Use the pharmacist newspaper and get a laxative bubble. Return to the bar.

In the bar, use a laxative on a couple and when Mike will run away to take it a glass and use it on the table. George will share the table with water, after apply the soap on the table. The table will be slippery, and you can beat Mike to Arm Westling. Get out of the bar and go again, your friends will sit in place again. Offer T-shirt to play. After the triumph, go upstairs and open the door the key.

Chapter 3. Paris

Go to the museum CroNe. George lost on the road. Examine a broke chip lying on a bench and talk to a man sitting on the right. After passing all themes in the conversation, you will learn how to go to the museum Krun, but it unfortunately closed on the restoration. Pass on De La Shandel Vert.

Overhear the conversation of foreigners and consider the poster, right behind their backs. It’s time to go to Montfason.

Come inside and talk to the priest. Examine the stained glass in the center, but the inscriptions of the shallow and the naked eye do not disassemble anything. Get out and explore the magnifying glass lying around the crowd of tourists. While we can not take it, sit down for a table in a cafe and order coffee. While we drank coffee, tourists disperse and we can calmly pick up the glass. Climbing the stairs and study the stained glass window with a magnifying glass. We go again to Shandel Vert.

Tell foreigners all that you learned about the Templars, they will tell you the address of the museum in which the exhibition is held.Start at the Nutra Museum.

Talk to the cashiers, inspect the cashier and go to the right in Corridor until the cashier looks at you. Talk to the guard and find out what he dreams of watching the match, but he can not leave the post. We can certainly use this information for our own purposes. Stroll outside, talk to the cashiers, after which you return to the guard again. Talk to him, he will go away to watch a penalty, and we will be able to penetrate into the inside. Take the magazine from the stand, under it hides the last document Jacques de Mole. Read the manuscript, and head to the airport.

Chapter 4. Portugal.

Take a stalk at the Advale on the right. Talk to the seller of souvenirs and with a sleepy. Take the clock at the well and steal the rope from the armchair bag. Talk to the archaeologist – he will give you Kirk. Give your clock to the seller souvenirs and get a hook as a gift. Connect together a hook, rope and kirk – you got the improving rod! Talk to the seller about his newspaper and invite your scientific journal. Now he will not see how we will steal his candy, therefore we catch their fishing rod from Kirk. Talk to the unworker and offer him chocolate candies. Go down to the well.

Pick up the key in a pile of garbage and look at the head of the bafomet.Screwdriver scatter gray brick. Take the second half of the key from the niches and connect both halves in the inventory with the help of a rope.Near the idol there is a small gap, shove the key into it.Take the cross from the opened cache. Viewing the movie Quickly Insert the Cross into the hole on the right.

Chapter 5. Road to Beijing.

Read the letter from Niko on the table. Start at the airport.

Take a bank of cola from the cart flight attendants. Talk to speckler and old man. Talk to the old man for the second time, introducing a steward. The old man asks fruit juice.Try to open the cola using the right button, but the knife will break the knife. Look for something else in the cart flight attendants – but alas. Try to open the cart while helping the knife from the bank with Cola – it is too thick. Give a knife with a knife and he will ask you to drink something in return. Give him a cola, he will bend you key. Apply the key on the trolley and take a bottle of fruit juice from there. Give juice old man, he will ask yet. Take everything from the trolley that it remains in it and translate alcohol into a bottle of juice. Your task to drink an old man all alcoholic beverages, pouring in the cart. The old man fell and the flight attendant will move on. Go to the far part of the aircraft and talk to the passenger to the right, he will tell about the pink poison, which are etched by passengers. Sit down to your place. A stewardess will fit you and suggest drinking a pink drink. Refuse a few times. Select a wallet and coins from the floor. Explore the wallet right-click twice. Communicate with your neighbor in the toilet, under the pistol spirit.

Chapter 6. China.

Go to the hall with the Templars. Pick up a stone from the floor, with it to cover the seal.Save! Talk to the masterrome, when everyone turns in the direction of the portal apply the pointed print on the masters. Everything!

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