Dark Fall: LOST SOULS: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Home » Game Guides » Dark Fall: LOST SOULS: Game Walkthrough and Guide
July 1, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Dark Fall: LOST SOULS: Passage
Dark Fall: LOST SOULS: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Message comes to the mobile phone. After reading, turn on the flashlight. I take the foot of the mannequin. Turn to the left 90 degrees. We read a postcard from the table. There is a small poster from pieces. Holding the left mouse button, drag the coffin cover. Take a leg from the inventory and attach a doll inside a grude. Once again we turn left, look at the mattress. There is a newspaper, we study two articles. Under the newspaper lay the second leg, we take it and attach it in the same way. We take a doll. After that, there is a strange phenomenon. The hero automatic will unfold 180 degrees. Go straight into the passage. We look into the slot on the fence. Next we go ahead through the bottom slot. Turn the left and look at the gap again. After that, we go back and loss of consciousness. After awakening, we turn around and go ahead.


Comes message. We read it and turn to the right. Before us buckets. We look down and find in one of them the fuse. We select it. Turn to the right go on the arch. We go ahead, pass to the toilet. We consider one of the cabins, turn on the flashlight and pick up a piece of metal. We leave from the toilet. Left from us stands barrel, and near the box with tools. Take from it the second fuse and handle. Deploy and leave. Inventory there is a map. With the help of it get that station. The door is closed, so we climb through the window. Move the iron slate and pass inside. Immediately turn right and remove the handle from the machine. Next will not succeed, t. to. Ghost does not allow us. Therefore, so far we leave from the station. Go to the opposite platform. Turn the left and climb up the stairs. There will be a mini-video station in which the ghost girl will show. Next, take the third fuse from the drawer. We look right at the traffic light. I remember the code, in my case it is DT 684 (you can have another). Go down down. We again go towards the toilet. Only this time, almost leaving the arch, turn right. Insert a piece of metal into the hole. In general, you need to turn 4 times clockwise. We see how the drawer rose, we go to the back. Immediately turn to the left, take the light bulbs and another 180 degrees. Insert the light bulb and pull for the rope. Come to the shield, pull all the burnt fuses and insert the new, as well as the handle.


Return to the station. We go until the stop right, and then turn the left. Raise the tube. After talking, we are looking for three sheets at the station, in the top of which the station code is specified. We are interested in the last 3 digits. T.to. These numbers each may be different, you will have to get them yourself, but the remaining 5 digits do not change, so I will say them: 21974. In my case, the station code 612. We approach the door and begin to enter them 61221974 after each digit you need to press ENTER. Entering the room, we see the box on the floor. Take out from there a device for listening to audio recordings. We look at the chair, carefully studying it, find a coin, take the newspaper and read it. Next, on the top of the stack, take a book with codes. Remember the station code? So we find it in the book, and then apply on the shield. Immediately I speak West Station (Western). If everything is done correctly, traffic lights will light up on the street, and you will see a passage in this place.

Having reached this place, climb the stairs. Get to the tower itself will not work. From under the chains, pull the film with audio record. Pick up the steering wheel. Go to the women’s toilet. In the sink we see a terrible creature. Come to the second booth, talk to the ghost. After talking open the door. We select the shles of the newspaper, connect them. I get the keys from the toilet.

With the help of the card we find a buffet. The key is opening the door. After reading SMS, our task is to find 5 bones that are hidden throughout the buffet. Basically they are in plates with food. But one bone hidden really good. See a mannequin that left hand points to the ceiling? We look upstairs in this place. Pull out the box, collect all items. Now to play the game. Come to the table and turn on the film with audio record. If the test for you turned out to be too complicated, then here is the procedure: left, right, right, left, right, right, left. Drop bones. There was a combination of numbers: 4535.

We go to the station, go to the telephone booth. Raise the tube, throw the coin and turn the handle. Please connect with the number that was shown bones. I hear click.


We go back to the buffet. We go further along the corridor. Open the door and here we were in the hotel. Come to the rack, open the book records, select the key.

We pass over the rack, from the cells we take a piece of leaf with a scan image of a cube and mouthpiece.

Light flashlight in the left corner. We take sheets and key. We open the door under the stairs. Open the shield, turn the first and second valve one time. When the arrow turns out to open the door to the second floor in the green zone. We go to the end of the corridor. From the basket raise the newspaper. From the floor we select the Diary Emmy. When the ghost of Emmy appears, to play with her in the game. Hearing creak, quickly turn in her direction. And so until the end of the game. Having received an artifact from her, we go to the stairs. We receive a message. We go to the buffet and before going out, we get another message. We rise to the first floor. Go to room 1a. We look into the darkness. Next, come to the TV. We use the chips found on it. Quickly put them in the correct order. We look at the TV, click on certain points on the screen in the correct order: Inspector – Boat – Shadow for the inspector – Shadow for Bones. If everything is done correctly, the explosion occurs and the wall is formed on the wall. We pass through it and find yourself in the room 1c. Turn to the right, turn on the light. Consider all the pictures optionally. Just look at those that lie under the turn. Turn off the light, quickly turn right and look upstairs. Press the cocoon that stands out. Insert the handle from the spinlet to the door. Let’s go out in the corridor. Right in front of us in the right lower wall of the wall there is a hole. We look at it 2 times, we get eyes. We go into the room 1d. We go to the closet, open the door and look into the goal. Unfold, move the mattress and pass to the 1B room. After we have lost consciousness approach the bed, we get scissors from there (the scissors will very often break, so that the stock constantly replenish here). We go to the room 1a carefully look at the TV, we take another eye from there. We go to the room 1d. Open the wardrobe, try to break the rear wall with the help of scissors. We pass on. Now we are in the room 1f. We select everything that lies on the floor. Put insert into the door. Let’s go out in the corridor. We go straight and turn to the right (left to the platform). Mannequin Indicates the door. Go to the room. Cutting the rope. Watch a picture on the wall. Wear your hand in the black window. Get out eyes. We leave the room, go stations. Go to the station. Go straight to the stop. In front of the phone booth, on the floor, lies last eye.

We go online again. We read guest book. Take the key to the number 1e. After opening the door, we move to the past. Play for Gloria. We collect on the room 4 multicolored gears. Take the keys to the keys. Open the suitcase and here we turn out in the present. Approach the night corner table and select the 5th gear. Over the bed click on a shiny sign. Move into the past. Insert all five gears in the box (left of the bed). After built a combination, open the casket and get a piece of poster from there. Connect them. Open the suitcase, move to the present. On the floor we see a hole. Open it with scissors. Take out the diary, leafs will not appear bills. Come to the table and kill the creature scissors. Put on the table: poster, bills, steering wheel. The ghost of Gloria appears. We ask all questions in a row. And then try to help her. There may have problems. The procedure for issues is always different. I had 2,3,3,1,2. When the ghost calms down, he will give us the brand name and a part of the artifact. We rise to the second floor. Turn on flashlight. Use the locks on the castles. Proper combination: 11-5-1-8 (orientation by clock shooters).

Open the door, take the invitation of Emmy. We pass into the 2C room. We approach the central table, enter the word malus. Ghost Emmy here like here. Again will have to play. With a handker, which lies on the chair, tie the eyes. Purpose of the game on time to press the ghost by Emmy. After the test, she gives us another part of the artifact.

We get SMS. Go down and take the key to the room 2e. Go to the room tolerate in the past. On the bed lies a suitcase, open it with bars: 7-2-11-2 (a combination of all the same). There is a pickle pipe, take it. On the bedside table lies a book. We read it, do not forget to tear the photo. We leave out of the room. Take one flower. Turn to the right. After trying to go further on the corridor, we will be moved to the present. Go to the 2D room.

We look at the baby bed. We collect all objects in the room, and then put them in a crib. Move to present. We select a cub box. We leave out of the room. We go to the end of the corridor. Turn to the left. We look at the telescope. We see 2 scales, remember their location. Deploy, go to the bath. Kill Lichinka. Put on the table photo from the book, flower and box. Ghost appears in the bath. We ask questions and ask for help. Replies options: 2-2-3. After successful attempts, the ghost leaves the code on the mirror. Remember it and go down to the safe. We look at the cube scan. Remember the correct procedure. We do all this on the lock of the safe. Take out from there Okular for a telescope. Raise upstairs. Go to room 2e, move in the past. We go to the telescope, insert the eyepiece and set the correct values on the indicator. We start learning the constellation. The picture shows a list of all constellations, so you can not suffer from their search.Dark Fall: LOST SOULS: Game Walkthrough and Guide
After that, sent to the bathroom. Get out of the bath doll and part of the artifact.

We get SMS. Go to the second platform. But only then to the tower. Climb the stairs, open the locks. Combination: 8-7-1-2. Turn on flashlight. Move the piece of iron, take coins, invitation and scissors from the skeleton. Go to the buffet. Before entering the right side, there is a machine, we lower coins in it, turn the handle and get a pack of cigarettes. Remove the sheet from it. We go to the hotel. From cell 2 in take the mouthut. Next climb into room 2c. On the blackboard we gain Morcana. Emmy appears. We pass another test. This time to navigate in space. The ghost will read the proverbs, and we need to turn in the right direction. If they face to Emmy, then this is the north. Further everything is easy and simple.

After receiving the next part of the artifact, we leave the room.

We get SMS. Go down to the reception. We again find out in the past. Take up, take a bottle. We are in the present. We rise to the 2V room. Kill Lichinka. We put a bottle on the table, a picture that was removed from the pack of cigarettes, Mundsut. Talk to the ghost. She asks to help and gives the key. We leave out of the room, unfold, unscrew the door, go into the room. We are in the past. Again unfold, trying to get out of the room, and only then we use ice, which is right in front of us. Come to the table and (attention!) any ways either take a picture or make a screenshot, save this text. Click on a bright symbol and find yourself in the present. With the first questions will have a little tinker. And when mini will start – the performance use the text that you saved. Successfully reassuring the ghost, get the last artifact. Take a siphon from the room. Next we go to the toilet. Something Fire from a barrel with a siphon. We take a doll.

Having received all three dolls, go to the tower. We climb there, in front of us are three grudges.

In the first put the very first doll, insert blue eyes. In the second globe, the one that was found in the bathroom (green). In the third put the last. Next will appear shine. Finally, taking the last part of the artifact. Now you need to position the rings in the right order. Made like this:

Second heart on the right
First heart left
Second heart on the left
The first heart on the right
Third heart left

Climb on the third floor using artifact. There will be mannequins with larvae, click on them in the right order: 3D-3A-3C-3B-3E. There are two endings in the game, so before entering the room 3f is best preserved. We speak Emmy. And then everything depends on you!

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