Divinity: ORIGINAL SIN 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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November 29, 2022
19 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Divinity: ORIGINAL SIN 2: Passage
Divinity: ORIGINAL SIN 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Note. Passage was written on the English-language version of the game with partial localization, so some names, names of objects or quests may not coincide.

Restless waters

Waking up, look around and assemble the first items from the table – equipment, empty flask, folio. In the future, such trifles will not pay attention. Catch with Magister Cyven, then move to the easiest ship. Talk with the rest of the characters is completely optional. When you go to Master Williams, you will find a witch here. Whatever you choose, the witch will raise the riot, an explosion will occur and the distension of emptiness will appear.

Waking up, await everything around and be sure to find at least some weapon. Equip it, Close to two tiers above to be on the deck of the ship. Here you first have to fight – it will be slugs. Win them – poisoned puddle can be used to lure the opponents there, which will receive damage. In addition, you can get rid of this puddle using fire.

When you hover on the object if it is searched, you will see the “Golden Chest”. Native, and then re-enter the target – the chest will be painted in gray. It is very convenient because you will allow you to know that you have managed to search, and what – no.

Go around the ship deck in a circle and talk with the children sitting in the boat and dwarf. Agree to help, to the left of the boat will be descent in the Three with a fire staircase – follow there, go to the room where the prisoners were, and the battle will begin. Win all the sacrifices, after which the characters flee on the deck to the boat.

Go to the room, where I first appeared, and decide how to do with Master Siven – you can leave here, you can finish, and you can try to save, all the most densely pressing a piece of fabric. In the end, the ship will be destroyed, and after downloading you will wash you on the shore.

Fort joy

Take forward along the path, a little right will be two silence – kill them, and then continue to go along the shore to meet with the first potential ally – Lizard Red Prince. Due to the fact that you returned on the ship for the remaining prisoners, he will say that you can trust, and will come into a detachment. Running forward, it is worth noting that the lizard will use you when performing a number of quests – its claws are able to dig various embankments. Otherwise you have to look for a shovel.

A little further you can meet a black cat. If there is a “friend of animals” talent, then you can even talk with him. The cat will turn to you, it will be incomprehensible to do with it. But the answer is already there: if you spend a cat across the bridge and the guards will not kill him, then you will earn the achievement and get this cat as a pet. We are talking about a meeting with Khan inside prison Fort joy and a boat trip.

Continue the study of the beach and collecting useful items, including coins and consumables. Some treasures are buried, so to get to them, you will need claws of the lizard (red prince – potential companion) or shovel. To the east of the initial location is the altar. Such shrines in the game are used to quickly move. The bridge leading to the fort is damaged, but you can come back here after you have teleportation gloves (or the appropriate skill) – you can move one of the members of the detachment on the other side and collect production.

Near the destroyed tower there is a small trail that leads to the top of the mountain with a lot of useful items.

Keep going south. The game will be automatically saved right before you encounter opponents. Issucia are one of the main types of enemies in the game. It’s easy to kill them, but be careful because their bodies can explode, causing damage to others. So you can use long-scale attacks in those moments when apply the last, fatal blow.

Direct attack of opponents – not always the best strategy in the game. Use environmental effects, which will greatly facilitate the battle. For example, barrels with butter and poison, surfaces, lured by oil, water or blood, and t. D. The latter conduct electricity.

After destroying the proceedings, continue to move to the south until you reach the camp of the Fort of Joy. When this happens, then a modest body of the Master Atusa near the Fort Gate. If you swallow her flesh, from opening the bloody memories (the skill is in the race of elves – if you are not an elf, then hide Sebill near the Location “Caves”). There are various characters here, you can perform many additional quests. But the main task at this stage is the search for exit from the fort and the transition to the eastern part of the island.

You can detect and execute the following quests in this area:

– nightmare every mother.
– extortion.
– Captive Elf.
– Gaist killer.
– corner corner.
– Jug souls uzermura.
– Bloody memories.
– Artifacts Tirana.
– Resistance signs.
– Tribe Sahaila.
– Teleport.
– Arena Fort Joy.

Most of these quests will reward you with experience and objects, but none of them are needed for the main plot. You can also remove the collar within the mission of the same name. To do this, it is enough to become the champion of underground arena (Arena Fort of Joy), in which you can get through the hatch located on the camp kitchen. Next, talk with the gentlela (seller about the main entrance) and she will remove the collar.

prompt. Heart of waterfall

If your character has a jester tag (Jester), then you can cheer a little baby near the waterfall. In turn, the child will tell you about the valuable treasure, hidden inside the waterfall (where you can teleport).

On the location you can recruit even more companions, as well as start the passage of their personal quests – a red prince, Sebilla, Lououse, Faine and Yafana Ben-Mont. Please note that you can take with you the three teammates at the same time. Some team members are not very good with each other – for example, Sebilla and Red Prince. Although you can still take them together, but do not let yourself kill the fault and any other character that are important for the fulfillment of their personal quests. By the way, and Sebilla, and the Red Prince need a fault with which you will come across within the quest “Folded Elf”.

There are several ways to escape from this part of the fort. The easiest (but, of course, is not the easiest) – leave the fort power. Four master guard entrance to the main building. Even more located in the courtyard. The level of your characters should be at least the fifth. In addition, it will take good uniforms to have chances of winning – otherwise everything will be in vain.

However, if you decide to get through force, you can save the Paladin in the courtyard, who was sent here by the Divine Order to find out what actually happened on the island. In Forte there are many mining (especially paintings that are well appreciated by merchants). So in your interests come back here a little later.

Another option is to use the teleportation gloves that you receive when performing the quest “Teleport”. This is a very useful skill that will be useful not only for the study (so you will find one of the potential companions located in an inaccessible place, or get to treasure chests), but also in battle. You can teleport an enemy archer to your trap (for example, on a burning surface or to frozen blood), or send a melee fighter to the far enemy so that it does not spend points actions, but was able to approach the enemy to attack. Even if you use other means to escape, we are extremely recommended to fulfill this quest!

If you decide to escape from location using teleportation gloves, your characters will be in the dungeons of the Fort of Joy. But if the level of your theft is not great enough to open some doors in this place, you can leave the dungeon using a southern entrance (the third level and three companions are required). Then go back to the Fort of Joy, teleports one of the members of the detachment to the second floor of the fort (near the gate guarded by Master Borris and the rest), lower the stairs and take advantage of the prison.

There are many silent monks in prison, but they will not attack you, so do not pay attention to them. Here you can find jailers, defeat them and use the sewer or boat (Quest of Khan Khan) to escape from prison.

If you have completed the quest “Jug of Souls Wizermura”, then the Lord had to inform you about the secret lever hidden in the sanctuary of seven in the camp of the Fort of Joy. We are talking about the altar of movement. When you use the lever, then the hatch will open, which will also withdraw you in the dungeon.

If you have completed the quest “Fit Elf”, then Amiro noted on the Luke map. This hatch will lead to an ancient tunnel, through which you can escape from the prison of Fort Joy. If you removed the collar from the main hero (after they became the champion of the arena), then absolutely all masters will attack you at the meeting. If you decide not to resist, you will automatically be locked in the Fort prison, from where you can escape.

You can also sneak in Fort Prison. Ask one of the members of your squad to get past masters (through the stairs to the second level of fort) on the eastern part of the fort, to lower the bridge to another part of the island. You do not need the whole team to do it, because on the other side there is another waypoint (such points automatically collect the whole team together).

Before leaving the Fort of Joy, fulfill the quests of companions – the Red Prince, Faine, Sebillas and Yafana Ben-Monta. Perhaps you will have two other partner – the Beast and Louus.

Hill Topies

As soon as they move from this part of the island to another, all the masters will automatically become hostile, so be careful. You can still return to the Fort of Joy and move peacefully if you do not have a master. After getting to the eastern part of the island, the first main goal will be the achievement of the sanctuary of Amadia, where the seekers are hidden. The entrance to the camp is two – in both cases, the lianas, which you can climb should be omitted by Bahar. By the way, this clarifier needs a red prince on his quest chain.

In one case, look for a Bahara on the rock of the beach, and in the other – in the place where a huge amount of void proceeds will attack you. There will be a zone covered with fire and poison. Teleportation Move the sources of fire and poison, and then call the bell to call the Bahara.

There will be many hostile creatures, including the proceedings and undead, wandering around the island, along with some wizards. Surrive as often as possible – let it go into habit. When you come across the secessions, remember that they may not be so safe as the first. Later, stronger proceeds may appear, so you should not spend potions and t. P. If you understand that the fight is too difficult, try using surrounding objects against enemies. You can carry a barrel with oil or water, which will save lives.

You can start learning the island by going to the East. On the way, everything can be complicated by emerging fire or poisonous gas. Using special skills, you can slide fire (rain or hail) or remove the poison using the flame. Burning pigs that you will see on the way can be cured by blessing and bloody rain, but for this you will not get any reward, but you can continue the additional quest (more in a separate material).

After killing three salamands, keep south along the beach. At the end of the road you will find the sanctuary of Amadia. Talk to the Bahara, standing on the hill, and the woman lizard let you inside, dropping the Liana. The sorcerers in the sanctuary will tell you that they are planning to leave the island, by writing the master of the masters. To do this, you need to save their leader Gareth and find a weapon destroying yelling.

Gareti can be found in the ruins in the north, where several masters will attack him. We are talking about the quest “Crumpled to the angle”. If you still do not have a blessing, then come back after visit the Treasury of the King of Claim and interact there with the statue. If Garet dies during the battle, then the leader of the seekers will be exter.

On this island there are two weapons you need – inside the Cave of the Illusionist (Zhrista Grazian, former Beloved Beach, located in the sanctuary of Amadia, will celebrate this place on your map – the entrance is located on the beach in the southeastern part of the island, close to three Salamandr). This is due to the quest “Treasury of the King Flag”.

There you will explore the blessing skill, which will come in handy not only in battle, but also when performing various quests, such as “weapons” and “flaming pigs”.

prompt. Dark cave

Do not try to interact with blocking field. Open the map and see a way to get around it. Inside the ruins there is a statue that will give you tips for a puzzle. The key is every capital letters from which you need to make a word. You can learn about it if you talk to rats – the talent of the “Animal friend” is required, which by default Iphan Ben-Monta.

The second weapon you can find is belonging to Witch Raine, hiding in the cave near the Gargral labyrinth. She uses her rod to control and captivate the Winter Dragon Slalar. You can smash the chains that drag the dragon, and promise him that you will kill the witch and return him a rod. In this case, he will help you deal with the screaming before you get to the last masters led by Alexander. But the wand watches can be left – you will have to fight with a slave.

In this part of the island there is also a place that you may want to explore. But it is not necessary for visiting – it’s about the Labyrinth of the Gargral and the fulfillment of the quest “Fate worse death”.

Before starting the final offensive on masters, make sure that you fulfilled other tasks on the island, because as soon as you sit on the ship “Mrs. Revenge”, then there will be no reference path.

And these quests:

– Eternal worship.

– Treasury of the king.

– Healing touch.

– Armory.

– Artifacts Tirana.

Also, do not forget to ask leu into the sanctuary of Amadia and remove the collar (if you didn’t do it before).

After saving the life of the Garette and get a weapon, time will come to storm the bastion of masters in the north-east of the island. By the way, if slave helped, then weapons do not need – just go to the screaming and Slalar will destroy them. Notify the Gareth about it – the quest “Call for Arms” will begin.

While Gareth and his people hijack the ship, you and your team will need to attack masters and distract their attention. This is a difficult task, so you can ask the Gareth to send two people with you to help – you can choose an archer, caster elementary or fighter. But it may be best to fight the masters on your own, because the Gareth people have a low supply of HP and most of the time act is useless (you cannot directly control their actions).

Note. You may need books of skills and equipment from the Kerbana seeker, a merchant in the sanctuary of Amadia. He will be dead as soon as you go to the ship “Mrs. Revenge”, and you can pick up everything that they sold him. But not skills and equipment available from him initially!!!

To resist the master, you will need to destroy the screaming, using the wand, to kill them instantly. Then, if you do not want to get under the crosshair of the masters, do not hurry to enter the bastion through the front gate. You can use the door to the right of you and get around masters from the flank. Or use the corridor to lure opponents one by one. Master-Knight can use the ability of the Phoenix, making you up in the ambush and setting up a barrel with butter, so it is best to teleport this barrel to another place.

Bishop Alexander is a very strong enemy, and his attacks in the near battle can kill for the course of one member of your team. The best way to defeat it is to keep the distance and attack from published. You can use teleportation skill to hold it at a distance. Or use the skill of the Hail Strike, allowing you to freeze enemies. As soon as Alexander will be killed, you can easily figure out the rest of the masters.

But be careful, Bishop Alexander is not the last boss, with whom you must encounter. To leave the island, you need to defeat the worm of sacchadia, which appears after the death of Alexander and his masters. Sometimes the worm appears earlier and also attacks masters. Therefore, you do not need to use all your consumables on the battle with Alexander.

If you feel that the team needs rest before challenging the worm, you can use the ability of escape from the battle and return here later.

Compared to other opponents with whom you’ve faced earlier, the worm of a large stock of HP and the best armor. However, it is weak against the skills using water. Use Hail Strike to attack it. In addition, avoid your companions too close to each other, because the worm has many AOE-skills.

After winning the boss, you can talk with a happy wife to go to the ship “Mrs. Revenge” (Quest “Lady War”).

Note. As soon as you go to the ship “Mrs. Revenge”, you and your comrades will be divided – all the valuable and best objects to move on the main character. In addition, as soon as the fortune of the Fort of Joy, then all unfinished quests will go to the archive.

Ship “Mrs. Revenge”

After the victory over the bishop Alexander, please talk with a rhoda to go on board the gallers “Mrs. Revenge”. Your main task at this stage is to bring the ship to move and go to the mainland – the main quest “Lady War”.

The first thing you need is the pearl of the bishop of Alexander. Need to convince the master’s wound or kill her to inspect the bishop’s body. Then you should find out the password from the doors in the cabin. First, find these doors, and then inform when interacting with it that you forgot the password (you will need to show the bishop stone). Ask him to recall. Then you will learn that the password from the cabin captain – “Resistance”.

If suddenly could not find out the password and not chosen those phrases, go to another door. If it did not work with it, then change the character and communicate with the other.

Note. On the bottom deck there is a mirror that will allow you to redistribute talents, attributes and even change the appearance of the character.

If you have a “friend of animals” talent, then talk to a ship rat. She will tell you that Dalles uses songs to control the ship. Go to the cabin Dalles and take the dusty folio lying on the table. In the cabin Dallis there is a secret room with useful objects and coins – is guarded by two helpers. Perhaps going there follows after you will have companions again.

After that, talk with a dragon on the edge of the galleys and spoite a song. Then you will have a choice – free ship or subordinate to your will to control it.

Dalyis will try to grab the ship with a group of masters. You need to provide enough time for the gods to say the spell. Need to last approximately four strokes.

Explore the other world, talk to the gods and use the blessing on one of them. After you talk with your God (depending on the selected race), you will be teleported back to Mrs. Revenge. When you return, then Alexander will leave the ship. You need to talk with a rhodium to perform the next step and move on the boat on the coast.

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