Doom 3: Resurrection Of Evil: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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September 29, 2022
15 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Doom 3: Resurrection Of Evil: Passage
Doom 3: Resurrection Of Evil: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Main Excavation

War with demons from hell did not end, it continues. You’re in the skin of the brave paratrooper again (the other, but the essence of the case does not change) and find yourself on the Red Planet as part of the expedition under the leadership of Dr. Elizabeth McNeill (this lady has already been on Mars and even with Betrogen worked), which should figure out the origin of strange signals. UAC, having issued a tragedy for a banal accident on the main reactor, turned off all his research work and was removed from Mars, unsolon bread. But the satellites have still continued to spin in orbit, which recorded a strange signal going from the site of excavations of an ancient civilization. In the zashan roller, you will see how Morpem is grabbed by the hearts for the heart (an important artifact around which the plot of this supplement is spinning), and then the most interesting. It turns out that Dr. Betruger did not die, and settled in hell, turning into a flying demon. And he really wants to get this artifact back, for which she sent three demons of the hunters for your soul.
When you can move, go along the corridor (you will begin to scare with puddles of blood), screaming from flying skulls. Do not fall into the hole on the turn, take a battery from the generator and insert it into the same generator, standing a little bit. Earns the lift, and you will get a new task – get to Elevator. Take a videoisk next to the corpse, jump on the rising platform, then from it to the ledge and further by the passage. Pick up the machine near the door with glowing hieroglyphs and enter inside. Get into a big cave where you are already waiting. Go down the stairs down and in the same door. See Roller: Another Morpekh uses a gravitational gun, trying to discard from itself a glowing discharge of the demon. Unsuccessful, but you will have a new and very funny weapon – grabber (analogue of such a device from Half-Life 2). Next, descend down the spiral staircase, you can leave the boxes, testing the possibilities of the physical engine, and in another door with a luminous circle at the end of the high staircase. Soon you will see the elevator, it is the end of the level.

Erebus Dig Site. (Erebus Level 2).

Do not be afraid, first the elevator will stop, but then it will still rise where it follows. Tear under the jamble door, we drink the door with the console. To open it, you need to find PDA Tanner. Return to the elevator, climb up the stairs and go to a small storekeck. Right in front of you as some type hide in the cabinet. Become, take the video school explaining the principle of operation of the Levitator, and PDA (Marcus Tanner). Return to the door with the console, destroying the road of several demons, then in the cave, you will see the portal. The first Hell Hunter will appear out of it. On the sides of it there are two guns, shooting with green plasma clots. Catch them on the fly, and then run to the demon. If it burns – it means that the shell reached the goal. Repeat several times, the monster will die, and your artifact will get its ability – slow down time. Immediately, Elizabeth will be released and asked to deliver artifact to her. Go to the new door, charge the people’s souls, slow down the time and skip past the flexing wall of stone blocks. Remove the battery from the generator, again slow down the time and skip under the door closing.
Dispose with the help of a gravitational gun boxes from the door, then stain past the corpse in the chair, along the corridor and through the control room with the medicinal box. Further there will be a non-working elevator and locker locker, you will soon see a functioning elevator. In this mine you were already, only on the other hand. Take the PDA (Gregory Martin) next to the corpse, then click on the console to omit the ladder. Climb on it upstairs and in the control room insert the battery into the generator. Click on the scoreboard to call an elevator. It remains only to return to it, and you will finish the level.

Erebus Labs. (Erebus – Level 3).

To begin with, you will be happy with a new task – the old plate needed for her research. There is nothing to do, the order is the order. Go to the door with a luminous disk, past the capsules and in a similar door. Then, bye a large hall with columns and searches departing from the walls, select PDA (Stewart Jackson). Very soon you will get a new task, this time you need to find two batteries to activate the filtering system. One of the corridors ends with two doors, go to the one that does not require PDA. It is located behind it, it will take you to Medical Labs. In the laboratory, a person will speak with you, and after a second it will turn into a zombie. Nightmare yes and only. Grab PDA (Preston Glenn) and get the battery from the generator. Run back to the elevator (on the way you can look into the box 105 by entering the code 769) and to the door with the console, now it can be opened. Here, take the PDA (Steve Crane) and go to Offices (get into Artifact Storage it is not yet), on the stairs. Go to a small office, go to the bear’s head on the wall and get out of the closet (you need to enter the code – 428) double-barrel and access card.
She will need to get to the nearby office where you have to pick up the second battery. Return to the inscription Offices, and from there in Artifact Control. Set two batteries into the generator and press the console, the smoked room is profoted. Now you can go to Artifact Storage. Take PDA (Victor Kharkov) and archaeological tablet. Please zombies, pass them away, then on the door, from where they crawled, and in the gateway.

Erebus Control. (Erebus – Level 4).

You are called a technician who will report that it would be nice to find two batteries and activate an elevator. And there, they say, give a hand to the ventilation, which time spit out to the surface. Close to the second level, on the door, then through the warehouse. Near the flame beating beating from the wall will be a door with a console that will require PDA Ron’a Gibbons’a. It you will find in the room, which is in a couple of rooms and a small tunnel. Actually, this PDA can be discovered several doors, one leads to large tanks (this way can be back to the beginning of the level), and the other will bring you to Excavation Transfer. Select another PDA (Mac Smith) next to an empty generator. Open the office of this mac’a and take the battery. Slisse it into the generator, then jump on the rising platform to get to the next level. Go to the door, grab PDA (Nathan Reynolds), then run past Kitchen and go down the stairs down. Will be at the very beginning of the level, but on the other hand. Click the Console at the door, then another, the bridge will appear. Go through the bridge, on the stairs down and take two batteries from the generator. Return to the beginning of the level, insert the batteries into the generator and call the elevator. He will raise you from a meter for two, but this is enough enough to cling to the staircase and boil into ventilation. And from there it is easy to get into the new elevator.

Erebus Research. (Erebus – Level 5).

Select all the demons and study the situation. Two doors in front of you – one requires PDA, and for the second you will find the third, you can only open a special key. You will give you a doctor of cloud, with whom you will come across a couple of rooms. At the same time, look at the new roller: you and Elizabeth will listen to the story of the doctor about three hunters from hell. Journal more rooms and take PDA (Sean Gibson). It will take to open the door and be at the very beginning of the level. Then go to the Armory (Armory), open the door there and go down to the gateway. The new video will demonstrate to you from: Morpekh will put on his head helmet. When you return to you, find in the hands of Chain Gun.
In these poisonous premises, a new type of opponents will appear – zombies in protective suits. They are not particularly dangerous. Also here you will begin to bite insect children and appear . Pockening on the tunnels will have long, but in the end they will end, and you will go to a new gateway, where the infantryman will remove the helmet. From here it is not close to the air gateway, which is the end of the level.

Erebus Station (Erebus Level 6).

Get out of the gateway and quickly run to another gateway (you need to climb the stairs), while oxygen is ended. You are called the technician who repairs the spider robot. From him go to Main Entrance. Through several corridors you are drunk on the door that requires PDA Fred’a Giossman’a. It can be found in the next room, behind the door under the stairs. At the same time learn the code from the boxes 34 and 35 (134), which are in the weapons (the door is here). When you open the door with the console, you will see a friendly spider that spends you, shooting the evil, almost to Cargo Transport. If, of course, the stock of the strength is enough, and he does not come on the road. Freed around the wall box, then go upstairs on the stairs and then by pipes.
Here you will see how the infantryman is suitable for the console, and the second Hell Hunter will be painted. Defeat it is easy, but Murotno. When he reveals his chest, you will see there, let’s say – the heart. Slow down time and shoot right into it. Repeat while the hunter will not fall out. Award in the form of the ability of Berrkerker will not wait long. After the battle, sit down in the trailer, it’s time to go.

Teleportation. (Phobos Labs – Sector 1).

It is necessary to find and activate the teleporter to send artifact with it. Climb the stairs and go along the corridor, admiring Martian species from the window. Coming soon to the elevator, call it… Unfortunately, it will turn off, lacking energy. Going on, pay attention to the locked door Sky Tram Station, which requires the access key. Go through the room with a conveyor moving glowing colums. Then go down to the teleporter and go to the control room. Select Rocket Launcher, click on the computer console and select Destination: Pad1 Delta. How?! Once again. The demon will come out of the teleporter, and its energy will drag. Now you need to use Sky Tram. Run further along the corridor, near the hole in the hole in the floor and get out next to the charging station. Pick up the PDA (Bernard Fresko) and the key from Sky Tram. Go to the door, then go down on the elevator in LOBBY. Here you are almost from Sky Tram Station, sit down in the car and press the console. Get ready to go and stare around. Get out of the booth and go to the gateway.

Molecular Research. (Phobos Labs – Sector 2).

It’s time to meet with your boss. Pass on the arrival of Research Facility, if there is a desire, look at the road to Gallery, which is a collection of ancient artifacts. Then in Research Sector A and raise PDA (James Owens) in the meeting room. Return a little back, a strange monster will appear, the monitor is tied to the face. Admire the horror council, then to keep in Research Sector B, where you will meet with sexy Elizabeth McNeill. She will say that you should ship the artifact back to hell, and give you the key. At the same time you will get a new task: cut off the energy from the external pumping station. Now you need to get to the air gateway, quickly run to the next… Oh, the hell, unfortunately, it does not function. Not bag, right, upstairs on the stairs and open the door the key that handed you. Disconnect the pump.
The next step is to turn off the reactor and auxiliary systems. Get down down, pick up PDA (Seth Killian) and at the door next to Health Station. Next to the air gateway, go through the kitchen, and grab another PDA from the box (Keith Noordzy). Complete the warehouse, stumble upon an automatic gun, which will immediately start to fill you. Disconnect it with code 281. She will smell and the bridge will appear. Go around it, pick up Plasma Gun and click the console to call the elevator. Next, go back to the kitchen and move to the elevator. From the door will appear skeleton with rockets on the shoulders. After the elevator there will be another door, and you will scroll through the appearance of the third Hell Hunter.

Around the monster you will see several columns, in each of them there is a capsule closed with protective sash. You need to destroy all of them. Flit to the hunter until it starts to recharge. Then on one of the columns, the console will change its color to green (before that they are all red). Quickly run and click on it, protective flaps will open. Now you can freely destroy the capsule. Thus all the capsules, and then take it for a vulnerable monster. After his death, get in addition to the rest of the abilities also temporary invulnerability. Monsters monsters, but also should not forget about it, it’s time to return to Sky Tram Station. Go to the door, then to the elevator platform. In the control room, press the console, the door will open, and will appear . Come back and go back to the gateway.

Main Reactor. (Phobos Labs – Sector 3).

Sit into the trailer, press the console. Go to the platform and in Reactor Operations. Descend on elevators to the lowest level, on the door. Several times on stairs down, take the PDA (Nicolas Haag) computer and the key from the reactor. Return to the reactor, climb on the top and go to the control room. Disconnect the reactor. Now it is necessary to turn off the livelihood systems. Go to the reactor, press the console, right next to the wall is formed by the bridge. Go through it, then on the elevator down. Next, follow the robot-accustomed. Get out again to the air gateway, rest a bit from the tight premises and dive into another gateway. The elevator will deliver you to Cargo Tunnels. You can click the console in the corridor to become lighter – the protective flaps will open, allowing you to adopt starry sky. Then by corridors to the stairs and doors with the inscription Skywalk. Not far from it are a broken elevator and a room where life support systems are disconnected. Disconnect them. Now you can go to the door of Skywalk, then go through the glazed corridor and the gateway.

Teleportation. (Phobos Labs – Sector 1).

Again returned to that sector, where we have once visited. Go along the corridor, take the PDA air gateway (Ronn Jolson). Then to the train and train under the door, which the boxes are interfered. Get to the teleporter, set the destination (PAD1 Delta) and go straight to the teleporter.

Delta Labs – Unknown.

Now you should find the portal in hell. Go to the door, through the gateway, by the corridor (pretty innocuous skeletons attack you), you will see the ruined bridge. Next to him there is a portal, the luminous rays are fluffed to it. After a few turns, you will fall into another portal. After the battle with the panels of the demons, take the PDA (Patrick Hook), then through the medical laboratory (you can open the locker using code 634) and on the elevator Close up. Job past the analyzer, then on the corridor and in the new portal. Finally you will find yourself at that portal, which will cross you in…


Go for a long time until you get across the luminous pentagram, she teleports you to a new place. Owl down the next sea of monsters and see a new, green portal. Jump over the stone plates through Lava, then wander in the dark for a long time until you find another portal under the big skull. He will cross you to the Beterger, reminiscent of the pterodactile rather, rather than the scientist. This is the final boss. There is no final. Destroy this creature, it is better to fill from BFG, and then watch the final roller. Morpekh will shove the heart into the throat of Beterger, and he instantly flashes, leaving after himself only the burnt shard. Then a pleasant female voice belonging to Elizabeth, says: . End.

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