Dungeon Lords: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Before starting the game, it is recommended to establish the last official patch, the third on the account, which adds an auto-card and contains a lot of important corrections and adjustments to the game world: quests, rods, balance, NPC behavior (who love to get stuck where neither fall) and t.P. Pass Dungeon Lords is quite real and without a patch, since the game does not contain critical errors that could not be able to get around, but I strongly do not advise to fight them. If you do not know what to do, try pressing SHIFT next to the active place, this is the only key that is responsible for activating all buttons and levers, applying objects, launch dialogs. Read more often and better in different slots, because in the game, as you already understood, a lot of frozen bugs. If you are saved after the bug, it will be impossible to pass the game further, you will have to load from the last no turn slot. If possible, activate the Moon Bridge teleportals and use them (you first need to get a Moonstone on one island) to save on jogs half an hour one way.
The surroundings of Fargruv.
Dark nights who swing mighty trees, the silhouette of another tired traveler, caught from the darkness of the bright strangers of the fire – this is exactly what your arrival looks like in fantasy world Dungeon Lords. Ahead, by tradition, the duty of the “Favorites” – the search for magical artifacts, conspiracies, the struggle for power and subcovery intrigues of the strong world of this, the battle of the second time awakened the dark forces and the search for the escape of the ruler’s daughter…
Talk to the messenger, his name is Simon, and he is waiting for several weeks in this place to give a letter from Celestial Order, Teasts from the city of Fargro, who crave with you to meet. He also tells the way – the road running around the fire, just lead to the city. Run on this road (there is a pointer) to the south, until they are tranquil in the city wall and intense guards, refusing to pass anyone. Fortunately, you are angry good goblin, it will offer to show a coating path of penetration for the city wall. But this coolness will deceive, you will fall into an ambush. However, in fact he did not lie, and the secret passage really exists, further along the wall will see the tunnel. Inside, press the lever and jump into the opened hatch, find yourself in the city sewage system. Here are Find a hall with columns, scroll down the stairs upstairs and packed to the next room.
To raise the recovery bridge, you need the key, it is on the floor in the room on the right. After the bridge, turn right, go through several rooms, go out to the elevator. Only he does not work, broken lever. It is necessary to find a second elevator, next to which an overhexic lever is leaning against the wall, which we carry to the first. Insert the lever in its place and rise to the next floor. This is an old, abandoned theater. Around there is a lot of doors, but they require the “key of the theater”. It can be requested by interrupting the goblins that spoiled next to the scene. Taking the key, open locked doors, go out to the stairs at which you can go down to the Fargrov Street.
Fargrove (Fargrove), first visit.
In this city you can join in several guilds (take initial quests for dedication) and meet with Celestial Order to get the task from them to find mystical artifacts – this is the main game quest. In the catacombs under the city there is the very first, Galdryn’s Horn, after which your path will lie in the city of Elves Arrekdale.
So, you are near the exit from the theater. Go to the territory of the city center, and from there to the monastery, Temple of the Circene. In the Temple, talk to Paulus, he immediately suggests to join their order (for this you need to hoist the candle on the altar on the island, west of Fargruv), and demonstrate a letter from Augustus. Paulus will give a key from the house of Augustus (Augustus Private Sanctum), which is located in the area of the city center. Go to the home of Mag. Augustus was in trouble: in the center of the room, some demon will be brought, and the skulls and candles fly around it. It is necessary to come close to flying subjects and collect four candles, just do not take the skull – they immediately explode! Then disappear the candles in the corners of the room, and the demon will be vulnerable. Get it, take the Soul Stone and talk to a dying Augustus. The magician will give you a Renaissance stone, Precious Stone, and advises to return to the temple for further clarification.
So do, in the temple, contact Paulus again, which this time spent to Celestine. This woman will first convince you for a long time in favoriteness and the ability to defeat the forces of evil, then tell about the ancient relics scattered in different parts of the kingdom (one, as already mentioned, is in the dungeons under the temple), and finally will give the key from the cemetery. Go to the cemetery, the door is to the left of the entrance to the temple, and go down to the dungeon. From there you need to pick up Galdryn’s Horn, just for this you need to defeat the monster (Guardian beast) and find out the password. The monster is one level below the site with the artifact, you need to go to the south passage and go down the stairs. By killing the creature, you will see the password right in the air. Return to the horn and tell me the password of the speaking head on the wall, it will allow the relic.
Return to the temple and talk to Celestina (first, of course, contact Powlus to open the door). The girl herself will not figure out and ask to attribute Artifact Magu Aleuter, he expects you to Arcane Emporium, it’s near teleport. Aleister will send you to the Emmitrian in Ar Stardale and will give a letter for Lord Davämor. With this letter you will easily miss the Lord Castle, it is worth only to show a note by guard. Davenmore is extremely saddened by the disappearance of his beloved daughter Elloyuine, and he will ask you first to figure out where the girl was shaken. Climb the stairs to the top and talk to the servant Sharia, then again with Lord Davenmore. About the help of the maid and the connection of Captain Okat with the disappearance of Halloween can not be mentioned. Lord will give paper for which you will easily be released from the city, and will punish to see with Emmindor.
Get out of the Fargro via Western Gate and head to Arrindale. Keep track of signs and you will find yourself in the village of Elf. It is easy to identify even at night on luminous crystals on high sixtes. And now we will make a slight digression from the storyline – if you move on along the river flowing through the city of elves, north, then you will go to the big lake, Lost Lake. There is an island in this lake (there are high cliffs around the perimeter everywhere, therefore the only path of penetration is through the shed on the northern tip of the island) on which the creatures of MoonBeasts live. They are very reminded by external appearance of lions, only blue. After death, these creatures leave Moonstone on Earth – special stones needed to activate the Moon Bridge portals. Such portals are located in all key settlements, so it is better to activate them and quickly move into the right place, rather than half an hour to march along paths and kosoyram. And if also without a card… (if you play without the last mounted patch).
ArinoDale (Arindale).
But back to our elves. In Arrekdale, look at the Hall of the Lords. The protection of the artifact will not make a special impression, so they will refuse to let inside. You have to look for the right topic for conversation, go to the House of the Tiger and agree to perform the task of Yoshi Tamaka. Then visit the tavern (Arindale Inn & Tavern) and talk to the owner, Lauren Anviel. Pay out the night, get the room from the rooms on the second floor. Climb upstairs and care with Naraco Misa. Ba, it turns out, the elves do not need beds, chairs or bedside tables, none of the object of furniture in holiday rooms you will not meet, how do not look for. Misa will tell about Argalia of Eryldorn armor and will reveal the whole truth about local political intrigues. It remains to go to the pharmacy to Elvitra, after which the guards in the Hall of the Lords will allow (you need to tell them about Argalia) to the body of the ruler, Lord Gallebrimanda. At the meeting with Lord, blame the Fathien house is that it was they who stole Argalia, and you will have to go through the test – Trial Of Ancient Elders. It consists of several stages, and the entrance is to the right of the throne.
Trial (Trial of Ancient Elders).
First you need to jump over the columns to the ghost of the archer and touch it, then it will disappear and moves to a new place. Touch it three times, a lattice will open for his back, and you can proceed to the second part of the test. Do not pay attention to the attackers of ghosts, their destruction does not affect anything, the main thing is to find four chests that contain Stone of Fours. Chests can be opened, as usual, in several ways. Then then take the found stones to the lattice in the central part and put on the plates in the floor, they will appear. Now you can leave this area, the exit is located in the south, behind houses with chests. Stroke aside where the yellow “sea” symbol indicates.
The third part will be significantly harder than the previous one, because to fight with ghosts here will have to be on very narrow walkways, in the form of the letter “T”. On the top of the letter, on the right and left, you need to step on two round blue plates, the following section of the bridge will appear. Continue to press the plates until you drink in the lattice, it is the next room with torches. Send all the ghosts of elves, climb on the elevator upstairs and at the corridor, try to the gallenda, which is located there, where you saw him for the last time. Lord will admire the fact that you are alive, and will require more evidence of faults Fathien. And you give them them. Go to the fortress Ulm, where you need to find that the most mysterious Argalia.
In Fathien Stronghold Fortress, you will be honored with your audience Elder Demis, but immediately goes along with the throne in the secret room, and the guard will order you to kill. Cause offenders, you can restore health from numerous fireplaces, and look for myros, from which the key will fall, Fathien Keep Key. He opens the doors to the part of the castle where Demis was hidden. Destroy such a hospitable host along with his security and take the second key, Fathien Tomb Key. Before launching in the dungeon, you need to release the captive of the Windan Malvolin. You can get to his chamber only across the hall with the colon in which the floor fell. You can move to the other side by two ways: either jump over the columns (or rather, on the tiny edges of the columns), or jump into the curb by the wall and calmly go to the opposite wall. The wind chamber needs to open the key, and if it is not, then just hack the castle. The arrested will inform the location of the ancient armor and will hide.
Get down on the elevator in the dungeon and look for a corridor close to the entrance of a niche with coffins. Next to it, click the inconspicuous brick from the wall, the secret panel will open, select the lever, Skull Lever Rod. Such levers in this dungeon two, the second is located in a flooded tunnel. Now go to the room with four levers, just do not close the lattice door behind you, for then you can get stuck here forever. Stand up south and install the levers like this: left lower – lift, left upper – omit, right lower – omit, right upper – raise. Soon you will see two locked grilles and place to establish levers. Put Skull Lever Rod into fasteners from the western door and swim in the western corridor. The levers will not be needed at all if you prefer to swim a lot – you can get behind the bars in the underwater tunnels. Next, in one of the distant rooms, with a chest, press the button on the wall, access to the room with the desired relic will open, because of which you are here and found. Take the Argalia of Eryldorn with a glowing pedestal and get ready to fight his keeper. Only after he leaves the Spirit, the door will open, and you can get out. Get out of the castle (if you do not have argalia, then the door simply does not open) and run back to the arino.
Arindale, second visit.
Take Argalia in Hall of Lords and pass it to the gallery. Now he will believe in the rightness of your words and that Fathien’s house is really noticed in the disappearance of ancient armor. Vekhius immediately confirms that hovering on Lord. Kill him, in the award Gyelebrim will give you a magic mirror, which will help to open the door to Great Tower. You probably have already noticed that the tower where Emmindor is hidden, no entrance door? Go to the tower and near the steps click Shift, the door will appear – enter inside. Elderon will first refuse to let and then change his mind. Stop on the blue circle in the center of the tower (this is an elevator) and go up to the emming. Demonstrate him Galdryn’a Horn. The magician of your find will appreciate much higher than the former elves, and will tell a lot of interesting things – about the Galdrian and his castle, now destroyed, even give the magic ring (Ring Of Talendor), which will open access to its dungeon. Your conversation will interrupt the appearance of a Volgar, which will fall asleep all the fireballs. You can’t harm you now, so it’s wait until Emmitor is asked to use the horn, open the inventory, press first Invoke, and then click Horn himself. Volgals will disappear. At the end of the conversation, the magician will say that at the bottom you can collect magical books, scrolls, spells… Do not believe. This part of the game was unfinished, so you can not search, there is nothing there, only naked walls. Get out of the tower and head to Talendor. You can stay rivers and go to the lake in the north, and from it to turn to the east. Or back to almost Fargruv, and then along the path in Bolen Fields, there will be a pointer on the road – Galdryan’s Castle (crossed), Talendor. By the way, in Bolen Fields you also need to get, a little earlier or later, but accurately until the second visits to Fargruv. There you will find a small tent camp. Talk to the Gramist, he will ask for his son Valdana, otherwise threatens to join the barroyman and go to the ownership of Davämor. He will also tell about the connected, some girl Maru, it can be found in the firgruv tavern.