ELEX: Game Walkthrough and Guide of Quests of Fractions – Cliriki

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January 28, 2022
5 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

ELEX: Passage of Quests of Fractions – Cliriki
ELEX: Game Walkthrough and Guide of Quests of Fractions – Cliriki
To Join The Fraction You Need to Execute The Quest High-Tech Allies. This Is A Short Task That Requires Approval From Other Members Of The Fractionionionion. Talk to Reynchold in the Cathedral to Take His Task and Another Quest and Also to Learn How to Come to the Future. He Will Give You a Special Quest “Subversive Elements”.ELEX: Game Walkthrough and Guide of Quests of Fractions – ClirikiHort.
The Conversation with Reynhold Between The Quest Will Allow You to Find Out If You Can Join The Fraction Whether to Perform a FEW MORE TASKS OR EVEN YOU NEED TO START ALL OVER.

Becoming The Cleric, You Will Get The Lowest Rank – “Alkolit”. To Get The Following Title “Legate”, Talk to Reynhald.

Quest “Pilgrimage of Alcolith”

Communicate With Balder, Which Will Ask to Visit The Four Shrines in Ignadone. You can Pray for Each Shrine, as well as sacrifice elixitis. But The Last Optional! Also on the way to shrines Will Have to Be Done, Although Some Enemy Can Be Circumvented.

The First Shrine IS Near The Bridge Leading To the Entrance to Hort, And The Second – West of the City.ELEX: Game Walkthrough and Guide of Quests of Fractions – ClirikiReynhald.
Next Temple Look for South of the Second, Near the Asphalt Road. HERE WILL BE THUGS. WHEN THE CONVERSATION END, HELP THE MERCHANT AND KILL EVERYONE. The Fate of The Merchant Depends on Whether You Will Defend It.

The Fourth Shrine IS East Of The Third, Which You Just Cleared. HOWEVER, ON THE WAY, BE PREPARED FOR A MEETING WITH A MOUNTAIN TROLL (You Can Get Around).

Quest “Good Debut”

Job With March and Activate the Task. Have To Wait Until She Cooks Food. You Can Speed ​​Up the Process If You Find A Bed and Sleep on It for Sevel Hours. When The Food Is Ready, You Will Receive Four Portions of Protein. Deliver Them Anna, Reynhald and Balder. Xander Wants To BUY A Portion. WHEN DELIVER THEN GO Back to March.


This Is Not A Quest, But You Must Get The Ability To Become “Legat”. You Can Buy The Skill for 500 Elixites, But You Need to Have 30 Intelligence, DEXTERITY AND ONE SKILL-POINT. WHEN ALL THIS WILL BE, THEN GO TO BALDER AND ASK TO EDUCATE THE ABILITY.

After Completing Quests and Acquire The “Suggestion” Skill, Roll Up to 15 Levels, After Which Talk to Rhinehold and Increase The Title.


Divine Mission

Talk to Balder and Activate The Task. He Asks to Find New People Who Would Join The Clerics. These People Will Refer to the Fractions of the Exiles. Lay Connor AT Refueling In The Mountains of the Tavara. Pay HIM 500 Elixites So That He Joins The Faction, Or Use Two Glasses of Charizma to Convince Him. Try “Suggestion” to Make That Join The Clerics.

Find A Rider In A Large Greenhouse to the South of the Fort. Will See a Character Fighting With Jackals. Help Him and Talk About Joining The Clerics. Threten The Ride Or Pay IT 100 ELIXITES. You can Also use the “suggestion”.

Lay Down Galara in the Ruins Located in Edan. Here Are the Exiles. Use The “Suggestion” Skill to Provoke a Character and Fight with You. Beating Him, Do Not Kill, and He Join The Fraction. RETURN TO BALDER AND PASS THE QUEST. Connor May Experience Problems With The Entrance to the City. Will Have to Talk to the Xander, So That He Let Him Inside. WHEN EVERYTHING IS DONE, LET’S TALK WITH BALDER.


Talk to Hagen to Take a Task. IT Will Be Necessary to Finish The Heretics That Killed Members of the Faction and Are Located in the South of Horta Mountains. The Quest Can Be Passed in Two Ways – Either to Go and Kill Heretics, Or Talk to One of Them and Pay 150 Elixites to Enlist Trust.

Whatever You Choose, Go Back to Hagen and Hand Over the Quest. If Not Killed Heretics, Then Solgit.

Having Completed Tasks, Roll Up to 25 Levels, Go to Reynhald and Ask to Raise Your Title. You Will Have To Pay It 1000 Elixites, and If the Quest Fully Fulfilled, He Will Give You 400 of Them.

Unique Skills Clerics

– Clereic – The Main Skill of the Faction, providing access to coaches (Training Other Abilities), Equipment, Psi-Abilities, Modernization of Energy Weapons and The Most Arms, As Well AS Providing Fire Resistance.

– PSI – For Each New Level You Increase The Duration or Damage Of Psi-Abilities.

– Battery – For Each New Level You Increase The Amount of Energy That Issed for Psi-abilities.

– Highly Technological Gunsmith – Allows You to Create Clearing Weapons on The Workba.

– The Army of One – Increases Your Damage WHEN YOU TRAVEL WITHOT A SATELLITE.

– Suggestion – OpenS Up New Dialog Branches That Allow You to Inspire Your Opinion to Other Characters.

– Technophil – To Open A Psychic Skill That Allocates Synthetic Creatures and High Tech Equipment.

– The ability of “Cleansing” – Removes all the effects imposed on the player.

– Power Shield – Creates A Power Field Protecting Against Damage.

– The ability of “One with Weapons” – Increases Damage From Long-Range Weapons.

– The ability of the “Phase Jump” – Allows Teleport for Short Distances and Leave Their Hologram, Distracting Opponents.

– The Ability of the “Power Wave” – ​​Creates A Power Wave That Inflicts Damage.

– The Ability of the “Last Stronghold” – The Hero and Half of His Health Resurrect.


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