Erevos: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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April 20, 2022
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Erevos: passage

You can play for one of two vampires: Eric Collpote or Hannosa Romar. Passage is the same, except for the 8th day.

Villa: Forward and turn, until you see the fireplace, look at it. Take a lighter. Turn to the lamp on the table. Open your inventory and use a lighter to light the lamp. Now look at the picture on the wall above the lamp. Click the upper right corner of the picture. Picture will move and you will find the key. Capture it. Turn to the right until you see the chest between the staircase and the fireplace, use the key to open it, see the ax inside. Capture it. Go to the door of the house, turn right, go up the stairs. Use the ax to break the locked door. Forward, talk to Cassandra. Use the metamorphosis button to turn into a ravene and fly through the window.

Day II
Lane: Forward, until you come across 5 papers on the wall. Turn to the right, and you will see a member of the EREVOS organization facing you. Click my mouse over his throat, suck his blood. Grab the paper that he holds and view the information about Cassandra. Automatically you will leave the alley.
Cassandra House: Forward, past the door, right, to the coffin. Open the coffin, look at the Dead Cassandra body, and suck her blood. Turn around until you see a picture on the wall. Inspect the picture, and you will see letters in the lower right corner. Capture 3 letters. Turn and go to the small window. Turn into a crows and fly through the window.
Villa: Forward, open the door. Go to the bookshelf, look at the skull and capture the photo. Turn to the right until you see the chalkboard with jangle pins of various papers. Come to her and browse the paper with numbers. Use the photo that you just took and attach it to paper with numbers. Remember numbers. Now again to the bookshelf. This time, look at the Red Book in the upper right corner. Open it and on the right page will see 10 numbers denoting 10 letters. Replace the numbers (those that you recorded at the board) with the corresponding letters and write the resulting word.
Now, turn right to the computer, go to it. Answer “Yes” to the question, and after inviting the password input, enter the resulting word (Evil, who has not yet guessed), and click the OK button. Entering the computer can open and read various folders on the desktop, but at the end you must open the “Erevos Members” folder and print information about the members of the organization, for which click on the “Print” button. Click OK and then “EXIT” to turn off the computer. Now come back, turn right, to the door of the house, you will see the table on the left of the room. Come to him. Look in the vase. Inside paper. Capture it. Now to the door of the house and exit. Attention!!! Click on the Full Moon Club Advertising and answer “no” to the question, otherwise you will die.

Cassie Winter House: Open the gate, go ahead and in front of the door at home you will see the grille in the lower left corner of the screen. Look at her, open and turning into the crow flies inside the house. Go to the table, turn to the right, and you will encounter a woman, a member of the EREVOS organization. Sung off her blood and automatically leave the house.
Gregokra Crow House: Forward to the movement arrows on the screen. Turn around until you find the door of the house, forward one step and see the left switch. Turn on the light. The member of the organization EREVOS will immediately appear. Faster!!! You will have a few seconds to suck his blood before he fits in you. Automatically leave the house.
Antoni Barlow House: Forward, open the elevator and log in. Press the 1st floor button, forward and left. After viewing the bleraced room, we return to the elevator. Now press the 3rd floor button, open the door and go out. Turn to the left, to the boxes, see the hammer between them. Capture it. Return and turn right until you see pigeons in a cage. You can sue them, but it seems to do not replenish your “energy”.
Now, turn right and to a small canopy. Use the hammer to break the lock, go back and open the door. Talk to Gloria, she will give you her doll Shelley for your kindness. Capture it. Open your inventory, check the doll, click on her throat and you will get a razor. Capture it. Exit the inventory, go back, turn right, to the output door, log in to the elevator, and click the 2nd floor button. Forward and open the door. Go ahead, see books on the shelf. Open the yellow book, and consider the drawing of the coffin and the number near. Now browse the black book. Use a razor and get the drawing of coffins, 8 large and 5 smaller. Remember it. Return, turn left, you will see two hours under the mirror. Look at first on the big clock, open them, and set the time for 8 hours (remember 8 large coffins?). Now come back, look at the small clock, open them, and set the time for 5 hours (remember 5 small coffins?). Film with a film will appear from the niches behind the mirror. Capture it. Return and automatically leave the house.
Nicholas Patropha’s house: Forward, look at a small table under the picture of a person with your head in the left hand, open it and see inside the key. Capture it. Go back, look at the door and use the key to open it. Forward to movement arrows on the screen, full turn back to the door and press the switch to turn off the light. Again full turn back and in the dark go to the projector. Open your inventory and use the film with the film. Now look at the projector control panel and press the PLAY button. After that you will see a movie about the members of Erevos, hunting for vampires.
Remember the numbers denoting the characters shown at the end of the film. Still in the dark, come back to the door, open it, go ahead to the exit, automatically leave the house.
House of Jonathan Cromer: Forward, Right, You will see a big table with a picture on the wall above it. Go ahead, turn right to the table. Consider the picture and then look at the characters written on it. Remember them. Return, turn left to the blue picture on the wall. Click on the lower right corner of the picture, the picture will move. You will see the panel with buttons. Click in the following order “1, 9, 6, 3, 5, 2” and “OK” button (you had to get this code from replacing symbols that are in the picture in the large table numbers that recorded at the end of the film in the projector’s room).
It will seem hidden room. Return, turn left to the new room. If you want to view the board with jangle paper to the left of you, if not – go to the end of the room, look at the board with papers, see clippings with photos. Grab them and read 5 clippings and automatically leave the house.

Day IV
Wildez House: Forward and up the stairs, turn right, go ahead, turn right and see the player. Come to him and look at the switch. Turn it on. Return, turn until you see plates with entries on the shelves. Come to them and view the plates on the bottom shelf. Choose Beethoven (the music is played) and look at the inscription with small letters in the middle to the left on the envelope. Return, turn right and go to the picture with crowns and flashes of zipper. Now look at the bottom left corner of the picture, you will see a small switch. Click on it and talk to Wildes Ostand. Automatically after conversation you leave the house.
Thomas House Iakovidia: Forward, turn left, until you see the easel, go to it and look at the handle hanging on it. Capture it. Come back, turn until you see the picture of the bloody open mouth. Come to her and find a small thing. Capture it. Return, turn left, go through the door and down the stairs.
Attention!!! Turn yourself into a bat and fly through the little window above the door. Do not open the door, otherwise you will be killed. Consider the mechanism with two “wheels” to the left of the large window in front of you and use a small thing (the one you got from the picture). Now come back and turn back, you will see a small mechanism next to the small window, inspect it and use the handle. Click the handle to open a large window behind you. Now turn back, and inspect the mechanism with two “wheels” where you first put in a small thing. Take it down and a big window, crashing, kill a member of the Erevos organization, which was in the room below. Automatically you will leave the house.
Pointed Cornelus House: Go to Cornelius and talk to him. Go ahead, go to the stairs, raise. Forward one step, left railing stairs. Inspect the railing and see the key. Capture it. Go back, go to the door, use the key to open it. Forward, turn yourself into a crow and fly through the door, blocked by boards. Turn to the right and see the member of the EREVOS organization. Carefully!!! Blood blood from his heart. Do not make it out of the throat, otherwise die. Return and automatically leave the house.

Day V
Maternity hospital: forward, turn left and go all the time. Open the double door, enter the room. Go to the left night table, open the second box and see a razor. Capture it. Return, turn back, and leave the room. Turn to the right until you see the door between the picture and the double door.
Go to her, open and go ahead. Rotate to the left and exhaust the blood of the doctor standing in front of you. Now, look at his left hand, and using a razor, cut one of his fingers. Grab your finger. Return, turn right, go to the door opposite the room where you just killed Doctors. Look at the code panel near the door handle, and use the doctor’s finger. Return, open the door, and enter the room. Turn to the left until you see the shelves in the corner of the room. Go to them, inspect the top shelf, and you will see a flashlight. Capture it. Return, turn to the left, and exit the room. Turn one step left and come across the door next to the picture.
Open the door, go inside. Use a flashlight to illuminate the room, turning to the right until you see the shelves on the wall, go to them, look upstairs, and see a screwdriver. Capture it. Return, turn to the right and exit the room. Turn to the right and go along the corridor in front of the room that you just left. Before you door with the control panel window. View the window and use a screwdriver.

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