Freedom Force VS. The Third Reich: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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September 12, 2022
14 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Freedom Force VS. The Third Reich: Passage
Freedom Force VS. The Third Reich: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Three years ago came out Freedom Force. For his time it was a breakthrough. Agree: the first kinder game on comics, with a strong role base and tactical possibilities, plus full interactivity of the environment. Yes, it was a breakthrough.

What has changed in three years? A little. A dozen new heroes appeared, expanded the multiplayer and filmed the schedule. Of course, this is not. We were brazenly deceived? If you think soberly – perhaps yes.

So why “Order”? Everything is very simple. Let it in some way skillfully disguised addition – but the game is still high level. Play everything is as interesting, and, sowing in the evening for a computer, you risk to wake up only in the morning.

If you played the original game, you certainly need to look at Freedom Force VS. The Third Reich. Remember the former feats and with pleasure drive old heroes. If not – you need to take a look. Such toys can not be passed by. Pleasure get guaranteed.

Briefly about the main one

So, let’s begin. Those who played the original game can miss this chapter. In Freedom Force, despite the frivolous look: hazardous heroes, pathetic dialogues, insane plot and general whealing of what is happening – very deep tactics. Let me do not deceive the appearance. Break the head often.

Almost every mission begins with the planning of the upcoming basis. Here you pick up the heroes on the task, train the old and read the briefing. Total in the game 24 Hero. Some come to the team themselves as passing. Others need to hire for the glasses of prestige.

Prestige glasses are issued for completed tasks, killed opponents and accuracy of passage. Completed the task, but at the same time we were separated by Polgorod – get a minus for the destroyed houses and the randomly dead civilians. Fulfilled additional tasks, broke all enemies and generally behaved like a pai-boy – get more glasses.

There is one fineness. Prestige glasses are taken away only at home and civilians. Poles and cars can break out – without fear for reputation. At the end of the mission, all the glasses of prestige, earned by all heroes, are summed up and their total number.

In addition to the already listed ways to earn Prestige glasses, there is another one – collect cans with pluses. However, the canisters are different. Some add prestige glasses. Others restore health or energy x. Third generally add experience points. Find out what a canister gives, you can bring the mouse cursor.

Experience glasses are needed to obtain a hero of a new level. Here acts a little unfair equalization. All heroes who participated in the missions receive 300 points;Sitting on the base – 200 points. And no matter who and how much killed opponents. Anyway, everyone will get equally. The only way to get more others is to collect already mentioned canisters with experience. To go to a new level, you need 600 experience points.

Turning to a new level, the hero receives 600 development points. You can buy attributes or skills on them. The number of points obtained is always for everyone equally.

Ah, this cute interface

Interface in Freedom Force is close to perfection. Literally in 15 minutes you will feel like fish in water. And wherever you know – everything is thought out and beautiful. For each hero, a bunch of information is displayed: his skills, attributes and resistance to one or another damage.

For each ability: range of action, the radius of defeat in feet, chances for success… At the end of the mission you are waiting for detailed statistics: the names of all team members, whether a specific hero received a new level, the number of experience gained for the mission – and in general, he participated in the mission or not. As well as a detailed database for all the characters that you met as passing. And much more.

However, I distracted. Let’s go back to the game. How to manage characters? How to use skills? Here about this and talk. In the lower left corner there are portraits of heroes participating in the mission. To select one of them, you need to click on the portrait or press the corresponding key: from 1 to 4. To highlight the whole detachment – key 5. If you send a mouse cursor to any object, its detailed description will appear in the lower right corner.

So you chose a character. Under his portrait will appear drop-down list with available skills. Choose the desired one and the character will use it by default. That is, you just need to click the left mouse button on the enemy – and the hero will begin to die it with the selected reception. If you want to “charge” on the enemy by another reception, but I don’t want to change “by default” – right-click on the target. A context menu will appear, which lists that you can do with a sacrup and what skills to use. Moreover, the most effective will be highlighted. For example, the opponent has poor electricity resistance. And the hero has a reception that causes damage by electricity. He will be highlighted.

You will also show you the radius of the action of each reception if it beats the area. Who played Baldur’s Gate, will understand what torment is to throw, for example, a fireball “on the eye”. Cut and think – I will hit your own or not? There are no such problems here. Similarly, actions are made with objects: breaking the pillars, destruction of houses, raising and carbon…

If you need to talk to someone, you must first clean the terrain from enemies. Otherwise no conversation will not work. What, in general, logical. What chatter when the bullets whistle? Characters with whom to talk are marked with a red square.

To find out the goals of the mission, press the key ABOUT. A window will appear where basic and additional goals will be painted. The main tasks are those that need to be performed anyway. Otherwise you are waiting for the inevitable missions. The mission is also considered failed if all heroes or the one who survives which is required to complete. Additional tasks are not required to execute. But they are given extra prestige glasses, which is also important.

However, the objectives of the mission are often indicated by arrows. Therefore, crawl on the map and look for the “Scientific Tick” method, what needs to be done, do not have to. Everyone will explain and show. And last – do not forget to use pause (Spacebar). Otherwise, you will never have time to keep track of the situation and react in time.

What, from what our heroes are made of

Each hero is made of characteristics, skills and attributes.

Characteristics are given by birth heroes, and cannot be changed. Than rich – and happy. There are five of them five pieces.

  • Strength – Determines the strength of impact, inflicted damage and the ability to raise certain items. That is why Big Man-Bot can quietly throw cars, and crazy Liberty Lad – and a sewer hatch with difficulty with earth.
  • Speed – speed of movement. Very important characteristic, especially for short-term fighters. To beat the enemy, you must first catch it up. When the powerful man-bot will, puff, try to catch up with Fritz – and he is happily to fly away from him, leaving grenades, you will understand that one power is sometimes not enough for happiness.
  • Agility – dexterity affects how often your hero will fall and how often he will fall. Characteristic is important for heroes deprived of heroic health, but forced to often enter the near. The Hero with a high indicator of dexterity is almost impossible to get. But he will beat right in the goal. And often it will be more efficient than healthy.
  • Endurance – responsible for the number of life points. All simple. The healthier of the muzzle – the harder it is harder to wind her owner.
  • Energy – affects how fast energy will be recovered. Important for all heroes without exception.

Attributes – This is the constant qualities of the hero. For example, the ability to fly, jump and the like. They are like useful and no. Useful most often will have to buy for experience experience. Negative are free, in the appendage – together with the hero. When buying a new attribute, carefully read what it gives, and think – “and I need it?”. Then cancel the purchase will not. Frequently purchased attribute gives access to another. As a rule, more useful.

Skills – strikes, techniques and all sorts of tricks that you have to beat the enemy. Not all skills are available initially. Most is given only after you pump up to a certain level previous.

There is a small nuance here. Each hero from 6 to 8 skills. They are broken into two categories. Let’s call them “a” and “b”. To, for example, get the third skill from the category “A” – you need to raise the second to the third level. But this does not mean that you will at the same time get access to the third ability from the category “B”. For him you need to raise the second skill of the corresponding category.

On the purchase of skills is also spent experiencing glasses – and there are never a lot of them. Therefore, you will constantly torment the question, buy a new or increase the old. True, closer to the end of the game he disappears by himself. Usually by this time at the heroes, all skills were bought and developed at the maximum. Even every hero has its own level of resistance every type of damage. It is impossible to change it. But it is advisable to consider before going to the mission. You should not take a hero with poor resistance to electricity, if all opponents only make that zipper mold.

When using skills is spent energy. The more powerfulness, the more energy is used. But each hero has a couple of skills for which energy is not needed at all. These are usually the most simple and weak drives. Made such specifically so that you do not stay with empty hands overhead. Will always be scarce.

Almost every skill can be used in the enhanced version. To do this, clamp Ctrl and click Once. The blow will turn out much more powerful, but the cost of energy will be greater – by one division from the claimed.

The energy spent over time is restored. How it quickly happens – it depends on the characteristics of “ENERGY”. Therefore, sometimes it makes sense to stand in a secluded corner and wait. However, there is another way. Of course – collect cans.

During the game, pay attention to the medals in the portrait of the hero. This is the so-called “heroism”. How many medals – so many times the hero can make Heroic Revival. “Heroic Revival” fully restores health. To make it right-click on the hero and select the appropriate item in the menu.

Use Heroic Revival need carefully. No sense (and opportunities) spend it right and left. Often this is your last chance to defeat the heavy battle.

Types of receptions

Trying to tell about every skill separately like madness. Their more than hundreds. Therefore, I will limit the general classification.

Also, the crushing and penetrating strike may have to stun the opponent for a while. In this state, it cannot attack and vulnerable for most types of damage. In addition, although it is definitely not known) the opponent decreases resistance.

  • Remote attack. Here damage can be any – electric, energy x penetrating… Attack can affect only one enemy or beat around the square. Be accurate or, on the contrary, running fire. In general, it all depends on the specific reception.
  • Attack beam. The hero produces a ray of energy that damages the enemy. Here the damage may also be different. The main parameter – the speed of the beam. Everything else depends on the specific skill: can the enemy to avoid whether a beam can stun…
  • Instant hit. Attack immediately reaches enemy. That is – no opportunity to run off. If the object is within a radius of action – it will definitely attend it. Damage can also be different.
  • Protection. Protection is two types: active and passive. Active – uses energy, and it is necessary, sorry for the pun, activate. But at the same time it absorbs either rejects the whole damage. That is, the hero is reliably protected. Passive protection acts constantly, but only increases resistance to one or another damage.
By the way, if you go to the creation of your own hero with the mind, you can make a death car from it. Just need to think well over the right combination of skills.

Tactical advice

The first thing you can advise – move carefully. No need to run the head in an unknown area. So you can assemble a big bunch of enemies with whom you will not handle. Best lidery opponents alone, and then score crowd. However, it does not concern missions when you need to save civilians or protect any building. In this case, you need to forget about caution and move as quickly as possible.

Before attacking the enemy, put the game pause and carefully examine its characteristics (for this, hover the mouse over it – the menu will appear with the data) to understand what he has good resistance, and what is not very good.

Do not forget to carry out reconnaissance (you can fight). It is best to make a hero who can fly. Diffused who is worth it – and back to the detachment. Then the whole team – “for disassembly”. By the way, about flying heroes. They are very convenient to destroy opponents who do not know how to attack flying characters. For example, Grenadiers.

Do not forget to use cars and pillars in fights. Skillfully rushed into the crowd the car will help her strongly. Barrels with flammable and drawers are also perfect. And they can not only throw them. Mistaken more opponents to them, and then undermined. Survive units.

Before using the reception, see how much the enemy has giving glasses. Maybe you spend in vain and you can get by hitting cheaper. Try to create the most effective combinations. For example, one hero was covered by an enemy by receiving disorientation, and the fighter ball was launched in the thoughtlessly wandering crowd at this time.

In battles with bosses, do not forget about their firm. Often they are more dangerous than the leader himself. However, this does not mean that they need to be rushed by all. By no means. Couples of heroes usually more than enough.

The enemy is very often docked on one purpose. It can be used. One hero slipped – and then they sent him to run circles. The enemy will certainly begin to chase him, not paying attention to what is happening around. At this time, the rest of the heroes fract the enemy from afar.

And finally, the last. Cancel the fighters on the mission. Try to have security forces and heroes with a remote attack, and support fighters (impact on mind, treatment and t.D.). The team will be much more efficient if you gain specialists for some specific skills. Fighters will complement each other, and in any situation you will always be found than answering the enemy.

In general, it was better to first play a mission to understand what enemies would be faced with. Sometimes it happens that you need to take more fighters with a remote attack – and sometimes with a hand-to-hand.

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