Geo-Political Simulator: Game Walkthrough and Guide
If you believe the classics, our whole life is the theater, in it people play their roles. But many want more. And every second one also believes that other people’s duties are able to fulfill much better. For example, manage the country.
Here he is, the moment of truth – you can try myself in the case, taking a guiding post of any of the existing states now. You can choose anything anything, from Australia to Jamaica and from Albania to Japan. But the main difference from all other global strategies – we are not playing for the state, but for his ruler. And in our tasks, not only and not so much improve the economy of their country (make it a monopolist in the industry, conquer the world), how long can it be in your post as long as possible.
Merilo the success of any political or public figure – its popularity. Player’s gaming – no exception to this rule. The value of about fifty percent is the ratio neutral and expectant, is nearing a hundred – nationwide love and respect for the famous personalities, and if it rapidly falls – you can put a cross on a career, or even escape from the country.
The possibilities of managing the country wide – the distribution of the budgets of a dozen ministries, lawmaking in all sectors, tax collection, purchase and sale of goods on the world market, construction of municipal structures, allocations for scientific research… You can participate in the war of different caliber, from a small border conflict to a third world with nuclear weapons.
But any action affects the ranking. Signed a large international contract for the sale of goods of their country? Excellent, revenues will rise, the budget will grow, and the percentages will crawl up. We decided to raise taxes? Who is to blame that all love disappeared somewhere. There are ambiguous solutions. Raise the minimum wage amount is good or evil? It depends on whom – the people will be pleased, but the Employers Association can arrange a demonstration. And such situations most of the unambiguous victory recipes are not.
There are events affecting popularity, but the player cannot affect them directly. So, the terrorist attack reduces the satisfaction with the authorities, and the prize of a prestigious film festival makes people happy. What is interesting, can also be influenced by both, and to another – changing the budget related ministries.
But one popularity is not enough for successful actions, except for the general indicator there are many other factors. Unbalanced policies can cause discontent in the ruling circles and will resign, despite the high ratings. The head on the dish may also require people if the living conditions deteriorate significantly. With some coincidence, the career is completed by a military coup or simply as a result of the terrorist attack.
Each country is unique, the mass of parameters is taken into account – gross domestic product, inflation, political device, manufactured products, tax rates, population, unemployment levels, etc.D. They can be combined into two large groups of features – political and economic.
The rights and opportunities of the ruler also affect the political structure of the state. Mass options, from sole royal power to absolute democracy. For example, it is possible to determine the level of powers of parliament, from complete subordination to the government to a full-fledged multi-party system with the voting of fractions for each draft law.
In general, democratic countries are much more complicated in management than dictatorship. The rights of the people on a lot allow to arrange strikes and nominate incompatible requirements with each other – Some want raising salary, other increases in the working day, third reduction in retirement age. Sometimes it is not necessary for any special reasons, just a reason for the performance – in one of the games, an increase in expenses for traffic police service led to a long-term sitting strike of car lovers with slogans on the destruction of motor racing. Even targeted subsidies did not help this type of sport. There are less obvious reasons for opposition manifestations in democratic countries, in case of general disagreement with government policies, they pass under the slogans of the incompetence of power.
Countries not only consume goods and services, but also produce them. Surplus go to the international market, missing products are purchased. Trade can be carried out automatically – for each country there are some averaged purchases and sales prices. But the player may enter into contracts for the supply at the level of the heads of states, and it is possible to win significant amounts, thereby increasing the budget yield, and as a result, and GDP.
First faces
One of the strongest receptions for submitting information about the events that occurred in the game world – the newspaper. And here it is implemented one hundred percent. Let it not be daily, but weekly, but at the rate of time and saturation of the events is the most optimal option.
In the morning of every Monday, we can read the lighting of events over the past seven days. Be sure of all significant from the point of view of journalists Facts will fall on newsstands. Opinions about the ruler, his qualities and abilities or about the country, strike and speeches, which happened the terrorist attack or murder of a public figure, meeting of the heads of states, a major international contract – read together with the inhabitants of the country. Even the censorship of totalitarian states can not always help hide all unpleasant facts.
This is interesting: If populist events will occur too often, then over time they will cease to pay attention to them. For example, to visit the head of state public places. This is how the point of view of journalists is expressed on the importance of information – why write about ordinary things.
Most articles directly illuminate the events that occurred, some appear as a result of actions, but do not have bindings to something specific, and sometimes notes come across exclusively to create an atmosphere. The latter, unfortunately, very little, and they begin to repeat after a couple of months.
Information application format – title and subtitle, text is not visible, but it does not need. All “like adults” – the main news of the country or the world was put on the editorial office, then one or two, occasionally three reversals are dedicated to the country (the volume depends only on the saturation of the events!), and after another couple – the main events in the world.
Simulation of reality
To admit when I learned about the choice of name for the localized version – “Elections-2008”, found it just the marketing move “Kui Iron, while hot. But in fact it was not empty words – the game is really finalized for the Russian market. Two additional scenarios on the theme of the alternative history of the last few months narrated precisely about March elections in Russia. In one of them, in sixty days, it will be necessary to turn the political scaffold with the re-election of the president for the third term, and in the second, the action begins the fourth of March, when the opposition candidate wins. However, it is possible to choose standard scenarios: a fully free game for another state or with some conditions – from the adoption of an environmental law (it can be considered a training) to hostilities.
The game can be improved by making it more informative and, as a result, friendly to the user. For example, when signing a trading contract, it would not be superfluous about how much already sold, and only two digits are known – production and consumption. Yes, and the search for a partner country with the best suggestion for this product is real torment, since only manual bust is possible. Also, tips on the appointment of a tax or law would be very useful: knowledge of what it is needed and how it acts will help take the right decision. At least – pop-ups, and even better – a full-fledged embedded encyclopedia. “The geopolitical simulator” does not have the ease of development, and the highest economic education is far from everyone, it is not necessary to complicate the life of the player.
Yes, and would replace these terrible portraits of characters! After all, it is not so difficult to make several dozen physiognomy cute?
One hope – for future corrections. Because the versions of games are preparing for several more countries (only French, Russian and Spanish came out), they will definitely.
At the moment it is the most serious global strategy in modern times. But over the depth of study will have to pay high difficulty.
The most important rule of the game is no sharp movements. Any action is a destabilization of society, and serious and extensive changes with high probability will lead to the collapse of power. The competent ruler is a lot of time ahead, and reforms must be made gradually, gently forming the right society. And completely no matter what purposes need to be achieved.
Economics and finance
Each state needs a certain number of funds for its activities – it is necessary to finance government agencies, pay wages to officials, carry out various social programs, subsidize the most significant industry. But to spend, you need to earn, it happens with the help of a variety of taxes and trade, and how the extreme case uses borrowed capital.
Budget is the revenues and expenses of the state for the current year. For help, last year’s values for each of the items are also given.
Expenditure (Here they are called just a budget that is not a mistake) in the overall summary, only reference information is worn, specific amounts are regulated by ministries and industries.
Articles income – First of all it is, of course, taxes. But it is not recommended to raise them directly, the discontent of the people will be provided. Sometimes a perturbation is not limited to, so, the increase in VAT (value added tax) will provoke rise in prices, lowering the standard of living and inflation. But it will not be able to reduce it, as a rule, this is the main source of income.
The country consumes a variety of goods and produces some assortment. Excess the created need to be sold, and the missing products – to buy. This is done automatically, for each state there is a certain purchase price and sales, on which calculations are underway.
But you can take it into your own hands and give very serious funds for the country. Process, I must say, is not organized in the most convenient way, but there is nowhere to go. The greatest difficulty is the search for the most profitable counterparty.
Ways to create a trading contract two – “According to the correspondence” and at a personal meeting, the difference is only in time. Let we produce a certain amount of lambs exceeding our needs. Surplus are automatically sold at three and a half thousand dollars per ton. And the United States buys her, but five seven hundred. We send a proposal to buying our products, offering a little less price. As a result, everyone is satisfied, although it is likely to be worn out. Sell, naturally, minus our internal needs.
On a note: If you enter into an agreement through the window of the industry, the goods of only the selected industry will be available, and if through the diplomacy window – all.
You can make even more subtle fins, although not with all the products it is possible. We will continue an example with lamb – we sell everything available, and the required amount we buy very cheap somewhere in Australia.
Some “products” are not sold in terms of quantity, but in the amount – construction, water supply networks and t.D. In this case, the long negotiations are not talking, the contract is either signed or less common, no.
Industry industry
All products that can be traded are divided into three large groups – Agriculture, industry And Energy. Fourth – services, consumed only within the country, but the same rules apply otherwise.
There are tools to develop their own economy. You can allocate subsidies to the entire industry or separate sectors. The second is much more preferable, since the effect is more clear. The effect will not slow down to wait – production will grow as on yeast. More subsidies – greater increase. But, if you stop providing material support, the industry will quickly return to the initial value. Also to intensify growth can be used Exemption sector from taxes.
In addition to the development of its own economy there is an opportunity to use pressure levers on other countries – impose (and remove) Embargo on the sector And Embargo on the country, Set customs duties. But for such actions you can get similar gifts in your side, and it can be quite unpleasant.
Listed all ministries and departments and their features will not allow the scope of the article, so you have to limit both with common opportunities. Four spending groups can be distinguished – on the activities of the Ministry, wages and the number of officials, maintenance of bills and construction. However, laws are far from always require financing.
Expenditure Each ministry is asked by lists, and the expenses themselves – asterisks by zero to ten. They are indicated by the percentage of financing from the maximum. But each subsequent step is much more expensive than the previous.
Salary and number of civil servants appointed explicitly only for health, education, law enforcement, secret services and armed forces.
Construction – expensive pleasure for a large country, and for shallow and not all. But it will still have to do. You can build medical, educational, cultural, sports and correctional institutions, military bases, laboratories, transport infrastructure.
BUT legislation – The most extensive section. Several dozen different bills, each of which implies two to five options for action. Adjustable All – Education, Health, Housing and Communal Services, Army, Religion, Media, Culture, Sport, Environment… Some of them are economic, some are political, but most of them affect both spheres.
Politicians and public figures
The head of state will have to meet a lot with well-known and not very personalities. But the effect of such meetings can vary greatly.
Perhaps the most important thing whether they can give us a good press. But for this, their attitude should be really good, otherwise the praises will be recognized by the people of falsehood, and this is a blow to popularity. Relationships can be enhanced by champagne, coffee and compliments.
Association. Another source of good feedback in the press.
Army. Communication with the Supreme Commander and the Head of Secret Services Use will not bring.
Religious figures. With religious leaders of their country, it is very difficult to establish good relations, but the result is worth – in most countries the leading religion affects the overwhelming percentage of the country’s population. World figures are pretty useless.
Sects. Sectarians also can speak positively, but their influence is happening, because it makes no sense to communicate.
Intellectuals. Their two groups – researchers and public figures. The latter often act in the press on their own, therefore, good relations with them are practical. But they react very sharply to the reduction of civil rights, and their love for the ruler turns into hatred. From research researchers a bit.
Art figures And athletes. Both categories of famous citizens also often speak in the press, but relationships with them are easier. What we use.
Close. From the emperor approximate to the throne, it is worth highlighting a close friend, he can give advice on an increase or fall in the industry, and for rulers at the age of a personal doctor.