Half-Life 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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March 23, 2022
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Half-Life 2: Passage
Half-Life 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Chapter 1.
“Point Insertion”.

After the delusional dream, from which Mr. Gman will withdraw, leave the car and keep to the side of the huge screen, where the bearded head of the elderly person welcomes all arriving in City-17. Come past the guard in a mask, which is very unacceptable to get you in the chest, through the turnstile and left, in the waiting room. A peasant at a table will advise you not to drink water, they say, they are not good to add something there. Next, the new guard carries you to the side room. When he removes his mask, you will learn old Barney Kalhuna, and Dr. Kleiner’s face will appear on the monitor. It seems that these two do something plot. And also it seems that the deception has revealed, and now the furious soldiers will break into the room. Not bag, go to the next door, upstairs, push the box to the wall and jump into the window. Find yourself in a small smoke, you are on the door.
The guard will ask you to raise an empty bank and throw it into a bucket. What, damn, purely, however, you don’t want to contact him, because you still have nothing else. Go to the street and go through the only street that is not covered with a high Code Access Fence. Then right in the alley, where to lure with the help of a fire staircase through the grille. To the right, Poppen baby swings-carousel, admiring the physical engine, and to the house on the left.
Climb the floor and watch the types in masks brazenly embroider the door of someone’s apartments. In the neighboring rooms, people hide, watching the window for how the armored personnel carrier rolled to the building. Run along the corridor and the stairs upstairs, you are angry with a man outside the door. Immediately, the steps are heard behind his back, the whole scale of “masks” will be accepted. Quickly run to another staircase and again up, kind comrade on misfortune Warred the door so that you can go away. On the roof run to banks with paint, they will be boards for which you can move on the cornice, which will bring you to the open window. Get into it and on the stairs down, then you will be faced with the head on the whole coil. Do not be afraid – it was so conceived. When the fog in the head becomes clear, you will see the face of a pretty young person, Alix Vans. Her father worked in Black Mesa, you will see it too soon. Pass behind it in the elevator, and then in a secret passage for a portrait.

Chapter 2.
“A Red Letter Day”.

Alix will lead you to Dr. Kleiner’s laboratory, the guard Barney will soon come there. Here you will get acquainted with my first monster, not counting the cleaner at the airport – Hedkrab named Lamar, whom the doctor is trying to domeseen. It seems not particularly successful. Wear your favorite suit, charge it at the wall charger and go to the next room. Here you will see Father Alix, Eli, and help his daughter teleport, stuck the plug and clicking the button. It has come a line and climb himself to the teleporter – what, scary? And right, at the last moment, the restless Lamar will jump into the teleporter, and everything will come again at all as planned. You will start moving in a strange way in different places, including someone else’s world and the office of the chapter of the city, until you find yourself on the balcony outside the window. How can you move again, jump down and in the inconspicuous passage on the right, behind concrete blocks.
Barney appears and will advise you to leave City-17 as soon as possible. And then something else will find you and… But it is better not to think about it, rebels, if that, help. He also will reset you the very first weapon, recalling that you have forgotten in Black Mesa – Lomik. Here’s the infection, it was weak to worry about the gun? Grab it and run to trains, run through the open doors in the wagons on the other side, dodging the automotive queues and the cruel boxes and boards in their path.

Chapter 3.

On the left on the wall therapeutic unit, you can improve health. Soon you will hear the cries of help, help a woman gets off the soldier, just opposite the poster named Meyerhold (and he is what, the birth, is doing here?). Now you have not only a lomik, but also a pistol. Run into the street, having a soldier on the steps, and jump on the roof of the wagon just approached the train. From her on the stairs and in the destroyed house. Barrels, blinking pass, better to move quietly, without unnecessary movements, otherwise they will immediately explode. Light through a swollen hedge, then in the hatch at the bottom of the container. Jump on the rails, on the stairs upstairs. Next will be a few guards in the aisles and have to break a lot of boxes before you fall into the channel filled with rusty water and old boards. Close the stairs to the roof of the container and jump inside. See a strange company in the face of the aliens and the rebel located near TV. The alien will charge your costume with energy, and the second type will open the gate of the container and tell you where to run next.

Flose a scoreboard with a scoreboard, making my way between the brands hit, and then you will see a poor butterfly sink hanging on the ceiling “Medusa” with a tail. You can shoot it if the cartridges do not mind. Radom with a destroyed bridge, climb into a large pipe that will bring you to the reserves of the aidhechks and charges for a suit. It will also be drumming the radio, so you can learn about what is happening. Get upstairs, put a crowd of attacking soldiers installed next to protective shields (carefully, the exploding barrels are welded), then move to the side of the blue machine, and in the tunnel. Here are damn dark, and there was a lot of creatures on the ceiling, you wanted to dine, so do not lose vigilance. The girl among the next pipe will say you move in the right direction. Minute a few more pipes, listening to the opponation of the enemy until we are resized in the room with water and grille. What to do next, because there is no other way out? Wait… until you begin to jerk, like a submarine, throwing on top… Sorry, exploding barrels. One of them and turn the lattice.
Further you need to get into an inconspicuous and almost flooded passage, which close three barrels. Ahead will be a frequency from the “Meduse” alers, pass through which it will not be so easy. It is necessary either to push the barrel with car tires in their direction and slip by, when the tentacles will drag all this economy. Or shove the exploding barrel and shoot it at the last moment. One such explosion will be quite enough so that with a dozen creatures and in death agony, scratching their jaws outward. Swim across the channel (from above all the time burning barrels will be treated), on wooden windows upstairs and in the pipe. Now it is necessary to solve a simple task: it is necessary to collect all the bricks and put them on the improvised “swing” so that one of their end touched the earth, and the other raised, letting you jump out to the ledge. Run further on the canal, hiding from the machine-gun shelling from the helicopter, and in the blue door, littered with barrels and boards. You need to go to the channel again, only on the other hand. Jellywood is better to water in proven way, the benefit of the exploding barrels is enough. Then on the stairs, next to which the sign “Danger”.
Another kind of good soul will open the door, because of which the swarm of small “OS” with saws will immediately. You can spend the cartridges to spend on them, but to kill it just a lomik, and the fighter of resistance with his debris pipe will help. These arrogance axes for some time will pursue you constantly, getting even in narrow corridors. Soak the soldier descended from the ceiling and get an automatic. Quite by the way, long ago. Next to rotating blades jump into the water and swim through the underwater tunnel. Go to a dead end, climb on the pipe and keep it in the opposite direction, trying not to get under the jet of the burning couple and mustache jellyfish. Next to a familiar sign (game emblem) jump from the pipe to the right and dive into the water. Selecting the surface, prepare for the fact that the barrels will be squeezed. Literally.
The following several corridors will be subject to “axes”, open the hatch and enjoy the ventilation. She will bring you to the room in which there will be a whole dozen of exploding barrels, a little OS and soldiers. If you competently sweep at least one, then all the others are rummaged next, the main thing is to be shores in a secluded corner, as long as Canonada will not end. On the stairs upstairs, from it on the pipe, and from there to the red light bulb with the inscription “Level 3”. Go down, screw the valve, the room will be filled with water. Return to the neighboring, at the bottom and swim through the pipe, which you could not get before. Flose boards, covering a niche at the bottom, back up with any trash. I just need you to move on it on the other side. Great invented?
Upstairs on the stairs, then on the boards, and run through a very narrow canal, in the passage to the left. Then you need to first climb the stairs, go through the bedtime, and then jump down. Really the end of this crawling into sewage? No seems to seemed. Next to the rebel collect weapons, listen to the radio and run on the tunnel. Directly before your nose will fall a few rockets, and the hedkrabs will appear together with the zombies infected with them. As a member of the landfill, left. Water is better not to walk, she is radioactive. The girl will present you a new vehicle movement – a boat on pontoons and with a propeller. On this tarantance you will reach the gate that you need to open, twisting the valve. Katit on the canal on the channel.

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