Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Home » Game Guides » Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire: Game Walkthrough and Guide
June 9, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire: Passage
Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire: Game Walkthrough and Guide
The game begins with the world championship in Quiddich, when already appeared (they are – Eaters)… Immediately you will find confirmation that the mouse does not work, but I can say… that in the future it will not be a big problem…


Arrows – Movement (respectively: left – right, up – down)
Z – Accio (can bring the subject to the character, for example, beans)
X – Attacking Spell
C – Different spells, depending on which item is directed, on which enemy (examples: Wingardium Leviosa, Carpe Retractum, Aqua Eroucto)
S – Magicus Extremos (when the scale for this spell will be completely filled, you can press S, and then – the attack (x key) will be very effective, for example, kill the enemy from one strike.
ESC – Menu. And from the level you can come out before, selecting the appropriate menu item (!).

In many levels, you can choose who you will play. The two remaining hero during passage helps (but sometimes interfere). No choice (only Harry), when tests (dragon; water; labyrinth; fighting with Voldemort).

Mission themselves can be chosen, something favorite then go through again. But there is a minus, as mentioned above, that for many levels you need to collect a certain number of flaps – otherwise it will not work (!).

Passing the level itself in many subjects, you can attack, thereby saving the beans… There are also other items that can (need) “collect” (more precisely – to spend them): for example, there are: mushrooms, blades, small statues..

Pay attention to the number of your lives. When you were killed (only the character you play) – you will revive how many times – depends on the number of collected chocolate frogs! (but on testing is not conducted…) If life is shown – you need to undergo a level! (I had it once, when I decided to kill all enemies at the level with the egg, and they went… here I have noticed life, honestly..) But the shields found, for example, remain!

Level with Kvidditch – introductory. After level show your successes… Then the result of your efforts can be viewed through the menu (key – i), C is access to cards (they are also bought for beans, different costs – there are 15, there are 350..). Cards give the ability (reduction of force, improving the attack, plus to the nature of the GG and others). Then, in front of the level you can choose for each of the three heroes of 3 cards with unique abilities.

By the way, all the cards of 6 sets of 6 (what you buy), one, extra, is given after filling one set. Ron is the initial – the most expensive (so it was for me).

And to watch the current. Statistics in terms of level, for example, there are small Hogwarts – ESC (though, statistics does not reflect everything)

Mission 1 – Darkness protection lessons.

To pass the level: enemies (and for the most part it is a certain type of magical creatures), it is necessary through “C” (in this case it will be Wingardium Leviosa) stones kill all creatures. Continuation of Zot, there you need to extinguish fire (hot lattices).

After passing – statistics.. there about your level of experience (I had a newcomer, progressively, competently..).

Next level – the surroundings of Hogwarts.

The emphasis is on the very passage of the level and on the search for signboards. The latter – there are those that can be simply taken, and there are those that serve and exit from the level (!).

For this – enemies are destroyed, stones are moving (“C”). When I played… Choosing three branches of passage (1 – descend down through the pass; 2 – opening the door-lattice, there is also a fork; 3 – At the very beginning there will be three cubes, they need to be made up in the form of a ladder and climb on the tower…).

But then another one (!), at the very beginning, as soon as you go away from the portal (start point) you need to pull down (this is part where boilers can be broken (!) About the wall (not about everything, truth), statues, machine installations.. And there, how to break, there may be the signed sign icons! Also, notice on one turret (hill) there is a badge, but it’s just not to get to him, you need to pull a stone (and to do it with already the third turrets) down and pushing it (!).

Thereafter… Available – Moody Calls (Hmuri).

It is rather a bonus level, consists of five parts (but they open not all at once (!)):
1 – “SUMPFKRATTLERS” (the destruction of these creatures is to destroy them: a couple of times we beat the X-M so that they turn up the abdomen, and then raise into the air (c) and wait until friends will be launched in the monster to the monster (so black), otherwiseMurder does not protect – my record 1:27 – gold);
2 – “Calling a hanging position”;
3 – “exploding boilers”;
4 – “Catapult Bubotubler”;
5 – “Tower Blocks”.

For bonus levels, it is characteristic: the time is given for which you need to perform the task, or make certain actions. And: gold, silver, bronze. Your level is rising… (My at this moment is suitable).

Forbidden forest.

To destroy poisonous mushrooms (otherwise you will not pass some places), you need: “C” on the plants standing nearby, and aiming attacking mushrooms. They are destroyed.

Continue to search for signboards. Fire – stew, too – “C”. Go ahead where the fork… Need to explore, look for higher than the mentioned Hogwarts. To, for example, get a shield at the top – it was necessary to move the stone (all together, “C”)…

I will say right away when on one fork you will reach the end… where there will be a wound plant and at the top of the shield, you can not get it right away (!), I even tried to draw (and it’s about how to drag it..) Stone on which you can climb – did not come out. Come back after learning a herbal spell!

And here is the first test – dragon.

Remember from the past training games by Quidydach Aqui flights (lesson)? Here you need to get to the end of the level as few times (consists of three parts). On the way – accelerating (bluish rings), but not crashed into obstacles and not falling under the fire of the Dragon (!). My result – 2.52 – this is bronze. By the way, for the result can also give a shield Hog! (I had a 2 icon.28)

Added to pass the bonus level – “Calling a hanging position”

The meaning is to put rounded stones for special deliveries using “C”. It turned out okay – 0.52 (Gold). But I will say right away – not only that, but also other bonuses… Maybe it’s not immediately, but, traveled – it will turn out!

But now I returned to the roof of Hogwarts, just lacked school icons…
At the very beginning, it was necessary to go down and look! (about him – already above) By the way, the fountains can also be exploded with the help of boilers, “with” on them and further driving flight… explode.

And here we are at the level: Bathroom Perfect.

Egg is almost immediately lost… and heroes go to his searches. First – break the wall (it turns out the first time) with boilers. There we can go hot jets, sites… Well, enemies, of course, of course. Put the road by installing bridges (“C”), unscrewing the valves on machine installations (also “C”)… Well, forgetting that some installations can be exploded, and there – cards, cards…

ABOUT! Here there is a sublevel on which you cannot immediately go down from the portal site (here you will get here if you want to replay, but first you need to walk before it), there will be a wastewater flow… But then there will be a bridge (!)

Yet… You can notice one hog, but it is not to get to it, water… And here, again (as in the forbidden forest) you need a herbal spell (to open flower petals) (!).
After you find an egg, “with” on it… It will be necessary to get out. Moreover, in front of the entrance to the level (broken wall), there will be “timber”, “foresters” will attack the heroes, better immediately as soon as possible (!) In any case, I went and attacked, went and attacked…

Open access to the bonus: exploding boilers.

The essence is to twist the walls and statues (of all of them about 10-12). You – the result, I got gold. As far as I can judge, beans are added for the medal – the beans are added (bronze – 50, silver – 150, gold – 350 beans each)…

Returned to the bathroom

It was here that the place hidden earlier was discovered, where there used to stock waters – now the bridge. Purpose – Search icons.

Then – herbs, herbs

Yes! At this level, as soon as you find a book with a spell (in herbal gazebo, right left), you will know Herbivicus spells (!). Here it is useful in the levels: forbidden forest, bathroom stard..

Attention! And here, too, not everything opens at once (!), something – then. For example: At the very beginning there is a platform fenced to poisonous mushrooms to get to it – you need to aim a plant, and there is no it… (I did not have), it appeared – only after the main passage of the level. You should pay places with shields… Above the gazebo was mentioned, so there will be a boiler, its wall, and then with the help of Herbivicus’a… Or – where the greenhouses… But your experience is growing… (My, as I remember – Expert).

Again bonus, now it will be – bobutubler..

The meaning is to fall on the purposes of plants (remember the experience of prohibited forest !). Here I chose such tactics: I used only the average plant, but without misses. The account goes to glasses in 3 minutes (I have 130 – bronze).

Second Test – Lake. By the way, the HP itself does not save anyone, sails and only…

I hope you will be able to accelerate (!), I got it in my time (although the key was pressed..). Otherwise – too leisurely!

Tactics against enemy entities: when their whole accopriety on the way (the second part of the level) – smoothly with the “up” arrows, then “down”, again “up” and in a circle, while shooting “x” -m. When they just swim… It is better to swim in the riding (!).
Next, then there is an obstacle bubbles… to attack! Splash..

Here is the last bonus level: blocks of the tower.

Task: put stones on each other at the site in the center. All five stones. My result silver – 1.35.

Now you can return to previous levels and destroy the necessary shields (I needed 11 pieces).
Most of the missing, I found in the woods and bathroom, well, and a couple on herbalism (I did not come there purely from the principle, in the first passage I strongly spoiled the mood of endless flying boys) (!). Well, where better to go to you, decide for yourself.

So close to the end… Games – Labyrinth!

Beware of nippers from the ground. Look for way out.
Somewhere in minutes 8-10 such a shodlinka.. The main thing is not to circle. Further: Angry from… Things. You can: right or left.. So exit…
Cedric defends Harry from Victor Krama… And the last thing comes here – the salvation of the saddles stuck in the branches!
There: two monsters (big, attack, still splashing fire), also in two corners there are spines… I myself: for a long time I tried different ways how to kill these monsters, I tried:
– stones on them (those at least that);
– “X”, “C” on them, but they are also kind and healthy;
– on the mentioned spines of them, did not notice the big effect;
– I tried to water-stew them when those running behind me hit the wall (such a moment you need to adjust, otherwise – a lot of health takes away if they poop you…).

As needed (!): make sure that the monster hit the wall and immediately his “x” -m, in a row… after one – two such attacks, mustache…

Latest Level – Voldemort

You get on the cemetery immediately after the labyrinth, more precisely in the rollers shown, as Harry and Cedric together touch the Cup and…

Voldemort (yes, yes, revived) wishes you only “good”.

Skeletons – repeatedly attack “X” (!). When they destroy them… reflecting avad two magic connect… This ray must be directed (!) on skeletons, more precisely – its point of contact. Do not have time to reburial all skeleton… Vold raises the statue and she hunts on you (trying to fall target)… Its as well as skeletons. Better as follows: first deal with skeletons. Then – the statue, tapering until it flies, and boosts, and when to go down… The same ray on her.
After such strikes, all…

Yes, all, end!

You are watching roller… From WDA you were saved (taking Cedric’s body, by the way, only the soul of Cedric is released from the wand of Voldemort), stock at the Cup… and there at the entrance to the labyrinth… Then… Dumbledore’s speech: times change…


And you again in the menu. If you want something – you can cross.

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