Hearts of Iron 2: doomsday: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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July 19, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Hearts of Iron 2: doomsday: passage
Hearts of Iron 2: doomsday: Game Walkthrough and Guide
The strategic game requires self-control and a leisurely thoughtfulness of actions: you have to drive deep into the righteous desire to grab the ax and crush all the left and right for the benefit of humanity. It is necessary to dig painstakingly in a variety of development programs, scientific developments, characters and numerous tables: prices, connections, characteristics. Oh, not royal this thing… But gradually the game became more and more to occupy my thoughts, picked me as a river, and confidently joined the sea, the name of which “my free time”. Able to seize the strategy – a rare bird, and pleases that although it is occasionally, but still meet those on the way. Therefore, I have a hurry to express my gratitude to the Swedish company “Paradox” and the prophet it in Russia, the company “Snezhok” (Snowball), who released an entertaining thing – “Victory Day II”.

This is a bug: By installing the game, immediately need to run the patch, otherwise the year to the forties will fly all the preservations and it will be very offensive.

It all started with the fact that I got a modest lift in the form of a country: the size, form and name of the new virtual homeland – to my choice. There are almost 40 options: about 30 secondary countries and six main: Soviet Union, Germany, USA, United Kingdom, Japan, Italy. Choose and bypass, time is! Times are not chosen, but in this case, this choice was: whole four options. You can start from 1936, 1937, 1939 or 1941. The game has been calculated until 1970, and then – the end: that grown – it grown.

This is interesting: Some of the game lovers, her temporary frames seemed too narrow: A program has been laid on the Snowball forum that allows you to start playing since 1930.

Each country has its own advantages. Your resources that are always missing, their own story. The initial conditions of the game are a rather close similarity of those in which Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Churchill, Roosevelt, or, if the player does not seek easy ways, someone less famous, for example, Greek King George II or the King of Norway Hocon VII. Who exactly depends on the country’s chosen. The goal is to surpass the head of state of the Second World War and to propose a superpower from the adorable state. In Very Easy mode, this result is guaranteed to anyone! And with more difficulty, so that grateful virtual fellow citizens, in honor of their leader, the Mausoleum opposite the chief department store or at least a bust of the Hero’s Major Motherland, the leader will have to work. Work – and a lot – will have to go head and hands. So, the goals are clear, the tasks are defined, for business, comrades!

This is amazing: Real history is reflected in the game very accurately: complied with the fundamental events, and personalities, and the milestones of science, and the stages of weapons development.


…And there was a great economy, that is, I knew how to judge how the state is riches and what lives, and why not need gold to him when a simple product has. BUT. FROM. Pushkin

The basis of everything – the economy. Countries are divided into regions, in some areas – good with resources, and in some – not very. There are current infrastructures in the regions, and if lucky, then also plants. Plants can be built, and the infrastructure to develop. It is necessary to do this, but it is important not to captivate too much, otherwise you have to meet the enemy bread-salt, and not by the anti-tank grenade. For it is impossible to do everything at the same time: the number of objects that can be created in the country is limited to industrial potential. Or a new plant or a tank division. Each industrial enterprise is a solid plus and to industrial potential, and to the monetary budget, but the newly built plant pays off in approximately five years. Therefore, hot heads prefer not to bother with construction and immediately get involved in the fight – and where it will work out. Occasionally turns out. In addition to the development of infrastructure and construction of factories, it is possible to build ground fortifications, radar stations, air defense batteries and atomic reactors. Is it necessary to do this – the question is controversial. Talk about it below. The financial part of the economic system is very pretty. The player regulates the distribution of cash flows: this can be done manually, and you can pass the “automatic”. When everything is calm, it is profitable to do it independently, adjusting financing priorities for current tasks. But when the Motherland is in danger and the enemy in all sides, God with them, with these penny, the machine will cope and will cope. “The district is closed, everyone went to the front”.

Foreign policy

There were two neighbor, two neighbor – cannibal. B. Navigator

Politics is also not the most difficult thing in this world. There are only three military-political bloc: Comintern – Socialist part of the world, t. E. USSR with satellite;Axis – Fascist and protashist countries: Germany, and later Italy and Japan;finally, Allies – Democratic part of the world: United Kingdom, USA and Australia. Less significant countries, if nobody conquers them, sooner or later voluntarily join some of these blocks, and randomly.

Relations with neighbors are measured in points – from -200 to 200. The fewer points, the more aggressively configured against you another state and the less chance with him about something to agree. On the number of points you can influence, but sometimes the quarrel is more profitable than the weekly financial injections in the promotion of alien lifestyle neighbors. Marely facilitates the establishment of “puppet regime” in the zone of its interests. To achieve it, you will need to work by the army and the fleet. But, having bothering, once and forever get rid of endless partisan movements and burdensome concerns about the prosperity of annexed territories. There are other advantages. Each marionette country is a good pension gain: part of the national gross income is invested by satellite to our economy (and I would try not to invest!). Scientific Potential Puppet also expands the capabilities of native science.

On a note: puppet mode if there are free funds (a lot!), can be installed and bloodlessly: to buy a political coup in the state in the case. Hence the conclusion: politics policies, and allocate money on counterintelligence, otherwise there is a risk to finish the game with satellite.

It is important: Carefully treat the appointments of ministers: their abilities must comply with current tasks. For example, in peacetime, the intelligence minister should not be a specialist in army compounds: industrial espionage is more important. And when the state has no occupied territories, then there is no minister of the internal affairs, characterized by the talent to suppress national discontent on these. So, choosing a candidate for a position, you need to carefully examine his dossier.

Domestic policy

People with one side understanding, on the other hand he is not impaired. And it all depends on what you will come with the side – with the one that he is clear, Ile with the one that is incomprehensible.  D. Prigi

All internal policies are reduced to the fight against the displeasure of the people. Here all means are good. Political system can be varied: the leader’s wide scale from totalitarianism to democracy. It is possible to increase the issue of consumer goods: for some reason people like it. And finally, hit the season: creating a professional army. This is a very effective, but extreme measure: the people are happy, the ladies are flashing, the birth rate grows, but the treasure is empty! Therefore, this expensive medicine should be given in limited doses – let the professional will be only part of the army.

This is interesting: It would seem that the political means of manipulating the masses should also include actions with spiritual values: culture and religion. But there is no such possibility in the game. Whether the developers have forgotten about this side of life, or on the contrary, they treated it so seriously that they did not decide to entrust players.

Big Science

Science has the best way to satisfy curiosity of individuals at the expense of the state. Academician A. ARTSIMOVICH

Science in the “Victory Day II” stands on the shoulders of the economy: the more industrial potential, the more research can be conducted at the same time. The maximum possible number of areas under study – five. Save on scientific affairs is not worth: This leads to a seal army, outdated production and hopelessly underdeveloped agriculture. Nevertheless, it is impossible to get ahead of the Batiki in the bake too: the rules do not allow. If the invention in the game by date is strongly ahead of a similar one from real history, the fines are accrued, due to which the development of this technology slows down. Therefore, the overtaking of real history can be afforded only when I really want to. If there are no personal reasons for excessive attention to this area, it is more profitable to suspend and temporarily take the stack of another actual task that is more suitable for timing.

For each of the preferred directions, you need to choose a scientific group. The most important thing is to take into account the theme, specialization and scientific potential of the group (from 1 to 9). The first investments are best done in the development of “labor instruments” of scientists (Industry. Cryptography). This is a branch that begins with the study of arithmometers (counting machines), and ends with the creation of the most powerful computers. Computerization noticeably speeds up studies in all areas.

At the same time, you need to quickly go through the path from the base machines to the conveyors (Industry. Production) so that the manufacture of small arms, aircraft and vehicles happened not by. Without this, in the protracted war, do not survive. In addition, it is impossible to forget about the peasants. The rural population in the “Victory Day” acts as a human resource for hostilities. Therefore, that during the war there was no shortage of “cannon meat”, at least the average level of agriculture is needed (Industry. Agriculture).

In native and applied sciences (Infantry, armored vehicles, aviation, fleet, terrestrial doctrines, doctrines of the Navy, doctrines of the Air Force) It should be processed from the realities of the country’s geopolitical position and direct all forces on the shock type of troops. For example, Japan or the United Kingdom A developed fleet is vital. But if my homeland of the USSR, then the fleet for me as for the goat bayan. Eurasia, after all, with it, do not win. Whether the T-34 case is cheap and angry. Enemy embodiments from the oceans are constrained by naval aviation and submarines – here they still have to pump them. And by the year to 43, when the issue of Great Britain and the United States stand on the agenda, – Well, water transportation is invented before us. Boldly ahead, with the Russian “Avos” through the sea-oceans, the main thing – to flow!!! And the wings of the Motherland will cover us: Aviation, thank God, Soviet Science and Personally, Comrade Stalin never missed. So leave the development of the fleet island empires. Soviet science is useful than all heat to pay for military doctrines. Repeatedly seen that the pilot armed with the correct ideology, even if an outdated plane, it can easily cope with ideologically immature on the newest fighter.

It is important: Below, in order of preference, the branches of the development of science and industry are listed with which it is beneficial to start playing for the USSR or a large European country:

  • Industry. Cryptography (before A computer – appears after the end of this branch)
  • Industry. Production: Experimental conveyor (all five conveyors)
  • Industry. Agriculture (before C / x production)
  • Infantry. Infantry: Motorized (before Improved), then Supply Alternately S Infantry: Mechanized (before Improved)
  • Ground doctrines. Massed Boy (to the end, except Partisan War) Alternately S PVM SIS. M. (to end)
  • Armored vehicles. Light tanks: Improved: Middle tanks (before Improved), alternately with Stationary air defense: PVA brigades (before Improved), alternately with Anti-tank artillery (before Improved), alternately with Field artillery (before Improved)
  • Doctrines of the Air Force: Field destruction of the battlefield (before Initz . Aes-Bombard. And Initz . Asov-Revork.)
  • Aviation: Tactical bombers (before Advanced) Alternately S Stormware (before Advanced), alternately with Interceptors (before Advanced), alternately with Sea bombers (before Advanced)

It is important: It turned out that almost no sense in the development of nuclear physics. By the time the level required for the production of atomic reactors and an atomic bomb is reached, there are no need for them. Neither energy nor weapons of mass destruction: resources on captured territories and so nemerene, and the full, well armed, having a huge combat experience of the army of anyone on the first “green whistle”.

It’s offensive: Strange View of the Swedes on the Scientific Potential of Soviet Scientists. Of course, it is clear why and. IN. Kurchatov, who made an atomic bomb on the drawings stolen from Americans, earned only four points from nine possible. But why S. P. Korolev who created the first artificial satellite and sent to the cosmos of the first dogs and the first person, has the scientific potential of “five”? The same as KB of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant, brutally destroyed by the Germans?

This is also a shame: The creators of the game were negligiously reacted to the pride of the country of Soviets – Aviation. I wonder how in the CB with the scientific potential of “five” from the “nine” invented and made aircraft, on technical and tactical data for ten years?

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