Hitman 3: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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October 26, 2022
16 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Hitman 3: Passage
Hitman 3: Game Walkthrough and Guide
The game consists of six separate episodes associated with a single storyline. It is possible to pass each of them in a free style, not paying for plot stories, but in our leadership I will focus exclusively on them. Still, you miss a lot if you decide to ignore these lines. I recommend going through the game, after studying every plot, and after focusing at the maximum level of difficulty, choose the mode without masking (dressing up) and so on.

Note. Unfortunately, unlike the two first games of the trilogy, the third part was published by the developers, so they decided to ignore the translation of the game into Russian. This is probably due to financial difficulties, because, for example, the third part did not deliver and more enhanced defense of Denuvo (the game uses the standard measure of the protection of the Epic Games Store).


(In) Security

Once to run any mission, open the menu and go to the Stories tab. Choose the storyline for which you wish to follow. In our case – (in) Security. In this case, a blue marker appears on the screen, indicating the next task item. Sometimes a marker may not be. For example, when you are asked to change clothes to the uniform of the cleaner or other worker. There are many such people, so choose any.


On the second floor there is an office security (Signature Security Room on the map). Standing by the window of this office, you can hear the conversation of two guards who are discussing a new bodyguard for Marcus Avestigator. Moreover, the bodyguard must begin to fulfill their duties today. Since no one has seen him yet in the face, it will be perfectly disguised as a bodyguard and thereby get closer to Marcus for the distance shot.

Find the missing recruit

Look for it next to the kitchen, inside the locker room in the level of 0.

Get the order of the recruit

Inside the locker room (on the Changing Room map) will be broken by documents that you should pick up. Consider what to do it at the moment when a man does not look at you. It will happen a few seconds. First, he turn to the agent 47 for help, then he comes with, and after it will turn back to the maid. At this point and take documents lying on the bench.

Disaster under the recruit

You are interested in a white form. Such guards here are a lot. For example, two are in the corridor preceding the kitchen. As soon as they disappear, pick the moment and stun any. Do not forget to hide the body in the box, located in the room nearby, with balconies, leading to the windows (next to the staircase, for which you came here).

Seem in the office of the Security Service

As soon as you get the form and documents, go back to the Security Service office, boldly go inside and interact with one of the two guards to show the documents.

Wait for Marcus in the Security Service Office

Immediately after that, the guard will contact the phone with Marcus. After a few seconds it will appear in the Security Service Office.

Transfer orders to Marcus

Transfer Marcus stolen documents. It will be really impressed with a summary of the agent 47, and immediately agree to accept it as a bodyguard. True, subject to the passage of one test.

Follow Marcus on the balcony

Go for him by corridors and listen to what he says. So you get to the balcony, where you will be asked to demonstrate the skill of throwing knives. You need to hit four moving targets using 6 knives. After each throw knife is lost forever. If you have an automatic aiming, then pass the test is quite simple. Immediately after that, he will be released from the duties of the former bodyguard, and will hire you. You will stay alone with Marcus, and the storyline will end. If you want, you can push marquis right now from the edge of the cliff. This is one of the trophy murders.

Bird of Prey

Disassembled under the “Vulture” Casem

The man of interest is in the Atrium Garden, on the main floor of the building. Overhear his conversation with Assistant Ingram, then follow in the garden. Distract the man by turning on the audio system or throwing some kind of item into angle with the bushes where no one will see it. Then stun and rejoice.

Speak with the Omar al-Gazali assistant

Now you will need to pass, so you have to get rid of all forbidden items (signed by the Red Word Illegal). After the search is completed, raise the stairs and talk to a woman in yellow clothes.Hitman 3: Game Walkthrough and GuideLucas Gray.
Follow the assistant to the negotiation room

Follow it up the stairs until you get to the conference room.

Wait for ingrama in the negotiation room

Your goal will arrive approximately in a minute. Just wait.

Listen to the wishes of Ingram

Sit opposite ingram and listen to it. It will take a photograph of a curious journalist who wanders in the atrium. You need to figure it out.

Detect Hans Lukhta

It will move somewhere between the Black Gold Bar and the podium in the atrium on which Sheikh performed. It is easy to recognize the pink (or even lilac) jacket. In the Intel menu, you can take a look at his photo.

Make a photo of a neutralized Hans Lucht

Come to the man and talk with him. He agrees to follow you, as Agent 47 promises to share some interesting information. Take a man into a secluded place and stun. As soon as you do it, get the camera and make a photo of the journalist.

Transfer a photo of assistant

Return to the assistant and pass a photo of a journalist.

Penthouse assistant

Again follow the assistant, which this time accompanies you to Penthouse, up the stairs, where there is an ingrem.

Talk to Ingram

Communicate with Ingram in Penthouse. Here you can make another murder associated with the achiver. You need to kill ingram using a miniature oil tower model. She stands on the table. When he stands in front of her, you can push ingraim at the back to put the head on the statue. The room has one guard who is alarming, but you can run quickly and stun it immediately after the murder.

How The Mighty Fall


The entrance to the area for the staff is in the atrium, directly opposite the scene on which sheikh acted (in the opposite side, behind the stairs. There will be a closed door, but you can unlock it with code 4706.

Follow the instructions of heating

But first, go to the right from the scene and inspect the terminals. Take a look at the map to start the storyline. Then go to the door and look at the snapshot that shows Lucas. You will see a chalkboard with a code combination. Enter 4706 and go to the staff zone.

Follow the route

To move freely by corridors, put on a suit server. Fortunately, there is a servant nearby, as well as a closet in which the body of a man can be hidden. Vacuum cleaner can use to distract. Need to get through the corridors to the warehouse, allowing you to get out the outside of the tower. Inside there will be two people you can distract and stun. And you can simply scan the chamber of the panel under the windows. When the window is open, a man with a woman will leave the room. After that, select Through the window outside and move to the right on the eternity. Climb even higher than the pipe, scan the terminal under the window and take into the building.

Find server

Now it will take a new disguise, because there is no servants on this floor. Go to the pantry through the second door on the left to detect the technique. Ideal for disguise update! In addition, the room leads to the server, in which you need to get through the plot.

Use the access terminal

Interact with the console in the center of the server.

Activate manually overload procedure

Lucas will say that you need to pull one of the server racks. It does not matter what exactly you will interact, because any of them will trigger the alarm and blocking the server. And at this stage is a normal phenomenon!


After interaction with one of the server racks in the room will fire guards. Stand up behind any server, clinging to it close and using as shelter. Nobody will find you!

Get a key card from server

Leave the server through another door to be in a narrow corridor. At the end of him there is a technician who marked marker. Commmise it from behind and stun by getting the desired key card. There is also a closet, so you can immediately hide the body.

Hold a key

Return back to the server and apply the key card on a small column that will appear from under the floor. To the left of the main console.

Get admin rights to administrator

Now you need to re-pull the server rack again, but this time it will be the screen with yellow text (on the others – with green). Every time it will be a random stand, so just look for yellow text. If you pour for a rack with green text, in this case again will rise again. Re-hide behind the rack and wait.

Redue the schedule

Take advantage of the console to schedule a meeting between two main goals.

Disguise under the guard of Penthouse

When finished, Penthouse guard will be not far from you and will check the vending machine for the sale of drinks. Stun, hide the body and rejoice.

Penetrate penthouse

Next you need to rise up on two floors. With current disguise, no one will suspect you. Guards with white dots above the head is practically no.

Find a living room

The desired meeting room is located in the center of Penthouse, directly opposite the entrance.

Make sure the goals remained alone in the living room

Goals will ask the guards to leave the room. You do not need to do anything – just wait.

Activate a secure meeting

Interact with a rack panel to perform full room insulation. So the story branch will be completed. Next, Lucas is talking to Ingram and Marcus, and after you can decide how to do with both. However, you need to kill them, so do it as soon as possible. Then hide the body and use the same console to remove the lock. You can go through the central entrance of the penthouse and go to the left to jump with parachute.


Means, Motive and Opportunity

Follow private

First, move through the broken wall on the right side of the gate and move on the private owner to the manor. Spicy bushes and arouse inside the house through the window to the right of the main entrance.

Disguise under a private detective

Silently stun the investigator, which will be held in the corridor next to this window. You can hide the body in the closet at the end of the corridor. Just make sure the side doors of the corridor are closed so that no one notice how you drag the body.

Meet Alex Carlisle in Foyer

Meet Alex in Foye, being disguised under the investigator.

Follow mister fuckby

Move for the butler Mr. Fernsby, who will take you to the bedroom at the top, where Zaharia died, Brother Alexa.

Wake up the bedroom of Zecharia

You need to collect all the evidence in the bedroom Zecharia. You need to scan the corpse itself on the bed and bottle facing the bedside table. Read the information on the laptop in the far right corner and the suicide note next to the fireplace. All tips are shown on your map. Come to the bookpinels on the contrary and interact with the book to open a cache. He itself is evidence, and the latter is inside the cache – a map of transparent glass.

Get more information from Mr. Fernsby

When finished explore the room, go back to Mr. Fernsby, who should be in the lobby below.

Interrogate suspects and search for interesting places

How to interrogate all suspects

This is a complex part. You must interview people in the house. All of them are on the first floor (Level 0 on the map). You can see how they look and who you have already interrogated by clicking on the Intel tab – Suspects. To make it easier to detect suspects, remember their clothes.

There are 5 suspects: Gregory Carlisle, Edward Carlisle, Rebecca Carlisle, Emma Carlisle and Patrick Carlisle.

Just wait all the rooms on the first floor. People who can interrogate will be marked with a green marker above head. All of them – family members Carlisle. Patrick is located in the library, Gregory with Emma – in the living room, Edward in the dining room, and Rebecca walks between living room and trophy. If Emma is not in the living room with Gregory, just wait. In the end, she will come and starts complaining to her husband to headaches.


All interesting places can be traced on the Intel tab. They are signed there – Locations of Interest. Just aimed everybody and collect all the evidence. Names of all rooms will appear on the map whenever you approach them. Easy way to open locked doors – take a montage that lies next to the greenhouse, with a long side where there are three workers. Do not forget that all the evidence that you need to gather in the room (by scanning) are marked on a mini-card in the form of a marker “Camera”. Be sure to use the map to make it easier to find evidence. Also, decide to enter the rooms without mounts, look around the window (or rooms with windows) and scroll through the outer walls to the windows or balcony bedrooms.

Bedroom Zechariah (six evidence) – the room in which you previously led the butler:

– Body Zechariah (scan)

– Glass and bottle of whiskey (scan)

– death note by the fireplace

– Zechariah laptop in the right far corner from the entrance

– Secret room (you need to interact with one of the books on the shelves on the left)

– Mansion plan (lies in the secret room)

Emma’s bedroom and Gregory (Four evidence) – located in the northwestern wing of the second floor. Use the mount:

– Letter from Mother Emma on the bedside end on the right

– Keychain from the greenhouse key (width and suitcases)

– a cane with a bulldog (on the floor)

– shoes and traces (in the corner of the room behind the screen, scan)

Bedroom Rebecca (two evidence) – in the southeast wing of the second floor, apply the mount to open the door, or enter the secret room in a small office:

– Notepad Rebecca near the fireplace (scan)

– Laptop Rebecca

Mr. Fernsby’s office (three evidence) – on the first floor, on the right (east) from the lobby:

– Polling Diary Zechariah

– List of Mr. Fernsby

– Tablets

Orangery (two evidence) – outside, behind the garden, apply the mount on the door:

– Laboratory equipment

– Table with dosage poison (scan, look for the right of the equipment)

Report to Mr. Fernsby

After the interrogation of all suspects and examine each evidence in interesting places, a new goal will appear in the upper left corner. Return to the butler in the lobby, talk to him and tell me that they are ready to report to Alex.Hitman 3: Game Walkthrough and GuidePerhaps the mission with the investigator is one of the best in the game.
Fernsby follow

Butler accompanies you to Alex, located at the top of the office. While he accompanies you, you can freely go past the guards. On this plot line will be completed. Sit down in front of the table Alexa and report everything.

You have three options for dialogue:

– Blame Emma (she is a real killer)

– Blame Fernsby

– Blame Zaharia in suicide

After that you can ask for a reward. The easiest option is to choose the case of Arthur Edwards. Woman automatically opens for you safe. Take the dossier and wait a little to go to the balcony. Go trail and collide a woman with a railing. Accident … In addition, you can get a business yourself by clicking on the button on the armrest of Alexa. Will move the picture, and you will find a safe. Code from the safe – 1975. To find out this, you need to look at the pictures depicted on the safe door, and then find the same items in the room and detect next to each of them a certain number.


Deal with bird nests in the cemetery

Move on the cemetery, which is located on the left side of the mansion, if you look at the map. There are many raven on the trees, and you are asked to drive them. Ideally, their nests should be knocked down with a pistol with a silencer. But it can scare the gardener nearby, so stun in advance.

Disassembled under the graveyler

The coffin wanders around this area – the only man in a black suit. Nearby there is a doomlet, who worries another gardener. Stun it and hide inside the drawer. Then make a tumor, throwing some kind of subject, and do the same. And after rejoice in the Undergraduker.

Say a servant that everything is ready for Aleksa Carlisle

Job with a maid located outside the cemetery to call Alex.

Wait for the appearance of Aleksa Carlisle

Now you can get rid of it upon arrival. The storyline will also be completed. If you want to make a special murder, opening another test and necessary to get another achive, follow the woman and listen to it. After about a minute and a half, it will rise near the tied pit for the grave. The guard comfortably turns to the side, so you can post a woman in the pit. And after use the shovel to float the grave.

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