Icewind Dale 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 15, 2022
15 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Icewind Dale 2: Passage
Icewind Dale 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Difficulty level – medium (Core Ad & D Rules).
This pass is described all the quests that I fell. Remember that some quests can be performed in different ways, this will depend on the emergence of new quests, as well as a little plot line.
Before starting the game, create or choose a party. Do not try to go alone, is not the first part, do not pull. I played for the party Annals of Halgren. This is a batch of neutral affiliation. If you choose the evil batch, the final battle will be more easy. In order for you to have no problems when passing, I recommend performing tasks in the order in which I described their execution, otherwise you risk running on trouble, especially when the sixth chapter passages. This passage is not perfect, here the easiest way to pass.
If there is a sorcerer in the party, then try to give him those spells to which I relied when writing this passage.


Targos Docks.
We appear on the ship, in the city of Targos. Chat with captain, go from the ship. We meet 2 militia and we say that we came to stop the invasion of goblins. Please note that one soldier has a hand. We go a little north, then turn to the east and we meet a person named Brogan, persuade him, so that he allowed us to independently clean the warehouse from goblins. We open or knock out the door in stock, we kill all enemies there, then go down to the basement, we kill everyone there, select one of the CHARRED VELLUM SCROLL goblins from the corpse. We leave out of the room, come to Brogan. We go into a big house a little north-west of the militias, talking to Magdar Shenlen, who will enable the warehouse, take all the valuable and treatments, we give the heap the militia. Kill all goblins in the docks, we write down all at home in search of values. We go to the Salty Dog tavern, talking there with members, Gang Iron Collar, they will tell us more about 2 members, which are not here. We will be interested in the priest Koluhm and the magician Phaen. We leave from the card through the northwest angle.

On the new location, we go immediately to the east and go to the hotel Weeping Widow, I will find out about the ghost of a girl who scares visitors, and about the fact that Koluhm priest lived here, and that he gave a bottle of potion, which if you drink, thenThe spirit will disappear. The owner was frightened to drink it alone, and he will give you a bottle of identification. We wait for the night and go to the 2nd floor, in the room where the window is broken. There will be a ghost of a girl who is waiting for her husband. Come to the owner of the hotel and asking him about the ghost’s husband, he will say that he drowned with the ship, and the wreckage scattered along the shore. We go to Salty Dog, ask the bartender about this man and about a fragment from his ship, if the goblins in the port are already killed by you, then ask the bartender to bring a fragment of the ship. Go to the hotel to the ghost and present it to her, after it will warn you about a big danger that hung over this city. Come to the owner of the hotel and tell me that you have calmed the ghost.
Get out of the house and move to the east, talking about the crane with a man and promise to send him help, in the east, go to the house where Lord Ulbrec. Report him the situation with goblines and all you think about it. Find his wife in the same house – Elytharra. Identify the scroll and bottle, as well as everything you need. Ask about the scroll and bottle. Get out of the building and go to the house that a little north of you. Ask the Mage Phaen of the Rags, about a teleport scroll. It turns out that he is a traitor, kill him and go to Lord’s wife and tell her about it.
We go to the owner of the hotel, and tell him about the bottle. Come up at night with a bottle of ghost and collect her tears in her, after which the ghost will disappear. We go to Lord’s wife and either we sell her bottle with tears for 500 coins, or get a good dagger in return. We go to the house, which is behind the hotel, speak there with the priest Koluhm about the bottle, which he paid for the hotel. We go to the north to the tent, the wounded soldier take the letter, then approach the priest in black and gray clothes, and he will say that this spy soldier, after which gives you letters for delivery. Go through the gate from the city.

Targos Palisade.
Go to the house that the right of you will be on the right. Speak with the captain of Shawford Crale, then we go out and go to the northeast. On the way, we meet a group of spears and instructor, show them how to treat with a spear. With the right from the gnome, to which we will need 2 people – arrow. We argue with them that we will knock the barrel and take the prize – money or a long bow. Come to the gnome and say he will send someone to repair the crane. We go to the boy near the house of the captain, we say that he spent us in the docks. We find in the docks of the dwarf, – and we say that you need to repair the crane, he will give us a wheel that we will need to insert into the crane. We go and insert the wheel in the crane.
We go back to the captain. Behind the House of Captain will be a soldier who will ask for an ala to warm up, spend educational work with him. We go into the house to the captain and we get experience for the repair of the wall, go to the western wall, speak with an archery and find out what we need to go to the store and agree on the delivery of 300 arrows. In the store, we agree on buying arrows, pay 50 coins. We go to the captain and repeat. We go to the southwest to the man at the catapult and convince that he needs help in its repair, bring him any combat hammer. We go to the Koluhm priest, talking to Him about Goblin, we go and repeat the captain. Then we go to the docks, in Salty Dog, there are talking 3 peasants from the Gang of Iron Collar and at the expense of blackmail forcing them to appear on the forefront, to protect the city. In the tavern there will also be a healthy man who can try to win his chain, for this it must be copied. We go to the captain and get experience. Now we are awaiting a serious assault of goblins. The first detachment will appear not far from the house of the captain, put the archers in the magician, and before you go to hand-to-hand, make a volley from the onions on the rider on the wolf. The second detachment will appear in the northeast, we act on the same principle, and the third detachment will appear near the gate, mainly to fill the shaman to quickly. We go to the captain, and then go to the house to Lord, we get money and a new task. We leave from the city and go to SHAENGARNE FORD.

Chapter 1.

Shaengarne Ford.
When you appear on the spot, we celebrate the leader of the Orel of the clan named Torak, which promises us the mass of everything (pleasant). From the north we kill the orc detachment, not going beyond the bulls from the onions, – so easier. We go north, we meet 2 more detachments, they will attack at the same time from the East and West. We shoot in the orc of the arsonist in the West, and he will shoot the barrels who explode and the floor of the detachment will not become, we finish the Western squad, but be afraid of the archers. We go to the north, we liberate the Druid, we say that you are finished with orcs, he opens the passage in the south (you will be shown), and asks you to find his wife if you can. In the north of the orthy camps – a diluted pass, break one board.
Go to the passage that Druid opened. We go on the way when, meet the orcs and a barrel, which is not in the yellow circle, and in red, then run away from such a barrel away, she will soon explode. On the turn we go to the West, we save the Druid wife, learn from her about the ambush, after that the passage will open, we offer her escort, go to her husband, get a prize. We go to a new passage and kill an ambush from the rear. Then we return and go to the north, there we are all, we are treated and leaving from the map to the north.
We destroy the orphanage, talking to a girlfriend a priest, and promise to find and kill the troll who stole her sword. We are going east, talking to the peasant, we promise to free hostages in the village. Making the 1st Hero invisible, go to the camp of the enemy, and open the gate, – a black valve. We go to the village and kill all the orcs there. Then go and rolle the leader and his team, from the corpse of the leader Take the key. We speak with the peasant of hostages, about the dead leader of the orcs, about the passage for the dam.
We go to the cave, behind the orc of the camp, we kill everyone in the cave, including the troll, take the sword and carry his girlfriend to the priest.
We go north, for the gate of the village, we leave the map.
Killing everyone here and leave the card. Here, too, we kill everyone, we take a piece of wood, we finish bridge, rubim the strengthening of the dam.
We leave in the West to the next card.
There will be a very hard battle. As soon as you get on the map, the bridge that you need to free will start breaking. I will write how to prevent his breakdown, but if the bridge everything will break it, this is not the end of the game, just the next plot will develop on another scenario, not known to me. As soon as you beat the first attack on you, make 3 characters invisible (thief, Ranger or Monk, for example), give them some incendiary fluids, but only that the effect is not like from the Fiery Bowl, go directly to the bridge asOnly a wizard will speak with you, send it away. Here you will find you, and the mess will begin, at this moment drag the remnants of your people to the bridge and start the scuffle with the first guards. Those who on the bridge must throw their flasks in the fires that break the bridge. As soon as you kill the first limit, kill the wizard. Disperse, let someone hits the ribbean, and at that moment another distracts the remaining guards, and as soon as possible, promote the remnants of your party to the epicenter of the battle. Snake and a healthy cat, tie the magic, while it will restrain the infantry, then finish the archers of the orcs and parallel to beate. When the magician comes to the orders, give him them, and they themselves do the remnants of the army. Fires that break the bridge will not be distracted by you.

As soon as you kill everyone on the bridge, transfer your breath. On the remaining territory you will be waiting for the army 3 times higher than the defenders of the bridge. She is killed like this: go to her by someone who is not very valuable and does not know how to shoot, – by magician. The remaining of your heroes, let’s bows and everything can shoot. Lay the archers so that around them you can run, and go and put this ohma. Everyone will go behind the magician, and at that moment you begin to shoot them methodically, while the magician walks around you. First of all kill the archers – they will shoot in the magician. Then beat everyone else. Do not be afraid, they will not switch on your archers. After this battle you will probably have losses, Surrend them, collect all the trophies and go to the city of Targos to report Lord about the task. If you are not able to protect the bridge, then just overload there everyone and go to Lord. Do not forget to go to the captain for money.

Horde Fortress
How it is not difficult to guess you sent to disseminate the fort goblin. We appear on the map, talking to scout, and promise her to do everything from us. Level will consist of several sentiments. At every point stands on the drum. As soon as you attack, Shaman goes to the drum and begins to call you on 2 goblins-riders. So that this does not happen, take the hero who has a well-developed ability – hide, go to the departure of a sentiment and stand up so that you can shoot a drum, but you would not see any of the enemies. When start shooting the drum, the enemy if he sees you, it does not respond. After that, go and smoke Zavverow. Remember that on the bridge before each insertion 2-3 traps, they can be cleared, being invisible. Remember: as soon as you find it, you will immediately begin to send goblins-riders to you. They are infinite. Pick up the key from the shaman’s corpse, carefully, when approaching the corpse, – can hit the zipper. As soon as you break down, go to the skaut and offer her a treaty. Go and unlock the gate that in the east, go to the catacombs. Load there everyone, besides lonely Goblin, if he bring spiders for lunch, he will say a password. Persuade the leader goblins to go home. The quest for the fire troll did not perform for reasons of morality, this creature, I just killed. Remove the troll from the corpse. On the map from the corpse of one of the leaders, remove the key.
On the next card, finish the remains of fiery trolls, as well as all of whom will find. There will still be a leader of goblins with him you can talk, give him out. On this map, in order to go on, you will need to find 2 stones – a talisman, giving passage through the barrier, they have shamans and the leaders of the orcs. On the next map you will find yourself in the courtyard of the fort, put everyone there and take the trophies that are in boxes and barrels, enter the fort. ATTENTION, two healthy urodes to rush to you, when you smear them, an old orc will appear. He will be with the staff, but he is very strong, – get ready. Further to expect a very hard battle. Try not to leave your room when the enemies will go, shoot the corridor with fiery balls and everything that will be in the arsenal. As a rule, infantry will come close to you, and magicians and archers will be in the corridor. Try not to attract everyone at once, otherwise you do not take. Use thieves to attack in the back of warriors, and your magician let him shoot a corridor. It will be very good if you still enjoy various liquids, such as fiery oil and T.P. If after the first volley you put 30 percent of the enemies, then the remaining half, will start running away, and at that moment you finish those who have not gone. When you go to throw the leader, then with the whole fortress it will go to him. Lider room – where there are tables with cards. The enemies shove out of the room like this: we make intelligence thief, and then approach the magician and from afar, but not showing it on your eyes, I Casta there, something heavy, designed for many purposes.
After the main battle, the recycles of the rest and find the second scout, tell him that his girlfriend is alive and output it from the fortress. Before leaving the fortress, collect all the trophies. Go to his girlfriend with him, then go back to the city. Go to the captain for money, and to Lord for the experience and the following task.
Before sitting on the ship, take all your things with you.

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