KNIGHTS OF THE TEMPLE 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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March 28, 2022
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

KNIGHTS OF THE TEMPLE 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Having finished with training, which is still recommended to pass, you are free to choose one of three cities, where, according to legend, the three most important artifacts are attractable, with which you can reach the gates of hell and seal them forever. The route can be chosen any. As you pass, do not forget to look into the chests to replenish your inventory with a useful fluff, as well as communicate with all the oncoming transverse, which will allow not only new places to see (side quests are not included in this passage), but also add a handful of excess to your walletcoins, the golden never exists.


So, arrived at the Roman city covered by the Play. Immediately, on the pier, open the chest and take the map to make it easier to navigate. Not paying attention to strange visions, climb through a small stone wall and look for the door that leads to another area of the city. On the way you will see a peasant with a dagger (Caldonius), remember its location, later it will be useful. Next to the statue of the God of Mars, go to the door, inside, talk with the local chief of Malous, who will tell about the situation in the city. Then go out to the street and run to the corner where the Romans crowded – chat with the merchant named Epimachus. Ask him about work for such a skillful guy like you. Will ask to knock the debt to a thousand coins at Caspius’a’s socks, which lives in the port. Now climb over the wall and on the door to the right, talk to the old man Petreus, with a bandage in the eyes. His grief, daughter died, and here someone else penetrated the room and kidnap her necklace. Agree to help unhappy. To do this, first run to the port and request debt with Caspius’a. The entrance to his dwelling is located next to Caldonius. Then you need to threaten Caldonius to give a necklace, but he wants to exchange it for additional food packs. About the soldering Talk with Malius – willingly give, but only if there is a recommendation from one of the locals. And this recommendation will give you a merchant when you return him a debt out of a non-payment. In general, when the missing will be in your pocket, give it to Caldonius, get a necklace that should be delivered to the blind older. Instead, gain a rusty key from the entrance to the dungeon. This entrance is in a deadlock behind the door of Malius’a – the grille in the floor.
In the dungeon immediately take the torch, or do not see anything. The labyrinth of the same type of corridors will soon lead to the stairs, go upstairs. Position in the dining room, where some Roman worship the ghost of the Virgin. After the roller, look at the sheet with the puzzle decoding on the table, and then install the four wheels next to the selection of the fireplace, as it is indicated. That is (from left to right) The first disk is cool 1 time, the second – 3 times, the third – 2 times and fourth – 1 time. As a result, get the first artifact – a flaming eye. The walls will face, so it’s time to quickly make legs. Run on the cutting corridors, praise from a couple of dozen Romans and from inconspicuous storage room to get out on the street through a narrow window under the ceiling. Return to the ship and specify Francesco de Lama (stands on the very edge of the pier) New destination.

Siege of ylgar.

You just in time, the army of Saracinov enthusiastically storms a pirate fortress. Do not give the invaders to destroy the gate (the timer went), then break the ram, which is trying to turn the adjacent entrance to the chips. Here is no hope – the troops still broke through the city streets. Run through them to the end (if you bounce boards in homes, then the local residents who languished behind them will help, but rather morally) and finish off the leader of Saracinov, until he destroyed magic boxes. Talk to Bartender, you can pay him (a lot) to open the door, and you were able to participate in the gladiator tournament or make bets on battles. But this is not essentially, the main thing – talk to the head of the pirates Zacharias. Ask him to tell about the mysterious island, at first it categorically refuses, but then suddenly softens. Will suggest playing with him in an old pirate duel. You must simply get three times from the crossbow to the apple on the girl’s head, if you lose – try happiness again. As a result, it will indicate the location of the island on the map. There and head.

Island of the Dead.

Items here are made not in the chests, but in huge eggs. Drive through the dawns from the logs, then run to the tunnel in the rock. Giants from the cliffs will begin to throw stones, shoot them out of the crossbow. Close to boulders upstairs and read the inscription carved on the stone. Then descend back, scroll through cobblestones on the opposite side, read another inscription, climb to the very top and in the cave. Paul suddenly collapses, and you with him. Soon the tunnel will strengthen the labyrinth of rooms and doors, next to which levers are located. It is not difficult to pass it, but in the end you will get into a large room with a giant and some kind of mechanism in the whole wall. Understand the bullfighter, take the green crystal from the pipe and press the lever – a multiple doors and a massive grill will open. Behind it is a long corridor and a new part of the catacomb, with tentacles everywhere and quilting pipes. Apparently, tried to portray the atmosphere from . Ineffective. See the sparkling green sphere under the ceiling, shoot it out of the crossbow. Load all monsters, press the lever at the end. In the new cave shoot all the green columns under the ceiling, then take the second green crystal. Push the fat men for the opened door, press the lever at the wall and go on the plates soaring in the air, resembling living beings.
Break Palcol from the columns and run out to the middle of the cave, the second boss will crawl there – the giant crab. He doesn’t have special secrets, just jerk it in the face of the muzzle, soon and will die. Take the black pearl from the sink, then break the columns and run to the tunnel. Remove the green bubble from the crossbow under the arch, get into the room with the portal. Here, to start, destroy all the dead, then put two green crystals in the pipes for opening doors. See the video like a knight jumps into the appeared portal. And behind him a new boss – a skeleton with six limbs, sprawling with a gray mass and ejecting, like a chameleon, his long tongue. There are no secrets and this creature is not available, after the battle, take the second artifact – the sword (Deadly Edge), which can be used as ordinary weapons. When you find yourself on the coast of the island, jump into the boat and keep the path to the Arab port, there you are waiting for the third and last relic.

Yusra – Port.

Run for the city gate and after a long wanderings on the streets, talk with the guards in red clothes named Yusif. He will be afraid of such familiarity and plant the field in the dungeon, but he will quickly find a way to get out of the chamber. Go to the door on the contrary, there are two guards and the key from the dungeon. Laying a corridor with two levers, one while you can not use, so descend the stairs next to the other. Go down and lower, open the two doors with the levers, then from the tilted wagon right. Next, a few more levers, doors, in the new part of the incidents in one tiny chamber (there is a prisoner with a prisoner, and a large curtain is waved at the entrance) another key (Tangled Key). Now you can open the previously inaccessible doors. Select from the lower level of the prison just as they got.
The next task is to remove the grille, block the path to the elevator. Concederate the fiery giant and solve a simple puzzle. You need to twist two buttons in the floor two discs in such a way that both purple labels are at the very top (similar to the number 12 on the clock). Sit into the elevator and go down to the Berlnogo to Shepard. Sanding on the pillow fat man with a torn belly. The battle with it consists of two stages, in the first you need to switch to the shooting of the crossbow and wait until it dishes. Then you can shoot in the unconscious body or chop it with a sword, not the essence is important. Then, when the floor collapses and fall endlessly down, jump along the stoves to his offender and shoot his wound from the crossbow. If the arrows are over, then overcome it, it seems, it will not work. After taking the rune and jump into the portal. It remains to get out of the dungeon in the city, on the roofs to get to the port and take the ship. Just try not to descend on the streets with fog, he is poisonous. Still in the port will have to kill the giant to destroy the blockage from the boxes. Once on the ship, swim on the last island.

Island of the First Gate.

The road will immediately block three ghosts and will require pay for the passage. The cost will depend on the number of shower that you have already managed to ruin. You can refuse to pay, then you will have to defeat them in a duel, which is faster and easier. Close up to the lattice, insert the rune into the triangular stone to the right, turn it, knocking the sword. From the mouth of the devil on the rock, Lava is poured, and the first grill will open. Now take to the very top of the wooden playground, press the lever and quickly carry down to have time to do the second grille until it closed. If you do not get along the way in any lava geyser, then you will have time.
The final battle consists of two halves: in the first one you need to shoot three crystal from the crossbow next to the pentagram (red, blue, yellow), and in the second finish the demon with a sword. And not necessarily fiery. See the last video. It seems that the third part of the adventures of the field of the field will not be. In any case, there is someone else in the lead role there.

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