Home » Game Guides » KNIGHTS OF THE TEMPLE: INFERNAL CRUSADE: Game Walkthrough and Guide
May 12, 2022
11 minutes

By Jonny Gamer


Take the key with the shelf and go to the door. Behind it, finish the monk, go down and go down the stairs. Two more priests are waiting for you in the dining room. Turn the chair next to the table on which the candle and book are standing, a secret pass will open. Go up the door nearby, then down the stairs and talk with the two “brothers”. A little bit, in a narrow corridor there will be more pieces. Further on the stairs and on the door to the right. Could find yourself in a small room with pork carcasses. Pribe a monk and pick the kitchen key. Return to the chair, which grumbled, in the room opposite. Take a sharp sword from the dead guard. At the same time learn a new combination (QQW). Go to the kitchen, the door to which there was a spare. The monk will set fire to the room, after stroke into the shimmering door to the right.


Go to the burning fence, break the board from a big barrel. Water is poured out of it and put fire. Now break the gate. Two monks and urban guard will run out to you. The well is crowded one more, select Guardhouse Key. Can drink well water to treat your wounds. Go to a small extension at the wall and take there Gate Key.
Lead will come running. By interrupting everyone, go out into the gate on the other side of the square. Next to these gates will be a glowing column (hereinafter – Save), which you can persist. Further down the street and upstairs. On the way you will be confused under your feet of a few guards and packs of monks. Break the barrels to choose the healing potion, at the door at the end.
Go down, there are locked gates there, there will be two monks in the next room and Bedement Key. Still here is a new sword, next to the ticks, on the stove. Return back, opening the grille, and go down. On the wall shines a strange cross, only until you take it. Send a couple of monks (learn a new combination – QQQ), capture the scalpel and read the book. With the help of a scalpel, pull out the cross. Insert it into a shimmering square in the wall opposite the book. Bookshelf will move to the side, finding behind a secret move.

The Catacombs.

Go down to the big well, bring three monks and pick up Gate Key. In one of the side passes, open the grille, disperse three guards, learn the new specialist (Tab-A). Do not forget to pick up the key. In the next room, move towards the lid and make sure that this is not the sarcophag of your enemy. Return to the well and in the passage where monks will run out to you. Using the key, open the lattice. Again restless monks with the support of the Guardians. Open the sarcophagus cover – it’s not a bishop again. Further you will see Save, locked with grille and three cool guards. One of them very much like a knight. After killing it, you will get the store Room Key. Read the book, you will see there four characters there (the triangle is edding down, crescent and something resembling “H” and “Q”). On the walls in this room there are exactly the same characters. You need to turn them clockwise around your axis so that it turned out, as shown in the picture. Then the secret move opens. Return back, open the lattice and dive into the darkness of the next level.


Run along the corridor, at the crossroads straight, the side passages do not lead anywhere. The grille behind your back will close, and in the room with a sarcophagus you will attack on you. Learn a new combination (QQQQ). The sarcophag of the bishop is empty, who would doubt. You can reset the lid for cleaning conscience. Top further, among future corpses of three monks and the guard, pick up Gate Key. Next to the staircase expects SAVE. In the room with a fire for two more guards, take the Gate Key.
Open the lattice and greet the new opponent – a monk with an inland brand, such cows are swept. Uff like scary. He will take on the help of the same comrade and one more with an ax. The ax is better to choose – this is your second weapon, sometimes more efficiently. Then there will be still a baton and bow. See the roller about the monk chained to the wall. After viewing, a fat executioner will run out to you with a naked belly and start swinging the secretion – a serious opponent. Go to the side opposite to the poor monk, we refer to the exit from the level.

West Belmont.

Two guards will immediately pounce on you, and the third will start shooting from Luke. Pribe the first two, take a more mighty sword, then the remaining guard and get it onions. Bring a box at the wall – you will be and arrows. Run further on the body, with the walls you will be treated with two guards, near the closed gate, for which you need to get the key. Kill them out of the bow, break the barrels at the wall on the right and pick up the key.
Open the lattice, soak the top three in turns of suicides, go through the gate, along the wall and in the new gate. Come to the tower, read a note at the wall. Look upstairs, shoot out onions in a skip to the rope fell to you. Dry for the rope, start calling the bell, to whose noise will come running in the red hoods. Swipe them, select Gate Key and open the gate. Save. Finally, fulfill another dance with sabers (new combo – QQWW), break the boxes to choose treatment and arrows, and leave the level.

East Belmont.

There are rumors that the townspeople saw a bishop sailing on the ship means it’s time to the harbor. After disassembly with two soldiers, break the drawer and take the heap, move on the street. Next to the reservoir, select the new Small War Axe (a very stupid ax, even despite the fact that it is “small”). Scroll through the bridge, in the barn, turn the two guards, take a handle (CRANK). Return to the bridge, cement with three new victims. New combo (qqqw), unfortunately, will be the last. Go on the door to the left of the bridge, upstairs to break the lattice. Save. From this column, go down, go to the door and on the street. Pick up a rope (rope) in a dark corner, then fight three, then another with two guards and run on the shallow groove with water. Use the handle at the wall and immediately on it the rope. The gateway closes, and the water level will fall. Now you can go down to the basement.

The Harbor.

All the circle is hopelessly lost crazy, and you need to continue the search for the ship. Run to the pier, after the fight, pick up arrows and gate key. Go to the gate and upstairs. You need to swap a water mill mechanism, but how to do it? Go down, scatter boxes and collect everything that lies badly. Return to the car and scream it with a spit (Skewer). Mill break, you can move on. Behind the gates you are waiting for the heels of guards and Save. Run on the embankment, break two backups to kill the bridge. Two others, at the opposite part of the bridge – Shot out of the bow. See “Cinema” about your sail on the ship, conversation with the spirit of Adele, Bishop plans and T.P. Adele will give you some of his strength, having endowed the first magical ability (Space + W). It allows you to be treated.


You now have a new suit, and on the head – a metal bucket with a slot for the eyes. Pribe two new opponents – Saracin. They will now become your relentless headache throughout the considerable number of episodes. Take the Gate Key.
Open the grille and break the box that looks like a shelf to pick up the treatment. Further the street follows two more Sarazin and gaining a new way of attack (Tab + E). Drag the barricade from the boxes and disperse with the next pack of Bedouins. Raise Gate Key. Over the gateway in the wall – Save. Two shooters will have to be removed from the bow, go further down the street, you will attack the Arabs with two swords instead of one. From one of them the key will fall. You will show the cart in the back, but fortunately, miss. On the square, send five opponents to the forerase, and in the house three more. What to do, twist right in front. Grap the key and finish the episode.

Showdown in acre.

In front of you flooded staircase, and on the right four levers. This is how it is not difficult to guess – another puzzle. You need, pressing levers, omitting all dampers to overlap water access. Each may be connected not with one gateway, but immediately with two. So, the first lowers the fourth, the second – lowers the third, but raises the first, the third lowers the first and raises the fourth, and the fourth raises the third gateway. Source, experiment and close all the gateways. Further beat two citizens, climb up the stairs and go outside. One of the two Saracin takes backdoor key. Inside the building, save (Save), go down the stairs and in the metal door on the left. You are waiting for you five, no more. Take a new bow. Again crawls the whole screaming of offenders. Break the wooden canopy, take the arrows, go upstairs on the stairs and in EXIT.

ShowDown in Acre, Continued.

You need to meet with the leader of Saracin, maybe he will help. Go through the courtyard, remove the two warriors and break the wooden gate. Further on a narrow street, disk up with the top five Saracin and take Gate Key. Open your gate, flood two poor things, open the lattice and meet a new portion of fresh meat. In the end of the way, enter the palace with the “chess” floor. Opposite the entrance is the door you need, but first you have to get a key for it. This key is in one of the barrels on the stairs, before entering the building. Run behind him and forward to the next chapter.

The Saracen Leader.

Go to the left, where there are three Sarazin meetings with you, and upstairs. Shoot the archer, cross the courtyard and the door. Go down the stairs, there you will find the door behind which you will meet the local leader. He will begin to hang noodles on the ears and calls for himself, but then everything will still be reduced to a banal clarification of relations with the help of power. Battle will not be easy. Take the key, discover the chest in another wall. In such chests, you will come across upgrades for your magical abilities. This time improve the ability to be treated. Exit. Open the hatch key next to the stairs.

A Way Out.

Bishop goes to Jerusalem, and we follow him. Running a little bit of catacombs and hacking around four citizens in the cabbage, you will score on the camork with an opponent who has a new weapon in his hands – MACE. There will be no new types of weapons anymore, only more advanced models will come across. Over the next door you will find another puzzle, by the way, is very busy. On the wall there is a round shield consisting of four rotating disks and two handles, each of which simultaneously rotates two disks. And notice that they rotate at different speeds. Look around and see with similar shields on the walls – Remember how the vertical slot should be located in the middle, through which the wall is shifted. On your disk you need to repeat everything exactly, that is, all four disks should get up so that it would be how to separate the two parts of the image from each other.
Break the boards to destroy the passage. Konnepad poured the tunnel behind your back, break the stone wall on the right. Again Saracin with Dublin. Instruct him where you can, up the stairs and end of the level.

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