LEGO STAR WARS: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 19, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

LEGO STAR WARS: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Snack dexter

Location of dislocation, neutral territory. Here you can choose to play any of the available levels, buy tips / heroes / bonuses or open them with the help of codes (we are honest people, therefore we will not consider this option) and admire the collected ships. You can also practice strength on interior items and collect a small initial capital (such an opportunity will be available throughout the game, but then it will be more efficient to get older levels again).

Contain basic information about the game device. Easily borrowed to the root for only 360 units.

Of the 56 game gaming characters available 31. You will receive the rest for free by plot. The possibility of buying a certain character opens after you defeat / meet it on one of the game levels.

1) Droid racing – 250. Features: No.
2) DROID PC – 350. Features: No.
3) Battle Droid (Protection) – 300. Features: shoots, but slowly.
4) Battle Droid – 200. Features: shoots, but slowly.
5) Battle Droid (commander) – 1,000. Features: Slowly shoots and speaks on the radio, which, it seems, does not bring anything.
6) Drojdek -10,000. Features: Protective Field and Long Deployment in Combat Position.
7) Royal Guard – 800. Features: arrows.
8) Padme – 800. Features: arrows.
9) Dart Mol – 15,000. Features: Sitx.
10) Clone – 2,000. Features: arrows.
11) Geonosian – 2,000. Features: Shoots, but slowly, can soar.
12) Boat droid (geonosis) – 300. Features: Old droid in new coloring.
13) Super combat droid – 5,000. Features: Excellent shoots.
14) Dzhango Fett – 65,000. Features: A good shooter, can soar above the ground, however, does not fly anywhere, but Ponteo.
15) Bob Fett – 800. Features: An analogue of a boy IVOKER.
16) Lormar – 20,000. Features: Jedi.
17) Ki-Ady Mundi – 25,000. Features: more Jedi.
18) Keith Fisto – 35,000. Features: And also Jedi.
19) Shaak TI – 15,000. Features: Well, finally, the Jedi, and I started worrying ..
20) Count Duku – 45,000. Features: Sitx.
21) Bodyguard Grievous – 30,000. Features: Has a staff jumping above.
22) General Grivus – 200,000. Features: 4 Laitseber, jumps above others, handsome man.
23) Clone (Episode III) – 600. Features: arrows.
24) Clone (Episode III, Pilot) – 700. Features: arrows (albeit a pilot).
25) clone (episode III, swamp) – 800. Features: You will not believe the shooter.
26) Clone (Episode III, Volker) – 2,500. Features: That they are clones ..
27) Mais Windows (Episode III) – 30,000. Features: Jedi.
28) disguised clone – 2,750. Features: arrows.
29) Darth Sidius – 150,000. Features: Sitx.
30) rebel warrior -1,000. Features: arrows.
31) Princess Leia – 50,000. Features: arrows.

Purple – 50,000. All Laitseymes become purple, like Windows.
Big Blusters – 50,000. External change in the type of blaster.
Classic Blusters – 75,000. External change in the type of blaster.
Weak ballsters – 100,000. External change in the type of blaster.
Silhouettes – 75,000. Black monophonic figures instead of textures. Gothic.
Mustache – 150,000. All the characters are added mustache.
Tea cups – 175,000. Universal deadly cups kneading lighties and blasters.
Brushes – 200,000. Malicious Jedi-cleaners on the trop of war.
Kits detector – 750,000. All ship details are marked with white arrows. Useful thing.
Disadvantage – 1,000,000. She is Same.

Jedi meter
For the detail of the super-set at the level it is necessary to fill out the Jedi counter. To do this, you need to assemble a certain number of details. Attack objects around you or affect them by force so that they are semi. In the event of death in battle, the bonds drops you on 2,000 units that you can still have to pick up. Death from falling into the abyss or anyone not intended to live the substance punishable 1,000 units, which, however, you will not pick up (although there are exceptions, say, one blue detail falls out of the hero, which he immediately picks up). In general, the characters are not distinguished by special vitality, so be careful. The counter must be filled only once, after which you can lose the details without worrying about it down.

Details of ships
In addition to the main super dial, each level has its own set of ten parts. These details are well hidden and often require the efforts of several characters, that is, you can only take them in free mode. For each assembled ship you will give 50,000 units, so, in addition to the point in the passage of the game at the maximum, it is also a good earnings. Read more about the location of the parts in the passage of the levels themselves.

Types of details and their cost
Silver Detail – 10 units.
Golden Detail – 100 Units.
Blue Detail – 1000 units.

Episode I: Hidden Threat

Chapter 1, Negotiations

Since in itself the passage of levels, nothing complicated and incomprehensible is not in itself, I will describe only worthy moments + getting the parts of the ship.

!! All the designations of the “left” directions, “right” and t.D. given relative to the camera, not a player.

one. Open the first door on the left in the corridor. In Stand in both heroes on the buttons (if the second character controls the computer, it will do it myself), get the droids and take the item.
2. Switch all six blue levers. Detail will appear ahead at the height of the jump.
3. Open the droid to the second door on the left. Skayvoker’s boy dive into the mine and turn off the protective screens. Build a column and jump from it to the details.
4. Similarly, switch six purple levers.
5-6. Open R2-D2 Third Door. Collect the power ship in the center. Jar Jar Jump from the platform next to the screen and take the item. From the same platform, open the mine at the top and pick up it. Use the R2 walker to fly the abyss, then jump onto the ship and take another detail with it.
7. Having opened the passage in a small room, pick up the built building and jump up.
8. Once in the hangar, jump on the arc, move to the next protrusion, or go down, build the power platform and Jar Jar jump there.
nine. Move the design in the nearest corner and pick up it on the platform. Open the R2-D2 door. Inside by manipulation with buttons, remove the cap closing the engine.
10. Build rise to the platform next to the magnet, activate the lever on the wall to run the platform movement, pick up on it and wait until she comes to delets. Or simply use the R2 walker to get to the target from the initial position of the platform.

Remarks: Jedi Counter is closed easily and easily.

Hardened characters: TS-14. Features: can open some doors.

Chapter 2, the invasion of Nabu

one. In a small impasse, on the right build up the platform by force and shoot it into the target.
2. After removing the tree off the road from the way, attack it until complete destruction.
3. Exploding the block blocking path, jump from his remains up.
4. Remove these remains and jump into the open niche.
five. Driving on plants on the way to stairs. Some of them will publish a characteristic sound and leave after themselves some subject. The last plant will leave the platform. Move it into the right place and take the detail of Jar Jar.
6. Roll into the ledge from which you took parts for the construction of the platform.
7. Removing parts blocking logs, descend to the ledge formed by them.
8. On the way, dive into the mine.
I. Detail for guarded by three droids door, immediately after the swamp.
10. In the last location, collect the designer of three parts.

Remarks: Drud coming from the forest endless. Do not try to kill them all.

Received characters:
Jar Jar Binx. Features: Jumps above others.

Chapter 3, Flight with Nabu

one. First, make three cubes from door partitions, then put them on each other and take the Detail of Jar Jar.
2. Upstairs, in front of the passage to the next location, pull out two platforms from the wall and fly from the top R2 to the corner – the detail is hidden in the greenery.
3. In the next zone, immediately go down.
4. Relaxing the windows, go to the left edge and jump down. Kill droids and go right.
five. Here, at the bottom, turn the abyss of R2, pick up the shooter, put the tradeks, take it up again and take the item.
6. Before the large gate (which opens with four targets), climb the stairs behind the columns and pick up the shooter upstairs, dive into the mine.
7. Mine moving left and move to the balcony.
8. In one of the three closed cells on the left.
I. There are four trees around the central button. Drag the crown and build the base in one column, pick up it and jump up.
10. In one of the closed cells on the right, there is a way out from.

Remarks: To fill the counter, women’s wrapping, right up to balcony fences.

Received characters:
Queen Amidala and Captain Panaka. Features: Can shoot targets and climb on fishing racks in certain places (hereinafter just arrows).

Chapter 4, Mos Espa Race

one. At the end of the fallen lift on the right, before entering the cave.
2. Inside the cave.
3. In a shot of the canyon, on the left side.
4. On the turn, outlet of the canyon, between the columns.
five. A little further under the arch on the right side. From two accelerations, choose the right.
6. Right at the rate, after a series of accelerations, before lifting.
7. In the middle of the third site of the route, in front of one of the groups of accelerations.
8. Before Finishem.
I. Between two accelerations on the direct first plot, appears on the second round.
10. Also the first plot, to the right of the acceleration right before launching down. Take on the third round.

Remarks: The Council issued to you at the beginning is very useful. I recommend this button to hold and not let go. In the second segment of the third round, immediately take the right and hold down the left turn key before acceleration, so as not to enter the stone in front. In order to meet on time on the third section of the third round, it is necessary to drive through all accelerations and not run into abundance of abundance around the bomb. To get details, stitches small columns and crystals in the cave. In the case of the destruction of the car / loss on any of the tracks of the track, you will be torn 2,000 units that you will no longer return, so I’m trying to pass everything from the first attempt. And remember that the meter needs to be filled only once, and then you can lose the details as you please. As an option, the meter can be gained at the first two (or even one first) circles, and then nothing cares about anything.

Received Characters: No.

Chapter 5, Disable Tiid Palace

one. In the right corner of the first location, climb the shooter to the top and go around the window grilles.
2. To the left of the first part, break the window shots and pick up the hole.
3. In the first hall, destroy the statue and stand on the button under it.
4. Before the next open door open, turn left, disappear with the enemies and pick up the protrusion. Open the doors and take the item. Attention: the door can only be opened only by the dark side of force, therefore, you must have SITH.
five. To the right of the fountain, raise the shooter. The detail will again be outside the windows, this time they can be broken.
6. To the left of the same fountain dive into the mine, pick up on the mouth of the right, build the platform and jump to the details.
7. The lifting elevator for R2 (next location) jump down and go to the left.
8. In the distant corner of another hall, put two tables on each other, it is taken up on them up, once again up the shooter and the left left.
I. In the hangar with one of the platforms on which pilots hold, bring the shooter to the ledge with the detail.
10. From another such platform (it is near to the exit) you can climb the highest in the hangar. Move to the right to the details.

Remarks: Sometimes the subject of the interior becomes destroyed only after some power cooking. So, for example, in one of the halls, the tables and chairs should be put in a row, move glasses and dishes from the adjacent cabinet on the tables, and only then you can cut them on the detail.

Received characters:
Padme (fight). Features: arrows.
R2-D2. Features: can open certain doors and soar some time in the air.
Anakin Skywalker (boy). Features: can squeeze into mines.

Chapter 6, Darth Mol

one. Over the right ship, at the height of the jump.
2. Over the left ship, but above: first fix it, and then take the detail of Jar Jar.
3. Sharing the Force, pick up the platform above the passage and open the door R2. Inside, go through all the lamps on the floor to appear the detail.
4. In the persecution of the jetty, pick up the shooter upstairs, go to the platform, lift it with force and jump on her Jar Jar. And there is a huge pile of details.
five. Go the bottom – stumble upon another detail.
Shch. On both sides of the entrance to the next location of the console for R2 are launched in motion platform on the sides. Both will take you to detail.
8-10. On platforms with which mol will throw in you objects.

Remarks: After you kill all the droids, reflecting the shots of Blaster, they say the subject to send it back to it. In practice, it is noted that the power button for interception is better not to keep, but press. When two droids commanders appear, try to break through – reinforcements they can cause infinitely. The last battle consists of three stages. On the first melt easily attacked by a blow on the area (click the attack button during double jump). On the second it will rush in you with objects. Note that your power ceases to act if the subject flies beyond the screen, so go to the enemy closer. At the third stage, they are insensitive to ordinary attacks and invariably successfully attacks you with something like a suffocation. As soon as the character appears a red halo, switch to the other and Bate Sitha, when he starts to raise his friend in the air, at that time he is vulnerable (if you play hot-seat, then, naturally, you do not need to switch anywhere, just acttogether).

Received Characters: No.

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