Limbo of the Lost: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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July 26, 2022
14 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Limbo of the Lost: Passage
Limbo of the Lost: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Management in the game Classic Point and-Click. The right mouse button set the direction of the hero, the left we call the Oyji board, in which they choose “use”, “see”, “take” or “sniff”. In the lower right corner of the screen there is a compass, which indicates the direction of movement “North”, “South”, “West” and “East”. Exit to the main menu is carried out using the ESC key.

Somewhere in the dungeon

We talk with Arach. He opens to us the door of the camera to the nail and gives a nasty worm that took out of the ear. Do not worry, everyone is only ahead. Let’s leave the chamber. We read signs on the doors, for which the captured souls are sharpened, with something not pleased with the mesmer. We go to the right and consider the skeleton in the cell with the inscription “Do not feed!”. And we were not going to do nothing more like skeletons feed. We climb the stairs, pass along the corridor. I will pass another staircase. Aah that it is? Fuh … just a skeleton, I thought who would be more interesting. We look at the stone coffin in the middle. Go from him to the right. We speak with a pretty acne in a cage. Ouch. Glazik fell out, so hope. I promise this corpse to help free it. From the floor raise the flexible torch. There is nothing more here, we go back to the stone grudge and go to the left.

Next, we pass along the corridor to the right to the room of Merzer. Go to her. Well and stench! Get acquainted with bass edom. From him we learn that in order to get out of this place forgotten by God, we need a key hanging on the neck of Merzer. To the right of Ed, take empty flask. We go out and go to the right up the stairs. Who it is sooting there? Go to the kitchen through a wooden door. What a pretty green carga. We speak with the cook, we need to bring her a piece of people. We listen to a compliment about our excellent ass. We go to the right to the bookshelves. Looking out the window, trying to find out where we were brought. Someone else? I do not. Right on the bookshelf, we take the cookbook and read the recipe. So, 1 piece of rotting meat, 1 measure of the main brew and suck with something cross. Sounds appetifier.

Next to the bookshelf, which left, take an empty bottle. From the table grabted a note and a jar with human fat. We read a note. Yeah, karga is not a fool to drink, it’s only on your hand. We go right and climb the stairs. Go to the wooden door. So this is for the ropes, not those who hold the cell of our sympathy? In the inventory we impregnate the progress of the torch by human fat. Returning to the cargo, set fire to the torch from the flaming fire. We go back and overgrow ropes torch. Oh how much noise. But the quiet can not? We leave the room, we follow the contrary to the sign “Caution, water!”. Go to the wooden door. And this is what the kiddy worm? Come to the fountain, pour water into an empty flask. Go north. Sign “No way out!”. Yeah, so I believed, maybe there is no key?

It’s time to check how gently landed our gherdy. We go to the cells. This and all that remains from him, one shevily hand? We will be content with small, take a chopped hand and a crypton on a globe on the right. We go to the kitchen to the cargo. In the inventory we put a slippery worm into a flask with water, we get almost tequila. We treat the green alcoholic tequila. Then give her a severed hand and a crypt. Vews for Merzer Ready. We go to the jailer room. Look at Merzer. In the empty bottle we collect snot. Someone disgusting? Further will be worse, get ready. In the inventory add snot into the crypt. Sleeping pill ready. Give it to her bass. After watching the roller, go back to the messenger. Take the key. Remember the door over which the name “exit!”? Go to her and open the door the key.

Lower levels

We take the cover of the coffin, it will be useful in the farm. Go to the door. We talk with the keeper of the lost shower. Builds all sorts here, and then apologizes, gives! Choose myself a gift bottle with chloroform, could also offer something better. We look at the iron gate, behind them the stone sarcophagus. Come to the globe to the left of the gate. Get out of it a boatswain whistle, a tricon, an ancient steering wheel and an eye bandage. From above above the coffin metal plate – remember. Come together now to the globe to the right of the gate. What charm, also the meadow is not all rotted. We look at the head and get a glass eye from the eye depressions. Move the camera to the body, take the bone. Go north. Again, the ambush, sex rotten! Put the coffin cover to rotten boards. We pass through the lid. Who is yelling there? We go two times left. We look at the sign “Dogs do not feed!»We go south to a room with two big urns. We look at the right urn and take sawdust. In the left urn oil. Pour it while nowhere.

Return to the signboard and climb the stairs. Wow, these are beasts! In the middle on the floor we will see a metal grille. We laugh from her iron bar. Put the bone to the third bowl open the gate to the left. Go to them and go to the old good bridge. Next, go ahead to the development. We go to the left, cross the bridge and turn to the left again. Go down the steps. In the lower left corner we take torn curtain. We go left, then on the corridor right. You have not worn yet? I’m already almost. We go straight and left in the room to Zhuchil. After talking, we understand that this is we to blame that the Cupped ate the Eyegown Zhuchil. Conscience does not torment anyone?

Take a small bottle in the right arc. Come to the stone shell. First click on the button above it to turn on the water. And then, quickly, while the water is not over, we pour the water in an empty bottle. If you did not have time, press the button again and pour water. To the left in the coffin we are trying to take a glass larch until it turns out. Come out of the room and go to the fork. We turn right, we go through another bridge. And here is the very place where locked the bang. Her, we will not go to him yet. The chain hangs on the right, try to pull it for it. Socan.

Return to the room to the keeper. We take from the grudge to the right one more bone. We go to the dogs and put the bone in the first neighbor my bowl. Opened middle doors. We go through the bridge and further directly. Near the fork, we celebrate the resident of the ceiling Araha. Right we can not go through the door locked. We go to the left. We speak with O’Negas. Return to the keeper’s room. In the inventory we connect the metal bar and steering wheel, apply on a metal plate above the left grudge. Move the globe cover. Ltd., hello Gherdyayi! He gives us an old bottle. We take another bone and go to O’Negasu. Give him an old bottle and go to visit. After talking, we take a glass box in the next room. We go out and go to the juchil room. In the inventory, add chloroform in a glass box and put a glass larch there.

We return to the peels, put the bone into the only empty bowl. Go to the last gate. Reaching the fork, go to the right. Cross the bridge, go to the room with the statue. Trying to move it off. It did not work, but the golden cup fell. We take it. We go to the doorway on the right. We speak with a slightly covered black hawk. We promise to deal with the crow. In the inventory we connect the glass eye and the bandage. Shoot in a bird. Hawk gives us a cage. Another valuable gift. Now we go from the bottom of the left. This is someone else? Apply on the stone guard the seal of suffering. Ltd., spoke a bird, and what ikaet? Now we need a soul of warrior. Somewhere we saw these doubts … AAA, O O’Negasa. First poke into a room with two urns. Pour oil in the golden cup. Then visit the keeper. I will exchange a bag with saffron on a chloroform bottle. Now to O’Negasu (for those who forgot, remind, the second gate, from the bottom of the left). Come to the shelf on which there are bottle bottles with souls. Just so we will not be able to take we need, you need to put on her place like. In the inventory, add saffron to a water bottle. Now it looks like. We change the vials of places.

Go to the stone guard and give him a soul of a warrior. Go around the guard, go to the arena of pain. Left we see a purple glass ball. We produce a glass larch on it. Wow, ran! Take a metal spear. On the steps we notice already fastened fat larva. Come to her and look like a glass fly gets out of the larvae. Quickly put a fly into a glass box with chloroform. We go to Arachu (second gate) and give him a fly. Fuu … nail tearned! Open the door on the right. Yeah, 4 more doors! We notice that one of them is wooden, the rest of the metal. And who loves the tree to scam? That’s right, Touocco. We go to the entrance to its cave (the extreme left gate, from the development of the right).

On the right under the sign “Angry True” we see a hole in the wall, pour oil from the Golden Cup. Next in inventory connect sawdust and cell. I lower the chain and put the cage before entering the cave. When the bangs take the cage, cover it with a torn curtain. He fell asleep. Take a cage and go to four doors (second gate, turn right). Release Toupeted. I tried well, see the eyes did not eat. Open doors.Limbo of the Lost: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Click on the metal button on the 2nd door, opened the 4th door. Close the 4th door and apply a spear on it. Close the 3rd door, 1st door opened. She needs us and go to the door. Watch Roller.


We go to the east. We speak with the keeper. He presents us a couple of shoe bones. In inventory, all things are preserved. Do not be afraid to see them, just click on the arrow to the left. We go south, where the keeper stood. We reach the elevator number 666 and go down. We leave from the elevator and go to the swamp. We go all the time to the left until we meet the giant. With the help of Nail Araha (indispensable tool), remove the metal mask. Hah, not bad cheeky bodhage! We remember the hint, which he tells us “Use the opposite of nine with three”. Raise the iron mask. Going further left. We find our sympathy stuck in the swamp. Trying to pull it out. Oh, the leg was torn off! When he replaces his foot and get on land, take a gift from him – Rusty dagger. Next to go nowhere. Return to the elevator and go to the corridor to the right. We see three large valves. Come to the first left valve and click on the buttons as in the picture.Limbo of the Lost: Game Walkthrough and Guide
The valve opened, climb into it. Metal gates are closed, you need the key. Go right three times to the pumproom. Rusty gates are also closed. Today is the day of closed doors anything? We return one location back and go to the south (on yourself). When one-eyed miracle dives under the water, we take the key with the grille. Open them rusty gate in the pumproom. Go down, read a note, look at the valve. Now we can do nothing with him. Return to the metal gate and go to the left of them. We reach “management of worries” and go to the east. We go through the room, go to the iron door. Cross the library, go to the door on the left. We go to south. In the weapon room right take the hammer of the torus. Returning to the Cabinet. Right on the table take a piece of wood (wooden flute). I barely found it.Limbo of the Lost: Game Walkthrough and Guide
We go back to the “Care Control” and pass to the left. Knock on the door and talk to the concern. In inventory on a metal mask, press the action to pull out the Nail Araha. We dress a mask on our kraughn, he runs out in horror. Open the table of the table, take a feather handle. Slightly elucid the inkwell. In the inventory refuel the ink handle. We return to one-eyed worm, apply a ink handle on it. We get the pen. We go to the bodian on the swamp. Feather remove the shacks from it, we get a second tip “When to fold it all, it will be, this is the only way out.”. Go to three valves. Come to the middle and press the buttons as in the picture.Limbo of the Lost: Game Walkthrough and Guide
We climb inside. Go ahead to the south, then right to east. OPA, another charming woman Nora Myshkins. Interestingly, they have all women alcoholic? We go south (on yourself), then to the West (also on yourself). What does not answer yes? And I did not answer. Here and peasants drink, he at least faith. Sitting to sleep uncomfortable. Under the table we take an empty bottle and coil with a fishing line. See, on the right chain hanging? Jerk for her, the man did not hang? It seems to breathe. On the table opened our leak control unit. Sin on the buttons do not buttons, poke – do not hesitate, anyway nothing happens. We go to the next room. We take a nipple with the table, go ahead.

To the left at the barrel leaks the crane. We substitute an empty bottle under it, pour moonshine. Take this mixture of Nore. And now? The whistle we sowed somewhere, and we do not know how to whistle. In the inventory rusty dagger picking holes in flute. Go to Bodhage. We free it from the shackles, having a snap chain with nipples. We get round metal pieces from it. Hey. where you shoved the ball? We go to the room with valves. And here is the ball. Open the third metal round bag valve. Using flute. And where now this rat with a ball? We go to the pumping room (valve 1). Go down on the stairs. And here is the ball! Beam hammer torus for metal valve. We look where the ball rolled. Return and go to the second valve. We go south (on yourself). Come to the stone and play on the flute. We go south to a drunken man. Click on the control unit. Seen where the ball flew? We go through the wooden door and go to the boat to the right. Sit into the boat and rowing oars.

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