Majesty 2: The Fantasy Kingdom SIM: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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October 7, 2022
16 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Majesty 2: The Fantasy Kingdom SIM: Passage
Majesty 2: The Fantasy Kingdom SIM: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Before playing the main mission of the company, I recommend passing training, it is very short and will take quite a bit of time, but it will give some idea of the game itself.

Now a little about the features of management and generally the game in general.

The game has unusual for many “not direct control”, that is, to manage the characters will not have to make them allocating and pumping where they need to go, as everyone is accustomed, but by installing certain flags of action.

There are only four such flags:

Flag flag – scares heroes from the place where it is installed.
Flag of protection – Calls upon the heroes to approach and protect what it is installed on.
The research flag – calls on the heroes to approach him to dispel the fog of the war around the flag and explore the terrain.
Flag attack – calls for heroes to attack what it is installed on.

The flag can be set value than the amount of money on the flag, the higher the level of the heroes that will respond to it, and the greater the distance on which the heroes will notice the proposed task. Pumping heroes passes quite simply, every time he fights or performs any task, he gets experience and increases its level. If the hero dies, it can be resurrected to the cemetery for a fee. The price will depend on the level of the hero, which is higher, respectively, the resurrection is more expensive. Also in the game you can save heroes. Each time after the end of the mission, you can build one of your hero in the title – Lord! And in the next mission to build a building – the hall of the Lords and hire this hero. In the Lord Building, you can hire a maximum of three lords.

Mission 1: Engine Trade

Purpose: build a steady economic system

So we must build 3 shopping posts, for this, the first thing we build the market. And build a protective tower that will be useful in the future. We must also fulfill the first task, one of the heroes should get to the port, which is located in the northeast and wait for the arrival of the ship of the Trade Guild! We are building the guild of warriors or the guild of the Rangers, and better both of these buildings. The road to the ship is sufficiently dangerous, on the way the undead and bears will meet, so it is better to first collect a small army and improve its characteristics and only then go. After some time, the guild of merchants will send a caravan to us, our task is to protect it on the road, so we recruit the soldiers and go. I advise you to extract the whole terrain from Berherry and Negotia, which will constantly bother with attacks. Now let’s start building trading posts in the specified places of the map, if the locality has already cleaned, then there will be no problems. Victory.

Mission 2: Great Towers

Purpose: to protect the frontiers of the kingdom from minotavrov raids.

We must find the foundations of the ancient security towers that are near the mountains in the North-West. But first, we will equip the city and give the army.Majesty 2: The Fantasy Kingdom SIM: Game Walkthrough and Guide
The enemy will constantly attack, so watch the defense. We build more security towers and do not forget to improve them, then simply slowly clean the area from the crypts and various burgrels. When we get closer to the desired towers, we will meet the peasants who will agree to help in construction, in return to the deliverance of their village from Minotaurov raids. We explore the locality nearby and find their lair. After his destruction we return to the peasants! Now just guard the towers while the peasants are delivering them and watch the video.

Mission 3: Baron account

Purpose: punish Baron di Lat for insulting the king

We have to destroy Baron’s castle, and at the same time and destroy the portals of Hell in the district to close the units the way to the kingdom. We start traditionally to equip the city, collect the army and defend . Baron Castle guard 4 guard towers and many demons. Initially, it will be best to destroy all the logs in the vicinity, in parallel developing your city. There will be no special difficulties and surprises here, just gaining a soldier and send to destroy the towers, and then the castle itself.

Mission 4: the shadow of the past

Purpose: destroy the witchcield tower

So, we must find and destroy the tower of one very strong magician Andrevus. We begin as always with strengthening its positions and detuning the city. Nearby is a settlement of gnomes that can help us. Improve the castle and forge to the 2nd level and the gnomes, appreciating our achievements join our kingdom. Be sure to be the first thing to build a guild of magicians and improve it to a 2nd level, any other building Andrevus will immediately destroy, and we will spend gold only in vain.Majesty 2: The Fantasy Kingdom SIM: Game Walkthrough and Guide
In this mission, you should not create magicians, they will be poured on the approach to the tower. The main weapon here is gnomes, since they are well crumpled buildings and have a good resistance to magic. In general, we create an army in which there will be mainly gnomes and we go to the tower of the magician. But before that it would be nice to destroy the 3 log houses of fire elementals in the vicinity of the enemy tower and destroy the monsters themselves, they can very much in the future.The battle will be difficult, destroy the security rods and then the tower of the magician, after which the magician himself appears, naturally in rage, kill him will be easier than destroying his tower.

Mission 5: Royal feat

Purpose: Kill Dragon. Get the Great Artifact.

Dragon Rafnir Dangerous enemy and protects very strong magic. We remove the city and keep defense. Immediately at the beginning of the company, the dragon himself will attack us, but we are rapidly bored with him, and he leaves us alone. Now he will periodically attack, and fly away to his lair. We must find a witch, in the north-west, she will tell you how to cope with the dragon. It will be very hot, the city is constantly attacking, flying snakes and minotaurs, you need to defend them in parallel and destroy their Logov, one after another. After that, learn from the sorcerer, how to defeat the dragon. In the south-west of the castle at the ruins of the temple of the dead God, ghosts dwell, serving the dragon. Kill them, Rafnir loses part of his strength. But still, the dragon is very strong. We collect a troops more and equip the entire city by security towers, then destroy the lair Rafnir and kill the beast. In his body we find artifact, tivus mantle. Watch Roller.

Mission 6: big problem.

Purpose: Conduct with huge, ruining the surrounding villages.

So, we must get rid of huge restrictions. We are starting to draw up and try not to wake a monster while he sleeps, it will help prepare for the battle. We build a market and draw it up to the 2nd level, after which the elves that are in the neighborhood will offer us help. Also reducing the support of the Mouse master, which will educate our heroes to new techniques. To do this, you just need to get to his estate that is open on the map. If possible, we clean the terrain, so that we are not particularly reacting during the preparation for the battle. Then simply collect all your troops, improve the skills and attack the ribbed all the might that we have. OGR Silen, but if the army is prepared, there will be no problems.

Mission 7: the deaths of kings

Purpose: defeat the king rat. Get the Great Artifact.

The king of rats is sufficiently tired of all its ultimatums, and we must solve this problem once and forever. One good cheesemaker made a trap for rat, and we must go to the port in the north-west of the castle. At first, as always, we draw the city, gain the army and improve it. We destroy the most nearby crypts and burgots. All the time the king of rats with his subjects will be attached to us, but while we cannot kill him, since it is very quickly hiding in his holes, placed on everywhere. We go to the port, there are a caravan with cheese and accompany him to the city. After which the trap with cheese is installed, now the king of rats caught, he will not be able to take cheese, but he will not be able to move away from the cage with him. Attack him with all the might and watch a victorious video.

Mission 8: Life and death

Purpose: Build a temple for the goddess of life or for the goddess of death

We must build one of the temples on the Holy Land, if we build a temple of life, then the goddess of death will attack us and the same if the opposite . As always we remove the city and defend. Survey neighboring areas, the sacred land will be protected by elementals. We destroy them and build any of the temples. The temple of life creates the priescene for treatment, but the death accordingly, according to the contrary. A special difference that build no. After the construction, one of the goddes is accepted and will open seven portals from which her servants will go to punish us. We destroy all seven portals in turn, which will not be much difficult, and watch the video.

Note: After this mission, it is possible to build various temples that allow you to hire various types of troops. Crypt Temple, Allows Hiring Sisters Crypts, they do not like paladines and can explore the “Plague and Razbean” spell. The temple of the agrals, allows you to hire the priests of the agroles that explore the spell “Revival”. Dauros Temple, allows you to hire Paladins who do not like the undead and explore the “Holy Shield” spell. Krolma Temple, allows you to hire the masters of the sword, which are examined by the spell “Rubrol’s Wrath”. Fervus Temple, allows you to hire beasts that explore the chaos shield spell. And the Temple of Helia, allows you to hire the archers of Helia and explore the spell “Sunflower”.

Mission 9: Posterstiy.

Purpose: Find and kill an ancient lich.

So, one ancient magician was revived in the form of a mighty lich. Now he is a king of undead and raises hundreds of dead. We must stop him until he has not collected an invincible army. At the very beginning, we accumulate on robbers who ask to protect them from undead in exchange for their help in our battle. We go and destroy all the cemeteries on which ghosts appear. Now we have access to the robbery guild.Majesty 2: The Fantasy Kingdom SIM: Game Walkthrough and Guide
We collect more strength and attacking the main enemy, the person will be somewhat, or rather several of its reflections. It makes no sense to attack him, we still can not apply a significant damage. Several mirrors will be placed around, each of them gives life to one reflection, we destroy them one after another, thereby killing all the reflections of lyric. Now he is alone, throw all our strength on him. Watch Roller.

Mission 10: Impography Gold

Objectives: earn enough gold for the allotted time.

Everything is simple here, for 35 days, we must accumulate 35,000 gold for the future war with a demon. We build a city, market, but do not forget about defense. Also, in the local land hold robbers, their logow is placed on the map, but we are not visible. We collect the army and destroy all the logow, for each we get 5,000 gold.Majesty 2: The Fantasy Kingdom SIM: Game Walkthrough and Guide
To begin with, you should build the lock and the market to the 3rd level. Then open the nearby posts and do not forget to guard them and caravans, they will bring good income. One of the posts will offer us a merchant, just accompany him to the other end of the card and get 15,000 gold as a reward. Now it remains only to wait when the required amount is accumulated. When it remains very few days, the city will be tightly attacking strong elements, you can simply not pay attention to them if the castle of the 3rd level they will not have time to even damage it. Just wait until 35,000 is in the treasury.Victory.

Mission 11: Eternal love.

Purpose: King King Skeletons. Get the Great Artifact.

The King Skeleton, together with the retinue of Negotie, long wanders around the location where our mission begins. He wanted his lost love. To calm the king skeleton a little, we have to find his beloved. We send a detachment to the cemetery, in northwest. There we meet with another magician who decided to help us turn out to be a beloved skeleton not a girl, and flute, he just loves music. Take this flute from him and throw the king and now that it has it, he calms down a little and dissolves his retinue. Now he is alone, but still very strong. It is not necessary to attack him, he will soon attack himself, it is better to use this time to preach to prepare for battle. Then all the forces are thrown on the king of skeletons as soon as he stops the territory of our city. Kill him and take advantage of the famous Syndrian Scepter.

Mission 12: blood resentment

Purpose: destroy vampire castles

So, we must destroy all the castles of vampires, there are only three of them. We start as usual, touched and defending. After some time, Vampire Hunter Wang Heventsing asks to help him leave these places. We take the soldiers and send on his defense, for which we get a solid reward. Further, everything is as always, we are strengthened, we collect the army and destroy one after another vampire’s log house, which are copied at different ends of the card. After the destruction of the latter, Drakk will appear – the main vampire that was hiding for a long time from us. We destroy it that in principle will not work.

Mission 13: Applicants for the throne

Objective: Destroy the castles of competing kingdoms.

Our castle is located right between the castles of white orchid and the castle of the blazing stars. Ardania may have only one king, so we have to destroy both castle to become this king. We rebuild the city, we worry well, the enemy forces are very high, besides, their two. As we will be ready, they attack the castle of a flaming star, which is in the lower left corner of the card, it is protected easier than the second castle. We destroy it, we are treated in the same way in the right, the top corner of the card, where we destroy the castle of white orchid. Watch Roller.

Mission 14: Demon Adviser

Purpose: Find and destroy the hellish adviser

The Counselor of the Deon seeks to destroy our city. But he does not appear, preferring to act with strangers, we must find it. Near our city there are several caves of fires that advisor uses against us. We destroy all the caves as soon as possible, ignore such enemies too dangerous. After their destroy, the enemy will appear even more danissant, the advisor adds dragons on us.Majesty 2: The Fantasy Kingdom SIM: Game Walkthrough and Guide
And they will fly to the whole of their lair, we destroy it as soon as possible, and we get dragon treasures as a reward. Then gaining strength, improve the army, examine and clean the card, otherwise we will be very disturbed in the main battle. Then we find the adviser itself, it is very strong, besides, it is guarded by strong elements, first we endure them, and then the advisor himself. Watch Roller.

Mission 15: Return of His Majesty

Purpose: to fight the demon and return the throne of Ardania.

So, the moment of the final battle came. We have to fight the Barlog Demon and send it back to hell. It will be very difficult, the demon is incredibly strong. The demon will attack almost at the very beginning of the mission, so it is impossible to slow, we must be ready to take a fight. At the very beginning we already have a market, forge, several buildings with troops and a decent amount in the goat. Therefore, immediately begin to build towers, defend, create and improve troops. Then we get help right away from all the gods. Slowly examine the entire card and build the temples of Dowrosa, agroles and heliums and their priests will get rid of us from servants of the demon, breaking the way to our world. Also we are building the temples of the Fervus, Crolma and Crypts, their priests will hit the barlog of a terrible curse. All this will act, only as long as the temples. All the time that we will examine the card, and build temples will attack us a barlog, so in parallel you fight him. When all temples are erected, fighting it will be much easier. We destroy the demon with all. We look at the final roller.

Tips on tactics:

The most important thing in the game is to keep the defense and do not give the enemy to destroy your castle. Therefore, in all missions, it is most attention to paying precisely defense. In each mission, at the very beginning, it is worth raising at least a few towers to protect. The more towers, the better. It is also worth putting at least one tower at each rat hole, the hole cannot be destroyed, so the towers will restrain the onslaught of rats. If the heroes are dying, they should be revived in the cemetery, and not to create new, because there is no point in pumping them every time. She stands at the beginning of each mission as soon as possible. The game practically does not need the tower of magicians, and magical protective towers, so it’s better not to spend gold on them!

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