Mass Effect: Game Walkthrough and Guide # 2

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August 18, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Mass Effect: Passage # 2
Mass Effect: Game Walkthrough and Guide # 2
Salvation of the Galaxy from the invasion of ruthless cybernetic invaders – the main test for the commander of Shepard and his partners. But on the way to the victory over a raggy supereagert of the Citadel and his army of robots, we will have many times the opportunity to distinguish between the bosses, to go on combat missions, with which no one will cope, or simply help in the difficult position of Humanoids.

Side quests, they are “tasks” (Assignments) – Good opportunity to diversify the gameplay, distract from the plot and help the team “Normandy” rise in the level, solve financial issues or acquire cute equipment. Some tasks Shepard gets on the planets and in the citadel. Others – in open space or even in orbits of distant unexplored worlds. In one of the tasks, the commander will have to remember the past, in the other – to express their established views on the world. If you ignore side quests in general, the game will be reduced in two or three times. It is useful for those who need to quickly run the plot to earn another reward, however, at the first passage, side quests will become the only way to discover the whole game, the space of the citadel – the universe Mass Effect.


To Eden Prime, Shepard will not be distracted by the side tasks, so the first missions will start only in the citadel. There are a lot of them here – the station is big, the people here live here, and very many inhabitants of the Citadel will use the help of the commander.

For your information: To assemble the “harvest” of all quests, you need to return to the station twice.

Xeltan’s Complaint

Volus is trying to explain the police his trouble, without explaining anything substantial. It turns out it does not matter.

Who is this asari? About the house of contractual hospitality, whose mistress Shair literally creates miracles regardless of the race and gender of visitors, Shepard will learn immediately after arrival – in the next embassy room. There, the Volus and couple of concerned Elkorov are discussed by Asari, who began to choose the secrets of their customers.

Soothe Zeltan can after meeting with General Septimus (Quest Asari Consort) – It is advisable to do it before passing the quest Shaire.

Asari Consort

The mistress of the rest salon, Asari Shairi, traditional for humanoids of this kind of occupation, is one of her customers, a certain general Septimus, nothing that Tourian, fell in love with her without memory, but on the proposal to stay friends called and began to dissolve false rumors. Shepard must talk to the general as a soldier with… general, and convince him to leave Shair alone.

Septimus turns his trouble in wine in the institution “At the bark”, looking at the dancing Asari. Convince him to leave the girl alone will be easy. Having agreed with the arguments of Shepard, Septimus will say that she slipped by a certain Elkor with three boxes about Shaire. Now you can look at the embassy (Xeltan’s Complaint), calm Elkor, and then go beyond the award.

Shair will say Shepard a few words about his past and the future and will give the hero key chain of an unknown destination. After that, it is possible to post it in addition to payment by the fact that it bestowed the nature (negative and neutral dialogue variants) or say goodbye (positive option).

For your information: You can use the key chain as the key on the planet Eletania Hercules Systems Attican Beta Cluster – Anomaly keeps interesting information about past Protein and People.

Presidium Prophet

Next to the tower of the Citadel Medusa-missionary preachs the Religion of the race of Hanar, which is not very pleasant to the police officer.

Formally, the officer of Rights – Hanar has no permission for missionary activities, and in any case, in the territory of the Presidium, it is impossible to engage in religious propaganda. Hanar is stubbornly replied that he does not preach anything, but simply tells about those who in the time immemorial times made his race reasonable. Who these kindness is unknown, but according to the rules of the genre of Canari should be secret biological weapons of the reapers.

Neutral problem solution – buy permission to Hanaru. It costs 150 credits. You can convince or threats to force an officer or Hanar to retreat.

Scan The Keepers

The galaxy is investigated, it is possible for the plot to be accepted.

On the way back after the first communication with the Council of the Citadel, Shepard’s partners will pay attention to suspicious Salaarian, crawling around the keeper with a strange electronic apparatus in hand. Since we already know that the “disturb” the keepers of the citadel is strictly prohibited, embarrassment and fright of Salarianin are explained. He will report that his name is Curban, he is a scientist and found a way to explore the keepers, reading the signals emitted by them.

Task is “collector” – you need to bypass with the scanner in the hands of all and every keeper at the station, receiving for each small portion of money and experience. Task – a very good way to raise the first finances and levels.

For your information: If you take the quest Jahleed’s fears earlier than this, then Korban will find on the lower floor of trading rows.

And here’s the Guardian List.

  1. The one he was trying to scan Korban.
  2. To the east (next to the counter-admiral kahoku).
  3. North at the end of the bridge that on the left side of the main transition.
  4. Upstairs behind the staircase, near the Presidium of the Council (South-West).
  5. Near the tower elevator Citadel.
  6. Near the Presentium-Wards Lift Pass, next to the Citadel Tower (Quest Presidium Prophet). Remember this input, you will need it later for quests The Signal Tracking And Jahleed’s fears.
  7. PRESIDIUM-WARDS transition corridor (Jahleed’s fears).
  8. In trade neighborhoods (next to the Khanar traders), in the warehouse room (Quest The Signal Tracking).
  9. Near the transition to the top level, south of shopping blocks.
  10. Near the entrance to the institution of Asari (Asari Consort).
  11. On the balcony for the cafeteria embassies (Homecoming).
  12. At the end of the room with non-surpassed diplomats of different races, through the corridor from the cafeteria.
  13. In the room of the consulate of Elkorov (Xeltan’s Complaint).
  14. Alley next to the trading blocks and the club “Protop of the Cora” (place where the tali is saved by the plot).
  15. Market, upper level, in the corner (The Fan).
  16. Installation “Stream”, in the zone of slot machines, in the corner (quest The Signal Tracking).
  17. Near the medical unit (Doctor Michel), around the corner.
  18. Under the emblem, behind the stairs – near the entrance to the Police Academy Z-SEC, where cars parked.
  19. Police Academy, to the right of the elevator, in the room of INTENDANTA-TURIANIN.
  20. Police Academy, Dispatcher Zone (Quest Planting A Bug).
  21. Pier in the docks, next to Normandia.

Jahleed’s fears

At first, each hypnosis session will call the team uncontrollable attacks of jealousy.

This quest will overtake you in the transition of the presidium-Wards (from the tower of the citadel two steps east and down on the elevator). Little Volus Jalid is convinced that the former business partner Cubanban wants to kill him, but the police do not want to take a job while the Volus does not tell the details.

Korban can be found at the lower level of markets. He either tell the details about the task already issued to you Scan The Keepers and will make it clear that for Jalid to sit just spit, or attack, if you have not met with him before. In the first case, you can convince Salaarian to grow up with Jalid.

In the second case, you have more opportunities – you can take the quest after the battle to scan from Korban or finish it. After that, it will be possible to take the same quest from Jalid, to give it to the authorities or demand a reward.


At the entrance to the club “Stream” Shepard is waiting for a journalist Emily Wong. She wants to hire our hero to collect information about the gangs of the Citadel.

The information we need is lying on the floor in the room of the gangster fist. Take the disk with the data and return to AM Wong. Skills of belief or threats will increase the award. Information about its reports you later hear on the radio.

Planting A Bug

Condition: Completed quest REPORTER’S Request.

This is the second task from Emily Wong – this time you will meet her in the tower of the citadel. The journalist wants to make a revealing report on flight safety violations in the Citadel area. The task of Shepard is to put a bug in the dispatch. The case is simple – go to the specified place (Police Academy, left from the elevator) and “mining” the specified place. In addition, the journalist can be convinced to regret the unfortunate inquisitive dispatchers or lay it, saying that the bug is installed.

“Yes, salary for the last time paid in December… No, in November “.

The Fourth Estate

Condition: Passed at least one story planet.

After the return of Shepard to the station at the police academy, Calis Al-Jilani will capture him and try to interview the first person spectrum. You can answer as you like – for example, refuse to speak at all, to be expressed officially evasively or apply spoken talents. Answers will affect the worldview of the hero (the villain may even answer by hand to one of the questions).

Later, Shepard will hear about himself on the radio and finds out how his authorities responded on an interview.

Schells The Gambler

“Quasar” – can it be overwhelmed by a soulless slot machine?

Condition: Shepard – spectrum and visits the “stream” for the second time.

From the club “Stream”, the guards thrown out Salaarian named Shells – he caught on trying to knock out the casino. Shells wants to create a system for a scaling victory in the “quasar” and invites Shepard to help him, considering the latest data from slot machines.

Shepard, of course, maybe now or then give Salaarian to the owner of the institution by Volus Dorana or honestly take up the game. Need to win five times to read the necessary data. Pacific is watching Shepard – if he is to win too often, the Volus will accuse the hero in the scam.

Rita’s Sister

The waitress of “flow” Rita is concerned about the fate of Jenna – this is her sister who went to work in the “Protop of the Core”, a cereal place. Rita knows that Jenna is not just a bartender, but works under the guise of the citadel.

If you visit “Proton”, then Jenna, for obvious reasons, does not want to talk to Shepard about dismissal. At the yield of Shepard will push some tourism pretending drunk. This is a detective Chelly, who will take the team in his office at the Police Academy (next to the Dispatcher) and accuses that the hero put the cover Jenna at risk.

Pull out a girl from “Triton” if you apply the skills of the belief or agree to play the role of the buyer of illegal weapons modifications. The transaction should take place at the lowest level of the trading quarter. Seller – Krogan Jacks. It can be tried to arrest or simply finish off, but for Chelik is an undesirable outcome.

Signal Tracking

A program that on its own coincidence has steadfasts on pocket expenses – a large leap in the field of artificial intelligence.

And one more quest, starting in the area of the club “Flaks”, at the Far Casino Room. Someone pumps cash from a playing machine. The first transmitter to check is in the PreSidium-Wards corridor (Quest Jahleed’s fears).

The second transmitter you will find in the office of the Barlu merchant information. Third – in the warehouse of trading rows (next to the Khanar trader).

It turns out that the means stealing an artificial intelligence, which was freed from under the authorities that created his humanoid and now sails on the ship to fly to hethemas. Under the threat of disclosure, II prefer to blow up the terminal along with Shepard and partners. It is impossible to convince it. The option of behavior is two – to shoot the terminal itself or disable it, in a few seconds I solve a simple puzzle (the only solution is not here – the puzzle is generated by “on the go”).

Doctor Michel

We are already familiar with Dr. Michel in the plot. Once we figure out with those who are offended by the gangsters, she will offer Shepard to convey to the appointment of medicine and report that Morlan is blackmailing, a salarian trader from shopping quarters.

If Shepard tries to convince Morlans to leave the doctor alone, His friend Krogan will come for the merchant;In this place, the conversation can turn into a glorious fight if the hero has insufficiently developed conversational skills.

Family Matter

Condition: Passed at least one story planet.

Near the shopping district of the Presidium stands and argues the family of Petrovsky – Pregnant Rebecca and her Lelin Mikhail. Rebecca’s husband died from a rare hereditary heart disease, and Mikhail insists on the genetic therapy for a child. Rebecca is afraid of side effects and refuses to pass therapy, taking a traditional treatment.

Shepard will be able to resolve the family dispute at its discretion. The glasses of the worldview are appointed for using conversational skills – beliefs or threats.


Samat, the husband of one of the victims of Eden Prime, insists that the alliance gives him the body of his wife, but officials refuse and not even say why. Self captures Shepard in the embassy area and asked to understand the question.

In the cafeteria there is an employee of the diploma biker. He will inform Shepard that the body of Nirali can serve as science and save other lives, but the study can last very long.

You decide whether to force whether biker give the body to a loyal husband or convince the sameta to retreat, appealing to his sense of duty. In both cases, you will need conversational skills.

The Fan

On a poisonous planet monkeys Mirror ball keeps the legacy of the forerun. How good that Shepard just got the key to him!

Condition: Shepard – Spectrum.

At the top level of the trading quarters of the hero will meet his fan Konrad Werner and asks the autograph. When Shepard returns to the citadel with one of the quest planets, Konrad Werner will wave it in the same place and asks to take a picture of memory.

After the next quest planet Konrad will need to make it a spectrum. Depending on the worldview of the hero and his speech skills, it is possible to either convince the fan to fulfill their duty in the rear, or laugh at him, which will lead it to death.

Our Own Worst Enemy

Condition: Passed Planet Virmair.

Near the club “Flow”, where you called Captain Andersen to a private conversation, the participants of the rally crowd. Charles Sarotsino, activist of the Political Organization of Terra Firm, standing in the positions of the Greater Shanisnism, will ask Shepard to support his platform on the upcoming elections. Good path – refusal. Consent – the path of evil.

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