Massive Assault: League Flower: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 19, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Massive Assault: League Flower: Passage
Massive Assault: League Flower: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Do you know, dear reader, what is a modern wargame?
Yes, of course, you know. This is when only fighting remained. The economy is either missing at all, or (and this is our case) simplified to the limit, the type of money incomes every move / second / between missions, which, again, or do not depend on anything, are either connected with something banal – the number of controlledLands, Retail Sugostites and T.P.

The Budget is replenished in the “Flaw League”, the budget is replenished in a special phase of mobilization, and warriors are immediately hired – and once the future is a galactic, then brave warriors are presented exclusively by technology of different types: tanks, aviation, ships…

Roleprokes alien, no experience, even the usual elements of chance of type of throwing cubes for any reason.

We are a headquarters-rear general who presses the chair far-far from the front line and watches the progress of the battle using satellites, which are able to give any angle of review, height above sea level and t.P. True, a particularly curious on the monitor is not foreseen, because it is neither digging the hole with a shell, nor even cut the age-old oak with a laser beam.

Poor, separated galaxy once again became the arena of the Troubles. The union of free nations and the league bite and scratch, grasping the planet from each other. The plot to tell for a long time – he is magnificent, but caricature-guess. If you want, look at the sidebar.

Colonized planets do not obey the Unified Government – countries (this is the town-capital and deserted lands around) enough, parts are pretty allied nations, Some of the breasts are behind the league. And someone in general, and in general, the neutrality is committed. Looking at the head of the army of one of the blocks, you must crush ideological and political… Well, all in such a way. We will be relying on the subordinate states, to hire troops on the lifts.

Here, in essence, and all.

We are offered to choose from Campania (interconnected chain of combat missions that are combined with a common story and are executed in all corners of the galaxy), Scenarios (Something like Skimirish, missing local values on separate maps), career (similarly, only the cards are random, at the start the minimum of the troops is issued, and after the victory, the elected Ipostaska in the world of “the league” is studying special for specialists) and World War (I fight for the planet entirely until the overwhelming superiority).

Chess cosmic era

When helpful satellites are our eyes a piece of another planet, then, of course, some actions are expected. After we commit them and pour out the situation, you should press the button and finish the phase – part of the stroke, specially intended for the adoption of certain solutions

– For example, the order at the factory techniques, collisions with an opponent or something like that, then the move is given to the enemy, and he already orders his eagles to come, plans to budget and all in this. What phases gave birth to the genius of creators?

“And you Brute!..” (AND Ally Opening Phase)

And the Union of Free Nations and the League acquired by the secret allies – the enemy of these countries considers independent and neutral, but by order of the lord of this or that block the ruler of the state acts at any time against the enemy – in this case the ally the secret becomes clear, and the fact of the famous enemy itself. This has its advantages – it is clear, to discover in the rear the crowd of warrior auborigines does not really contribute to raising the tone…

This is interesting: In the “career” and “World War” there is still a phase of the initial disclosure. Then to order someone to declare sympathies to a certain union can, but must – This is understandable, otherwise I simply do not start the party – no league, nor free nations hired armies, but all countries seem to respect neutrality – and what the rivalry then?! Quiet yes smooth…

“Against the enemy” means to hire (a qualitative composition defines a player) a secret army for issued money issued by immediately, to hire a warrior for all secluded and not very corners of the country and to do under the direct command of the order of the ruler of the Union – that is, you.

It is important: Consider, the “lifting” is charged only once for the entire batch, and to invest them should be immediately. In the “gold wander” secret money – so in the terminology, the “lifting” was correct (hello, tax inspectorate!) – do not put. So…

By the way, while the secret ally revealed the world a true face, to let the suzerena, he will not agree, unless he suffers from the attacked enemy troops. But then in the eyes of the enemy he looks quite a sovereign state. To advise something about how to achieve the benefit from Joker, it is difficult – there are so many situations that, if we talk only briefly, something like: “When fresh forces need”…

For native fatherland (II Phase partisan uprising)

After the enemy joins the country controlled by you, the local population is discounted in the next go and offers to put a militia – in practice it is expressed in a certain not too impressive amount for the needs of national defense. A technique arises for hand to hand, and then the chances of defending the defenseless country are not ghostly – True, any little decent army is able to remove the militia as blind kittens, but while she is engaged in the elimination of militias, the main forces of the block (“Far of the Red Army”…) may have time to respond and enter into a duel with the soldiers of the enemy.

It is important: Militarying folk donations will not work – in the treasury they do not put them, make them put into preparation for the forces of resistance all to the last loan. In addition, these peculiar “billing money” are collected only if citizens are missing for subsequent invasion.

Lavra Comrade Zhukov (III Phase fighting)

Any warrior is able to act during this phase like this: either to make a move or still to shoot, or shoot, but after that the move does not allow, or be passive and wait. Naturally, the goal of the commander is to eliminate the enemy army and, it is desirable to stay on the battlefield not in the singular (generals often head the troops personally).

Make a move Means to get up from the original cell to a new one – ideally, more suitable for solving a combat problem. How far warrior is able to run, determines Location – characteristic, the meaning of which is obvious. However, these glasses are waste unevenly: in the forest and jungle (and in addition, in the steppes, deserts and tundra), the cells are taken away by as many as two, but if you go along the road, then the low-speed technique (with 1 point) moves one cell further.

A separate conversation deserves transport – trucks, special helicopters and combat platforms. In order to climb into the womb of these machines, you should only get close to them. Consider – if the cross was put on the icon, then leave the carrier tool only.

It is important: Unfortunately, engineers transported did not really book, and therefore he vulnerable to extremes. Especially it is a pity when the stationary aviation is in one departure of the slope of Motley a whole selected assault detachment – if our “taxi drivers” die, then carry me into the grave and all passengers. So we can go missile, aviation and cravy raids in general.

Well, finally, shooting. Tricks are not foreseen – you can get anyone who has had a negligence to get into the warrior freckles zone marked with a red circle. Opened Fire Over the phase, the exceptions are the super heavy tanks-jackets “Bullfroog” and the dreadnights of the cosmic era – “Leviafany”, they score from two guns – one big and terrible, the other is curly and funny.

It is important: If the warrior is eliminated, then take its cell until the end of the III phase is not allowed;Thus, it is realistic to interfere with the capture of key points, for example – a strait or bridge, an opponent, at least sacrificing a bolt, who did not have absolutely no chance of victory.

Regarding intervention. Do not forget, partisans-militia will soon stick to the garrison, which sometimes causes difficulties. To subordinate the state, it is enough to introduce troops in its capital. If you manage to establish control (our capital, the troops are completely defeated) over the secret ally speaking against us, he will repack for repair for its goats. But only once for the party.

Mortar Commissioner Passion (IV Phase mobilization)

Phase IV is more pleasant, for it is then the budget is drawn up and the technique is ordered. The countries are financially independent, and one cannot send money to one ally, and therefore, since the hired soldiers arise only within the boundaries of the state, we can always be enemy – even when you almost rule over the world and expose when you mobilize, the full-blooded army.

It is important: Note, if there are no unfriendly warriors on the lands of the country, they will not wait for money from her government – first, I will define security, Mr. General, and then we will definitely not be boring…

Rich countries, of course, have incomes of befrequently poor – it is visible on the eye along the capital: what is concurrently, the state is. However, even the best of the best can not afford an aircraft carrier “from the first salary”, and therefore, sometimes the money does not invest in troops, but are left until the next phase of mobilization.

Finally, the last phase occurs, but for the user it does not mean anything – some decisions and actions are not waiting. Just the computer counts balance (from 0% to 100%), thanks to which the victory is awarded to one of the opponents in World War or Career (in “Scripts” and “Campaigns” are always called special conditions). The essence, in essence, is this: when the enemy can put the army for the course 3 times more expensive than we, then losing. If everything is exactly the opposite – win.

Rati King Solomon

I remember the creators reproached, they say, too similar to the Union on the League (and the League – to the Union), just like the twin brothers, and perhaps and as clones. To the opinion of the public listened – or deaf ear, or something else Listen to, but not Heard. In short, I did not notice a special difference between death enemies. A couple of unique warriors is yes, but, right, somehow it will be not enough…

Land forces – jeep (Free nations call him LBM, League – Smallfut). Machine with machine gun. It is usually sacrificed for the sake of achieving a crippled monstrous Mahina enemy or distracting the enemy fire. Thing, in general, low-oat.

Tank (tank – bio-tank) – already more serious. I’m sure this tin will be bone of your army. Judging by the firepower, the gun of the tank is much worse than the pulleys on the jeep. Do not doubt one of the main advantages – acceptable speed with cheapness. True, in the forest or jungle with a skipper…

A gun (Mortira – Charper) – the perfect candidate for artillery support for defensive lines. Since its engine, to put it mildly, not a speed record holder, in offensive operations, if you do not want to dig away from old age and without reaching the enemy base, it is very difficult to use it. Only if on trucks.

Checkers (Combat Robots – Oxts), apparently, the main shock force of any army. Thick armor lists allow steady to endure the shots, and the brisk mini rockets – painfully sting the enemy soldiers. The cigarette is always annoying, because it is capable of promptly leave the shelling zone and beat too much, while being low. However, the price…

Rocket complexes (rocket attitudes – annihilators) in combination with guns or tanks perfectly restrain the numerically superior enemy during the flank battle at bridges or in the gorges. In addition, if you make the enemy to illudit and delay in distant strokes, then, perhaps, under the constant artillery fire, his army will lose the ability to adopt somewhere. However, the rocket launcher is too vulnerable to aviation and in the near battle. And also, if the opponent’s maneuvers blink, then the colleagues on the workshop one shot eliminate it.

ABOUT Trucks (terrestrial transport – UPS) I already mentioned in the minivar. I will add a picture like this: among other things, transportation is the only chance to ensure a shock army with artillery support. In addition, when the enemy comes from several directions, but the attack does not coordinate, the classist to the operational concentration of the forces and the elimination of the enemy forces in parts.

Finally, “Bullfrog”, Hydia Citadel League, is able to fill out of two types of guns at the same time and has shamelessly high-quality booking. Okia Makhina is running in the mission “Two-handed gangsters”, there is just talking about Read more.

Amphibian (“Amphibian” – “Triton”), perhaps, the most ambiguous technique in the “League Fleel”. As follows from the name, the machine knows and swim, and ride. On combat qualities a little better tank, mobility. But, naturally, buying amphibians. Not many situations when it is useful (for example, maritime transport is guaranteed to turn the aircraft or coastline soaked with dotami), but still they arise – most on the ocean maps.

Of course, in the age of Cosmoflot Fleet Sea stayed to live.

Esminets (destroying killervale) – the complete analogue of jeeps, creating barrier lines, do not allow the enemy to get to the aircraft carriers and battleships, serve a broken pawn, usually finishing the almost across the ship.

Battleship (Linkor – Firestorm) has excellent combat qualities and is able to quickly, unlike the same destroyer, sink an enemy ship. However, this, as it turns out, the backbone of any fleet should be covered with cheap ships with a funny firepower, as colleagues on the workshop send it to the bottom of the ocean quite real.

Aircraft carrier (aircraft carrier – Pteronest) – Mobile base with stationary aviation. Unfortunately, the ship itself does not know how to fight, and in combination with bombers its value is so excellent, which, right, sometimes more practical to pour money into additional land forces. With the aircraft carrier disappears the need to feed the Esming Enemy, and in general the opportunity to get any ship of the enemy fleet dear.

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