Metro: EXODUS: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Visit in Metro Tunnels
During the introductory part of the game, you will find yourself in the metro station of Moscow and put the Artem, returning back after the next routine on the surface and attempts to catch a radio signal from anyone. After the cat-scenes you will need to move through the tunnels. Go ahead and open the door. This path will be linear, so you will not get lost here. After some time, you will get into a narrow corridor with corpses, and about one of the skeletons is a store. Pick it up to stock cartridges.
Keep moving and after a while you attack mutant. You can discard the enemy from ourselves, quickly pressing the e key. This is a typical QTE-scene with which you will encounter at least a dozen times. When you kill the enemy, go ahead to discover even more guards. Load each of them. On the table on the right, at the beginning of the tunnel with rails, is the first note. In each chapter you can find notes and postcards. The first will allow you to learn more about the plot of the game, and the second – enjoy the scenery of game locations made to the nuclear explosion. More about the location of each subject we will tell you in separate materials.
Get to the destroyed blue car and enter inside. Follow it and choose to the other side. Kill the mutant, come and open the door, without waiting for the appearance of the rest of the guards (they will attack you infinitely). New QTE sequence will start. Try to fought off the mutant, and after the video you will find yourself in a safe place where you will meet with Anja, Melnik and a local doctor.Anna.
Listen to several dialogs and after communicating with your doctor, take away the second note from the table to the right. Go to the next room where you can find the first postcard in the game: it hangs on one of the two cabinets on my right hand.
When will be ready, go to the room with Anja, Melnik and many other characters. Meet everyone because you have to travel with them throughout the game. However, it is even more important that some of them may not reach the end of the game safe and preservation. From this depends on what ending you will see on returning from the dead city.
Traveling with Anna through the city
Artem does not give up, so still continues to seek evidence that there is a chance for a normal life on the surface, outside the subway. This part of the game begins with the fact that Anya with Artem returns after traveling to the surface and the next attempt to catch a radio signal.
After conversation with a woman, you will tell you that it is time to change the filter on the gas mask. Make it by clicking on the T key, then move per ane. Go down and follow through narrow passes, and after a while you will find yourself in the spacious hall, where you are attacked by the guards.
All you need to do is follow the companion and after some time you will find yourself on the street. Soon you will notice the crowd of cruise. Hide behind the bus and wait until they delete. When everything is over, then follow the anea and help her climb to elevation.
After a while you will fall into the car, believing that your friends are inside it. Artem and Anna will be stunned and captured. After the video, the main character will be raised, so the next part of the chapter will continue without Anna.
When you get in the ditch, then move forward and arouse under the garbage. You will find a first-aid kit. Press the Q key to restore health glasses. Go ahead along the ditch, and after some time you will find yourself near the sewer. Wear inside and move the only route by avoiding the soldier. In the end, you will get into the room where you meet the elderly driver Ermak.
Railway depot Hanza
Communicating with Ermacom, follow the man to the next corridor. Go to the electric panel ahead and interact with it to turn off the electricity. Then follow your satellite, while it is best to go up and not run. Conduct to the right to the stairs and climb upstairs.
Pass on to see the enemy standing with your back. Stun him, putting the back, then open the door and move a little further. Do not rush when Ermak will ask you to stop because he will see the enemy illuminating the way ahead. Pick up the jar of the jar and throw it forward when Yermak tells you.
After some time you will find yourself in the room with Anna and the head of the railway station. As a result of this scene, you will learn that all Moscow was cut off from the rest of the world with the help of the suppressor shield, due to which no signal or message came to residents of the city. Soon you will learn that the world is full of living people who are trying to communicate with the rest.Head of the Jeweller.
After the video, go out to the street, turn off your flashlight so that the enemies do not find Artem. In the next section of the way you will come across several soldiers. If you wish, you can act silently, stunning enemies, or attack them from firearms. This segment of the game will not affect.
Your task is to go through the corridor and get to the hangar, which leads to the depot with the train. If any enemy detects you, it will raise the alarm, omitting about the presence of Artema of other opponents. To calmly get to the train, proceed carefully and be patient. Get rid of two opponents located nearby. Or rather – pass by them. To begin with, wait for the boxes to the right, while they pass by, and then take care of them to the wall of the building on the left, where the throwing knife sticks out.
The following task is to climb the steps and stun the enemy digging in the drawer. Next interact with an electric shield to disable electricity. When the light is turned off, then move to the left. Below will be other opponents. Can jump to your neighbor yourself and stun it. After quickly get rid of the second. Alternatively, you can navigate through the pipes along the buildings.
Alternatively, you can shoot all opponents in the yard or simply reach the red door. Go inside, follow through the room and will soon find yourself indoors with the train. Like last time you can kill or stun guards. When neutralize a threat, you can free Yermak, with the result that Anna will appear. Climb together with it upstairs and defeat even more opponents.
Use the lever in the control room from above, and then shoot yourself from enemies. After some time, the barrels will explode, followed by opponents, and you, together with Anna, fall down. Move forward, shoot in enemies and will soon find yourself around a large valve, near the place where there was a knitted Ermak. Use the valve along with Anna to turn it. The video will start, as a result of which you will find yourself by train.
So silently go through this episode, you need to act very carefully. Do not forget to extinguish all the lamps and lights located near you. Your first task is to move right, turn off the light and go down the stairs. Having done this, move to the left and deal with the opponent considering the mechanisms under the train. Turn off the light so that no one notice you, then move the gear along the wall on the left hand. Turning to a distance ladder, you will hear that part of the enemies called somewhere. Climb upstairs, run up to the enemy next to Ermacom and stun it. Free the gray-haired man. However, the next part of passing will not work, so together with Anna will have to kill enemies.
Get rid of the train
Jump on the enemy train, then move to the slit to the right of the closed door. Keep moving along the wagons until you get to the guard standing back to you. You can stun or kill it with a knife. Sit and move to the next car on the left, which you warked out outside. Neglected opponents or just pick up a note lying on the table.
Return and move towards the head car. Use the rifle to get rid of all opponents. After time, you will break up to the boiler room where you can place explosives. Having done this, Artem jumps back to Aurora. Watch a video, after which the chapter will be completed. You will no longer be able to return to Moscow, but adventures just begin.
If you want to deal with the enemy train silently, then by moving to a nearby train, all also move along the extreme right side of the next car. Stun the enemy and pick up inside. Go to the next car to discover multiple enemies. You can bypass them, misses the boxes to the right. In the next car there will be three more opponents, they are focused on shooting your train, so you can use it to stun them.
In the next car you can hide under the floor. Thus, no enemy has time to detect you. Wake up at the beginning of the train, then install explosives.
From time to time Metro EXodus you will be held short tasks, which are named after the time of the year – “Winter”, “Spring”, “Summer” and “Autumn”. These are small transition stages, during which you, mostly, must communicate with many of their comrades, search the train and try additional actions. And the first such task is called “Winter”.
At the beginning of the chapter, you will discuss the current situation with my team. Among other things, you will learn about the war between Russia and the rest of the world. In the end, you can approach the map and choose the next destination, or spend some time searching for the train.Customize the radio.
However, at the beginning it will be necessary to configure the radio to the wave to listen to the entry from Yamantau. In other cars, you can listen to additional dialogs, smoke or find an additional note. In all transitional chapters there are no postcards, but there is one note. When you are ready, then go back to the map and interact with it to start the chapter “Volga”.
First steps
Volga – First location with open game world in Metro EXodus. Artem, Melnik, Anya and the rest of the team members will be fired by unknown people, because of which they have to be equipped. Next, we will tell you how to go through this dangerous region. After the cat-scenes and conversations, take a tablet with you, on which there is a map and notepad with the current purpose of the task. In order to open the tablet, click on M. LKM allows you to bring the map closer, and PKM – switch to a notebook with the main purpose.
At this stage you can try free movement and learn location. Meet with Anya and move with it through the abandoned village to the boat station. Sit into the boat and swim along the river the only possible route.
You can search for the islands nearby, but now your task is to swim in the church filled with sectarians and get to the very end of the narrow channel. In the end, you will find yourself near the stairs. Select from the boat to kill the lattice. Syntine decided to catch you trap.Church.
Soots from the church
This is a very important point in Metro EXodus, since, depending on your further decisions, one of the satellites can survive or die. If he perits in this chapter, then you will not be able to get a good ending.
Select on a wooden platform and climb up the stairs. Enter the room after the girl Nastya to meet her mother named Katya. Woman with her daughter will tell you about the current situation on the Volga, and then offer to get out of the room through the opened window, until the guards come here. At the moment you will have a choice that defines the ending of the chapter and game. You can get out of the church silently, the maximum of stunning opponents with weapons, or choose a bad option and kill opponents encountered on the path.
All you need to do is wait until the Silantine soldiers burst into the Nastya and Kati room, after which they shoot them. Leave the room through the door or window. It is best to choose a window as this path will allow you to get to the boat faster.
On your way you will meet even more opponents. But if you have chosen the option with a fight, then avoid them does not make sense because you can kill one after another. The advantage of this decision is that you can freely search all rooms in the church and collect various items, including one postcard. As soon as eliminate opponents, move to the boat at the right side of the church (right, if you look at the input from the inside). Take advantage of the valve to lower the boat, and then pick it up and swim away.
At the very beginning of the trip along the Volga, you will find yourself in the church. As soon as you get to her and come down from the boat, the door will be blocked back. Get to Katya with Nastya, and then choose out through the window. Will be right and climb upstairs. Stun the opponent and descend down the left side. Neutralize another enemy, then enter the building on the right. Move along the wall, avoiding opponents and turning off the lights. You can distract the attention of enemies, throwing banks.
If you are stunning a large number of sectarians, then at some point the remaining enemies will give up. Do not kill anyone. After that, it will be possible to study the area. Go to the temporary port where you need to find a new boat. To do this, turn the valve, then jump into the boat and enjoy back.
Regardless of the solutions adopted in the Church you will need to swim back from the church. Anya will contact Artem. If you passed the episode silently, then she praise Artem and says that he is her ninja. In general, she will be pleased that it was possible to do without bloodshed even if you raised anxious, but no one was killed.
Floating back, prepare for shrimp – river mutants. Secure them, shooting from weapons. Soon you attack a huge catcher, but Artem will get on the shore in time, where the prince is already awaited. Talk to him to get a new task. Return to the train where Katya has already arrived with Nastya, then go to the Melnik to listen to his plan.