Myst: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Home » Game Guides » Myst: Game Walkthrough and Guide
August 9, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Myst: passage
Myst: Game Walkthrough and Guide
In this game you have to unravel all the mysteries of the island of mystery,
ride the time car in different epochs during which
There was an island, look at the beautiful graphics and, in general,
admire the product of two-year creativity of the authors of this game.
The delivery includes a 13-minute video, telling about how
This game was created – it is pretty. This quest is pretty
simple (if you think your head), because everything is very logical here
connected. Therefore, it is recommended to still play it yourself
and use this decision only as a last resort. The game begins,
When you stand on the island, arrivals from nowhere. To explore it
history, it will be necessary to get acquainted with the epochs that survived
mysterious Island. In principle, you do not need to solve everything
Riddles that contain the island island. If you try some
things or just look at the end of the description, then you can not play.
But you get the greatest pleasure if you fully explore all
game and find a bunch of information about various era. So, we will be
assume that you have already dressed in the island and met at the setting.
During the journey you need to switch 8 levers up. These
Look for levers in the following places: Pier, giant gear,
Planetarium, Rocket, Little Basin, Brick Building,
Wooden hut and clocky tower. Lever at the time tower you are still
You will not be able to switch. Do not forget on the way to Planetaria pick up
and read paper sheet. Pier, that is, from where
You start on the left there is an entrance to the underground room. Go out there
and turn off the projector in the form of a boiler by pressing the big button from him
in front. Now turn around, gathering to leave – near the stairs,
on the wall on the left, you will see the paper that would not hurt to read,
But the secret is not in this. Click on the button in the upper left corner
– A secret panel opens! Enter the number of levers (08) located
On the island (you read a piece of paper near the planetarium?). Close the panel
and turn again to the boiler. Turning it on again, you will see a message,
facing some catherine. In addition, you get information about,
What you need to stall into the library. In the library, each wall contains
Busy things. There are two books (red and blue) in which it is necessary
Putting nearby pages. You will see some kind of scraps
messages, but it is still impossible to even guess. Message to you
Transfer two brothers – Ashchenhar and Sirrus. Subsequently, you restore all
Pages – Then the message will be complete. The essence of the game is almost in this
And concludes. In the meantime, go to the bookcase and read everything
4 books that can still be read. So you will learn answers to many
puzzles. You can remember or write something interesting, but it is not
necessarily since I and so everything painted in detail. It’s time
View on the map (all in the same library). Click on the tower she
will be rotated. When the line becomes red, let go. What
You have done now, opens secret passages to a particular book,
concerning any constructions on the island. Each book is tolerated
You in one of the epochs. Accordingly and positions in which
stops the tower, several. Click on the left left
From the bookcase – the shelves with books will be removed and open the secret
pass. Go there. This time you will get to the elevator. Enter, close
Door and click on the button. Lift will take you to the tower. If Tower
On the map was turned correctly, the staircase with a book on it
will show where the book is hidden, and the staircase with the key – will lead you
to the tip that helps solve this or another puzzle, coping
with which you take the book. Here, for example, now, rising
on the stairs with a book, you will see gears, and climbing the stairs
With key – sign with numbers: "2:40;2, 2, 1". In the library again
Click on the window (on the right) – the entrance door opens. So, all
in order. 1 – Mechanical Epoch. Go to the clock tower and with
Wheels Install on the tower clock time "2:40" (Big Wheel
– minute arrow, small – hour). After that click
On the red button – the track from the gear will rise. Enter the tower,
Do not forget to translate the lever. Now with the help of levers within you
It will be necessary to make a sequence on wheels "2, 2, 1".
If you keep the lever, then only the middle wheel will spin, and this
greatly facilitates the task. In general, when the puzzle will be solved,
You will hear the creak – it means that "Large gears" Opened
Hidden book. Take a book. You will fall into a mechanical era
Islands. Enter the rounded building building. Folding on corridors,
Find a red button on the wall. Press – floor drops.
Going down, pull for the lever until the symbol of the left will become
Red. Now climb upstairs. You will see that on
The opposite wall appeared an elevator! Click on the button (to raise
floor) and go to the elevator. Pressing the button "up", You will raise
On the top floor. Press the middle button and go out. On the roof of the elevator
There are levers with which you can manage the position
Islands. Meaning in the following. With the help of rotation of the island you get
Access to three surrounding island. From one of them you came, and two
others contain codes that need to be dialing on the control panel
First Island. With levers will have to suffer, but you first
You can experiment in one of the rooms – there is a model
Island management. In general, when you turn the island, go
on the next and read the codes there. In one of the rooms near the throne there
Secret door. Enter this room and take the blue page.
After all this, come back to the island from which you came,
And enter these codes on the keyboard (1 – Circle with a knocked down below
sector, 2 – triangle, rectangle, triangle, 3 – circle over
Three triangles, 4 – semicircle). Save the floor to the dungeon,
in which there will be a book that returns you to the island of mystery. 2
– The era of stone ships. So put a page in the book.
The message already looks better. Repeat actions with a turn of the tower.
Now through the gap can be seen a marina, and the sign with the prompt says:
"October 11, 1984, 10:00 AM;January 17, 1207, 5:46 am;November 23,
9791, 6:57 pm". Go to Planetarium. Turn off the light using the button
at the door and sit down in the chair. Now with the help of levers, install everything
Three dates derived from tip. Do not forget to press
On button. In short, you will see three constellations, and if you carefully
read the book in the library, then guess it is a sheet, snake and beetle.
Now go to the columns and click on the corresponding drawings.
You will hear the creak. Go to the marina and in the ship’s cabin take the book.
Climb the stairs up and look at the telescope. Layout
House Lighthouse (135 degrees). Go to the cabin with an umbrella and click right
button. These most you give up water from that house. Go to the house.
Go down to the bottom of the steps – there will be a chest. Turn it
the crane and the liquid will be poured out of it;After that, close again
Cranic. Now the umbrella reappears the button to flood again
house. But now the chest will pop up. Open it with the key and take
Another key with which we open the door to the roof in this
Lighthouse Lighthouse. On the roof rotate the generator handle until
The battery does not fully charge. It will give you what is now everywhere
On the island will burn light. The battery is discharged over time, it became
be it necessary to recharge it. Return to the umbrella and press the middle
button. After that, water from the nearest dungeon.
Descend down (the benefit that!Light burns). Entering the room, find
Red page in the cabinet. Now – in the second dungeon. Here
On the table you can take a blue page (but we already have
red). In the cabinet with cards, find half the paper sheet
with an inscription. Carefully inspect the walls when you rise
Top: on one of the walls there is a red square. By clicking on it,
You will open the passage to the big compass. Click on 135 degrees
(Southeast Red Light) – It will liturn light in a flooded ship.
Using the left button at the umbrella, roll out the water from the ship and go
there. Look at the table – there will appear the book that will return you to
Island. Red page – in the Red Book, and if you took blue
– respectively! 3 – Moon Epoch. Turn the tower to show it
on rocket. Raising the stairs, see: Rocket, and Tip – 59
volt. We go to the brick house and use the buttons set
Voltage 59 volts (buttons 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10). If you are wrong,
then you will have to sink into two towers – one near the house, the second
– Near Rocket. If the overload burned the fuse, switch both
Rubble up. In general, go and sit in the rocket. It will be necessary here
play on the notes of the notes that you read in the book in the same
sequences, and install on the hearing the same sheets by levers.
In order notes: 8, 20, 23, 13 and 6. If you have at least some
rumor, it will not cause special problems. After you install them,
Take the lever – a book will appear in the porthole. You will find yourself
On the next island. You need to find and enable 5 microphones (include
red button). About one of them take the Red Page.
Turning on all devices, go to the tower on which discs are installed.
Walk through the underground well. Set the desired corners of the plates
so that they are configured to the corresponding microphones – at the same time
sound will be heard clearly. Tip: Water – 153.4, Fire – 130.3,
Clock – 55.6, crystals – 15.0, wind – 212.2. Now click on the button
With letter "sigma", And you get a sequence with which
You can open the door to the house near the rocket: crystals, water, wind,
Fire, watch. Forward! Enter sounds and open the door. Passing down,
You will sit in a shredder. Listen to the sounds and press buttons
Accordingly, they: the bell – the north (North), the bird singing – the West
(West), Hissing – East (East), Deaf Blow (Canning Bank) – South
(South). Use the arrow buttons to turn the car and press the button
"forward". If you listened to sound, click on the speaker – Sound
Repeat. Right Route: N, W, N, E, E, S, S, W, SW, W, NW, NE,
N, SE. Exit the car and take a book that will return you to
Island. 4 – epoch of flooded forest. Insert the page in the book. Now
The only place remaining on the map where we were not yet. Turning
Tower, we see a high tree in her slit, and the tip reads: "7, 2,
4". We go to a wooden hut. Using the above combination
Open the safe at the door and take a match from there. Burn match about boxes
And with their help, he will raise the fire under the boiler. Now twist the wheel
Clockwise (Green Pictogram) until I stop. At the same time strongly
the arrow of the indicator is retanta, and the sounds will be heard – this
rises a tree elevator. As soon as the sounds disappear, immediately twist
Wheel (Red Pictogram) and quickly leave the hut. Turn around
left and go to the gap between two trees. You will see Stone
The fence, and inside it – a huge tree elevator. When it goes down
Vrown with you, enter. The elevator will transport you to the dungeon where
The table calmly lies his book, carrying us into the last era.
Go to the mill and turn the crawl on the hose. Now go out – you
you will hear how water flows. You need to spend water pipes
to the elevator, switching switches on the development. Tip: If
You hear how water flows, then she really is on this site
flows. So, we carry water to the first elevator (it is to the elevator, and not
To the wicket from the stakenik). Go in the elevator, close the door and twitch
Behind the lever. Device with proud wooden title "elevator"
Raises us on the second floor. Here, among the huts, you need to find a lever,
which will raise the door covering the passage on the spiral staircase.
Now take a while to this staircase, go down and open the door below.
Spend water to the motor located next to this door, raise
on the stairs and climb into the elevator next to her. We are on the third floor.
Come on both houses (here two houses and one "Temple") and find
pages, as well as a second half of a sheet with an inscription (in cultural
such a house, in the bed drawer). Take, for example, a red patch.
Now go back down. Using water switching, swipe it
to the device that will raise the water path. Pass along Ne
and twist the handle of the next device lifting the pipe
and joining it to this water supply. This pipe leads you
To the last elevator, running which, you will find a book returning
You back. Everything. In general, you need to bring all pages from all eras
and put them in books. It is already easy because the riddles are solved.
Every brother needs four pages. When all pages will be in place,
then you can hear the following message revealing the secret
Islands: "You need to go to the library and take extreme right
Book on the middle shelf. Look at the chart 158." This one
Draw a diagram, climb into the fireplace and click on the button. Now
On its wall you need to repeat the chart. Press the button again.
You will be transferred to an interesting room with two pages (red
and blue) and green book sending you to a certain Danny. There is
Four endings in this game: go with any of these pages, go without
pages or go with a yellow page. In the latter case there will be a game
Passed at the maximum. To get a yellow page, you need
will fold two pieces of paper that we met earlier. If
You did not record them, then that’s what you can read: "Translate everything
island levers up. Then go to the pier and lower the lever there."
That’s all. Once you do it, get a yellow page.
Let’s go with her and go to Danny. Give the Yellow Danny Page
And wait! He will destroy both magic books with cunning brothers, and this
And there is a long-awaited happy end!

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