Peter Jackson’s King Kong: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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September 13, 2022
14 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Peter Jackson’s King Kong: Passage
Peter Jackson’s King Kong: Game Walkthrough and Guide
The Venture

Look at the introductory video and after the ship called Venture appears on the screen, simply raise the camera with the mouse to the top and hover it on Mr. Enghorn. You will have the ability to invert the vertical axis of the mouse or confirm the default settings. After that, all you have to do is enjoy the scenery, watch out for the actions of NPC and wait until you in the unconscious state cares.

Skull Island

After Ann leads you to feelings, try to get up by pressing the “forward” button (W “by default) to look at the body of the deceased when a collision with a brigss sailor cliff. At this time, Mr. Haze will give a distress signal and prompt you to find a safe for planting a hydroplane. Follow him into a dark cave and, as soon as it notices the ferry crabs, with the help of double pressing the “E” key, take the lugu gun. Destroy all living in this cave and get on the surface, having previously destroyed the barrier from the stakes.

When you get to the door, Haze will ask you to help him open it. Go to one of the levers, hold the LKM and the “w” key. When the door is opened half, a dozen crab will attack the rear from the rear. Take the spears and attack them. After that, a huge crab is asleep ashore, the protective shell of which is impossible to pierce the spears. Get a gun and try to shoot him under the shell until Denime and Haze are with the door. When with a gigantic crab will end, climb up the path and break the box with a shotgun inside, kindly granted to you Mr. Englhor.

Go further and disperse another barrier on your way, followed by several crabs. Kill harmful crustaceans and go to the next door. Raise the lever insert it into place and open the door.


Watch how members of your crew are desperately trying to fall ashore, but their boat takes a strong current. Then take the cartridges from the box to the shotgun and head the island deep.

As soon as you get to the necropolis, take a spear, set fire to him and detect the path that blocks thick thickets of the barns. Hitting a huge hall, protect your companions from the attack of multi-ninexes and hurry to catch up with the outstanding day, because it is in danger. Then select the surface and go to the fragile dilless on the other side of the abyss, passing along the path in its way. The plaques eradicated by termites dare to disappear, and therefore, the rest of your companions will have to look for another way on the side of the cleft. When Ann becomes an experienced climbing, your priority will shoot insect-overgrowths, the business of trying to lose her in the abyss. If during the execution of this task you will end the cartridges – not trouble, next to you find a broken box with a gun and a few dozen ammunition to it inside.

You will have to part with the day and hay me for a while and continue moving to the saving hydroplane alone with Ann. Together with her, go on and when you get up to the next door, set fire to the grass to kill as many multi-way as possible, and at the same time remove the obstacle from the road. Protect Ann until she rises up the rock to open the door and enter into, but it is not too close to approach spiders, as they can kill you. Better Take a spear in the hands and suck on it as the bait of one of the worms crawling nearby. Then throw a spear with a bait away from spiders and keep moving.


When you get to the thickets of the barns, protect Ann from the attacks of the pterodactles while it closes up the rock. Then wait until it burns all the grass on your way and boldly jump into the water. While you sail, Ann will cover you. Fasting to the end, accept the offer of help from Ann and it will pull you out of the water. Follow your companion and burn all the grass within reach and do not forget to pick up the cartridges for a gun of a broken box. When you reach the following thickets, pay attention to the burning lamp. You need to get into it with a spear and fire from the lamp will delete you the way.

Passing a little further, you will meet your companions. Haze will offer you a sniper rifle, you should not lose a chance to get such a powerful and long-range weapon. As soon as he gives you a rifle, you will have the opportunity to try it in the case, shooting several multi-ninexes trying to attack you from the rear. After reprisals with them, Karl will lower the suspended bridge and you and Ann can continue your journey.

The Wall

Eliminate the barrier on your way and rise up on the elevation from which you will be very convenient to get rid of all dangerous creatures in this location. First you need to take a spear and put on it as bait one of the flying insects nearby. Then throw this spear in thick thickets of herbs and wait until all the beasts pounce on the bait. Now you need to shoot in a burning lamp, hanging over the thickets of herbs and watch animal beating in agony. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure for another time to make sure the territory is safe. Go down, pick up the cartridges for a sniper rifle and keep moving.

Escort Ann to bridges and go through the gorge at the same time watching the suspicious displacements of the Aborigines. A narrow path will lead you to the next location in which, as in the previous one, you first need to lure, and then burn local fauna.

Follow Ann and wait until she opens the door for you. Jump into the water and swim to the next door, behind which you will be waiting for the crowd of natives. Literally a few moments you lose consciousness.


Consciousness will gradually return to you, and you will find yourself tied to the sacrificial post. Unfortunately, you will not be able to help Ann and you will only be able to watch how it will take it King Kong and wait until Carl Denen deigns you to free you. As soon as it happens, you need to get out of the wall as quickly as possible, because the aborigines, noticing your flight, will start shooting in you with fiery arrows and throw a last minute spear. Pick out one of them and follow Karl, it will lead you to a huge door that cannot be opened without an additional lever. But before starting his search, you should get rid of the bicycleraptor (I, of course not sure, but it looks like this type of prehistoric dinosaurs, like two drops of water), which will attack you on the left of the door. Fit the grass on his way, and he will have to go around, and you, in the meantime, you can hide behind the columns and watch the battle of dinosaur and multicacies from a safe distance. As soon as you have the opportunity to quit a spear in a raperator – you don’t attack a bag, but do not forget that burning spear causes more damage. By killing multicacies and rapers, set fire to the grass and pick up the lever with which you and Karl can open the door.


Together with Karl, go in the footsteps of the conga until it is stumbled on the pterodactles eating the remains of the rapetor. You should not distract them from the meal, because soon the pterodactyl will appear bigger and pick Karl. Unfortunately, you will not be able to prevent the abduction, and you will have to follow the heels behind the kidnapper and his victim.

Go to the right until you turn on the door. Although all the levers you need to open the door in place, you still can not open it, because in this case you will need another pair of hands. Therefore, descend to the waterfall and destroying the obstacle on your way, rise up the trail, taking a burning spear with you. It will be needed when you come across several small rapeners. However, you should not be afraid of their quantity, as they die for a cute soul just from one spear (burning it or not, it does not matter).

Go further until you get hopped on a shaky bridge of old boards. Before you go, do not forget to take a spear with you, because a couple of pterodactiles will attack you. Crashing with them, go on, and the path will bring you to the top of the mountain, at the top of which the peterodyli arranged a nest. Take a shotgun from the box, kindly granted to you Mr. Englhor, and rise upstairs, where you have a hard battle with wrapping predators. Use a shotgun against them, and when the cartridges are run out – take a latter with a pair with a couple of things. Also note that around the perimeter of Logova, the developers of the game kindly scattered a huge number of copies that will help you in this confrontation. Crashing with smaller representatives of the local winged fauna, take a bigger bird. You will have to spend your whole combat reserve for it, as a result of how to finish the perrostica will have spears. When Karl is released, listen to his words of gratitude and break around to the door next to the waterfall. Now that you have an assistant, you will open this door without any problems and, having passed a little further, successfully complete the mission.


As soon as the management of the main character goes directly into your hands, take a spear and burn it. Then follow the trail for Karl, until it turns on the pillar, sided with spiders. It is here that you will use a proprietary spear. With it, tick off spiders and take the lever for the door. Go further until you find two reptiles eating dinosaur remains. Karl will also notice them and will suggest to hide in shelter. Carefully follow him along the way, breaking the box and delivered a gun. In this shelter, dinosaurs will not be able to get you, while you will have the opportunity to throw them by burning spears. Having understood with predators, go to the door and insert the first lever. The second you will find to the left of the door in the thickets of grass, which before it must be burned. Using both levers, open the door. Take it either a shotgun, or cartridges for a gun and keep moving.

Further on your way there will be many-ones. After the meeting, with the first, they certainly army spear, jump into the water and get ready for a meeting with another pair of evil insects. When they are finished with them, you should pay attention to small cave in the walls – it is from there Multious. Throw a spear right there to secure your journey.

Selecting on the surface, you will meet Mr. Hayes. However, he will not be able to join you, because in its way the impassable thickets of bargains grow. To remove this obstacle, you need a fire. Take a spear and go to the waterfall. Towards you will run out two rapeurs. Try to kill them as quickly as possible, because they can further deliver a lot of hassle. If the reptiles hide out of sight, bring them with the help of creatures, in the abundance of splashing in water. As soon as the rapeners are finished, you should choose a lever for the door and reach Mr. Heiz as quickly as possible, otherwise the dinosaur who attacked him can easily kill your companion. Choose as close as possible to the haze and using the “E” key, take the machine Thompson. Shoot the evil creation and adjust one of the copies lying nearby. Then throw this spear in the thickets of the barns and wait until Haze and Karl join you and help you open a huge door with the lever found you. Follow your satellites to the end of the location, and the mission will be successfully completed.

T – Rex

Follow your satellites, on the way, picking up the cartridges to the Thompson machine. Going to the cliff, you will notice your companions, one of whom will surely kill the tyrannosaur from nowhere at the next second. Unfortunately, you will not be able to help them, and your spears and automatic queues will not cause T – Rex no damage. All you have to do is run, because, sobering with all the other members of the carriage of the vessel Venture, the predator will switch his attention to you.

When you get along with Karl and Heise to the glade, your companions will take care of a huge door, and you will have to drive a tyrantosaurus from them. In order to distract its attention, shoot in the pterodactles and it will take it to eat their remains. As soon as T – Rex graduates his meal, throw it with spears, at the same time trying to avoid his deadly bites. After a few minutes, Karl and Haze will open the door, and you can quit play the role of bait. However, the door on the path on the path will not be able to restrain him for a long time, so you run as fast asylum as quickly as possible and, going on the water belt, squeeze to a long wall without taking any action. A minute later, the tyrannosaur will lose to you any interest and is retrieved from the battlefield. Finally you can breathe calmly and, taking a lever for the door with you, returning to the place where you were last seen your satellites. Open the door with the hayes and go to the shaky bridge on the other side of the cliff. However, the bridge will collapse, dividing you and your companions, and you will have to continue your journey alone.


Appearing in a new location, take a spear and put one of the creatures that float in the water. Now go further, take the cartridges for the Tompson machine and throw a spear so that it fell within visibility. There are several small rapeners on your bait, for the murder of which it is enough to spend either several cartridges, or one spear. When with them it will be finished, another pair-troika dinosaurs will be pounce. To make it easier for you to kill them, climb the elevation that is left of you. On it you will find several copies and flying insects, which can also be used as bait. Remove several waves of rapestors, take a spear with you and go to the cliff.

In the abyss you will meet Ann, in pursuit of which rushed bicyclerapers. You need to protect it from the attack while she is trying to move on the other side of the abyss. Unfortunately, the distance to reptiles is too large for the sighting of a spear, so you have to spend some number of cartridges from the machine. Go along the abyss parallel to Ann and exterminate all creatures moving in her direction. Cartridges for this business should be enough for you. However, if the number of cartridges in the machine will not be enough, you can knock off the box hanging on the parachute and get a shotgun from it.

At some time when with attacking Ann creatures will be finished, a huge pterodactyl will throw on your companion and will carry it on. Only King Kong will be able to snatch it from the paw of flying reptile, so everything you have to do is wait for the next level of the game, in which the management of His Majesty King Cong goes directly into your hands.

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