Petka and Vasily Ivanovich 2: Judgment Day: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Home » Game Guides » Petka and Vasily Ivanovich 2: Judgment Day: Game Walkthrough and Guide
February 4, 2022
7 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Petka and Vasily Ivanovich 2: Judgment Day: Passage
Petka and Vasily Ivanovich 2: Judgment Day: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Near The Well To the Right, Past Ankina House, and Once Again Right. AT The Very End of The Polyana WITH HAYStacks and Drunks Go to the Forest. We See Alkasha, Broken Around The Stump. ON THE STUMP THERE IS A BANK WITH ALCOHOL. Take Her. We use it -> Label Breaks Out.NEXT WE GO TO PETKIN HOUSE. In The Second Room WE Take A Pot With A Plant (Stands on the Floor), Open The Closet and Take From There "RUBBER MATTRESIK". Come Out Of The House and Take A Stick Pinning a Bath.

We Return Back And Extend The Rope Into The Well Welth The Stick. GO DOWN TO THE WELL, TAKE THE RIGHT BOARD IMMEDIATELY AND PUT IT ON THE HOLE. We Go Further Into The Passage and Look At the Stone. Then We Go To the House of Furmanov (You Can Immediately Jump On The Map). Near The House, the Wire Hangs on the Porch, Take It. We Go to the House, Talking to Furmanov and Some Kind of Dynamite. We Go To the Landfill, And Attach Our Wire to A Piece of Wire Hanging From A Tree. AT The Same Time We Select An Airplane That Is Lying On Earth. We Go Back to the Stone In The Dungeon, And Put Dynamite About It, After Which IT IS Straight Into A Dead End (This Is Behind the Landfill). Click Vasil Ivanovich on the Wire. NEXT FOLLOWS SCENE 🙂 Pass Is FREE. We Go Further by The Dungeon Before Development. Do Not Touch The Button In The Form Of A Radiation Sign – The Game Will End.

On the Wall Bas-Relief Remove the Steering Wheel with a Motorcycle. GO FURTHER TO THE LASER. ATTACH THE STEERING WHEEL ON THE CEILING. Immediately on the Wall There Is A Drawing Of A Bivest With A Batcher: Why? 🙂 We Go Back to the Development and Go to the Left, to the cave. WE Look At The Pillars, You Can Also Go Into Cave, Hear The Busy Dialogue of Petka with Vasil Ivanovich, and Back to the Surface, for an apiary. Again, You Can Also On The Map, So Faster. We Speak With A Butt, And Persuade It to Exchange Glasses on The Alcohol Formula. Give Him A Piece Of Paper That Was On A Jar With Alcohol and Get Glasses. We Act on Glasses and Break Them. NOW Back to the Dungeon to the Laser. Act Broken Glasses On The Laser. Pass Free.

GO FURTHER ALONG THE TRACK. Fork. At First Pass, You Can Not Go: Get Into The Same Cave with Lava. We Pass Straight End Dock and Right. ON THE BAS-RELIEF WE TAKE THE HARD DRIVE AND GO ON TO RIGHT. IN THE NEXT CAVE, WE TAKE CHAN. Then Put It On The Hole In The Floor and Turn On The Lever. CHAN IS FILLED WORDY. WE Take Full Chhanich (With the Help of Vasil Ivanich, Petka Can Not :). Return Back to the Cave with Pillars. Act The Hard Drive On The Fly On The Middle Pole. Vasil Ivanovich SHOOTS ALL BOLTS THAT FASTENING A FLY. We Take Muhu. You Can First Ask Vasil Ivanovich Just to Take a Fly. Pretty AMUSING SWEEPS 🙂 Installing Objects on the Poles. CHAN WITH A LAVA – On a Post of Fire, An Airplane – On a Post of Air, A Jar With Alcohol – On a Pillar of Water and A Pot Of Earth – On the Land Post. ON THE MIDDLE PILLAR, WE PUT AN INFLATABLE WOMAN (A MATTRESS FROM THE CLOSET).

We Go to That Complex Fork and Turn Left. The Power Field IS Disabled and The Passage Is Free. Come to the Time Machine "Eureka". Near The Door There Is A Small Red Button, Press IT – The Door Opens. Go Inside And Use Iron Fly On The Grip. SHE WILL DO EVERYTHING FOR YOU. Stir Into The Future.

After The Heroes Will Express Their Thoughts, Go Back to the Doorway. Talk to Homeless. He Will Tell His Story. Talk OnCe Again. HE WILL AGREE TO GIVE HIS DRAG. Stone in Exchange for a bottle of whiskey. Go Right There At The Door. Talk to Voyage Open The Map and Go To "Upper West Side". WE SPEAK WITH ANKI AND PASS TO THE OFFICE. The Grandson of Furmanova Sits There. We Spoke It To the Production Of Shares. Again Go to the Cabinet to the Grandson of Furmanov and Take Stock. ONCE AGAIN WE GO TO FURMANOV AND SPEAK TO DOCTOR’S ACCOUNT. He Gives US An Address. RETURNING ON COAST (Lower West Side). We Go to the voudist. Talking With Her, Find Out That She Needs A Voodoo Book. In The Far End of the Embankment, Go to the House.

This Is Museum. Talk to Mitkom. IN FRONT OF HIM Lies Blue Book "Voodard Rites". Mitek Assks to Bring Something in Return. Grab The Guitar With You Near The Door. We Go out on the Street. Near the Fence IS Worth A Pioneer. Browse The Table With Books, There Will Be a Red Book. "Capital" In My Opinion, We Chat With The Pioneer Until He Agrees to Exchange Shares on the Book. Give Him Shares, Take The Book. Open The Book, IT Will Be a Syringe. We Go Back to the Museum. I Give Mitka In The Museum "Capital" And Take A Book About Voodoo. GO TO THE STORE ON THE CORNER. We Inspect The Goods, We Take A Cup of Coffee from the Machine Near The Door and Speak with the Seller. After He Fans US, Go to the Address That Furmanov Gave (Madison Square). SPEAK WITH ROCKER. HE AGREES TO SCARE THE MERCHANT, BUT ASKS SOME MASK OR CAMOUFLAGE. RETURN TO ANQUA AND ASK HER STOCKING. ANSWER QUESTONS THAT YOU WANT, STILL GIVE. Go Back to Rocker and Give Him Stocking. WE RETURN TO THE EMBANKMENT AND GO TO THE STORE. Scene: The Seller Gives US A BARREL OF ALCOHOL. Immediately Changing The Seller A Barrel Of Alcohol On A Bottle Of Scotch Whiskey and Canned. And Whiskey He Will Give Immediately, and Canned Food Will Have To Demand Additionally. JUST TALK TO HIM AGAIN. We Go to Voyage. After A Small Spiritual Session, We Learn That We Were Thrown Away 🙂 Well, At Least A New Address Left. Rather, Run This Address! YOU WILL NOT REGRET! 🙂 Just Chat. Go to Rockers. In the background mansion. Come to IT. A Hungry Dog Is Sitting In The Booth, Feed It Wick Canned Food and Go to the Mance. Talking With A Doctor, Find Out What We Need An Aesthetic. Return to Rocker and, After Talking, Change the Syringe to the Canister with a Funny Gas. We Bring A POT OF DR. NOW YOU NEED AN ASSISTANT FOR OPERATING. Go to Billy (The One That The Vessels Will Be :)). Talk to Him and He Will Help You. Again To the Doctor. He Needs Money. Let Him Give Him A Stone That Exchanged at the Homeless.

He Takes IT AS An Advance, And The Rest Requires Guarantees From Third Parties. Go to The Grandson of Furmanov. Chat WITH HIM AND NEGOTIATE A CONCERT. Only You Only Need A Group to Dial. Go to Anca. Talk to Her and Then Prompt The Guitar. SHE IS READY TO PERFORM WITH THATM. THEN GO TO THE EMBANKMENT. Talk to the Pioneer. He is drummer. He Agrees. We Go to Furmanov, We Tell Everything and Go to the Doctor to Surgery. Talk to the Doctor. At this Time, The Furmanov Must Call and Settle The Last Questions.


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