PILLARS OF ETERNITY 2: Deadfire: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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June 27, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

PILLARS OF ETERNITY 2: Deadfire: Passage
PILLARS OF ETERNITY 2: Deadfire: Game Walkthrough and Guide

The action of the prolite occurs on the border between life and death, as well as in the inner cabins and the deck of the Dirvudsky Slut “Unpumbered”. At the end you get to the Trevial Vilario Islands Mazhe, where you will need to perform a couple more tasks.

Choice of history and character creation

Move the purple path to meet the elderly dwarf at the end of it. After opening the door, get to Bekas, the God of death. Click on the chair to sit next to. Job and make a choice associated with the events of the first part. In addition to the finished plot junctions of PoE1 (a total of six such) can be imported from the original game or manually create your own history by selecting different options. The latter is done in the main game menu, in the settings.

Attention! Do not choose the sixth storyline (everything is bad), because it contains a set of the worst solutions to the first part. This option is undesirable not only for newcomers, but also for experienced gamers, which gathered for the first time to go through the second part. Because of him you lose some interesting plot tasks related to satellites.

Continue the conversation, after which the character creation page opens. Here you will need to choose a class, race, active and passive skills, name and appearance of the main character. After the completion of this process, continue the way around the border, going to the right side until you reach the cabin, where you can click on the character lying on the bed. It will move the GG into the world of living.

Battle on the ship

In the cabin captain there will be an eder and a key, but a helper will appear soon. Take out the cabinet to the right of the bed equipment (what items will be inside, depends on what character you have created before) and install them in the appropriate slots in the inventory menu.

Climb on the main deck to be launched a video with the participation of Captain Benvet. Choose any answer options, because regardless of the decisions made will have to fight pirates. Attack them in any order, but try to strike one goal. If possible, then try to attack enemies on the side while those are busy with your allies standing in front. Such tactics can be used in the future for short-term fighters. In the case of which you can use the healing potion.

First interactive scene

After the destruction of the last pirate after a few seconds, the first interactive scene will start. Such scenes in the game will be a huge set, and you will need to look for the right solutions to achieve certain goals. For example, in this case you will need to choose between the rescue of the sailor or the bin with the supply:

– If you decide to save the sewage, it will survive (later you will find it on the beach), but it will be lost objects.

– If you decide to save a bin with a supply, then Chutuch will die, but after the crash you can find the same box with consumable materials.

In any case, the ship will be stranded, and you will be able to catch Vilario Island Maz. Here, two other plot tasks will begin – “on the mel” and “Hunt for God”. In addition, a side quest “Hands” will be launched. We will talk more about the latter in a separate article.


As a result of the attack of Pirates, “Unpainted” flew stranded, and the hunt for eotas temporarily suspended.

Quest launches immediately after you find yourself on the prival of Vilario Island Mazz. Where the port of the same name is also located. To accomplish it, you will have to visit Port Mazhe. Go to the stands in the center and listen to the conversation between the governor of Clario and Uana Java.PILLARS OF ETERNITY 2: Deadfire: Game Walkthrough and GuideArrival in Port Mazhe.
You will need to meet with the governor personally, so go to his estate at the top of the Port Mazhe. Enter the office and talk with Clario to all themes. During the conversation, you can choose various unique phrases, but the governor will not agree to you until you find the missing animating. To do this, you need to get to the Engvitan excavation. Read more about how to get there, you can learn from the quest description below – “Hunting for God”.PILLARS OF ETERNITY 2: Deadfire: Game Walkthrough and GuideEnvitan excavations.
Go to a large cage in the central part of the Engvitan excavation, where you are attacked by young pants. Cleaning the zone from opponents, interact with the door in the center, behind which the surviving workers hid. Talk to Benesis to learn about where you can find different. Alot, one of the potential satellites with its own storyline will also be released from the cage. You can agree and right now take it in the team ranks.

To find odds, you will need to visit the main dungeon of the excavation – the supremor of the arena. The entrance to the dungeon can be found to the east of the cell that has just opened, where workers were. Study all dungeon is optional. Move to the West and go through the little girl where you have to win or get past familiar opponents. A little further you will come across the anomalies of the essence.

Hold in the northwestern room where the workshop is located. Kill the enemy. Native a variety of drawers and tables to find a diary with different records. The final destination will be the northern hall with a brilliant pillar of eternity. There you will find differently, then get his notes. The story scene will also be launched, which will be connected with the main quest “Hunting for God”.

Now you can leave the dungeon (immediately after returning to the surface it will start the scene with the advent of several shower) and return to the estate of the Governor Clario, which is in Port Mazhe. Here you need to decide whether you want to show the governor found records of Odris, raising a reputation, or wish to save them for yourself. New dialogue options will appear, unique for Paladin, priest, monk and trafficking. But such branches, both now and throughout the game, do not affect anything (except rare cases). You will also learn that you need to visit the nekitaka to continue the plot in the framework of the task of “Eora residents”.

Return to the beach, to Prival Vilario. The cat scene will start with the appearance of downloads, the repair of the ship and its exit to the sea. You will also receive several side tasks – the “main crew” and “basic stock” that are part of the preparation for a long-term seabed.

Reward: 4830 experience points.

Hunting for God

Because of the storm traces of Eotas threatened to cool. I can catch it up if I find signs of presence on this island.

After getting across the prival of Vilario Island Mazz, talk to the eder and the key. Eder will join your squad, but before you will need to choose a class for him.

Leave this place to open the map of all islands. Go to the north to the city of Port Maz. On the way, you will need to go through the crossroads of Ilonet, where the interactive scene will start. Either close to people in the open, or sneak to them. You can arrange an ambush and attack, and you can – help. Do as you consider.

You can also inspect the cart to try to steal useful items. If you use the force and lift the cart for installing the wheel, then get some copper and reputation points in children of the morning stars. You can intimidate pilgrims to produce copper and ingredients for alchemy. If you do not help pilgrims and leave, the reputation will decrease.

During a meeting with pilgrims, a unique dialogue for the servant of Eotas will be available.

Continue the journey until you reach Port Mazhe. You need to meet with the Governor of Clario twice – the first time next to the podium in the city center, the second time – in his estate in the north of Port Mazhe. You can reveal the secret and say that they are looking for eotas, or save it with you. You will receive a new goal associated with the study of the Place of Engvitan Exkaving.

Stick Port Mazhe and go to the south-east. You will get to Vakura Pass, where a new interactive scene will start.

You can take advantage of the perception and survival to search for this location to allow you to detect a trap. For its disarmament, a good mechanic skill will be required. In addition, you can move through the passage, but it is extremely dangerous.

After meeting with Xaurips or immediately attack them, or try to catch the surprise. You can try unique options for an adventurist or seifer. If you start the battle, you will need to defeat several xarupes led by a stone tooth. Of these, various things for craft, spears, shields and trophies will fall.

At this transition you are waiting for Engvitan excavations. There are several traces from the huge legs of Eotas, but their study will not give anything. You can immediately go to the entrance to the sublevel of the Arena – this is the most important part of the dungeon for study.

Inspect all the dungeon is optional! Complete to the West through the little man who will have to defeat several VISPs. Anyone later will appear anomalies, and at the end you will find the pillar of eternity from the luminous adra. There will be different.

Interactive scene will soon start. You will not be able to change anything in Eotas plans, so we will take the souls as you wish. The current task will be completed here, but a new storyline will open under the “Eora residents”, which implies the search for the rest of the pillars of eternity. You can lie or tell the truth to your satellites.

Aeora residentials

Eotas pulls the aura from the pillars of shining adra. I do not know what he is so power, but, tracking the state of these deposits, I can attack his trail.

This task will begin immediately after you inspect the pillar of eternity on the Engvitan excavation and talk to Eotas. Come back and talk about everything with the governor. Go ashore to Prival Vilario to see a renovated ship.

On the big world map you need to follow the right top corner, where the island of Necitaka is located. I need you! Upon arrival to the island of the world map will be expanded, and you will see its real dimensions. Click on the port of the nekitaka, the capital of the Archipelago of Dead Fire. So you will find yourself on the pier of the queen, one of the six main locations of the nekitaki. In addition to the pier of the queen here there is an elevation of the period, a throat, brass citadel, sacred steps and a snake crown.PILLARS OF ETERNITY 2: Deadfire: Game Walkthrough and GuideArrival on Nekitaka.
On the pier of the queen you will meet with the captain of the port, which will not be happy to your arrival. Take advantage of various skills to scare or convince people, after which they will refuse the road. For example, you can choose a dialog branch. Associated with Bekas to call the souls of the dead and thereby scare the captain of the port.

Queen’s pier, like most other local locations, contains a large number of side quests. In the upper left corner of the island there is a ship master of Zamara. Meet him, talk and take a side task. In addition, he is the only trader who can buy new ships. It also implements various improvements in the form of new sails, hulls, guns, lights, steering wheel and t. D. All this can also be found in some other merchants, but in not such large quantities.

On the pier of the queen there are several new pets. The dog is located on a balcony belonging to a mill manufacturing shining adra, the second pet is hiding in a dark alley, at the top of the region, to the right of the ship’s wizard. In general, it does not want to focus on pets, because they are not 5-6 in the game, but about three dozen. They give different bonuses, from useful until completely useless.

Now you need to get to the serpentine crown, the highest district of the nekitaki. Move through the bottom areas to get there. When you get to the destination, then enter the Kahang Palace. Automatically start the cat scene, where you meet with Queen Onecazoi II, Prince of Aruihi and several other characters.

The meeting will be held in linear format. Mayan and Paleggne intervene in the conversation (only if the latter did not die in the first part, and you used to save from there). Will be a good idea to ask the Queen to give a group of two characters that will join the rest of the satellites.

The game automatically unlocks the new plot task “Light away”. It is much more complicated by the previous ones, so at this stage, do the performance of side quests and pumping the character before moving on the plot.

Also in conversation with Onekazo II, you can take the side task “Brass Empire”. This quest will be useful to you in order to move through the plot mission “The Coming Storm” (if you, of course, choose the side of the actual power of Kahangi).

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