Pokemon Go: Game Walkthrough and Guide (pumping)

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August 11, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Pokemon Go: Passage (pumping)
Pokemon Go: Game Walkthrough and Guide (pumping)
IN Previous guide We described the basics of the game in the Pokemon Go, and now we will tell you how to make it right and go to sufficient.

Level and training

In Pokemon Go you are using a GPS smartphone to search for Pokemon in the real world. By activating the game, hide the smartphone and go for a walk. As soon as he wins, then Know: nearby is Pokemon, which you can catch. Throw pokebol to catch a creature and increase the level of the coach.

The level of your coach opens a huge number of features in the game. The higher the level of the coach, the more stronger and rare poekons, you will face (find) and the more you can increase the “fire power” of your caught creatures. Considering this, you should strive to improve the level of the coach to defeat as many opponents as possible in the simulator room and catch rare pokemon. For this you need to earn experience!

You can get experience in the following actions:

Pooyon catch – 100 experience points.
Raise the level of Pokemon – 500 experience points.
Incubation of Pokemon – 100 experience points.
Visit “Bohling” – 50 experience points.
Friendly match in the simulator room – the reward varies.
Real Battle in the Garant – Award varies.

Pokemon Go: Game Walkthrough and Guide (pumping)

Poker and gymnasiums (clubs, halls) on the map.

In addition, there are several other actions when capturing Pokemon, which allow you to get an additional experience:

The capture of a new Pokemon – 500 experience points.
Brilliant throw – 100 experience points.
Great throw – 50 experience points.
Good throw – 10 experience points.
Torky Throw – 10 Experience Points.

To get a bonus from a throw, abandoned Ineaker should land in the color circle. The smaller this circle, the higher the bonus. For example, if you catch a new Pokemon with a brilliant throw, then get “500 + 100 = 600” experience points.

On the other hand, you can incubate the new Pokemon from the egg and get “500 + 500 = 1000” experience points.

Obtaining experience in battles in the simulator room

Training hall can be designed to carry out friendly fights or real battles with competitors. For that you get experience points, but each time their number varies. The closer or higher the fire power of the Pokemon at the enemy, the more Pokemon you will win, the higher the amount of experience gained.

Destroy enemy Pokemon and train against the pokemon of their comrades.

If you want to maximize the experience gained, you need to fight in any fights of those pokes, the strength of which corresponds or less than that of the enemy. Alternatively, you can find a simulatory room of a friend with Pokemones that you can easily defeat.

To maximize the experience gained, use the good luck egg, about which we wrote above.

How to increase the combat power of the Pokemon?

To increase the level of Pokemon, you need to use lollipops and / or star dust. For each Pokemon, the number of these lollipops will be different. Raising the level, you increase the one-only important parameter – combat force (COMBAT POWER – CP).

There are two capable of improving the combat power of your Pokemon:

Increased level (Power Up).
Evolution of Pokemon (Evolve).

Both of these methods increase the combat force and the overall supply of health glasses, but in different ways. So, the increase in the level of the Pokemon, for which the lollipops of this Pokemon are required (can be obtained when transferring the pokemon of the same species), and star dust, increases the overall supply of health glasses and combat power. On a semicircular scale, the white point shifts closer towards the end of the curved line. In this case, the total value of power increases.

On the other hand, evolution requires exclusively Pokemon Lollipops. But if, with an increase in the level of these candies you need 1-2, then it will take much more for evolution (they are calculated in dozens and even hundreds). And now attention! In evolution, the white point on the scale remains in the same place. This increases the overall size of combat force on the semicircular scale. If the white point is located in the middle of the scale, then this means that the Poconon is 50% of the maximum possible supply of military force at this stage of evolution. For example, you see that CP is 100. This means that you can raise this Pokemon to a maximum of 200 units of combat force. In the future, the evolution of the essence will be needed.

Pokemon what size is stronger?

In the network, many speculation relating to the optimal size of Pokemon. Many argue that the more Pokemon will be, then its capacity is the potential of combat force, and what he is heavier, the greater supply of HP can be. But still, for each individual Pokemon, it was not confirmed.

Remember that the Evolution of Pokemon increases it in size.

Enhance the strength of Pokemon

To increase the strength of the Pooyon, you will need a combination of star dust and lollipops of the same Pokemon. Star dust can be used for any Pokemon, while lollipops – more specific items (for example, for IVI – IVI Lollipops, and T. D.). Depending on how much poemon is closer to achieving its true potential, more of these lollipops are required, regardless of the stage of evolution. You can find out how close the pokemon to the maximum combat power on white, half round scale.

Usually, as soon as the scale is filled with 75% of the overall size, the cost of increasing force increases to 2 lollipops (candies). The number of star dust to increase the combat force of the Pokemon depends on its type, size and size of this force. With increasing force increases the stock of HP and CP.

Pokemon Go: Game Walkthrough and Guide (pumping)

Enhance the level of Pokemon.

You may notice that your coach level limits the battle power of Pokemon. If you try to raise Pokemon’s strength with a filled scale, you will see a notice that your coach level is not enough. After you raise it, you can again increase the power of the Pokemon.

How fighting force affects the battle?

In accordance with the guide of the game Pokemon Go on StopGame.RU, combat force raises or lowers the level of your pokemon. Large identifier showing how powerful pokemon. Each Pokemon has different indicators. Increasing the combat force of the Pokemon raises its maximum health. How does battle power work? How to know when your pokemon will be strong enough?

Scale, showing combat force, does not give any digital values. You must navigate exclusively visually. If the white point is in the left part of the scale, then know that your pokemon is weak. If this point is in the right part of the scale, then your pokemon is strong. All this is relevant for the level of the coach, which you have now.

Two more things worth mentioning: the maximum combat strength of your Pokemon is determined by the level of your coach, and each Pokemon has a different type, this maximum value is different, depending on your level. For example, the tooth and idbat you find with the same level of combat force. But at the same time, the potential of Habat will be significantly lower than that of the tooth. That is, you can develop to a more dangerous creature.

It is also important to know that the Evolution of Pokemon increases the common combat force, but not the percentage of all potential. That is, the white point remains on this semicircular scale in the same place. At the same time, instead of one number, the combat force will be higher.

For example, if the level of your coach 10 and the combat power of the PIDGI is equal to 177 units of maximum 300, the evolution will result in the current value of the mood forces of the PIDIA will become equal to 312 units, while the maximum value will increase to 500. This means that you will still need to raise the power of the Pokemon (Power Up) to move a white point from the place and make it as strong as possible for the current level of the coach.

To simplify the task, we recommend that you search for Pokemon with a higher point of combat force (as much as possible by the end of the white scale). Within 80-90% of the total. This means that you will not need to feed them to enhance the combat force (shift of this point). Every time you will raise the level of the coach, it is enough to pay for the Evolution of Pokemon. Thus, at any level, the strength of the Pokemon will be 80-90% of its capabilities. Pokemon will always be strong.

Evolution of Pokemon

To evolve the Pokemon, you must have a specific type and required amount of candies (sweets), which activates the Evolve button.

The evolution of the Pokemon is an unmistakable way to increase its combat force, but for this you will need quite a lot of caught pokemon of the same type. For example, for the evolution of the PIDGI, you need to catch a few of the same pides, after which they exchange them on the “Lollipops”. In the picture below you can see the Piji, which requires 50 special lollipops for evolution. On the right figure it is shown what effect you get from evolution.

Pokemon Go: Game Walkthrough and Guide (pumping)

Evolution of Pondi Pokyona.

For each caught PIDGI, you get 3 lollipops and another 1 lollipop for the exchange of identical pokemon. So you need to catch and exchange 13 PIDIA to evolve the main pokemon.

Some Pokemones, such as Madzhikarp, a huge amount of candy for evolution is required. In order to evolve Pokemon Giados, it will take 400 hyrados lollipops.

In addition to increasing the combat force, the Evolution of Pokemon leaves several other effects on it. The health of the evolving pokemon is completely restored and the maximum value increases. Change and its movements. Therefore, it is not necessary to choose for the evolution of that Pokemon, the movements of which you are accustomed.

The Evolution of Pokemon gives you 500 experience points. If you evolve the Pokemon who did not catch earlier, then get extra 500 points. A total of 1000 units of experience to coach!

How to get candies (lollipops) and star dust?

Pokemon and Star Dust Lollipops can not be bought in the store. You must earn them, playing the application.

There are several processes that you can use to receive these items.

Catch Pokemon

Every time you catch the Pokemon, you are awarded with star dust x100 and three candy, specific for just caught Pokemon (weathered Piji, got star dust x100 and 3 lollipops). And so in any case.

Incubation Pokemon

For the incubation of Pokemon, you will receive even more star dust and candies than for their catch. Depending on the Pokemon, mostly, you will receive at least 10 lollipops (and maybe much more). For this you will receive and sufficient experience points to increase the level of the coach.

Exchange Pokemon

Regardless of the combat power and stage of evolution for the exchange of Pokemon, you will receive one of his candy. For example, you already have a PIDGI, which you raised combat strength and t. D. Suddenly you catch one more piji. In this case, the benefits of it can only be one – exchange to candy and pump the main pokemon of the same type. Pokemon You give Professor Willow, after which you can never pick them back.

Protect the training hall

If you have placed your pokemon in the training hall to protect it, then as a reward you can get star dust and lollipops every 20 hours. Read more about this below.

Rewards for level and unlocked items

For each new level of your coach in Pokemon Go you will receive a reward and unlock items. Reward and these items depend on the level you just got. Below you learn what subjects and awards can be obtained for improving the level of the coach.

Note. Raising the level will allow you to unlock objects that will subsequently become available on “Poles”. Among them Razz berries, shells of higher levels, potions.

Level 2 (2000 experience) – 10 sheaches.
Level 3 (3000 experience) – 15 sheaches.
Level 4 (4000 experiments) – 20 sheaches.
Level 5 (5000 experience) – 20 Себоролов, 10 potions, 10 revival, 1 incense. Unlock: clubs (halls), potions and revival.
Level 6 (6000 experience) – 15 sheaches, 10 potions, 5 animals, one incubator.
Level 7 (7000 experience) – 15 sheaches, 10 potions, 5 revivals, incense.
Level 8 (8000 experience) – 15 sheaches, 10 potions, 5 animated, 10 Razz berries, bait module. Unlock Razz Yagoda.
Level 9 (9000 experience) – 15 sheaches, 10 potions, 5 animated, 3 razz berries, good luck egg.
Level 10 (10000 experience) – 20 sheaches, 20 supersselves, 10 revival, Razz berries, incense, good luck egg, one incubator. Unlock superssella.
Level 11 (10000 experience) – 15 oneakers, 10 supersselves, 3 revival, 3 Razz berries.
Level 12 (10000 Experience) – 20 Great Sheaches, 10 Superssels, 3 Revitalization, 3 Razz Berries. Unlock Great Skeefola.
Level 13/14 (10,000/15000 experience) – 10 Great shells, 10 supersselves, 3 revival, 3 RAZZ berries.
Level 15 (20000 experience) – 15 Great Sheaches, 20 hyperzels, 10 animated, 10 Razz berries, incense, good luck egg, one incubator. Unlocked hypersselle.
Level 16/17/18/19 (everywhere 20000 experience, at the level of the 19th – 25000 experience) – 10 Great Sheaches, 10 hyperzels, 5 animals, 5 Razz berries.
Level 20 (25000 experience) – 20 ultra-cakes, 20 hyperzels, 20 revival, 20 Razz berries, 2 Ladan, 2 Eggs Good luck, 2 incubator, 2 modules of bait. Unlock ultra-poker.
Level 21/22/23 (50000/75000/100000 Experience) – 10 ultra-cakes, 10 hyperzels, 10 revival, 10 RAZZ berries.
Level 24 (125000 experience) – 15 ultra-shells, 10 hyperzels, 10 revival, 10 RAZZ berries.
Level 25 (150,000 experience) – 25 ultra-shells, 20 max-potions, 15 animations, 15 razz berries, incense, good luck egg, one incubator, bait module. Unlock maximum potions.
Level 26/27/28 – 10 ultra-cakes, 15 MAX-potions, 10 revival, 15 Razz berries.
Level 30 – 30 ultra-stake, 20 Max-potions, 20 max-animated, 30 Razz berries, 3 Ladan, 3 Good luck eggs, 3 incubator, 3 modules of bait.

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