Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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May 5, 2022
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands: Passage
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands: Game Walkthrough and Guide

We are developing in management. Run forward, jump over the gorge. Kill enemies by pressing LKM. Destroying barrels and vases can be replenished. Pressing PCM, climb the cornice. Running on the walls can also be used by PCM. We destroy opponents. SCM – repels them, and Ctrl – evasion from attacks. Jumping over another gorge, cling to the protrusion. Go to the end, then jump down. Passing to the end, rising again. Pulling PCM, move to the following protrusion. We destroy the enemy group, we move forward, remove obstacles from the road. In the room grabbed the ledge. Jump off from the wall using the Space button. Reaching up to the top, go ahead, half the walls, grab about the flag and go down. After the second flag, first we run on the wall and sharply repel from it and, using the third flag, turn out to be at the bottom. Click on the button in the center. Kill enemies. Re-opening the door, quickly run. We go through a number of uncomplicated tests. Open the next door. Climbing behind the protrusions, climb upstairs.


We run on the village. Go down using the flag. Right, in the room, destroy the guards. Climbing upstairs, go to the other side. Holding the LKM you can apply critical strikes. We climb on bricks. Activate the mechanism on the wall. We run around the wall. Go to the other side. Going down, pass forward through the hole in the wall. Destroying the guards, rising upstairs again, go to the other side and go down the bricks. Reaching the door, communicate with my brother. To help him go further, activate the mechanisms on the tower that are in the foreground of the towers. Activate the third and continue your way. Go down. Having met with a new type of opponent, learn to straighten with him. First SCM knock out the shield from the hands, and then just finish. Activate the mechanism on the wall and quickly run through the door. On the way tens of opponents! As a rule, two-three of them with shields, and the remaining ordinary guards. It is best to use super – blows, and you leave the robust attack aircraft finally. Right around the turn, activate the mechanism and very quickly running around to walk to run (it is best to push off from her at the time of the attachment on the wall and stay closer to the walls). Climb on the balcony by columns.


We look at the small cat scene, how to persecute our brother. We are looking for a way down by moving from the column to the column. Barrels with therapeutic balls kindly scattered around the hall. We destroy enemies at the gate. Since the gate is tightly closed, we are looking for an alternative way. Climb upstairs on bricks, jump from the column to Colon. Next, get to the flag and go down.


Go ahead, first jump, but only then, holding the PKM, in half. All the way, combining complex tricks, get to the treasury. Kill the invaders who are trying to steal gold. Next, pushing from the wall, grab in one of the columns, go upstairs. We look at the roller in which our hero meets with Malik (brother). Malik does not want to listen to anyone and activates the power of unthinkable power. Now to stop this curse! Run forward, jumping through the precipice. On the wall we see the portal, pass through it. Once in an unknown world, we go to the center. Speak with a girl from the genus Ginov. She warns us of danger and asks to glue two seals together to stop the Queen Curse. And finally gives us the power of sands. Return back the same way. We move forward. Through the moment we will fall down and die. But a few minutes ago we gave us a unique ability to recollect time ago! Finally, the main feature game is now available for use. By pressing “th” we wrap the time until we are tightly standing on something solid. However, it is not necessary to abuse this ability, t. to. Take advantage of time you can smoothly four times. After the cat scene, turn left at the end of the room. Here are new opponents. From that moment on the destruction of enemies will be charged glasses. You can improve your abilities on glasses. For example, make a strip of health longer, or increase the number of energy cells. Climb upstairs, move along columns. Hanging on the horizontal bar open the door and go further. Jump over the obstacles, as shown in the picture.Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands: Game Walkthrough and Guide
We pass forward and fight with suicide bumps. After that, in the right corner, pushing off the wall, hang on the horizontal bar and activate the mechanism. We climb up and get to the only passage. Watch the cat scene. Huge blades storing to crumble us into small pieces. Activate the mechanism on the floor. And try to run by intermediate, t. E. With stops. But it is impossible to honey, t. to. The door can close. Passing the test, in the hall we turn the drum exactly once! As we see from the left side the obstacle. From the wall to the wall and here we are upstairs, jumping on the horizontal bar – the first mechanism is activated. Unscrew the drum to the limit. And now we climb up the top over another way and activate the second mechanism.

We destroy the crowd of Nevsky. Great, now centered from the wall to the wall climb upstairs. We pass small tests we meet with my brother and explain to him what to stop evil. Go down, pushing out from the wall, activate the mechanism, go to the other side, re-activate the mechanism. We go along the wall opening the door, quickly jumping from the column to the column, make your way inside.


In the first test hall, simple enough. We run around the walls, waiting for convenient moments. In the second hall, everything is also easy enough. Move the drum for one position. Climbing up until we do not get to the horizontal bar and do not activate the mechanism. After activation, the drum will rise to one level with us. Go to it and move to two positions. We again do the same actions. Now we move the drum into three positions, activate the mechanism on the wall and quickly get to the door. Here is the third hall. So, the procedure for action is: we move the drum for one position, we go to the open path, activate the mechanism on the horizontal bar, turn the second drum exactly once. Go down slightly down to the first drum, we move it for another position. We go to the left, climb to the second drum. Jump yes big circle, and from this circle to the column from the column to another circle and voila we jump onto the balcony and destroy the evil. We pass a series of tests.


More largest creatures were added to the already familiar chest of rebels, to cope with which only with special blows. Do not forget to use magic, unless of course you pump it. For this correspond to the “1, 2, 3, 4” buttons. Climb upstairs, destroy opponents, continue the way. We pass the tests below the mechanism on the wall and go further. Next, we will be very simple, so I’ll immediately stop at the boss. You can overcome it from four strong combo. On time, they shy away from eating enraged attacks and quickly beat the sword and also quickly jump off from it. On ordinary opponents can not be distracted, t. to. The boss will destroy them and without our participation, so to speak, they fall under his “hot hand”. On the wall there is a mechanism that can be activated, so we climb on it and at that moment when this wall will be at the peak of your output quickly repel and climb on the opposite. We pass test. We try to activate the gear mechanism – it does not work. Next there is a drum, we turn it once and unlock the mechanism. Perfectly pass on. With the second one more complicated. Do the following as shown in the picture.Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands: Game Walkthrough and Guide
By activating the mechanism, move along the wall. We meet with brother.

Gate Fortress.

Before us, three mechanisms, you need to bring the gear before you need a position, we do, as shown in the picture.Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands: Game Walkthrough and Guide
It remains only to feed the gear, removing the obstacle to her. Jump on the platform, and from there on a barely noticeable brick wall. Activate the mechanism again jumping on another platform. The gate is sealed. Talking with my brother, learn about his bad intentions about the power of the sands. It is necessary to urgently connect the medallions in order to end and forever to end with evil spirits. We pass small tests. Again the portal! We pass through it. Having received the so-called “marine force” we can make water solid! Pressing the Shift key, stop the water flow and use it as the most ordinary horizontal skins. We pass light trials, doing tricks with frost water.


Go down where you fight the dead. And then back up from the column again. We continue the way upstairs, on a barn wall. Once on hanging chambers, quickly move on them, t. to. They can collapse! Below we are straightening with sand colors. On the wall activate the mechanism and quickly repel on the platform just put forward. Activate the water jet on the horizontal bar. Below will appear enemies, but they can not pay attention to them and continue their way upstairs. By activating the mechanism on the floor, quickly run. We pass small tests.


Once not in the best place, we destroy opponents. Then stopping the flow of water, climb by the resulting walls. We are trying to get out, periodically passing small tests. At some point we will meet with the new type of opponent, the creator of these very sand guards. So the first thing we kill it, otherwise you can fight infinitely. On the little walls climbing the drum. Unscrew it to the most recent position. Through the formed small chips of water we pass to the horizontalist, which opens the door. Next, unscrew the drum back to the formation of large water jets. We pass through the door. Climbing on the walls. Relying to the drain destroy opponents. On the horizontalist activate water. And through the drum, we change the location, go further and pass the test.


Activate the mechanism on the floor and immediately stop the flow of water, get to the horizontalist. When the door opens, the crowds of enemies are plugged on us. The first thing, by any power breaks down to the progenitors of the unclean. Otherwise, the battle can end the failure if it does not destroy them on time. We pass on. In a small room, activate two horizons and, using water as a wall, climb upstairs. Having met my brother, please ask him to give the second part of the medallion, but we get a refusal. Climbing even higher. Passing some more tests, go down.

Royal rest.

Activate the mechanism on the left, on the floor climb upstairs. After the emergence of a demon, we try not to fall under its destruction. Turning down, go down. We paint with non-victim. We go further, again come across a deft-placed traps of the demon. Touching, kill weaker opponents. Naturally, first the creators of the unclean. We rise higher and continue your way. Still this dance can not squeeze. All his attempts to prevent us from failure. Once again, in the shelter, we also do not give rest. We continue your way.

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