Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Home » Game Guides » Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45: Game Walkthrough and Guide
July 20, 2022
7 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45: Game Walkthrough and Guide Perhaps you will be surprised that the article on Red Orchestra is published after the time after the game. Do not be surprised. Firstly, thanks to 1C, Russian players relatively recently arose the opportunity to try the game, and secondly, network games at all do not get worse.

So what is RED ORCHESTRA: Ostfront 41-45? This is a network action movie in World War II dedicated to an exceptionally eastern front. Agree, it’s nice that the developers paid him special attention. However, no similarity with Call of Duty 2 is not observed here. Maximum realism of what is happening, honed gameplay and almost perfect balance.

Unfortunately, Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 spreads exclusively through Steam, so after installation, it will be necessary to pump out about 300 MB. And every time you want to play in the world — On the local grid you can run in offline-mode, — We’ll have to wait until Steam deign . Armored machine interface We will analyze in the appropriate chapter, it is different for each crew member.

Goals missions

To win a round, you need to perform certain tasks: destroy objects, capture or retain an object. To take a neutral object, you need to stand for some time. The more the fighters-comrades, the faster the capture will occur.

If the German and Soviet soldiers are standing nearby, the status does not change. To beat off or capture the object, you must first destroy enemy fighters. For help in the seizure, every fighter receives 10 points, and the commanders of 15 points.

At least in Red Orchestra and statistics are being conducted, the fighter rating does not mean that he is really a professional. Winning is awarded when completing the goals or after time. Then the counting goes by the number of completed goals and points. By the way, on each map there is your limit of reinforcements / revival. When completed reinforcements, the game will end.

Do not forget to look at the card to keep track of the situation;This applies to beginners. But, in general, it is better to know the terrain by heart and focus on. Fortunately, comrades usually indicate their position by radio. The developers took care of communications, everything is convenient and understandable.

So, on the map you will find the following notation. Objectives of the mission to capture, repel or keep. Soviet or German emblem means that the object belongs to the appropriate side. White — neutral, take, while free, gray — While you can not capture. This is done so that lovers to wander along the reasons did not beat off the distant objects of the enemy.

Small radio station — Artillery call point, red icons — Ammunition warehouses for infantry and technology. By the way, they give out the cartridges, through a strictly defined time. Also, when the commander will mark the coordinates for the actuator or the place of collecting fighters, these badges will be visible on the map to all team members.

You can communicate with other players using chat, standard voice commands and through a microphone. In the first case there are two chat — General and command. The most uncomfortable type of communication — Many in battle are not printed. In the second case, you have to memorize the combinations of keys. In the heat of battle you can get confused and not to say that. But if you play in foreign servers and do not know the language, this option is quite suitable.

Finally, talking through the microphone is the most convenient. You can quickly and intelligibly outline the situation. Here you are granted whole three channels: common — His opponents hear, team — Only their own, local — only those players that next to you.

Movement, body position and injury

Standard vehicle speed — jogging. Moving this way, the character does not get tired. If you click and hold the SHIFT key, the character will switch to run. You can run until the strength is ends;Then the hero is bothering and turns into a step. While the fighter will not restore breathing, you will not be able to aim normally (and it is almost impossible to get out of the rifle).

To quickly restore strength, after running, clamp the step. Character moving in this way, practically not heard. Also the forces are spent when jumping, so it is advisable to learn how to move through the obstacles from one attempt. If during the run you hit the fire, press the Alt key. The character sharply falls to the ground, but you will need a few seconds to come to yourself.

The speed of movement depends on the body position. Standing you are moving faster, but the enemy knows you perfectly and get lost. Shooting from a standing position is the least accurate;Even if you get closer to the sight, weapons are treacherously trembling and twitching.

In the sitting position, the character moves slowly, but it is less visible and it shoots more precisely. You can look out from behind the corner, which allows you to shoot or rate the situation on the battlefield and not to issue your position. In general, you need to remember: when you move or shoot in the sitting position, the character is slightly lifted, which makes it more noticeable.

You can still crawl. The character moves with the speed of the turtle, but it is difficult to shoot and it is difficult to notice, especially in the grass. In general, many players are too abused by crawl. Sick on the enemy — He will fall to the ground and does not see anything because of herbs. It remains only better to aim and finish.

In Red Orchestra, there are no first-aid kits, and if you are wounded — it’s forever. The body’s body is divided into several zones, and, depending on the injury, unpleasant effects are observed. Hit in the foot? Start lumbering and slower moving. Hit in hand? You may not hope to accurate shooting. Hit the head? Well, usually after that it remains to wait for the Renaissance. Well at least from bleeding do not die.

To say exactly what hitting it is dead and what damage will be caused, almost impossible. It all depends on the speed of the bullet, caliber, locations… In general, how lucky. Interestingly, a bullet or fragment can get into the weapon and knock him out of the hands. If this happened, try to choose a lost weapon and quick to leave the fire line.

On most servers, the shot on comrades makes them the same damage as the enemy. For such misconducts remove glasses. In general, in the Red Orchestra killing his usual matter. At a great distance it is difficult to understand who runs — Comrade or enemy. Especially often gets to Soviet tankers due to similar shape. But usually this is due to the lack of a normal command.

From the explosion of grenades, the charge of explosives or an artillery projectile can be obtained by contusion. The duration and consequences of the contusion depend on how close and how power was an explosion. Even if the explosion was near, but the character did not hurt, the shock wave is disorienting for a while, the screen sails and everything shakes.

Similarly, the bullet who gone over the ear — The screen is swimming for a while, but the sight starts jumping. Therefore, the Red Orchestra fire for suppression is particularly effective. Machine gunner, giving short queues towards the enemy, will not give him aimed, which allows comrades to get to the position of the enemy with short rounds from shelter to shelter.

Car gunners approached the distance of the sighting shooting, also do not leave the shooters of the chances to accurately shoot in response. Under dense fire, it simply will not be aimed, and if you take pomegranates before attack… Even if you do not finish anyone, then contushes or disorient the enemy.

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