Resident Evil: Revelations 2 – Episode 2: CONTEMPLATION: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Claire and Moira
Neil, Gabe and Pedro, being in the forest, run away from angry infected. Nick stays to cover friends, and Gabe and Pedro in the meantime get to wax. Fernandez pulls the bracelet of the deceased Edward Thompson and is preparing to study it. Soon, Claire with Moyra will be visited.
Village Rybakov
Exchange with the latest news with friends, begin to inspect around. A minute later, the supervisor will contact us and report that I introduced a special virus. We collect closets from the shelves fabric and odorous chemical. Latch Topaz (100 bonus glasses) under the workbench on the left side, topaz (100 bonus points) and sapphire (500 bonus glasses) on the inside of the bar rack. In the flooring with metal barrels we select two bottle traps, and from the floor – an empty bottle. Also we smoke a wooden barrel with cartridges to guns. Abandoned bottle trap attracts attention infected and explodes after a while. Combine in inventory inventory chemical and empty bottle to get a bottle trap. On the second floor from the wall we take a map of the village of fishermen and smoke a barrel with cartridges to a gun. Neil Fisher.
Going out, highlight the drawing of the kafki (1/6) on the sign “Extras”. We go around the building on the left side and to the right of the blocked black inlet, select gunpowder and shoot the Emblem of the Tower (1/9). Bygoing the building on the right side, in the neighboring structure, highlight the topaz (100 bonus glasses) under the barrels and select an empty bottle from the floor. Returning to Gabe, follow him to the goal. In the half-open structure on the left side, highlight the ruby (250 bonus glasses) under one barrels and select gunpowder from others. Passing through the gate, turn to the right and, moving along the fence, get to the building. We smoke a box with ruby (250 bonus glasses) to the right of the entrance. Entering inside, we collect the smelly chemical and an empty bottle from the floor, as well as hack the box with the detail “damage ur.2 “. To the right of the helicopter, in the grass near the cliffs, the green grass hidden. Bypassing the helicopter, highlight the cartridges to the gun under it and the drawing of the kafki (2/6) on his tail, and also we wake the box with the detail “the rapidity of the UR.2 “. Gabe will take care of the aircraft immediately after we find a new battery and fuel.
Focusing on the sound of a drill, finding Fernandez in the village. Opposite the window, near which he stood, in the opening between the houses, lie cartridges for the gun – highlight them. Install the Emblem of the Towers (2/9) on the chimney of the blue house. On the other side of the same house, the wall, there is a box with cartridges to a gun – we swallow it. We go around the neighboring coastal house and select Sapphire (500 bonus glasses) lying behind the adjacent fence. After Fernandez drills the doorway slainly, go inside and immediately go into the room. The bed lies a new weapon – MR-AV50 machine gun gun. From the shelf of the cabinet, we take the document “Traveler Diary” (1/9). Highlight the cartridges to the gun under the stove and in the corner, to the left of the cabinet.
In the right end of the house, in a fenced section, we swallow a box with ruby (250 bonus glasses). At the same time running on the right end of the coast and break the box with cartridges to the gun near the rock.
Focusing on the map, get to the fuel warehouse, which is marked on a blue-point map. In the neighboring building on the right side we smoke a box with green grass and pick up an explosive bottle from the floor. The narrow passage behind the back will lead to a small structure, where the empty bottle is lying on the floor – we pick it up. Then we leave on the other hand, we pass forward to a dead end and we wake the box with the detail “Capacity of the SR”. So far Fernandez frees the passage, we must straighten with the enemies coming on the roof. Winning, go inside and with a barrel from the left side, select the cartridges for the gun. On the right are wooden barrels, the breaking that we collect cartridges for a gun. In the far left corner highlight an empty bottle. From the next metal barrels we select cartridges for guns. Kill the enemy in a small room and from the shelf of the shelving we take a canister with fuel.
Fernandez traveled that the transfer to the bracelet comes off the hill in the north-west. Get to the house marked on a blue-point map. At the end of the fence, to the left of the door, there is a red grass. We go around the house on the right side, we smoke a barrel with topaz (100 bonus glasses) and satisfy the moor on the roof. Jumping inside, with the shelf of the cabinet on the left side we take gunpowder. We go to another part of the corridor and highlight an empty bottle inside the cabinet. Unscrew the entrance door, go into the room and immediately go back. Crashing with the enemy, go back and wake a box with an elastic package for Moyra, which increases the number of portable items from four to eight. In the corner lies an empty bottle – pick it up. Take the battery from the shelves of the rack and go to the helicopter.
Passing the necessary Gabu items, siren will suddenly work. Get to the bar, rose to the second floor and switch the lever inside the shield. Going down, keep the defense, quickly shooting infected, trying to break through inside through windows. Defeated all enemies, watching Pedro, which mutates under the action of irrecipant fear. It is not necessary to kill it, but in the presence of a sufficient number of ammunition and bottles with content, it is still worth doing. Before infected break into the bar through the main entrance, we have about twenty seconds. Do not regret the cartridges of powerful weapons and bottles to deal with the enemy as soon as possible. On the body of mutated pedroid there are yazens that are the most vulnerable places. Switching out, survive for some time, running from one end of the village in another. Nile will soon appear and drop the staircase. Quickly climb upstairs and give the team to the partner to proceed for us, or switch to it and on your own weigh on the roof. After passing in the form of a wooden board, we select ruby (250 bonus glasses) on the left side. Following the Neil, we achieve a safe place and tear away from enemies. We select green grass in the wall, get to the locked passage and make your way into the sewer.
Jump down and take the map of the city from the box. We select an empty bottle in the corner, near the lattice, and the odorless chemical from the container. We rise higher, we break the barrels with cartridges to a gun-machine gun and a gun, as well as highlight the drawing of the kafki (3/6) on the wall on the right side and the cartridges to the gun in the corner, near the lattice. Climb the stairs and leave the sewer.
CityPedro Fernandez.
We go around the obstacle on the fence on the left side and shoot the Emblem of the Tower (3/9) on the balcony of the third floor of the building in the distance. We go to the left to the lattice, near which there is a drawer with a topaz (100 bonus glasses). Get to the gate, after the way, dealt with mutant dogs, and highlight the drawing of the kafki (4/6). On the right is a concrete ring under which the cartridges are hidden to the gun – highlight them. Open the door by mounting, destroying annoying enemies in the break. We pass on the other side and smash the box with cartridges to the gun. Ignoring enemies behind bars, highlight the ruby (250 bonus glasses) under the trash in the far right corner and satisfy the Moyra on the balcony. Neil, in turn, will raise us, but it does not have time to rise. We select from the floor to the topaz (100 bonus glasses) and go to the building.
In the room we select alcohol from the cabinet shelves and get the fabric from the table box. We go to the hall, we wake the box with the detail “scattering” and go down to the first floor. Crashing with the enemies, we swallow the box with the cartridges to the gun-machine gun and highlight the cartridges to the gun under the table in the corner. In the kitchen, move the box to the sink, climb on it and take the cartridges from the shelf to the gun. We endure the box to the hall, put it in front of the rack and get a new weapon – Gun Tar194. Open the gate and go out.
Hurt hiding behind the car and wait when the enemy enemy will pass by us so that it is silently neutralize his backs. Highlight the green grass next to the other machine and the tank shot kill a dog sleeping on the road. Expanded, go to containers, barricading the road, and smoke a box with green grass. Behind the fence separating the road from the site is the Red Grass. We are painting with the usual infected and dog, we go to the other end of the site and select an empty bottle. Holly destroy silently, putting it from his back. Both containers at the door of the bus push until it stops left right, then right of them – forward, and left – to the end right. Entering the bus, we pass to the back and select Topaz (100 bonus points) from the floor). We leave on the other hand and highlight Rubin (250 bonus points) under the rubble right in front of us. We notice on the stairs running away from us a small girl on the stairs, which was already seen in the prison complex. We select an empty bottle near the concrete ring, climb upstairs and go to the building.
Before the stairs, we turn right and at the very end highlight the cartridges to the gun-gunner under the bank. Going down, turn the left and highlight the cartridges to the gun under the sink. Open the door and quickly shoot an explosive enemy before he has time to get closer to us. By destroying the other infected, we open the box with cartridges to the rifle in the corner and climb the stairs on the right side. Shot another explosive enemy, highlight the drawing of the kafki (5/6) on the right wall, the cartridges for the gun-machine gun under one of the nearest bed to the door and the lower compartment of the cabinet. From the shelves of the neighboring cabinet, we take the document “Results of the false experiment” (2/9) and alcohol, and get the cartridges to the gun from the table. In the next room from the table drawer, we pull out the fabric, unscrew the door in advance and, by activating the lever, quickly run behind the grille. Switch to another character and in the same way get to the exit. In the room on the left side there is an explosive opponent, killing which we smoke a box with cartridges to a rifle and highlight the topaz (100 bonus points) under the bed.
Going down, shoot the Emblem of the Tower (4/9) under the stairs. We are growing with the enemy, we smoke a box with ruby (250 bonus points) and go to the building. We select gunpowder from the shelves of the shelving, improve weapons on the workbench and go out into the corridor. In the room, mastocks from the cabinet shelves take the document “Popup of the Citizen” (3/9). In the extreme room from the cabinet shelves, select the detail “Fast Chargeing Ur.2 “. We pass to the other end of the corridor and in one of the wall mailboxes, we discover Rubin (250 bonus glasses). We call the elevator and are preparing to destroy two enemies located in the cockpit. Rising on the third floor, select an empty bottle near the bench. We approach the edge, look down and shoot the Emblem of Towers (5/9) on the container.
Jump on the balcony of the nearby building and catch up with Natalia. Moire immediately manage to find a common language with it. Judging by the bracelet, the girl has a critical level of fear. Rolling over the angle, select fabric from the shelf of the cabinet and pass to the room. We smoke the box with cartridges to the gun, highlight the cartridges to the gun under the table, we take a blank bottle from the shelves of the rack, and also collect gunpowder and ruby (250 bonus glasses) from desktops of desktops. By improving weapons on the workbench, we go out into the corridor and highlight the drawing of the kafki (6/6) on the ceiling above the stairs. Before descending down, as you should prepare. We deal with several enemies, we smash the box with the cartridges to the gun in the corner from the right side, highlight the cartridges to the gun-machine gun between the long table and drawers, and go to the center of the hall. From the top floor there is a huge monster, who has a homemade gun in arsenal. Constantly watch the enemy and shy away from dangerous shots. Occasionally, the monster will go to the ram, sneaking everything on his way. Let all the existing explosive and incendiary bottles, as well as bottle traps against ordinary infected people who try to destroy first. Having won, collect the remaining useful items, namely: cartridges for a rifle of a wooden box to the right of the door, green grass with the top of the rack and cartridges to the gun-machine gun from the showcase. Returning to Natalia, we go to the exit and interact with the hole to the right of the door.
Natalia will tell that a certain person saved her from “Terra Sey”, who gave her a plush toy named Lottie. Highlight the cartridges to the gun-machine gun near the box in front of the concrete ring. We go around the container on the left side and highlight the green grass near it. We pass to the end of the road and highlight the ruby (250 bonus glasses) in the left corner, between the box and the lamppost. Next to the last car lies another ruby (250 bonus glasses). Simultaneously with us to the tower got both Gabe on a helicopter. Someone named Gregor – Assistant Commander – interferes with the control system of the aircraft and thereby displays it. Fear takes the top over Gabe and he begins to turn into a mutant. Taking advantage of our distraction, the unknown abducts Natalia. While Gabe is trying to get rid of the bracelet, the helicopter breaks down, hanged into the building.
Barry and NataliaGabriel Chavez.
Barry, despite the recognition of Natalia, does not lose hope to find her daughter Moyra. Bygoing the building on the right, select Ruby (250 bonus points), and bypassing the building on the left, we swallow the box with topaz (100 bonus glasses). On the other side of the building we select one of the bricks to the right of the entrance and divide the insect larva (1/6) near the fence, between the wall and beams. Returning back, we get to the tunnel and pass through it. In a semi-dilated house with a cabinet shelf, we take the “Note of Gabe” (4/9) and highlight the topaz (100 bonus glasses) between the table and the cabinet. We smoke a barrel with sapphire (500 bonus glasses), located outside under the window. Continuing to move along a narrow path, we find the body of an employee “Terra Sey” – Edward Thompson. Go down down, sneak up to the enemy from the back and silently straighten with it. We go around the house on the right side and smoke a barrel with sapphire (500 bonus glasses) near the ripple. Going along the gentle slope, highlight the cartridges to the gun on the ground. Reaching the cliff, we swallow a barrel with topaz (100 bonus glasses) and jump down.
Trace the route of enemies and unnoticed by their. Shoot the Emblem of Towers (6/9) on the inside of the wall of the left destroyed building. We’re bypassed the main building and smoke a barrel with sapphire (500 bonus glasses) in a small extension. Raised the slope to the left of the locked gate and, opening the door, select a smoke bottle by the wall opposite. Turning to the left, we go to the rod, next to which the chest with the cartridges to the gun. The terrain patrols three enemies at the same time, so more time we pay tracking their routes. If necessary, use a smoke bottle that will help to remain invisible for enemies even at close range. Crawing with everyone, we go to the tree between buildings on the right side and shoot the Emblem of the Tower (7/9) on the rock. Inside the first destroyed house on the left side we smoke a barrel with cartridges to the assault rifle. We leave out on the other hand and smoke another barrel with cartridges to the gun near the tree. In the next destroyed house, highlight the incendiary bottle near the barrel and carry the box to the back wall of the neighboring building. We climb on the roof and make your way to the next house. We collect new weapons from the tables – Rifle M1891 / 30 – and the key from the rear gate. Also we wake the chest with the detail “Stunning ur.1, then return to the gate and unscrew them with the key found.
Go down on the slope, pass through the construction, in which you pass the barrel with the cartridges in the pistol, and highlight some more cartridges to the gun in the bushes.
Village Rybakov
Get to the shore and smash the box with topaz (100 bonus glasses) by the rock on the right side. Penetrate the blue coastal house through the hole at the bottom of the wall and unscrew the door from the inside. With shelves of cabinets and stoves we collect smoke powder, alcohol and an empty bottle. Smoke powder combine with a blank bottle to get a smoke bottle. From the bed, we take a map of the village of Fishermen, and from the table – a document “Letter resident of the village” (5/9). We wake a chest with emerald (1000 bonus glasses) and choose from home. Suddenly, Barry will begin with vision problems caused by an invisible being. What it is closer, the stronger becomes. Switch to Natalia to detect the enemy in the form of a red clock, and then shoot it, playing for Barry. In the bedroom of the neighboring house we smoke a drawer with topaz (100 bonus glasses). Another drawer with cartridges to the assault rifle is in a fenced fence area from the third distance from the shore of the house. At the entrance to the fuel warehouse we select brick, go inside and in a small room we divide the insect larva (2/6) under the rack. We destroy the enemy near the bar, go around the building on the left side, climb the stairs and at the very end we wake the chest with the detail “weakening the return of the”. In the semi-open structure to the left of the gate leading to the helicopter platform, we smoke the cabin with sapphire (500 bonus glasses). Going into the bar, highlight the cartridges to the gun on the floor and select a drill, if earlier killed Mutating Pedro Fernandez. From the bar racks we take the document “Note Pedro about the bracelet” (6/9) and an empty bottle. In the back, we smoke the box with cartridges to the gun, and on the second floor there is a drawer with cartridges to the assault rifle. Improve weapons on the workbench and leave the building. We go around the building on the right side, along the way, shooting a plump of mucus on Earth, we are afraid with an invisible creature and climb the slope. Passing through the doors, before the next pass, we go to the end right and select an empty bottle from the ground. There is also a larva insect (3/6). We descend into the sewer, we paint with dogs and choose on the other hand.
City Mutating Pedro.
We smoke the box with the cartridges to the assault rifle at the lattice at the end of the road, select an empty bottle near the concrete ring and smoke powder in front of a wall poster to the right of the gate. When you reach the cat, we destroy two enemies, we smoke the box with topaz (100 bonus glasses), between the barrel and the container, and go to the building. Going down the stairs, select gunpowder to the right of the door. We are afraid of the enemy in the basement, we collect fabric and map of the city with racks, and highlight the cartridges of Magnum in the corner of the stairs. Consistently destroy two more mutants in Zakull and pass to the warehouse.
In the presence of a drill, we return back to the stairs, rising to the top floor and we drill a concrete fence. In the room, left at the top of the entrance door, there is a larva insect (4/6) – we divide it. We select cartridges from the bedside tables and jump onto a balcony of a nearby building. Having finished with the enemies, taking the alcohol from the shelves, we wake a chest with emerald (1000 bonus glasses) and pass to the warehouse.
We hit a vulnerable space from a sniper rifle with a sniper rifle. Having reading the warehouse, we climb on the container in the near left corner and smoke a box with a pistol cartridges. We go to the goal in the far left corner, we wake a chest with an elastic package that increases the size of Natalia’s inventory to eight cells, and come out out.
We smoke the container with the cartridges to the assault rifle near the containers on the left side and, destroying the slurry of the mucus on the ground, we go to the playground. Highlight the cartridges to the gun under the bench and select a blank bottle from the bench. Also smash the larva of the feet (5/6) under the hill with the help of bricks near the bus. Entering the bus, we select green grass at the very end and, coming out on the other hand, silently neutralize the enemy. Quickly shoot a mutant at the top, we are painting with the last opponent and go to the building.
We descend into operational, destroy the invisible creature and highlight the cartridges to the assault rifle under the sink on the left side. Rising upstairs, shoot another invisible enemy and get the powder from the table drawer. Open the chest with a detail “damage ur.2 “to the right of the door. In the next room from the table drawer, get the cartridges to the gun. Team “Waiting” Leave Barry here and Natalia get to the lattice. Switched on Barry, activate the lever and, playing for Natalia, quickly push the box, placing it across the lattice. Switch again on Barry, get to the lattice, passing the invisible creature in the corridor in front of the stairs, and choose from the building.
Going down, shoot a plug of mucus on the ground and pass inside the building. Improve weapons on the workbench, go out into the corridor and pass to the room by the nearest. Waving through the hole in the corner of the bathroom, select the cartridges to the assault rifle from the drawer on the right side and unscrew the door. In the extreme room we wake the chest with the detail “Capacity of the Ur Store.2 “. At the end of the corridor, to the right of the locked doorway, we select the odorous chemical.
We rise to the second floor, go to the first room and pick up alcohol with bedside tables. In the next apartment, in the bathroom, we smoke the drawer with cartridges to the assault rifle. In the living room from the rack, we take the document “Record of the Citizen” (7/9). At the end of the corridor, opposite the elevator, we swallow the box with sapphire (500 bonus glasses). We make my way through the hole in the elevator, quickly unscrew the door and spread with an invisible enemy. Shoot the Emblem of the Towel (8/9) on the top of the cabinet, select the red grass in the corner and smoke powder from the shelves of the shelving, and smoke a box with ruby (250 bonus glasses). Edward Thompson.
We destroy an invisible creature on the span of the third floor and smoke a box with topaz (100 bonus glasses) on the fourth floor span. In the hallway apartments on the left side of the cabinet shelves take the cartridges to the gun. Follow the helicopter down and select an empty bottle in the corner on the right side. Before entering the next apartment, thoroughly prepare for a meeting with Mutoving Pedro. We make bottles with various mixtures and harnesses. In a fight with the enemy, do not miss the use of these the most bottles and shoot on the distinguished vulnerable places on the body. Having won, pick up the green grass in the corner, we go to the last room and smash the box with cartridges to the assault rifle. We go down to the first floor, we drill the stovered doorway and leave outward.
We highlight the cartridges of Magnum under the car, we smoke the box with cartridges on the left side and highlight the empty bottle between large containers on the right side. Highlight the cartridges to the assault rifle under the boxes next to the concrete rings, get to the tower and go inside.
Having reached the wall on which the poster hangs, shoot the Emblem of the Tower (9/9) at the top on the right, next to the container. Having passed to the extreme room, we smash the box with the cartridges to the assault rifle and crack the chest with Emerald (1000 bonus glasses). From the container between the stairs, we take the document “Records of the Clinical Experiment (8/9). On the span of the stairs on the left side with the container we take the document “Farewell words to my dear father” (9/9), and on the span of the stairs on the right side we smoke the box with ruby (250 bonus glasses). Throw bricks split insect larva (6/6) between the column and the wall on the right side.
At the improvised Altar, Barry detects a photo on which Albert Wisker was captured and, as Natalia, Alex Wisker assures. A creepy voice expresses satisfaction about the arrival of heroes and a second later, his owner reveals his guise. Having knocked out the weapon from the hands of Barry, a worried something indicates Natalia and says her name than to horror scares the girl.