Road on Hon-Ka-Du: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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April 27, 2022
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Road on Hon-Ka-Du: Passage
Road on Hon-Ka-Du: Game Walkthrough and Guide

I want to get away from this train alive!

(IN. Pelevin)

The civilization of steam robots live on a distant planet and flourishes. Each Iron Citizen worries peacefully in the name of happiness and prosperity. The main symbol of peaceful labor robots served the ancient shrine of ancestors – the golden gear, which robots worship from the century to the century. But happiness can not last forever. From envy, or just from the harmfulness of the evil ruler Hon-Ka-do decided to steal the gold gear. In the downtime, a group of robot-saboteurs stole a gear! This is not just an insult, and the beginning of the total war in which robots will have to prove their superiority and in harsh battles to return the stolen shrine! Forward! Armor strong, and locomotives Fast! After victory, we swim the heroes in oil, and enemies – forever rust in hell!

* * *

“Road to Hon-Ka-Doo” is the original strategy in which you are not managed by units in RTS units, but exclusively by combat armored trains traveling on the rails among psychedelic alien landscapes. Tyumen developers from the “Ground” decided to make an unusual course, aligning a strategy and children’s game in the train. The components were mixed in the correct proportion, and as a result, it turned out a pretty game about “combat train”, the genre of which balances between the strategy and arcade. Bright and distinctive spray graphics gave the game a unique charm and ease in digestion even enough old computers. Choose for comparison Similar to “Hon-Ka-Doo” Games – Nearby task. There were no more strategies about combat trains. In the spirit and general “robotic”, the game resembles an ancient strategy “Z”, but the similarity ends. It is possible to even count the game to the genre of strategies, only by taking the courage, because it is impossible to even build structures – you can use only those buildings and railways, which are laid by developers on each of the twenty levels.

In short, the game is unusual, but certainly very charming and pretty. If you have long been looking for something original in the stagnant strategic genre, I advise you to try “Hon-Ka-Doo”, and this guide will help you master the game faster and more efficient. Here you will find:

* description of general game mechanics and its features;

* transfer of all detachments with tips on their use;

* Description of gaming facilities with recommendations for contacting them;

* Tactical recommendations on the game;

* Passage of all levels of the game.

It is interesting: on a CD with “Dear to Hon-Ka-Doo” you can find the full version of the game “Ground: otmonation”, famous for its lovely spray graphics, powerful combat tank, bright arcade gameplay and not moderately crazy plot.

Basics of steam fighting

Consider the disposition

Despite the fact that the cards in the game are diverse and look disliked on each other, almost on each map there are common elements. Let’s look at them carefully.

The first thing that rushes into the eyes is rails. Laying new ways to “Hon-Ka-Doo” can not – have to use those that the developers laid out for you. Sometimes the rails tightly cover hardly not the entire card, but sometimes they are very small. Your and enemy trains are moving around the same way as in reality – that is, it is possible to jump from one path to another only by arrows if the topology allows.

On the rails, it is almost always possible to find a pair of structures – your depot and workshop. The enemy usually also has a couple of these buildings. The depot is on a blind dead end and produces new wagons and steam locomotives. Through the railway workshop pass through – passing through it, beaten and devoid of ammunition is repaired and acquires full ammunition. In addition to the depot and workshop, sometimes on the map you can see a variety of defensive firepoints and plants producing the only resource – money. All buildings on the map are non-free, only separate can be deprived of activity or capture. But about it below. Sometimes on the rails you will see rotating boxes – these are resources in free access. Each box contains a hundred resource units (and this is the cost of a small composition). Usually pick up these boxes (bypassing on them, or passing by) vitally important for level passage. Finally, there are usually trains on the map – yours and enemy. They are fighting each other, destroying the wagons, capturing key defensive positions and shelling the enemy buildings.

As you can see, no tuning here. You use only what is already there, make your railway army and send it to battle.

Managing troops

To begin with, you will have to abandon the usual posts about trains. First, the locomotives: do not think about habit to put them ahead of the composition. It is dangerous: the loss of the locomotive composition becomes almost defenseless because it cannot move. Better place the locomotive at the end of the composition, and even better – in the middle.

And why, in fact, one locomotive? No, let’s immediately two or three. The more they are – the better. Each locomotive strength is limited: if a small train with a single cannonet platform can still run in ways, then with two platforms, he is already beginning to think. Three platforms are a maximum that one car can take. At the same time, he is worn out of all his might, moves slowly and slowly gains speed. Fold four platforms to it – and it will not move from the place. Therefore, get used to, building your super-train victory, count every time – how many steam locomotives will have to post among cars.

All your armed wagons have their own intelligence. Theoretically, the whole game can be passed, playing exclusively the role of the driver. Why? Just when meeting with the enemy, each car begins to fire him independently, to the best of his own ideas about the terrible. You can force a car to attack an alternative goal or focus on the enemy locomotive (so that the rest are not running out to be treated on the base), but you do nothing with the general independence of your composition. Yes, and you do not need to do anything about it – it is better to engage in surprise for airships on airplants, because they can not be ordered in principle! Taking off the platform, the airship begins his own war, returning only for replenishing the stock of bombs. This also applies to the paratroopers robots, which landing the landing wagon landfills – they act at their discretion, and you do not have controls over them. Fortunately, and paratrooper robots, and airships – the same consumable material as shells with rockets. Arsenal or workshop will be able to fill their reserves completely, if only there were the appropriate platforms. With all this, the alone choosing the goals for attacking the train is almost never tupit, and it will be annoyed only by its strange idea of the shortest path between two points. If you do not have enough reaction to think about the necessary path and returns commands, you can slow down the game time at any time (or accelerate to one and a half and twice, if you have an excessive reaction).

Yes, the train does not always choose the best way among all possible. That is why I recommend to leave the shooting on the sputter of electronic brains, and at the same time to direct it to the right rail branches. Do not trust his own algorithm for finding the way, especially since you sometimes need to choose a longer, but less dangerous way where the train will not be fired by stationary towers.

This is important: remember another rule: if due to one car, the whole composition is stuck (for example, on the arrow), then it is better to destroy the car hanging out than risking the whole composition.

Buildings and constructions


Depot is the basis of your military success. It is in the depot you will turn out available cash in steam locomotives and cars. The depot cannot move from hand to hand, but in some missions it is necessary to make a neutral depot to its, running up to him by train. The destroyed depot is inactive for some time, and then again starts work – it is impossible to finally eliminate it.

Clicking on the depot, you will call at the bottom of the Construction menu screen, which displays all possible construction options. Select the car you need and click on it – it will appear in the queue and starts to build. Alkal on other cars, you can build a queue of construction at the request. It is not final – at any time you can click on the car in the queue, and then move it to the beginning of the queue, or by the end, cancel it to build it (if it did not start, then you will return money) or change to another car. But remember – if the depot was destroyed, and at the same time there was a queue for the construction, then the turn will disappear, and the money will not be returned. If there is a real danger to lose the depot in the coming seconds of the game, then eliminate the queue by turning it into money.

This is important: the constructed wagons and locomotives emerging from the depot are built by side. At the same time, they automatically admire each other. Every level can be up to two depot – your plus enemy.


The workshop is largely similar to the depot: it may be neutral (then at the beginning of the level it can be captured), after the destruction it is restored after a while. The workshop serves to repair the damaged compositions and to replenish the battered ammunition (the grooves also include paratroopers and airships). Direct the damaged train on the depot – it will start on the one hand, will slowly pass through the workshop and leaves on the other side for free renovated and rearmed. Please note that you can travel to the workshop only on the one hand;The train knows about it and will turn to the right direction.

At each level there may be a maximum of two workshops – your and enemy. Usually your workshop and your depot are next to each other, but sometimes they can be located at different ends of the card. Moreover, according to the law of meanness, it usually happens at the most difficult levels.

Rocket Tower

The enemy rocket tower is usually on strategically important places, it sees important aisles, center card, enemy plants. The tower releases the self-watering rockets. Usually, speed helps against rockets – if you want to pass by the tower, pass quickly as you can, and the damage will be small. If you want to destroy the tower, install it from Mortyram. If there is no Mortira, rapidly get closer with it and open the fire from all guns. The destroyed rocket tower is restored after a while, but it can be captured – then the newly restored rocket tower will become yours, and will shelter the enemy (the pictogram in the form of a red and green turret testifies on the possibility of capturing the tower).

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