Shannar: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Home » Game Guides » Shannar: Game Walkthrough and Guide
June 14, 2022
11 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Shannar: passage

The game consists of two parts
First: When you go on the big map and you can fight with monsters
Second: When you go to some kind. (must take action)

In the first part, nothing needs to do. The main thing is to walk and
Find go. Waying to Dpack Y You Bid Four Menuies. (from left to right)
Retreat, selection of battle tactics, attack, protection. Purpose Possing – Win.

In this description, only the second part of the game is described.

one. Shady Vale.
You are in the forest pubed punch. Take a book. In this book
You can make entries and watch information. And also take the yD
(Fishing Pole) and Palky (Stick). In the inventory OBREN.
Use a daughter on the foliage of the tree.(bird will appear) push the bird
yD. Monstp will appear. Drop with him is useless, t.C. Click Retreat.
To help you, the magician. Talk to him and he will leave you amulet.
HA KAPTE SHOW TO POWER TO TYPE (avoiding monsters) until you give
Devyshky, pronounced. Become with Ne. Push (push) stone,
which lies on the left of the girl. And then push the branch (log). Becoming
with her and give her an amilelet. Girl will go with you. Girl is good
And now you can fight monsters. Go go to the peeks and
Kill two monsters. LEAH PERE AND Go to Leah.
2. Leah.
Speak with guardian. Go ahead to the shell’s father’s bedroom. By pyati
Became with gardener and bibliem. In the library, take from the table
Syndychki with dynamics (Potpourei) and read the book. Speak with the Father
And break from the table Czhash (Teacup). Build up the store and give Czashky
Podood. Take a Coo table with a Green Potion book (Green Potion).
Talk to the seller. Come to Fantany and use Bõylky
on the tree to the left of the fountain (Dogwood Tree), it is the calculation. Sport one
Flower (Flowers). Come in the store and take a letter from the hands of the Dead
Preek. Go to the room to your father and on the way with everyone say. Take
In YGLY SKODKY (Steam Pot), and then there and the Bolki. Go B
Shop (Sutnimyt Skodky) and use the iGolka with Pypay (Mortar).
Automatically you will find yourself y pastels father. Become with magician. Approach
and come with a stronger, and then build in bibliem. (Girl
As a result, it is, but give you an amylet). Give the amylet bibliem, he
Fast merging. Use a medallion on the head that is depicted
above the shield in libraries. The secret move opens. She slaughtered to you.
HAW go runs until you come up to the period. (y you will appear
many new items) speak with a guy while he will not attack you
together with two monsters. Your goal is to YBE DEV, selected 1 tactic
Maintaining Boy.Use the version from your inventory on the venerech, which
Located in the water (pull it through the pub). (from school inventory) onions
Shoot in Stopp on another PY River (Brake). Go to TYRSIS.
3. Tyrrsis.
The city is surrounded by zombies (if you want it and you can fight.) Go
left along the wall and break (take) from Depel (Lourel) branch. Then go
Well, until you reach the diverse. Knock on the door twice.
Talk to Brandon. From your inventory let’s a bag with
Food (Food), and then give EMY Divorce (Branch).Zombies disappeared, but the bnee
In the city are not allowed. Come with a stronger, shell and bundom. Go
to the city and speak with the secretary. Show him amulet and talk to him
again. Go left in bibliem and read (read) Large Book.Becoming
with the secretary until he opens the locker with a small book. Bring it I
Use the knife on it, get a sheet (PACT).Speak with the secretary and go
forward to the throne room. Use oil (OIL) on the jaw (jaw) lion.
Then open it with a knife and take the key. Move (Push) SPAVA COPE
with sname.Open (Push) mouth y bow and paste the key.Open
(Open) wall (Wall), which was under the convoy.(you’re in a secret room).
In the inventory light (LIGHT) lantern, and then burn this lamp
Candles on the wall. The room will be light, but in the zeper will appear either
and starts long to come. When you will appear kypsp, then we swipe
in the mirror. Attach mirrors Go to any door. When you leave from
mirrors, then automatically take the pyramids (INCENSE).First sweather
And then open (Open) Ceper (Skull) on the left on the wall and visrib
Scroll (Scroll). Ob’eden this scroll book. Go out and come with
Secret.(Bedend again with you) In the same room, remove the walls
Bylavy (Mace) and go to wine in wine. Take an empty bottle and
Fill it out of the KPAN (Cask) wine. Then put on the floor (Floor):
PIPAMICES (INCENSE), BYYLY (MACE), leaflet (PACT).Ignite (Light) PIPamds
on field. Using a book first with a sheet (PACT), and then with byway.
Because of it, use the book on it and say again
disappeared. BYLAGE BYLAY AND CHOOSE TO WAY. Go to the left to Depere and
Bear (take) from him leaves. Go for it to the spin and psyuly
Side Flowers (Shella-Mistletoe-Take). Bloom in Bõytilky with wine:
Leaves (Leaves), Flowers (Mistletoe) and Syndychek (Potpourri). Go K
second, and from him it turns to fire. Pour fucking in the fire. Again
Journey around the map. Go runs, move Padky, watch Myltic,
Load publish again and go to Abalorn.
4. Abalorn.
Wear a Lult (lessa). Go tickly to the fountain and stab in the world
Boose (POT) Glyny (Clay), which is located on the fountain. Go
Further and come with Davio. Read the paper sheet on the wall.
Go from the fountain to the left.Remove Plant (Vine) on the right on the fence
And close (Close) Gate (Gate).Take Life Rune.Open (Open) Gate
and look at the stone. Come to the fountain and plug the hole (Hole) on
Green Towel Fountain – Take Water Rune. Go to lessa-e and
Sprinkle (Pour) water (Water) Tile on the road (Flagstone) and take it.
Use the mask with mud (Clay) on the stone (Carved Stone) and PPC
Nail Tileky (Flagstone). Take the Earth Rune. Give LESSA venerech.
The staircase will take a staircase to the house. Climb on the stairs (Ladder).
Spike (Push) Nest (Nest).Go and come with Davio.Bept (take) DPOV
(Logs) – Fireplace. Come and speak with the PRAIN, and then again
With Davio. Rise the stairs and take the left plate (shingles)
Using this plaques on dismissions (Metal Piece) – Fire Rune.
Return and talk to Davio.Again, climb the stairs and pour
Flugp (Vane) Oil (OIL) and kdat it (TURN). History your fucking,
And then give it to Brejdomy – will make Air Rune. Take (take) stairs
And speak with Lessa – will give you a silver ring. Give the Ring Davio.
Speak with the Prince and take the golden ring. Golden ring
Give LESSA and come with it until you will give you an ELF RUNE. Substitute K
(Rune Stone) comes from the fountain and insert the Pyns into it: ELF, Earth,
Air, Fire, Water, Life. As a result, you will take. Rent a picture
KAPTA: Go to the GoPam until you integrate the magician. Go around
Svepochy and you are Y Such the Migrics fighting from Monsters. Help EMY
to pledge and y you fucking a lot of DPYSE. You come to go any massive.
five. Popsite the body to take a stone (Telsek-Boulder-Take). Using this
on the collar (Arch), he will gain.Go Vpeed and attack you.In this
Battle Poption Davio Use Elfstones (Orders-Davio-Elfstones).
Speak with everyone and go to the cave (Cave) – Dark. Light (Light)
From inventory. Became with the baby.Let EMY letter (Letter).Look
(Look) on the symbol above the Shakht (Dark Object) and use it on it.
The Malchik will take you to the field of compatibility. Go push to (Troll Camp).HA
you are attacked, but you do not go, but a downpace – will start periods.
Go to the right to (Elf Camp) and show the Elf Guard Letter (Latter).
After leaving you, you are with the body will remain Y Top.!!! Save !!! If
y you can not be half up, then start first. Go to the nest (Nest) and run
(search) from it. Give his body. (!Negotiation!). C. say
Top Tolem. Go to the elvenous kopol (the stanner does not pystitite the body)
Beat y bytalky binary with wine. Give her to the cooky-tol, he will give you
Chepovykov. Ob’ediginate Thicks with a yDochka, and ydchky use with a pocket
(Stream) on the ELF with an elf-dye, catch the library (!NEGOTIATION!).
Come with an elf-stannik until you start moved. In this
We ask only about Elfstones, then a monster hit you
and after you defeat them, then you will be on the cape.
By capping: go come back until you get into catchshky. In the course of DPAC
Davio is hard to put. By cape !Run! Down along the peeks yet
to the village. Because of the gnome and go out, go to the Pareky. Ob’ednyy
Stoley (Arrows) with Palchief (Kerchief).Pour (Pour) Study Oil
(OIL) and OBDERBOX (TINDERBOX). Parenta Pipe.Killite
his. Come with a gnome and he will revive Davio. Go out and go
Down until you see a lot of monsters. Go down to the peek you
6. Cullhaven
You give you a blue bag. Come with killy and with kili. Go for example, I
with everyone say. See (Look) on the debris (shafts) on the floor next to
Guardian. Look at Kiel.Go to the DPYAM and with all
Becoming. Go in the upseynyy room. Push (Push) TPON (Chair)
And look at the small hole (Hole) on the fireplace wall.C. say
Kili.Go and come with Davio – will give you a swing (Stein).Open (Open)
Her – Tuck Tsyapky (SASH). Show TPEAPKY KILE and YBE PER.
Come with a coolant and he dismissed DPYSE. Take (Open) from Syme on
Flight (Backpack) Phach (Handle). Go to the dynamaty and insert
it is in the sneaky y fireplace (hole) and then press (push) it.Go to Lake
To the top and use the bag (Magic Dust) in the middle of the lake (POND)
– Rises. Use Elfstones (Y Davit) on the dam on the left (DAM).
Take yourself with monsters.After the victory you will swim on the plot, and then go
To the top to the stove and left until you come to the pope.
Define (Climb) for the version (Rope) and take a step on the bridge. Boy-in which
Shell is hard Pannna. Speak with her and use your sword on it.
Plumsy Shell.You are in the dark.Find Gypsum Heel (Boothell) and push
her (Push). Say nail (nails) and move (CUT) to them (Rope).
Tepe see you’re in captivity.Use heel on Tend (tend) on the left
And go to the left. Look at the hatch and on the hole to the right. Second awning too
Fit the icon and go to it.Remove the knife from the table (Dagger).Tday
(Blindfold) Using Migrics (Shaman). When he turns fast
Grab from my neck Amulet (Magic Torch).Bind (TIE) his rope
– Take a connection with keys. Go to the brand and open the keys
Two chests return their things.Go to the second tend and go with a guy.
Go to the first tend and take a guy lift Syndyk (Geek-Chest-Take).
Between tents: Pychky (Y Gick) in a hole (Hole) – Luke turns out.
Ob’ediginate with Syndyki, and Syndyk with Dwarf (Pit). Popsite Gick
first go down (geek-pit-enter), and then go down.
Look on the hole to the right of the stairs and insert into it pychky (y guika)
Malotok (Warhammer y bendom) with a pitch (grating) over Syndyk and
Type Tyda Bendom Breed (Brendel-Grating-Enter).-Give Syndyk.
Wheel: Open (Open) Play (Metal Plate) to the left of the wheel and click
(Fix) it. Turn (Turn) Wheel (Wheel). Use (USE) Black Irix
(Y body) on the door and ask for it to open the door (Telsek-door-Open).
Come in her.Go ahead to the lake, bring the sword, touch with monsters.
7. Hall of Kings
Ask the body to look (Telsek-Statue-Push) go ahead and
Take the monster (Elfstones) when everyone is killed apart from Davio,
Davio will agree to sacrifice.Lift the diadem (Diadem) and go
Further Typik. Build and use the body to raise two.(Telsek-
Broken Door-Take).Go Vpeed-body will protect you.Poposite
Bneed lift the patch (Brendel-Cage-Lift) -Geek YW.
Pushing (Push) Pouch (Cage). Using rope with grille and go
down.Look at the idol (Top of the iDol on the screen) and the hammer of the bine
YOU Eye (Eye). Take the dead. Climp on
Idola (IDOL) and get (Draw) Sword (Sword).Go on the tunnel to any door.
Bid to meet DPYSEY and come with them until you leave.Use
Sword with book (Book) on the table.

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