Silkroad Online: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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May 23, 2022
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Silkroad Online: Passage
Silkroad Online: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Level 1
Quest: Chinese Tutorial
NPC: General SonHyeon, Western Chanwan city, in front of the building to the right of the Western Gate.
1: Talk to the general Sonhyeon, go to the Mrs Jang reservation saleswoman and talk to her. Return to General.
Reward: 60 EXP, Gloves.
2: Talk again with the Sonhyeon general, go to the Jinjin jewelry seller, she will give you a hold ring. When she asks him back, put on the ring on the middle finger and show it to her. We run to tell General.
Reward: 60 Exp, UME Copper Ring.
3: The general will give you 200 coins and task to buy 1 HP Herb from the seller of bottles Helshes and Mana Yangyun. Buy (if you do not have in inventory) 1 HP Herb and come back to the general.
Reward: 60 exp and 200 coins (140 coins, if you had to spend on HP Herb).
4: Talk to the general and he will ask you to unpown 30 Mangryang (LVL 1). Good to run away is not necessary – they hang out behind the gate. As soon as the nameplate “30 out of 30”, return to the General for Remuneration.
Award: 350 EXP, Shoulders, 30 pieces HP HERB.

Level 3
Quest: Weapon Dealer’s Letter (available only if the quest chinese tutorial is executed)
NPC: Chulsan, Arms Merchant, Central Part of Chanjan.
Get a letter to be attributed to the Jingyo Guard at the southern gates of the city of Chanjan. Talk to the guard, hand the letter, get a new one, go back to the weapon merchant for a reward.
Reward: 225 exp, 205 coins.

Level 3
NPC: Hwangno, Village Elder, Southeast Party Chanwan.
Elder will tell you a sad story about how new shoes gave the grandson, and he went to walk in them and did not return. Go back to the grandson and pretend to Small and Big Eye Monster (LVL 2-3) until you find Child’s Shoes. Return to the elder and inform him about the tragedy.
Award: 375 Exp, 475 coins.

Level 3
Quest: Battle with Weasel
NPC: Yang, Guard at the Eastern Gate of Changan City.
Guard will ask you to destroy 40 weasel. Get out of the gate and clean the neighborhood from Weasel and Old Weasel (LVL 4-5) until the inscription will appear on the execution of the quest. Return to the promotion.
Award: 1900 Exp, 1000 coins.

Level 5
NPC: Jinjin, Seller of jewelry in the city of Chanwan
You must knock out the straw stuffed mangryang (LVL 1) 20 pieces Straw
Reward: Increased backpack on 10 slots.

Level 5
Quest: Yangyun’s Anxiety
NPC: Yangyun, seller of bottles Helshes and Mana, Central part of Chanjan.
Stick to death 50 Water Ghost / Water Ghost Slave (LVL 6-7) and return to YangYun for a reward. Victims inhabit north of Chanjan city.
Reward: 3800 Exp, 28 Splits Herb.

Level 6
Quest: Water Ghost’s Poison (available only if the quest Yangyun’s Anxiety is executed).
NPC: Yangyun, seller of bottles Helshes and Mana, Central part of Chanjan.
Leak will ask you to bring him 20 bottles of poison (Water Ghost Poison) that you will gladly give Water Ghosts / Water Ghost Slaves (LVL 6-7). If you do not give in a good way, choose them by force.
Reward: 6600 Exp, 4000 Skill Exp, 50 MP HERBS.

Level 7
Quest: Sweeping Stone Ghost
NPC: Sangnam, Guard at the eastern gate of the city of Chanjan.
The Guard will ask you to seize 40 Stone Ghosts / Broken Stone Ghosts (stone lions, LVL 8-9), which are located in Northeast (Chin’s Tomb) and Southeast (Tomb) adjacent to the city of Chanjan area. Take with you more bottles with Helsa, you will be waiting for the abundance of agromobes.
Reward: 4500 exp, 1900 coins.

Level 7
Quest: Clearing Tomb Stone
NPC: Jeonghye, Buddhist Monk Temple Jaeun, Northeast Part of Chanwan.
The monk carried a stone to a snub with manuscripts, but was attacked, and the board crashed, and the pieces turned into stone monsters. You will get a task to find 8 different stones. Crucify stone monsters (Tomb Stone and Tomb Stone Ghost LVL 8-9), which are found around Tomb and Chin’s Tomb, until they are making 8 different stones. The same stones are also collectable – useful.
Reward: 10500 exp, 3800 coins, 1 horses call (Red HORSE). Award for each extra stone: 100 exp and 125 coins.

Level 8
Quest: Tree Spirit
NPC: Miaoryeong, Emit near Exorcist’s HOME Hut to West from Chaniana, for a river.
Continue to kill YEOHA / DECAYED YEOHA (LVL 10) until 30 Yeoha’s Black Blood. Brown trees are aggressive, attack magic, so they are more suitable for mentals with their enhanced protection against magic, and black – passive, attack physically, so we recommend them all physicists. How to get 30 puddles of blood, run to pass their earrings for the remuneration.
Award: Exppass / SP / Money No, there is a Weapon of Level 10 of the class that you hold in your hands (if you don’t hold anything, get a sword).

Level 9
Quest: Adventurer’s Stone
NPC: Flora, girl near the shop of merchant goods, southeastern Central Square of Chanjan.
Dobet Stone Ghosts (LVL 8-9), of which the Adventurer’s Stones will fall. Type 20 such stones and attribute Flore. If you do the Quest Sweeping Stone Ghost, the stones will not fall until you finish it.
Reward: 5000 Skill Exp, 3500 coins, 1 piece “Adventurer’s Shift Scroll” (Scroll, for 1 hour, increasing movement speed by 20%)

Level 10
Quest: Purification of Ground (available only if the quest Tree Spirit is executed)
NPC: Miaoryeong, Emit near Exorcist’s HOME Hut to West from Chaniana, for a river.
Girl will give you Yeoha’s Black Blood and ask to attribute Kushyan Buddhist to Chanwan. He, in his very rage, will send you back to the girl.
Award: 12700 EXP, 4500 Skill Exp, 4000 coins.

Level 10
Quest: Sweeping Bandit Archer
NPC: JUHO, inhabitant of a military camp, northwestern city of Chanwan.
With this quest begins your adventures in Citadel Bandits. Someone they may seem long and boring, but these are only flowers compared to what your character is waiting for. In this quest, you need to kill 50 gangsters-shooters (Bandit Archer, LVL 12), which are located in the southeastern surroundings of Citadel Banditov (Bijeokdanui Mountain Stronghold) and return to Juho for remuneration.
Reward: 9500 exp, 50 pieces MP HERBS.

Level 11
Quest: Bandit’s Operational Map (available only if the quest Archer has been completed)
NPC: JUHO, inhabitant of a military camp, northwestern city of Chanwan.
This time this pretzel will ask you to bring him 20 cards with plans of bandits (Operational Maps). Warring War Bandits (bandits – LVL 16; Bandit Archers – LVL 12), collect all 20 cards and attribute them to JUHO.
Reward: 28200 Exp, 10000 Skill Exp, 8300 coins.

Level 13
Quest: SWEEPING BANDIT (Available only if the quest is performed by Sweeping Bandit Archer)
NPC: Leebaek, Clan Manager, Military Camp in the North-West Part of Chanwan.
Little Life 50 Bandits / Bandit Subordinates in the southeastern surroundings of the Citadel (Bijekdanui Mountain Stronghold) and return to the Clan manager for a reward. Our advice – To fulfill this quest quickly, kill only Bandit Subordinates, They are the 11th Level, and Bandits – the 16th.
Reward: 14500 Exp, 50 pieces Vigor Herbs.

Level 13
Quest: Tiger’s grinding tooth
NPC: jodaesan, vendor merchant goods, southeast part of the central square of Chanjan.
Handle 10 fangs (Molar Teeth) from Tigrite (Young Tigers, LVL 13) and bring them to the customer.
On Hoody: 15300 Exp, 5000 Skill Exp, 4000 coins.

Level 13
Quest: Tiger Hunting Competition (repeated 3 times)
NPC: General SonHyeon, Western Chanwan city, in front of the building to the right of the Western Gate.
1: To perform the first part of this quest, you must kill 1 Champion Tiger (LVL 14, tripled Helsa), 20 Tigers (LVL 14) and 20 Young Tigers (LVL 13). And the murders will not be counted if you are taken, but not fulfilled the quest Tiger’s grinding tooth.
Reward: 6700 Exp, 2050 Skill Exp, 63 HP Recovery Potions (Small).
2: At the time of writing this guide, the second and third parts of this quest were bagunged, so do not pay attention to zeros. If you took the quest, the tigers will be counted you. Now you need to overeat 3 Champion Tigers, 30 Tigers and 30 Young Tigers. We advise you to first kill Young Tigers, make sure that one line in the quest description has changed the color, which indicates sufficient quantity, and then kill Champion Tiger S, passing away from Tigers. When the second line changes the color, recycle tigers until the green string appears in the middle of the screen, symbolizing the successful performance of the entire quest.
Reward: 10500 Exp, 3200 Skill Exp, 3600 coins.
3: In the third part you will have to ruin 5 Champion Tigers, 40 Tigers and 40 Young Tigers. Tactics are the same as in the previous part.
Reward: 15800 EXP, 4300 Skill Exp, 1 Tiger’s Violence Scroll (Scroll, per 1 hour increases damage by 20%).

Level 15
Quest: Cheolhyeon’s Anger (available only if the Quest Bandit’s Operational Map is executed)
NPC: Chulsan, Arms Merchant, Central Part of Chanjan.
Kuznets will inform that the bandits attacked the military camp and carried all the stocks of arrows. He suspects in this archember bandits (Bandit Bowmen, LVL 15) and will ask you to bring 200 of their heads, but it’s just enough to kill them, you don’t need to cut off your heads. Bowmans (not Archers) hang out in the southwestern surroundings Citadel Bandits . If you are the 16th Level, we advise at the same time to take the quest Stolen Sword.
Reward: 26500 exp, 10,000 skill exp, 1 subject [Basic Armor Gender Switch Tool] (changes the gender belonging of things (up to the 3rd stage inclusive) to the opposite).

Level 16
Quest: Stolen Sword
NPC: GWAKWI, leadership of the guild of hunters in the city of Chan’an.
Torture gangsters (bandits, LVL 16) in the vicinity and in the Citadel itself, until they give you a sword. The number of bandits does not depend on the method of torture, it all depends on your good luck. Or from the great random, it’s someone like more.
Reward: 18800 Exp, 5000 Skill Points, 5050 coins.

Level 16
Quest: Hunting White Tiger
NPC: Machun, Konya, Southwestern Central Square of Chanjan.
Put 40 white tigers (White Tigers, LVL 18) and return to Machun.
Award: 12500 Exp, 4300 coins.

Level 17
Quest: Herb Delivery
NPC: Yangyun, seller of Bottles Helsi and Mana, Central part of Chanjan.
Herbalist offers you the work of the courier and asks to attribute the package of herb his porch ferry CHAU. Click on the name of the quest in the menu, the destination will appear on the map. The path is not possible, we advise you to cut the horse.
Award: 14400 Exp, 3600 Skill Exp, 3800 coins.

Level 17
Quest: Yangyun’s Request (available only if the quest Herb Delivery)
NPC: Yangyun, seller of bottles Helshes and Mana, Central part of Chanjan.
This time, Herbalist will ask you to deliver 2 books with the herbaries of DOJI Ferrors (East Ferry) and Chau (Western ferry). All the journey takes a few minutes if you call the crow and will go enough carefully to do not kill him. But on every firefighter, you can grab a couple of hits. And do not forget to return for remuneration to Yangyun.
Award: 18000 EXP, 4500 Skill Exp, 125 pieces MP Recovery Potion (Small).

Level 17
Quest: Black Tiger’s Claw (available only if the Adventurer’s Stone quest is executed)
NPC: Flora, girl near the shop of merchant goods, southeastern Central Square of Chanjan.
The girl asks to bring her 60 claws (Black Tiger Claws). In the description of the quest will be written 60 skins, but do not pay attention, it is a typo. Check on black tigers (Black Tiger, LVL 17) and collect claws.
Reward: 60000 Exp, 15000 Skill Exp, 15700 coins.

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