Silver: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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December 2, 2022
18 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Silver: passage
Silver: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Passage – (b.) Bodhisattva (Bodhisattva @ AU.RU)
Militant – (m.) Ahasamatman (MahasamaTman @ Hotmail.COM)
Special thanks – the unknown creator of trains for Silver :))

General recommendations

"Hotkeys" To switch between heroes:
~ – choose all heroes
1 – Choose David (David)
2 – Choose the second hero
3 – Remove the Third Hero

When you choose all the characters, they attack with you
(and not stand, as the last idiots, waiting for you until you finish).
Heroes armed with shooting weapons (or spells) attack with
Distances. Heroes armed with swords enter the Middle Fight.

"Hotkeys" For weapons:
7 – previously used sword
8 – used the latest magic weapon or magic
9 – I have no idea
0 – previously used shield

"Hotkeys" For magic:
F1, F2, F3 – switches the level of magic to the first, second and third

The level of magic rises as you use it. IN
depending on the level, the slaughter force changes, as well as the appearance
spells (if the Ice spell of the first level is
Single shots, then at the second level it is already a whole machine-gun
The queue, the third level spell you can frow enemies).

Special techniques
Unlike magic, each of the heroes can use one and that
the same reception (so the reception of the kosar (or any other) can
use as much three times without waiting for its recovery, it is worth only
change the active hero).

Like magical subjects, special techniques take time for
Recharge (what I consider some illogical -m.).

Special techniques are performed by the hero when pressed Ctrl and pressed left
Mouse key (no cursor moves).

Magic alternative attacks are performed by pressing the key
Or with Ctrl + left click on a hero, armed magic. This reception
Especially useful in situations when many enemies surround you.
Takes a lot of mana (spell points).


Go to the house, take an apple on the first floor and weapon from the chest
on the second. Equip and exit the courtyard, train with grandfather.
He will show you several techniques that you will need

When the training is over, soldiers will resort and take
Wife Davida. Kill the remaining soldiers and run forward, killing
the road of everyone you can kill. Making sure the ship is already
sailed to distant Dali, return to the goal in T.N. barracks,
Kill the shipments, go inside. Again kill all the soldiers, not
Forget to pick up everything that will remain from them (if it remains). IN
Barracks can be bought food (restores hits). Exit out
barracks, go through the bridge to the goal. Boldly go (and better run
(Double click anywhere on the screen – run there, single – go))
Through the gate, then go up, then left. Go left and you
surround the rebels and get to your camp. Talk there with everyone,
you will be taught a special reception (Web of Death), and also go to

Get to Telescope
Pick up the torch and go to the cave. Take a torch in your hands, go to
Cave. Go all the time "forward", until you come to the library.
Embroide the door, kill all the small devils, talk to

Go to the only open passage, go all the time,
killing all the way. In one of the halls, where the banenal will sit on
Closer, lift the slingshot from the floor and remove it a pair of shots.
Continue your way, Save Professor on the way. When yellow
Babeless will ask you to keep his life and in return promises you
Golden Mountains, do not kill him, and follow him. He will lead you to
chest (as well as to the chronicler), and himself grabs a kind of potion and runs away.
Catch up and kill him (he will drink a potion). Try to keep K
Him closer.

When you finally find the responsible telescope, as well as for
All Bardak in the library, take sucks and teleport down.
When Hug will kill his grandfather, do not try to take revenge,
And follow the sorcerer (as always killing everyone in a row on the way).

When you find yourself in grumps, make sure that the icicles were
time to recharge and you will not have any problems.

When you get to the hall with two outputs (not counting the one of which you
came) and they will attack you, try to quickly finish the jester with the rod,
Otherwise you will have to fight back endlessly. Right – door to the dwelling
Dr. Buzuki, left – road

To the red demon.

Kill Red Demon
Hide behind the stone until the icicle recharges, beat off
Small beens. When the icicle recharges, run out due to stone and
Shoot in Demon. (approx. – Some people managed to get up so,
To shoot in the boss because of the stone).

You will be sent to Rain. There you will have to fight a lot. Via

Soon kill the archers. You need to meet an old woman who is looking for his
Son (she will give you a bear) and go to the pier. After that you will be sent to

Find the sphere of fire (# 1)

Oracle will tell you about the plans of the Silver and about the magic spheres (balls).

You will receive a map (called the m key), horn and, if talking with
doctor, bottle of poisonous clouds.

Go to Raine, to Othiaas Tower, where, after small disassembly with
"Little kendres" and Othias himself, you will get a fiery sphere, sword and
Special reception (Spit (PB)).

Ice Sphere (# 2)
Go to Oracle (not in the tower itself) and go down. You will find yourself
In a frozen country. Open the gate in the turret key received
Othias. Arm David Fire Sphere – one blow
enough to defeat ice monsters. Unfortunately,
This does not apply to people… When David will start running mana,
You can use a sword or just wait.

Kill Ice Giant

Be sure to arma David the fiery sphere when the fight will begin with
Ice Giant. Stay away from it, turn away from

Shots. Soon, most likely die, but do not pay for it
attention, after the victory, she will revive again.

From time to time small ice flies will appear, killing
which you get a magic ball restoring Manu.

Find a healing sphere (# 3)

First you have to go to the library and, it is possible that the game is in
This moment will go into deep meditation, interrupted only from the game.

Go to David’s house, kill crocodiles, go to the right. Kill everyone, go
in the gorge. Continue the way until you reach the house Vivian. Take it to C
Return to the previous screen, go the gorge on the log and go
left. Speak with the mayor and you will attack. Reflect the attack and remaining in
Live run away, leaving the key from Rain.

Arm David (no, well, I just hate Russified games! –
B.) Ice sphere and go to the left. You will attack small fiery
Demons, kill them. Top up mana reserves and go on, to meet with
Another boss.

Kill Demon
The demon will appear from different crater. Forget about your lanes,
They will still revive after the victory over the boss. Shoot in Demon
ice, kill small drains from which will fall out
Balls restoring Manu. This demon is quite easy to soak,
The main thing is to dare.

We continue to search for the sphere. # 3
Winning a daemon, go up, see the fire through which you are
We will not be able to go through (this place will remain on the map).

Go to the goal in Raine and turn up at the first intersection :).
Go until you come to a closed gate. Open them
The key selected from the mayor. Kill everyone, pick up food and look

In the tavern, talk to Randalf (probably illegitimate cousin
Gandalf, who walked his flamethrower… – B.), buy from him
"flamethrower". Speak with an old man, he will tell you the code that opens
Gateway next to the bell (3 impact – pause – 2 strikes – Pause – 1
hit). Talk to Jag (Jug, Jug), take it to your team
Instead of second. Talk to the pirate, buy a damned dangum.
Go to the goal with the bell (it is better to get there from the Othiaas Tower).
Call the bell as you were taught in the tavern (from the first time it can
It will not work, but then it will be necessary)

From the screen after the gate, go through the bottom left output. Talk
with an old man, buy silver. Get out of the screen in the same way,
How come, now go to the upper left.

Kill the washedto with an ax, use special techniques. If you’re lucky,
You can drive it into one of the corners and squeeze the drop forward
(Ctrl + Left Click, Mouse Cursor Up). The main thing is not to get off the rhythm and
Then the werewolf will not be able to hit you. True, hedongly
have to… anyway.

Killing the Werewolf, continue the way until you come to the boatman. Give
His dungle and he will bring you to Tadeu. Tadeusus will allow you
Take advantage of his submarine.

Spires: Kill Dragon
Find a place on the map (in the Russified version, which
Truly Mazdai -B.) will be a me as a dragon repair.

To kill the dragon, you will have to use magic (better ice), and so
the same a little run to get closer to the stomach of the dragon, where
there is his vulnerable place. Your friends will surely die, but, as it was already
said after the victory over the boss, life and magic

Winning the dragon, you will get a healing sphere that will have to use,
If any of your heroes turned out to be poisoned.

Find a sphere of lightning (# 4)
If you, during the search for a dragon from Spires, did not find a necklace,
which "opens" burning tree, then go from the hall with (now
already without :)) dragon, turn left. When you kill everyone
enemies will appear in the chest in which you will find a necklace.

With the card, move to the burning tree. Take advantage
Necklace (Spirk will appear and report that Professor wants to see you. On the
In fact, the professor simply prepared several new potions).

When you find yourself on a fork, go to the right (left is located on the left
Another boss). You will meet the Chinese, who wants to you
join. If you play without trains :), you can take it
with me instead of Vivian because he is very clever and not bad
with magic.

Go to the monastery where you will learn another acceptor, as well as
stumble upon a meditating monk who need some
vital questions. Go to the library where Professor
will give you a list of questions, and come back to the monk. In exchange for
questions, he will give you an elixir with which you will move
to the house where Ruben puts his paintings. You will see how Silver
Kills Ruben. Take the key.

Teleport to the house of David. Go for a long time to right, and then
Up and see a house Ruben. Open the door and meet Chiaro. If
really want, you can take it, but he is weak and there is no special
benefit. Go up the stairs and in the chest take the sphere of lightning.

Find the Sphere of Earth (# 5)
Return to the burning tree. At the fork, turn left. When
come to the boss, put someone with magic in the distance, and two heroes
Purchase send to the near battle. Use special

When you defeat the boss, you will get the key from the Palace of Glass and Staff with

Go to Frozen Country. Go up and you will come to
Palace Glass (interesting family – dad silver and daughter
Glasses… Who was mom? -M.). Come in and on "Force"
Turn left. Soon you will find an ice dragon.

Kill Ice Dragon
It is best to remove it with fire. It is possible to hurt it when around
it sparkles ice or when he sticks out the stomach to throw in you
Ice charge. Try to dodge the icicles falling on the floor.
By the way, you can hide behind frozen friends, as well as
Shoot through them.

We continue to seek the sphere of the earth.
From the throne room go to the left – there you can persist and
Collect the sphere. If from the throne room to go on the right, then you will find yourself
In the room where the keys are in the chests from the barracks and the precious key.
Go back to the throne room, down, right and see the door that
Opened precious key. There you will find a blue key and amulet

Go to the entrance to the palace and find a blue door. Inside you will find
Spell for causing the golem and combat hammer.

Find the sphere of acid (# 6)
Go to the rebel camp. Talk to all. Fat bob
will tell you the password you have to say bartender in the Rainic

Go to the tavern, talk to the bartender and he let you in
cellar, from where you get into the sewer where the vista will show you
Another reception. By the way, the monsters in the sewage is especially good
The magic of land is killed.

To get to jail, you need to release water from Rayne streets. For
It is necessary to find a handle to a certain aggregate. The handle lies on the screen,
which you can get along the screw staircase.

How to kill boss
There are many opinions on this. Some advise one
man to arm the magic of land, and another to give swords and
rush on the boss of the crowd. My (ours! – B.) Own experience shows,
that you can do and one hero, armed magic
Earth. The boss will run (I have ever run) just for
"Magic" hero, ignoring everyone else. It hurts it
Mutant can only be able to gather around it
Acid Couples (Green Spots).

When you defeat the boss, you will get the acidic sphere and go out on
Raina Street, where you previously killed the waswolf.

We are looking for a sphere of time (# 7)
Go to the screen where the boat was before. Go through the hole in the wall.
Go ahead (read: where you go). On the way you will kill Khan and
Break his things. Go ahead until you find yourself on
the playground where the purple gramlins gets (maybe it is not a gramlin, but we
It was so nicknamed). He will become invisible and will attack on
you. Kill it and get invisibility ring.

Go down and remove the door. Go inside. When you get to
The end of the corridor, let’s push the turntable on the balcony to open the door.
Go inside. Right in the foreground will be the passage for which you
Meem Yeremia (grandfather in a cage). He wants to give you the key and drops
His down. You need to shoot the lever on the contrary to omit the bridge.

Kill the crocodile, lift the golden key (from the door in the library) and go
farther. Killing everyone, you will find Duke in a cage and he will talk to

Go up the corridor, find yourself in a room with toilet. Kill everyone,
Delte the toilet handle and go down. When you
Position in the room with a large cage hanging in the center, arms
David’s best sword and shield and get ready to fight with Hugom (in
Original Fuge) (descend down the stairs).

Kill hug (use immota of invisibility, ice spell and all
Your special techniques). You will get his swords and the key of the crescent. Go
to the upper left pass, kill everyone, go down and kill
jailer (and all others). You will get the key from Duke Cell.
Go to the door in the middle of the wall, talk to the prisoner, show
He is Mishk.

Return to Dyuk, free it. After talking from the eyes,
Return to the camp. Talk to the old woman and she will give you a ring,
Protecting Magia. Then go to port Verdante.
You need 300 coins to get to the gate of death.

Arriving there, go ahead, until you see the ghost of brother
One of the rebels. Talk to him and go out from this screen
on right.

From the next screen, go under the wooden bridge. Kill ghosts and you
See the ghost of Dr. O’Liiri. He will give you t.N.
a scroll of revelation, with the help of which you will fall to the excavations in
Hayven. Leave the screen and go along the track that below the wooden
Bridge. Help the ghost of Zhanitos, he will give you a stone key.

On the map, go to Spires, where there is a locked chest.
Open it and get an amulet that turns you into a werewolf. Go B
Library in GNO, Golden Key Open the large door and chest
Take the spell of the golem and the reception of the hurricane. Return to the camp. Ben
will show you a new reception of the berserker (and not at all bin-speaking like
Translated "Professional actors" and Socrates 268).
Go along the trail in the mountains of the camp. When you get to the fountain, David
uses a scroll that opens a secret staircase. Go forward,
until you scroll into an abandoned camp. In the chest you will find green
The key and the sphere of time.

Find the sphere of light (8)
Go on and sooner or later (in any case, inexperience) stumble upon
On blue monsstric. Try to freeze it and quickly kill.
After death, he will leave the key from the gate on the same screen. In the chest
Take the iron key.

Go to the sewer Rayne. Go to the right, down the screw
stairs, up, down-left and open the gate green key, which
located in the center, at the bottom of the screen. Come inside. In the chest take
Reception Armageddon and come back to the island of the dead, where you are
We met Professor O’Liiri. Open the gate key and teleport to the hall
With invisible Bechholders (hello from Nom3), use the amulet to
see them). By killing them, go PM. Go to any of the skulls, kill
All Bechholders and Teleport up to get out of here.

Kill Lady Light (Try (try very!)) dilute from
balls that she throws.

When you defeat it, the door will open, behind which you will find the chronicler
And the sphere of light. Take the sphere and, if necessary, go to Oracle,
To buy from professor the desired potions (this is your last chance).
Then go to the rebel camp. You will be offered to choose satellites and
Teleport in the Silver Flood – Metalon.

Large disassembly in a small metal
Go ahead, carrying with you death and destruction. Pick on the way
All you can pick up.

When you get to the room where the smoking boiler costs, click on
Him and one of the heroes uses incomprehensible on it
"Terangral" And the portal opens. Go there and go to the right. Go
all the time "forward", past the robot in a big flask until you get to
The second smoking boiler, with which we do the same as with
Previous. Blood rushes from the wall. Go back to see that the robot
Salmon. Go back through the portal from which you materialized
And get ready to fight with a robot.

Against the robot can not be used magic because it is only
adds to his life. Best of all the Falcon strikes work against him
and berserker, as well as amulet waswolf.

Killing the robot, keep going ahead. When you find yourself on the screen,
where two passages are protected by flickering lights, open one of
Passages Key Crescent. Inside kill the dog and take the granite
The key to which the second door opens. Talking S
Obserius, keep going down the corridor until you find yourself
Hall with door and four buttons on columns. Press two buttons
on the left, then right, kill monsters and the door will open. Across
You can save a couple of screens (last time) and join
in battle with Silver.

Silver Mazdai!
Get ready for what you have to switch between
Heroes. The strongest hero in the field of magic should attack the ball under
arch, let them take on robots (robot can be finished
One Falconom!). In a bowl, we shoot first with fire (by the way, burning arrows
also fit), then when it is destroyed and externally change,
Ice, then treatment, then zipper, then the ground, then acid,
then time, then light.

To the hero automatically attacked the ball, specify the goal, and then
Choose another hero and send it to the attack on the robot. However, when
You attack a ball with treatment or time, you will have every time
point his goal.

Defeating the Silver, David connects with Nemesis and will appear before

Apocalypse for apocalypse
Confess to honestly, we together killed the apocalypse attempts with the tenth (on
everyone :))) … But believe me, it is possible… so.

Cooked programmers leave only reception at your disposal
Falcon and deprive of all collected bottles and food. You have only
Use Falcon, Shield and Hand Dexterity. The main thing at this stage –
Do not stand still, but rid. When the apocalypse holds with you
On Earth, most often use the shield and fall forward. When he jars
And sharply falls – jump back (Ctrl + somewhat fast right
clicks)! When he rises up and begins to throw in you lightning –
Run yourself. When he throws in you fiery balls – use
Shield and balls fly to it! 🙂 When fires come out of the crater
balls – turn away again. Best run from side to side,
But on this account, as always, there are several opinions.

Here, in general, and all. % -)

Bodhisattva & Mahasamatman…

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