Spider-Man 2: The Game: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 12, 2022
14 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Spider-Man 2: The Game: Passage
Spider-Man 2: The Game: Game Walkthrough and Guide
It is hard in teaching – easy in battle, this all the famous truth you will know during the stack of first tasks. So let’s go. Lay and shoot a web in the marked points (bobbies of web, when you hover and shooting on it is highlighted in green) next to the skyscrapers. Everything would be nothing but it’s strange why they hang in the air? Fly a little between the houses for the accompaniment of Bruce Campbell comments, then descend to the ground. Jump on the building right at the rate and enjoy the red marker. The next will be on the house on the contrary, and in the third you will fall, only using a double jump. Rear to the building next door again, tap the red mark and get ready to use your super reaction. You need to jump in order not to break the barrel. Now there is a hand-to-hand. Will face the first gangster, then disperse with the swollen two. For consulting effect, you can hit the summer, bouncing first.

Well, now you know how to throw a web, jump, climb on the walls and fight, it’s time to act. Police drove into the angle of a gray truck from which two violators of public calm came out. Choose them and laid, suddenly a truck will give Dera. You need to catch up with it, but the road to block the camber from cars. Cool to the roof of the building, and jump from it on the marked webs next to the houses on the street, do not melt outstanding.

He will rush to the gate of the prison. Jump onto the wall and fill on it two villains, then cigat into the courtyard and put on the cheeks to three arrestants in striped robes. Do not forget to collect crosses, “first aid kits” appearing in a variety of places or falling out of opponents. On the roof of the van, the strange device reappeats again, then it will open the gate and will enter the territory of a particularly protected prison. Discover how another tutu is tuned, then climb on the wall to finish the one who is bulging some kind of fat. Still get on the wall at the gate, and get ready for the worst. Finding a barrier, a rhinoceros will run out of the prison building. And there was no such reptile in the film – someone from the last row will say! However, whom it is especially worried. In general, this is your first boss, and you need to delay it at any cost to interfere. Beat him a bit, he will run out to the street, where it falls into the trap. It turns out to be locked in the arena, fenced with an impassable electric field.

Jump there and kick the rhino, bouncing over it (you need to stand at the very edge of the fence, otherwise you just do not have time) when he attacks. This is the only way you can “get it”. This carcass is vulnerable only when he gets stuck in a column. Finally, rhino breaks through the barrier and his doctor will pick it up. Your task is to put out the fire that has arisen on the spot of the advertising signboard. Felt the exact shots of three red hydrants, the threat will be eliminated. Beat the three bad comrades through Suprudarov, watching the change in the level of human-spider adrenaline. This mission will end. You need to get to the city center, follow the shooter.

After the sketch of the conversation of Peter with the aunt Mei, robbers led by Octavius will attack the bank (although this one will be for some reason without his tental). Transmit the bandits, then talk to the aunt. By the elder, run to the guard in one of the side rooms, he will give you an access card and asks to save his colleague. Run the area in the guard room, it is just opposite the entrance to the bank, and click there a console to open the door on the second floor. The guard hides in the room with a film projector. He will give you the key from the elevator who will drop into the basement. Here you must first get a card from one guard, then visit the other in the repository, then open the doors and go down to the second storage. Where to face the nose to the nose with the second boss – Dr. OK (Otto Octavius, if you are interested in the full name). But first you need to get to it, solving a simple musical puzzle. The storage doors slammed, and you have to open them. Stand on the slab next to the door, and then shoot on the yellow buttons, repeating the melody. When a large button lights downstairs, shoot it, the battle will start with the doctor. Tactics here are the same as in the previous. First jump over the tentacles, then run and knock on his head. As it should be the truly villain, which dies only in the final itself, the doctor after the fight will run away, taking with me and money and your aunt as a souvenir.

It is located in one of the gray vans, and you need to stop it, shooting the web by wheels. When a ripe all four wheels, four dabols will jump out of it, which you have to calm down. After talking with aunt, the mission will end.

Move in West Midtown, Arrogo will prompt the right direction. Your conversation with Mary Jane will suddenly interrup because someone hijacked her car. Chasing the rascal to fall into a trap placed by the new boss – the puma. Observe with his guys in the garage, then unlock the gate by clicking the button, and go up to the second floor of the stairs. There will also be a small scuffle, unfix the door to the third floor. Run through it, climb to fourth, where the encounter with Puma. Continue to beat him up until he did not jump on the roof. Here he continued to jump from roof to roof, fall down on you the letter “W”, go down to the ground, hurl the car and climb on a skyscraper under construction. On the hill would have like to be run for the Puma, in the interior of buildings, then on the upper floors still unfinished. Beware of attack it with asterisks. Finally, in a cage on the top of the finish off the hairy monster. Before you try to escape again, he will tell about plans Octopus about Mary Jane. Mission at the end of this.

Run along the arrow (have to look a couple of times the screen “loading”), you hear any explosion. Run in the building corporation OsCorp, immediately you see Dr. Octavius, which will be hidden in the elevator. You need to find him. As a warm-up strip the first floor, then the elevator doors open. Right at the exit from it, you have to save the scientist who will give you a card. On this floor is necessary to save five more scientists. Use the console next to the red field, then find a scientist with the card. When save all five, will disappear and a new red box will guard. Then save another scientist in the room to the left, for which he will reveal to you the next door, behind which is a ladder. Go up to the next floor, you will run frightened woman, and let you know what the doctor Ok laid in the building of 8 bombs, and will soon cover all.

It is necessary to neutralize them. Avoid electric floor, lasers, both fall into the room with the first bomb – guns under the ceiling. Repeat the tune of three notes by shooting yellow button to defuse it. There were 7 more. To get out of this room can only be breaking the glass. The second bomb is close to the red force field, not only that, next to which is the shield. Repeat the melody, the bomb will be defused, but the gas will. Break the glass and run to the shield, to disable the red field. The third bomb is at the base of the reactor, in the room where all the walls are under voltage and touch them is dangerous for life. Get back much more difficult than just fall down to the bomb. Shoot in a safe segment of the wall next to the platform and after – in the elevator.

Open the door, turn the guard, new elevator. In the small room next door to neutralize the next bomb, then an amourine dashboard at the wall in the corridor. Run to the room with a staircase (Doctor OK will make your mercenary on you), climb upstairs and run to the end of the corridor to neutralize the fifth bomb. The sixth is in the next room, where you need to first break the shield, turning off the sparkling floor.

After it, break two new flaps and run to the letter 04 inscriptions, followed by a view of the room with a large screen and seventh bomb. The eighth, the latter, is in the other end of the corridor. Go to the security room and overload there everyone, the grateful scientist will open the door of the elevator. Come in the room with the generators, where a rhinoceros man will attack you again. You need to get up next to the generators and jump off from them at the last moment so that a stupid healthy woman stuck in them forehead. When you cut down everything – leave the room. Putting rhino breaks behind you. Let’s shoot all the “flasks” under the ceiling, the couple will go, and then for ten seconds, have time to cheam in the open door. Rhinoceros will turn into a lace of a la terminator-2. Sit into the elevator, the mission will end.

Ba, flying islands in the heart of the city! Someone canceled the law of world? Load strange robots, then destroy all generators. They are on small islets, so you have to jump a lot, it’s a lot to break down and at the same time not less remember all the famous curses. There are only three of them (not curses – islands), but the time to spend it is pretty. After the destruction of the generators will stay to the portal, which will appear in about the center of this flying Mirka. A small bridge to the portal is drawn straight out of the air when you find yourself on a nearby rock. Think on it all? No matter how. Meet – Flying Islands: Second series.

Similar to the previous test, you must destroy local generators.

It will be more difficult to destroy them, as they are well protected. First you need to raise the stones and throw them on the island, the guns will shoot on them. Then destroy the gun, firing the web into their back, and only after that with hands or web domain the generator. Now look for a new portal. It will take you to another similar enclave floating in the air of the islands, only this time the generators will not. It is necessary to defeat Mysterio. What is this attack such? Yes, ordinary, in principle, the comic villain, similar to the astronaut in Hermoshlem and with a cloak. Attacks, throwing stones. He should answer the same – that is, pick up stones and rushing them. Losing a little health, your opponent will hold back on a new island, jump on the plates floating in the air. See the first statue of Mysterio – shoot it and cut to the ground to get a bridge to the next island. Further on the stoves and donate at the end of another statue (you need to shoot a web in the chest). Mysterio will fly away to the last big island, where you and rejoice. However, he will be survivable, and run behind him will still have. Before this section, you need to get similarly: pour statues and ride on stone blocks. In the end, the super-weapon Mysterio will appear. First you need to destroy his guns, then a protective dome. Then climb inside the broken dome and finish off there Mysterio. Finally. Once and forever. It turns out that you walked our time for nothing. But the mission is once overcome.

Each criminals at the station, there will be a lot (several dozen), then follow the doctor octopus. Here you just need to catch up the running train – jump over the points with the web, and then jump on the last car. If it does not work, there is always a chance to repeat everything from the beginning. By train, the doctor will throw in you barrels, cars and other rubbing. Choose them with web shots and pick up it closer. Have time after the removal of the next car on the fly to get a web to the last car, otherwise you will, as they say, in the span. The train will come down from the rails and fall apart (although in the film was completely wrong, Parker stopped him), and you will find yourself in the plant. Go to the main warehouse. To do this, first open the doors by clicking on the console next to the tower, behind the bars, where there are a lot of guards.

In stock it is necessary to find underground tunnel. To do this, sufficiently go down to the bottom where to open the door. The tunnel is filled with water through which the current is passed. Therefore, you have to crawl along the walls and shoot guns, which here are very much. At the end of the way, turn off the two electrodes so that you can run on the water further. End of the mission.

Get up to the top in the hole on the ceiling. So you got to the asylum of the doctor who decided to make the second attempt to launch his unique experiment. But octavius will take care of a little later, but for now you need to save Mary Jane. Fill up two healthy, then on large columns (where they have a brick part) Rear to the top. On the site, press the lever to drop the Cabin Cleaning on Chains. A passage on the wall next to the ventilation pipe. Cock it into it, then shoot a brick wall. There are still three of these walls to break, pass the types of types, surprisingly similar on the climb seasonal workers, until you find yourself in a room with a hole in the ceiling. We climb into it, get ready to fight five strong guards in glasses. The last two runs and scramble, run after them, then in the hole on the ceiling. In the snack with drawers, shoot in the brick wall on the left, then see how the Spiderman and Mary Jane will meet and start hugging.

But that is not all. How did the final battle with the octopus? Everything is quite simple here. He jumps onto the platform and will throw it from her to the barrels. While he does it, jump on a small platform, with which shoot the corners of the stove to be marked by the targets. After the destruction of one corner, Octavius will stand for a few seconds without movement – it’s time to jump and remove a few greasy millimeters from his health strips. Three or four such attacks and the enemy will be defeated. See the final roller in which the doctor will take up, will run to destroy his car, and Peter Parker, he is a spiderman, save his girlfriend. You broke all the villains again and erased their cunning plans into powder, a favorite city can sleep well.

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