Star Trek: Elite Force 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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April 13, 2022
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Star Trek: Elite Force 2: Passage
Star Trek: Elite Force 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide
All stars.
Exercise on jumping.
Look upstairs – see?
In the right corner – starship!

Long Jump Exercise.
You did not dare and stand down?
Go for boxes – find a tricoder.

The sphere of the Gods
one. You got to the chela. Now you need to walk along squatting corrider. Corrodundor Long – as it were from two parts. In the first pre-banner – shoot with the right wall over the pipes, the secret zone opens.
2. As soon as you release Chang – run in the corridor, which leads to the hall with pipes. But first shoot in the left wall of the corridor – the passage opens. There is a second starship.
3. You moved along the pipes on the other side, did our job and go back. Do not hurry! Go through the pipe under the floor – there you are waiting for the third starship!

Dallas 1A
one. First hall, beginning of level. Climb the stairs and go straight and left until the stop behind the barrel. Shoot the wall – there
sterelet and 100 armor!
2. You entered the room with shuttle. Click “Use” at the rear of the shuttle!
3. You have turned on gravity – and go back, here we went through the bridge under your talking team, went into the corridor, go down. Stop! Not reaching the smallest – raise back, open the door – there is a starship!

Dallas 1b
one. You reached the engineering, entered the door, and you need to go down. Close up – at least there and closed, click “Use”.
2. You got out of the hatch. Shot at the door behind you!
3. You went to engineering! Do not hurry to help comrades. Go to the room with the kernel and climb on the ladder upstairs.

Dallas 2
one. On the captain’s bridge – shoot one of the doors – there is a starship.
2. Get out from the captain’s bridge, go to the first door on the right along the corridor. Go to one spit and click the “Use” button first from two side doors, and then at the door opposite the stairs.
3. You went to the hall of the transport. Go to the platform, and put in three circles by clicking “Use” seconds three.

Enterprise. Information collection task.
one. Starship in the shuttle standing in the hangar at number 1.

Star Academy. 1A
one. When you get into the weapon and take a new weapon – shoot a back wall! The room will open – jump into the pipe!

Enterprise. Information collection task.
one. You completed your affairs in the library. Get out of the room and go to the right to the end of the corridor – try open the door by clicking “Use”

Ruins Drall. 1A
one. You are standing at the shuttle. See Stone Arch? Rear to it.

Ruins Drall. 1B
one. You climbed through the wall and entered the yard. Both columns fell. See the wall with hieroglyphs and arch? Go there, to the end, there is a starship.
2. You climbed the stairs, and you warned you that the floor here is not very durable. Shoot on it, looking for weaknesses. When you finish, then the box will appear on the other side – shoot it.
3. You took the stellar from the box. Now look directly – in front of you. Go there, ignore the cipset for the arch and look forward and down.
4. The only starship not found by me ..
five. You repaired the bridge, and now are in a big yard. Opposite the main gate there is a small lane – go there, and open the door.

Ruins Drall. 2B.
one. You went around the trap and cut off from the team. Go to the place where glass containers are lying – there are cracks in the wall on the right, shoot it.
2. You moved through the containers and went down to the inclined container room. Go under the pipes and click “Use” by the walls with vertical stripes.
3. You are on the site and the container of Idrilla is moving towards you. Jump on it and jump onto the pipe. Go to her to the end, there you are waiting for another stellar.
4. You turned on the bridge. See? To the right of you a black circle? Stand on it, Look upstairs and shoot!
five. You entered the room with fresco. Look to the left – hieroglyphs written on the wall. Shoot on them – Niche opens.

Ruins Drall. 2s.
one. After a conversation with the Egnum and the stamp you go down. Right in front of you – iDrilglyissious container – go for him
And go to the wall. Turn on the night vision to see the narrow passage in the right corner.
2. You figured out with a big boss. Now go to the door, from which it appears, on the left side there is a staircase down.
Get down and go straight to the second platform, go around it.

Enterprise. Information collection task.
one. Go to the door between the chambers of the brain and the Civil.

Deck Enterprise
one. You came to help Korban. Locate the warehouse box and shoot it.
2. You helped Tuvaku. Go to the room from which you came, and press the left remote.
3. After you saved the kernel from destruction, climb on the left forests upstairs, to Jeffrey pipe and enter inside.

Athretcian colony. 1A
one. You switched across the bridge, and hear a cry for help. . Remove the attack of exomorphs. To the left of you on the wall go pipes. Purchase on them and jump on the parapet. From there, very careful – down. Try not to fall into the water! Below, go to the right from the pipe – there you will see the door ..
2. You took the first starship, time to go for the second. Climb the ladder to the second console, with it, jump on the bridge railing. Go on the railing on the other side. Turn on the night vision to notice a niche slightly above the railing. Jump there.

Athretcian colony. 1B
one. You have included security systems and leave the first hall. We climbed the stairs and before you the next corridor. See the big pipe at the top? Go under it and immediately look at the left.
2. You found Atrequinsians – jump over the other side. Starship for boxes.

Athretcian colony. 2A
one. You entered the second yard. See a working faucet? If you catch up with it, jump onto the roof – then you will find the stellar.
2. In the same yard – do not rush to go on the door, look at the left – vertical pipe. Go for it.

Athretcian colony. 2B
one. You turned off gas and go to the exit. Before you two doors. Go first to the one that right.
2. You could not help Atrequinsian, go along the ladder on the site, and with the help of the remote, jump up – Discover the door there.

Athretcian colony. 2s
one. You went down to the lower yard. Go around the landing area on the left side. Look at the pipe.
2. You went out to the street – go to the right and descend on the ladder to the door. Open it.

Ruins Drall 2. 1A
one. You have passed the fallen tower and the arch with the flooring. Now go under the broken arch and take the hill to the left, for the tree. There are a shot container.
2. Relieve the wall to the left of the bridge and shoot containers.

Ruins Drall 2. 1b
one. Take advantage of a tricoder at the console near Irillian shuttle.

Ruins Drall 2. 2A
one. The explosion and bridge thundered before you blown up. To go to the other side, you need to use a tree. Jump on it, but before you go to the other side – go to the bottom area of you and go to the end.

Ruins Drall 2. 2B
1-2. Entering the Big Hall – Get to the Disabled Console. Turn on the night vision and look at the left wall – there are 2 horizontal rows with hieroglyphs. Shoot in the upper row in 1 and 4 hieroglyph – in the second – in the third. A big door opens.

Klingon base 1A.
one. You are standing at the shuttle. Go to the right. There, per container pipe Jeffrey. Open it.
2. Immediately after that, go to the big door to the left of the door lead from the hangar. open the door.
3. From the hangar you entered the corridor. Go on it to the end and look into the pipe on the left.
4. You fell behind Omar and from the corridor got into the room. Jump on the pipes on the site on the left and open the door.

Enterprise. Information collection task.
one. Let’s leave the briefing hall and go to the right along the corridor, to the end. open the door.

Romulan base 1
one. You found yourself in a cave. Wrap and go back. Turn on the tricoder to detect a weak place in the stones. Just stand on this stone.
2. You have passed these terrible scanners, and enter the next yard. Immediately go along the descent on the right and open the door to the underground.
3. In the same courtyard. On the right two buildings. Go first to the furthest. There go to the end of the room and press the sensor opposite the door. A grille opens on the ceiling. To get a star pilot push jump-sit down-use.
4. Now go to the next building – there will be reported to you where you are directed, we live on this. . Go for the rack, to the wall with a large screen, and open the grille into the underground.
five. Next courtyard. Jump onto the platform with the machines that are on the same side, where and the door to the communication center.

Romulan base 2A
one. After talking with the agent, jump on the parebry to the left of the stairs.
2. You entered the equipment room. . A lot of smoke, is not true? Before moving on the other side, go to the stairs and open the hatch in the floor.
3. You are under the floor. Go to the right and then right until the end.
4. You enter the next hatch. Turn on the tricoder, and find a weak point in the wall.

Romulanskaya base 1b
one. Do not run right away for the agent, go right and jump on the EntherPray.

Information collection task.
one. When you remove the Romanesque camouflage, go to the Gaupvataht in the first chamber. Click “Use” in the far wall.

Ruins Drall 3. 1A
one. You are standing in front of the entrance to the ruins (opposite the door). Jump over the groove with lava – do not hurry – look into the pit on the right.
2. You sent Korban to Enterprise. Get to the waterfall and look down.
3. You switched to the Lava River – jump on the stones to the left of you, where the river.
4. Starship in the cave. You need to find a weak stone with a tricoder. I will tell you that you need to look for a small deepening with a lava at the lake ..

Ruins Drall 3. 2A
one. You switched the bridge and found themselves in a huge room with shimmering light. Look at the left wall and find a weak place with a tricoder.
2. In the next room – going to jump over the other side, turn left and find the ledge at the edge. Go on it.
3. You got to the elevator. Go down and jump on a round support, go around it.

Ruins Drall 3. 3A
one. You entered the cave, jumped over the river and stopped at the Terminals of Health and Energy. Look down to the right and find a weak place.
2. You got out of the caves on the stairs. Go to the ledge on the left of the door.
3. Before the big door, look back and find a weak point in the rock.

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