Star Wars: Republic Commando: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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July 18, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Star Wars: Republic Commando: Passage
Star Wars: Republic Commando: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Tracking the activity of the opponent… The goal is detected… Overlook the attack… Maamaaaa!
(Radio service of combat droid messages)

What is the realism of computer games? In an derived pixel schedule? In the swirl in the envy of the most lifting piglets of the plot? In a loud name? Experience shows: the main thing – the world turned to the details, where every little thing is subject to general logic. In the world where there is only an order, Blaster and the shoulders of comrades, and the rest – the Jedi, Senate, Intrigue, Power, Light Swords – In The Background. In the world where we live. The creators of Half-Life 2 can scream as much as you like “You are Gordon Freeman“But players only skeptically smile. And lucasarts reached the goal.


Clone – Soldier of the Republic. The purpose of his life is to perform orders. He has no childhood, nor love, no dreams, his family is only three brothers.

His mother is a sergeant who taught him everything he knows. On days when the republic is threatened, only his disaggeted Doubt Mind can save civilization.

Old data is confirmed: clone life is not sugar. Clone – Machine for murder in a warm-blooded body, no more. No interests other than war, food as a source of energy and the meaning of life in the execution of the order – that’s all the existence of a clone. Accelerated cultivation on health does not have a positive effect: in thirty years, the clone dies from old age. However, before this age live rare soldiers: the price of a clone is low.


Not so often we see the games where you have to act as a clone, and not any superhero. True, it should be noted: the main character is not just a clone, but the elite elite clones (veteran of the special forces detachment), but still only a clone. The command does not even consider him like a living person: it is just a combat unit, improved droid version.

Main principle of battles in Republic Commando – Reincarnation of soldiers. Who fell under the shelling associate can always be resurrected, it would be time. Only a completely deceased detachment is considered a loser. It should be recognized: the ability is simply wonderful, even the Jedi cannot boast such. Let’s declare Lucasarts: tons of saved nerves stand! I will say more: unprecedented opportunities for the gense of militants open: now in battle you can win, sacrificing the battle point in the key point. Unusual first-aid kits in the form of appliances for recharging only strengthen the impression.

The main task in the republic Commando is to quickly adapt to the area and correctly distribute the detachment forces. Arrange comrades in pre-harvested points or put for gunproofs, if profitable. However, it is much easier to leave them right to amateur: there are subordinates for rarity. Several obstacles and emerging from all possible sides (often from above) enemies are completed by entourage. Easy, but exciting!

Republic Commando will not like those who sees in the militants from the first person failed step-by-step strategies. Of course, reading books is useful, but this is not a reason to sit locked the whole day off! Republic Commando – Adrenaline in pure form, solid effect, polygon for free emotions. “Tactical Action” – Too loud name for the game, where all possible tricks are harvested in advance. The developers did not try to create a universal recipe for happiness, but with their local task they coped to “excellent”. A unique combination: a single campaign on a linear plot gives a sensation of a network battle, and colleagues are not annoying the burden, and the only support in the aggressive world. An hour later, you get used to trusting your back to the partner and help him as soon as possible, because it is the only way to survive.

Yes, the plot is Lineen. But what could be the freedom of choice in a clone, in which submission to the center laid genetically?! The purpose of the life of the soldier is to execute the order. At any price. There is no lack of orders – so what is the complexity?

Spetsnaz weapons

The main weapon of republican special forces – the combat system DC-17M. Interchangeable items allow a few seconds to turn multiplayer, but not too powerful automatic blaster in a sniper rifle or armor-pier gun. The rifle is useful in conventional battle if the enemy is well armored, the problem is only in the lack of cartridges (maximum – twenty charges). The gun is guaranteed to distribute any enemy in the block, except too large, but the stock of four charge limits creative gusts of fighters. In emergency cases, the gun helps to quickly get rid of enemy turret.

Manual blaster DC-15S Cartridges are not needed: it is recharged by itself. True, after a few shots you have to wait until the charge does not recover. This gun is useful not only with a shortage of cartridges for the main weapons, but also for a leisurely shelling of enemies on distant distances.

Blade in the sleeve of the Speaker – Armament is not unnecessary. One blow to a more or less vulnerable place is guaranteed to pour from the middle enemy (only heavy robots stand against an angry clone).


Four types of pomegranate five pieces – a good help for a soldier: It is always pleasant to apply basketball skills and arrange the local disco.

Thermal grenade Thermal Detonator. The usual pomegranate, rumored, popular on the legendary homeland of civilization – planet Earth. After the explosion, the pomegranate ignites the enemies, finishing the most.

Electrostatic grenade (Electrostatic Charge Detonator) immobilizes the enemy for a few seconds. Especially effective against droids of all kinds, but useful and against organic life. Basic application – superdroids and trades.

It is important: One of the high-speed tactics of the destruction of superdroids – immobilize them and go in hand. From the side, apparently, it looks peculiar.

Light grenade (Diversional Flash Detonator) does not hurt much harm, but blinds the enemy. Designed for situations where the enemy’s forces significantly exceed the capabilities of special forces. Against droids, it is better not to apply, in addition, you can also temporarily blind themselves.

Acoustic grenade (Sonic Detonator) – Special type of garnet, effective and against living organisms, and against droids. Explodes after 10 seconds after throwing or when the enemy is approaching, which allows you to arrange small traps. Sticks to any surfaces. Invented in geonosis laboratories.

Mines (Proximity Mines) are installed by the enemy on the path of special forces. React to movement from a distance of about two meters. To neutralize mine, you need to sit down and squatting to get to her. You can charge such a pleasant task and subordinate, but our colleagues are sometimes mistaken in the Supper work.

Complete the General Council section: Ministe and blast everything that mines and explodes. No side effects were detected, but under the rubble, you can find a lot of necessary and useful.

Delta Delta

Delta three-eight “boss” (RC-1138 “BOSS”) – the leader of the squad, commander and the owner of the fuse. Speaks only in the case (“Delta-Forok, take a position, take a position, Delta-Seven, reanimate the fortieth“) And only alone allows yourself to be thoughts out loud. Teachers noticed that thirty-eighth are much brighter than in the rest of the clones, the features of Dzhango Fetta, the best mercenary of the galaxy and the pre-edge of all clones. Unlike its brothers, thirty-eighth loves to use a trophy weapon.

Delta-Forok “Technar” (RC-1140 “Fixer”) – ideal clone in the eyes of command, executive soldier, computer terminals specialist. Character hard, informal relationship does not accept. Favorite Weapon – Blade.

Delta seven “seventh” (RC-1207 “SEV”) considers war art. He is the best soldier of the squad, and he knows it. All his life – Enemy Hunt, Favorite Weapons – Sniper Rifle. Comrades secretly suspect that his incubator was accidentally damaged.

Delta six or two “Pallen” (RC-1262 “scorch”) – the soul of the team, knows how to throw a relaxed joke in the very center of the bloody carousel. Good soldier, specialization – demolition. Got a nickname when learning after a case with an artillery gun when the eyebrows lost. Favorite weapons – armor-piercing gun.

This is interesting: Several years ago it was argued that the color of the bands on the form of clones symbolizes their title. However, it is difficult to assume that in the same special forces squad all soldiers go in different ranks. The developers made public a legend that Delta’s detachment was allowed to paint their form in the framework of the experiment to study the moral state of the clones. Well, why in games all around the experimental?..


DROIDS – the main enemies of republican special forces. I have to destroy opponents with thousands, moving towards the goal. It is best for droids an energy weapon (the main weapons of special forces) and grenades.

Battle droid (Battle Droid) – the weakest enemy, combat lots. Usually dies from one or two shots, only in groups. Stupid like a piece of wine. Armed with a built-in blaster from which he knows how to chronically flouse around the enemy.

Battle superdroid (Super Battle Droid) – Serious Murder Machine. If in the movie the superdroids seem only to armored modification of ordinary, then in the game a couple of such mini tanks can long detain a detachment for a long time. Except Blaster, armed with powerful, but less rapid powder. Torn legs do not interfere with this type of robot shoot on clones, because you have to do a control shot. Sometimes the superdroid jams on one opponent, and then it is easy to finish it from the rear.

Drodek (DROIDEKA) – Energy-protected Robot. Knows how to switch for quick movement, but in the game it rarely happens. It’s almost impossible to run away from it, but it’s not so difficult to destroy. Armed dual blaster, panicly afraid of grenades.

Droid spider (Advanced Dwarf Spider Droid) – heavy tank armed with a large cannon. And rockets. The main problem is that the tank is overly booked with the rear and have to approach it from the weapon. Each spider requires an individual approach taking into account the terrain and affordable weapons. General recipe: beat it with the whole team and do not regret the grenade.

Vulture (Scavenger Droid) – auxiliary enemy droid. This is an undisputed record holder in the number of non-extended epithets, sounding from the mouth of the players: the vultures may unlimitedly circle for a long time somewhere on top and tire of soldiers with lightning. Next to the vultures from the special forces begin to interference in the helmets, and at the first convenient case, these creatures jump on the head and shed.

Guardsmen Grievus (Grievous’ IG-100 Series Magnaguard) – Some of their most perfect droids. They are armed with rockets and energy poles, extremely dangerous in a hand-to-hand fight. The ability to fly and dodge the shots turns every battle with them into the emulsive duel. And simplifies the fight against the guards ordinary turret.

Suitcase droids (Droid DISPENSER) – a device that can endlessly produce droids during the battle. There are three types of “suitcases”: for conventional combat droids, superdroids and drownes. The only way to stop the birth of robots is to minister him or blow up something massive nearby. Usually you have to send someone from subordinates to lay explosives, but to protect the rear.


Geonosis (Geonosis) – Stony Planet outside the Galactic Republic, is less than a parseca from Tatina. Then you mean literally two steps. Surface – Desert, Mountains and Gorges. The highest form of life under the red sky of geonosis – reasonable insects, whose militant civilization is aimed at survival in harsh conditions of the native planet. Favorite entertainment of Jenosians – watch the executions on a huge arena built close to the capital. A combination of such characteristics prompted the separatists to build factorys for the production of droids.

Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi revealed separatist plans, and the republic invaded the planet. The protagonist with the sonorous name RC-1138 is reset from the landing ship at the height of the Battle of Geonosis. Having collected his detachment, he went to a special task to eliminate an important enemy.

On a note: With the provision of the Republic of the case it does not matter. Not only is the special forces detachment to be thrown on the planet apart, so his commander forgot to supply grenades, sniper rifle and armor-piercing cannon. You have to raise spare parts at the corpse of another soldier.

Having killed the enemy, the special forces climbed deep into the planet to destroy the factory for the production of droids. Principle “Exploding everything that glows” did not fail, and the trip through the maze of narrow corridors brought the factory to complete destruction. The description of the list of blown devices can be a technical textbook, but not a literary work. The main thing is to blow up, the rest is the little things of life.

But after the glorious battle, soldiers were not given to rest on the laurels: they were already waiting for an exciting tour on the surface of the planet. Shot from the local population, the heroes broke through to the base ship of the separatists, where droid reserves were kept. After traveling around the ship, the team found it better and just hidden a vulnerable point and managed to blow up enemy Machina. Emergency evacuation Through the strength of enemies completed the case.

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