SWAT 4: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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September 12, 2022
14 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

SWAT 4: Passage
SWAT 4: Game Walkthrough and Guide
But The L.A. Story’s Gone Way Out Of Hand
Their Acts of Aggression, They Say’re Justified
But It Sems An Obsession Have Started From The Inside
Take It To A Jury But The Don’t Give A Damn
The Offspring “L.A.P.D.”
04-38. Storming House Manyaka. The first floor was pure. Met only mother of psychopath. That long oral and waved his hands. I had to hide from the gas can. Immediately calmed down. Ched her in handcuffs and went further.

Go down to the basement. Suspect has been seen behind the door. Still Optiwand – an indispensable thing. Prepared to break the castle and throw pomegranates. Here the door suddenly opened, and a maniac with a shotgun arose on the threshold. My comrades got together the trunks and a strict voice told him to fold the weapon. For that all four immediately received a deserved portion of fractions in the stomach.

I told Manyak to retaliatory and finished the mission in proud loneliness. Why are my partners such rams? Why do they ask each criminal to fold the weapon if they know that they will get a pulley? What a sadistic system of fines for “inadequate application of weapons”? Why the enemy can not just kill?

Because we are police. Defenders of good and guardians of the law. And we need to act according to the rules. We must at least act somewhere on the rules – at least in the game ..

The history of the playing series SWAT is rich and interesting to events. The first part appeared in 1996 was called Police Quest 4: SWAT and was a common quest. And a kind of continuation of another famous series – Actually POLICE QUEST.

The second part was named POLICE QUEST SWAT 2, but it did not smell the quests. The game was a real strategy. Original, with interesting ideas, but very complicated – and therefore not received widespread confessions.

Then the developers made another finish ears, and the third part – SWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle – Already a real tactical militant. Having received high scores from gaming publications and folk love, the game peacefully wed up in a bose.

For the appearance of the fourth part, few people expelled – but greedy managers from Vivendi Universal Games were honored that on the famous name you can earn some more money. And so – the box is revealed and the game is installed. It remains only to run SWAT4.EXE to return to the world of crime and violence.

Planning in front of the mission

Creating a profile, you will find yourself in the Mission Selection menu. Available missions are displayed in the column on the left. Since you just started the game, it should be only one. Right select the level of complexity. It depends on the number of opponents, their morality and the number of points needed to complete the level.

The next thing to do is to read a briefing. The following is stored there.

  • Description of the situation. From the information received, you will handle a lot of useful. Learn what armed opponents and their estimated number armed. And on the basis of these data you will pick up weapons on the mission.
  • Map. This menu displays a building plan where the operation will be held, and the entry points. If the input points are somewhat, then you can choose, about which the detachment will appear. There is a couple of missions where you will have to act blindly. Without any card.
  • Suspects. All information about the suspects managed to get colleagues from the police. No semantic load carries. Read nice – but no benefit.
  • Civilians. Information about peaceful citizens in trouble. Only those that are known exactly are displayed in the summary. Actually they are much more.
  • Event Development. The timeline on which all events are displayed. From the incident and before the start of the assault.

After reading the briefing, you need to arm a command. Here everything is simple and understandable. Pay attention to two things. First, with one click of the button you can provide the whole team with the same weapons and equipment that the leader (that is, the character managed by you). Convenient and saves time. Secondly, the selected weapons and equipment are saved from the mission to the mission. You will not need to create a new set every time.

Control To get used with the control, pass the training mission, you will clearly and clearly show what keys for what they answer, so I will immediately go to the detachment.

The control of the squad is very simple. Orders you give two keys. If you are near any object (be it a door or hostage), a string with the default action will appear at the bottom of the screen. For example, if this hostage is to wear handcuffs. If the door is to open and clean the room. Watch the corridor – go to and clean. If there are no objects – to regroup and take away to the leader.

If you need a complete list of commands, direct the sight to the object, then press and hold the right mouse button. A context menu appears. Select the desired command from the list and release the right mouse button. Full list of commands you can see at the end of the article.

Your detachment consists of a leader and four people who are divided into two detachments – red and blue. They can be controlled as a single command or two detachments separately. Press the TAB key, and the screen at the bottom of the screen will be replaced with the default order.

Row color shows which command is chosen. If the red is the first. Blue – Second. Yellow – both at the same time. The ability to smash a detachment gives broad tactical capabilities. For example, you can storm the room at the same time from different sides.

You manage one fighter. But for the actions of partners, you can monitor through the camcorder built into helmets. To activate them, press the INSERT and HOME keys – for the Red and Blue Team, respectively. A window will appear at the top of the screen where the fighter name is displayed. If you poke into the key again, the second fighter camera will turn on in the detachment.

Through camcorders can be given commands to detachments. To do this, click Caps Lock. The image will increase, and the sight will appear. In this mode, you can examine the terrain. If you press and hold the right mouse button, the context menu will appear with commands. Select the desired and release the key. It remains to wait for the execution of the order.

In addition to the partners through the camcorder you can control snipers. These guys are practically in every mission, but they themselves do not want their work, preferring to report on the opponents on the radio.

When a message appears, press the Page Up key. The image window appears. If snipers are somewhat, then poke the key again – and the camera will turn on. Press CAPS LOCK key. Window will increase, and you can manage sniper. To use the optics on the rifle, use the Z key. Now stays to aim and shoot. Just remember: for each suspect killed by sniper, Prestige glasses are filmed.

On this commitment with control and move on to the game process.

Mission, tactics and advice So you started the mission. No matter how much task sounded, one is one – to neutralize all criminals and save hostages. To do this, you need to: shoot or arrest all the gangsters, delay all hostages and preferably – find all evidence.

Although the latter does not necessarily affect only the rating.

Hostages simply. Saw a peaceful citizen, directed the trunk on him and shouted with a wild voice (by default, the average mouse button). He quickly raises his hands and will be humbly waiting for you to break it in handcuffs. If he does not intend to surrender, spray it from the gas can. Immediately agree to cooperate with the police.

And hostages and criminals have a parameter – Moral. It determines whether a person will obey the police requirements. If the morality is high, the criminals will not be afraid to put into the course of weapons, and respectable citizens – just will ignore you. Morality can be reduced – shot next to the slaughterhouse, the injury, the use of pomegranate and non-vessels.

Peaceful citizens need to be arrested because SWAT fighters know – disguised this thug or really hostage. Well, in fact. Interestingly). If peaceful citizens have high morality, then raising hands they will agree only after the turn in foot. Apparently, law enforcement agencies are equally not like in all countries.

When the arrest is made, you need to report to the headquarters. Direct the sight on the arrested and press the middle mouse button. Similarly, you need to report on the wounded and killed. With evidence, too, nothing complicated. Usually this is a weapon that opponents throw. Mouse over to it and press the middle mouse button. Evidence Major.

With criminals not so simple. And the problem is that. SWAT squad fighters have the right to use weapons for defeat, only when the life of an officer or hostage threatens danger and in no other cases (if it were so in reality!). It feels good. No matter how. The game is very strange thinking what actions were expensive – and what no.

Having met a criminal, you must bring a sight on him, squeeze (or, as kindly written in the guide to the game, to offer) so that the Suporak gives up, and only if he does not obey, you can open fire for defeat. It will be considered eligible. If there was a weapon in the hands of the criminal, but he did not know – it’s not right. Maybe he just took to hold. And suddenly the special forces appeared.

In practice, often happens about the following. You stumble upon the enemy – and the time account goes to the fraction of seconds. If you begin something to scream to him – get a punch. If you open the fire for a defeat, then do the wrong “wrong”, and the prestige glasses will remove. And such cases at least debug.

If the opponent is one, then it is partly a piece of you to fix foot or hand. Or let turn next to. Enemy although it will be wounded, but the glasses will remove less. But he will become much of the poorest and stops aiming in the officer. True, it is not always possible to aim to get exactly in the limb.

By the way, an interesting thing is seen. If you have successfully in your hand, the criminal can pick up weapons. And it will be stupid to look at the policeman. True, he can pull out from the sinus second and re-open fire. By the way, the system of calculating damage is not bad. If you hit you – you will walk more slowly. In hand – worse shoot. However, I distracted.

Consider the fact that the partners are not so smart as it may seem. Cover the rear and friendly storming of the rooms – no more than a beautiful tinsel. If your comrades are a friendly crowd along the corridor, and somewhere on the side there is a lonely opponent, it is likely that a bullet will get all four. And similar cases are not uncommon. Good that partners do not die. Any hit is not deadly, and by the next mission, the eliminated fighter again in the detachment. And further. The wounded enemy always runs away, even if the special forces one – and three trunks are induced.

At the same time, the partners are not useless. You can use them and need. But with the mind. Agree, it’s strange to wait that the computer will do everything for us. That then will remain to us? Go to the team and give orders. And after collecting evidence and knit the remaining criminals. It would be uninteresting. Therefore, I repeat. You can use partners and need. But do not fully rely on artificial intelligence. Before leaving to the room, analyze the situation. With Optiwand’a look, what is happening outside the door. If the enemy is relaxed and ready to pull the weapon at any second, it is better to make all the work. Opened the door – bought off the corner. Then they threw in the opening of a grenade, the explosion waited. Again leaned out, fired in the shoulder or leg and ordered to fold the weapons. Listens to how nice – not going anywhere. And does not want to give up – finished the bullet.

Of course you can send to the assault and partners. And with a big probability they will cope. But there is a risk that someone will shoot.

Imagine the following situation. The opponent does not suspect. And his very much. Walks with a satisfied view and shock weapons to hostages. Order partners open the door and throw a grenade. At the same time, they also do not stand post. When they open the door – add “Lemon” and from ourselves. It will lower the enemy’s moral.

Then run after colleagues and knit criminals while they are shocked. Partners will help you. rest assured. Risk, of course, is (and when it is not?) And something can go wrong. But he is small. And therefore, the subtle.

That is, the total tactic is. Prsed that the opponent does not wait for you. Throw it with grenades and storm. It is spent a lot of grenades, but if you are properly equipped comrades – “consumables” for the whole mission. For example, it makes no sense to give everyone Optiwand. One is quite enough. Or, what is even better, take only yourself.

In general, when storming rooms with a large number of people, try to find all the inputs (for this carefully inspect the map). Simultaneous assault from different points of penetration knocks down the enemy with a sense – and he does not have time to react. Ideal option – when both teams and you penetrate from different positions.

Of course, there will be cases when the situation comes out of control. And events will develop spontaneously. It all depends on your skills. But often this can be avoided. If necessary, bring the desired door to the wedge or send one of the detachments to cover the rear. And remember that fines for shooting partners are very small. So if you lose someone – nothing terrible. On the ranking it will not affect.

If you do not want to suffer with arrests and pour everything in a row – you can schit and edit INI files in which fines are prescribed. Not honestly but greatly simplifies life. Although the game is not at all about it.

Equipment and weapon Weapon Choice – Case Responsible. Let him not be much as in Rainbow Six, – but it will have to use everyone (in contrast to the aforementioned Rainbow Six, where more than half of the trunks dust in stock almost the whole game).

Depending on the situation, you need to select the appropriate equipment. Carefully read information in a briefing. After analyzing it, you can understand the number of hostages, find out if there are body armor and gas masks in criminals and what is the locality in which you have to fight.

For example, if there is a nearby battle in a closed space with a large number of hostages, it is better to equip a detachment of non-vessels. With it, you put the gangsters on the floor and do not harm the hostage.

Even important type of ammunition. JHP (Jacketed Hollow Point) causes more damage, but has a smaller penetrating force. Used against criminals without body armor. FMJ (Full Metal Jacket) – have a large punchy force, but they apply less damage. Excellent “endure” the enemy in body armor. They can even pierce the doors.

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