Syberia: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Ladies and gentlemen, sit comfortably, for we start fascinating and by no means a short journey on our Trans-Siberian Express… hmm, something is wrong I say… Oh, yes, of course, to start you must comply with all the rules for landing in the train – get the right to travel and buy a ticket. And do not look at me like this, I just fulfill the prescriptions… Next! This exciting game, with so cute for the Russian heart name, from the very first minutes, what there are seconds, can deliver a bunch of hassle and a sea of pleasure. Before you start reading, try to do without it, believe me to solve puzzles yourself much more interesting than using someone’s Ready decision. And so we start!
Tie game
We fall into the small French village of Valadilein (Valadilene), where we are met by disgusting, in the spring wet and wet the weather. Our heroine – Kate Walker (Katya Volkova), stands near the road, considering an unusual funeral procession, consisting exclusively from the planting toys and twins robots. There is a legitimate question – someone is burying or the coffin also Boutaphor? In short, Kate is intrigued, we too. The gate on the cemetery slam down right in front of our nose, and nothing else remains how to go to search for hotels.
Immediately before entering the booth, an advertising brochure is hanging (Advertising Brochure), which tells about the company of mechanical toys, for which Kate and came from America itself to enter into an agreement on its purchase. Brochure must be taken, it will come in handy later. After you were convinced that all the ways to retreat are blocked: the street is rampant in bad weather, the suitcases are too heavy, so that Kate does not drag them, and there is no owner of the hotel anywhere, you can proceed to active actions. First of all, talk to the boy named Momo, which something thoroughly scratches on the table. Then come back to the desk. Carefully read the table, there must be a key to call (Reception Bell Key). Take it and use on the figure with a hammer in the hands. Click on the red button next. Call the bell and the hotel owner will appear. Talk to the hotel owner. Ask him about Momo. After the hotel owner rines a boy, he holds Kate to a room at number 6 and at the same time bring a suitcase. In the room you are waiting for the fax from the boss Kate, which lies on the table next to the bed. Take it and read. Call the mobile phone and your boss – Mr. Marson will leave the second fax with a welcoming message to the local notary. The field of this can be descended down in the hall.
In the lobby, talk to the hotel owner, from which you will receive the second fax and some information about the village and its inhabitants. From him you will learn that the owner of a mechanical toy plant – Anna Voralberg (Anna Voralberg) died a couple of days ago, and an unusual funeral procession, consisting of automatics (our robots) accompanied the old lady on the last path. Then get to the table, where I was sitting and lift two gears (Cog Wheels) from the floor, and two more from the table. Get out of the hotel.
Turn left on the street and go through two screens, past bakery. Sense from bakery no, since all stores are closed due to mourning. Get to the house of the notary, before him there is a bench, on which the latest local newspaper is lying.
House of Notary
Climb the stairs to the entrance door. Near the door located in the wall of autoaton. Rinse behind the lever located in the middle of the breast of the robot to connect the head and with the body. Then put a welcoming letter to Mr. Marson. Notary – Mr. Alpholter (MR. Alfolter) let you in the house. Go to his office and sit in a chair. Tell him about the purpose of your visit (Mission). He reads you the last will of Anna Voralberg and gives the will. So you will learn that Anna has a brother Hans, who after her death becomes the owner of the company toys. Where Hans is unknown, especially since he was considered dead for the last 64 (!) of the year, even the grave is in the family crypt. As they say – Houston we have a problem! In the admission, on the hanger with a notary coat, take something like a filtering key (Telescopic Key). Get out of the office outside.
Valadileina streets
Turn right and go through two screens. Here you will call your boyfriend named Dan from New York. After you sewered it, head to the door to the right, which leads to the toy plant. Carefully inspect the door, there is another tricky mechanism. Use the adjustable key on the top figure, then on the bottom. Then twitch for the lever on the right. The door is open!
Oscar feet
In the yard of the plant there is a fountain, five paths depart from it, including the one you came. Go along the left top path. There you will see a metal container. Run behind the lever. A crane will appear, which transports the container to the factory. Come back to the fountain.
Now go on the left lower path straight in the shop building. Once find yourself inside, turn to the right and go to the door, which leads to the water mill control panel. Adop over the chain on the right to release a mechanical hamster or rat. Then pull the lever. A poor animal will run inside the wheel, and the blades of the mill will start rotating. Go back to the entrance door to the shop.
Now go to the left, past the iron staircase. Call a mobile phone – this is your mother, wants to tell you something super interesting. Schraise and her. Then run the forklift (something like a small robot), which will deliver a metal container to the conveyor. Then enter the door in the background. This is a workshop. Under the ceiling hangs legless automaton and shakes his head. Help him go down. To do this, screw the swan. After the automaton goes down down Talk to him. It turns out that his name is Oscar and Hans Voralberg himself. Oscar asks you to make him a couple of new legs. Ask him about the production process (PRODUCTION). He will give you a special Oscar Card (Oscar’s Card) for the controller. Go back to the entrance.
Climb the metal stairs upstairs. Enter the manager of the manager – Anna Voralberg. Go to the closet with books. Adop the second book to the right to appear the music apparatus. Listen to music and take the music cylinder (Music Cylinder). You can dig on the Table at Anna, but not necessarily. Get out of the room.
Climb even higher. Here is the control panel. Read the advertising brochure from the hotel. To lean to read – click on the toggle switch at number 3, and then click on the button on the left, while the golden tree sample will appear in the window next to the window. Insert the Oscar card in a blank slot and click on the button on the right. After the video, descend down. Return to the entrance to the workshop. Go to the right to the end of the conveyor, where the pair of new feet of Oscar will lie (Wooden Legs). Take them and take the owner. Oscar thanks you for your help and go to search for your train.
Attic and Momo
Return back to the fountain. Go along the bottom right path. Go around the house on the right until you get to the garden. Turn left and go forward to the first open gate. Enter. Inspect the little fountain, there is a wagon key in it (VORALBERG KEY). Take it and go back to the sliding staircase at the house. Use the key on the stairs to push it out. Close the stairs to the attic. In the attic dark. Go to the right and turn on the light bulb. Momo will appear, which is ready to reveal to you some great secret if you draw him a mammoth. He will give you a paper and pencil (Pencil and Paper). It turns out that Kate does not know how to draw. Well, oh well, I’ll think of something.
Go left from Momo and explore the writing desk. Inside you will find the ink bottle (Ink Bottle) and the Anna Diary (Anna’s Diary). Return to the light bulb. Here on the wall there is a drawing of a mammoth. Apply paper to the drawing and circle mammoth contours pencil. Drawing ready! Give drawing MOMO. The boy will ask you to go with him. Go for it to the street, past the house of notaries to a closed gate leading to the forest.
Cave with Mammoths
Talk to Momo and he will open the gate. Go for him in the forest. Go through the park, past the old boat, in the meadow you will find MOMO. Go further to the dam. There is a mechanism opening a dam, try to open it. Alas, Kate forces is missing. Return to Momo and ask for help. He willingly agree. Helping Kate Momo crashes the handle completely. Lift the broken arm (Broken LEVER) and go to the old boat. Use the handle as a bar to get a paddle out of water. Fu, what is it dirty! Kate does not want to paint his hands on the paddle. Go to Momo and ask him to get the paddle for you. Momo will agree and with the help of the oar will open a dam. When water comes down go to the cave through a dry river. At the most distant cave, you will find a Mammoth doll (Mammoth Toy Doll). Take it. Get out of the cave and further through the forest back to the hotel.
Church and crypt voralberg
From the hotel go to the right to the church with the cemetery. Go around the church to the right to the door that can be discovered. Enter. This is a room of a priest. On one of the walls hanging crucifix. Move it and get the key from the cache (Key). Come to the chest with the shelves and use the key on the key well from above to the right. 1,2,4, and 5 shelves you will find 4 cards with holes (Punch Card) of different colors. When open 3 shelf, then click on the handle to the right of the chest. A secret office opens. There you will find the Woralberg key (Voralberg Key) and a letter of a priest, from which you learn that Hans is really still alive. Go out and go to the entrance to the elevator.
Near the elevator control panel where you must put all 4 gears from the hotel. After that, go up on the elevator upstairs. Here is the auto authority. In a blank slot on his back, you can insert found cards. For those who are too lazy to experiment – Proper Card Card (Purple Punch Card). After the video, descend down.
Go to Woralberg Scoop. Use the key on the autoaton hat over a crypt. Come in Crow. Play in Laru Croft Distributor of the Tomb and put forward the coffin of Hans Voralberg. As we assumed Hans in a coffin, but there is Valadilene Voice Cylinder (Valadilene Voice Cylinder) and a note from the newspaper about the death of Hans.
Cabinet Anna Voralberg
Return back to the toy plant in Anna Voralberg Cabinet. Use voice cylinder on the music apparatus. After watching the video, take the mechanical toy Hans and Anna (Hans-Anna Mechanical Toy) and a cylinder with you. Return back to the fountain.
Railway station and train
Go on the right top footpath to the railway station. Enter the train and talk to Oscar. He will ask you a ticket. Go from the train and come to the ticket office. Talk to Oscar and it will give you a train ticket (Train Ticket) and also travel permit (Train Release Permit). Get out of the station and go to the house of the notary.
Printing for travel permission
In the House of Notary Explore the table in the reception. Open the cover on the head at the table on the table. Pour ink in it. Then put a travel permission to the table and click on the red button. Travel permit Together with the seal, treat Oscar.
Train departure
Lear to train, but do not enter inside, but go to the next side of the platform. Go to the top of the train until you see a certain mechanism that the train starts. Screw the wheel to push the mechanical key on the cable, and then pull the lever. You started the train!
Return inside the train. Go to Passenger Apartments. Explore the shelves from the left. Put two music cylinders on them that you brought with you. Mechanical toy Hans and Anna Put on the pedestal in the middle of the room. Toy mammoth on stand on the table on the right.
Return to Oscar and give him a train ticket. You can wave a Valadilein hand – we are leaving!
The factory has ended at the train, and we found themselves in Barrokstadt – a crucible student town.
Making sure that the Oscar will not help you, go from trains to the left side. Go to the left to the stairs, without moving the bridge Go forward until you meet the head of the station that admires the bay. Near him on the sand lies a hook (hook). Talk to the station Station. Go back to the train. Go past him forward until Kate detects a train factory mechanism. One snag – the mechanism is too far away, and the train can not do. Return to the train. There will be an Oscar, which will report that you want to see the rectors of the local uni. Go to the left to the stairs, then right on the bridge. Turn the station to the right and down the steps until you see Barge.
Captain Barja
Talk to the Captain Barge and his wife. They will agree to ride your train to the mechanism of the factory, if you pay them 100 bucks. Kate, like a true American, no cash, only a useless credit card. Will have to look for earnings on the side. Go back to the station and go through open doors. Climb the stairs up to the union. Come in.
In the university, pass a little forward, and then turn left and go to the first door. Come in – this is a library. Turn the right and find the Power Ladder. Close to it upstairs. Top Take a book "Mushroom guidebook" (Mushroom Guide). She is right. Get down and go down where readers are sitting. At the right bottom table lies the book "Book of Amerzona" (Amerzone Book), take it. Get out of the library.