Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 1 – Launch of the Screaming Narwhal: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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September 7, 2022
15 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 1 – Launch of the Screaming Narwhal: Passage
Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 1 – Launch of the Screaming Narwhal: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Rock Gelato:

Le Chuck keeps under the control of the thirteenth monkey Montevideo. If he brings her sacrifice, he will gain power over the ocean. Next, we see Elaine: it is connected on board his own ship standing near the rock of Gelato. Hero Gaibrash Tripwood is sent to the rescue of the princess and the world. Le Chuck starts reading a spell to complete the ritual Voodoo. Elaine will tell Gibrash that you need to complete the enchantment of the sword.

Damned saber tlaper:

Go left, to the mast, and remove from the Voodoo recipe. Read it: To remove the curse from the saber, you need to sprinkle it with a magic spacing from King. Go to the right and climb the stairs. To the right of you on the deck lies the monkeys of the coffin (Cobai coffin monkeys). Choose and inspect it in inventory with a magnifying glass. The hero will automatically give the sword from King. Mix beer with mint candies: Place both items in the left part of the inventory and click on “+”. Connect a saber and hitch. However, Guibrash will fit to think, and he drops. Ask Elaine to throw a rope to you – she will repaint you a whole mast. Sure to her and say goodbye to your ship: he will pop up into an unknown distance. Go left and fir the chuck plant. Go to the right and throw the roots of Chuck in a marked barrel with grog. Skip mint candy. Dip the saber in grog. Rubage the saber on Le Chuk – Hand Gybrash will turn into a hand of le chuck.

FlatSem Island:

Guibrash nails to the shore. He will find that it is not capable of controlling the damned hand: a hand will hit the friendly pirate. Get acquainted with Nippers from the Kilhauler newspaper. From the conversation with him you will learn that the winds never subscribe over the island. A deep strait is the only source of “non-commercial” news, so the newspaper is languishing on the news about pirate sweatshirts in the city.


Club 41: Climb the stairs and knock on the club door. It turns out that no cards are not allowed. Read the Fresh Kilhauler number. Pay attention to the Barrel ink next to the newspaper stand. Check the editorial door – this is a service entrance. Talk to Nipperson about Pirates News.

Prison: View windows, inscriptions on the building and door. From the post near prison, remove the announcement of the search. From him you will learn about the hunter on the Pirates Morgan Le Flae. In the lane nearby, inspect the pillars: look for carvings of mermaids. Come to the door shop of glass products “Damn Site”. Signing says that in the shop selling glass letters. Look out the door.

Doctor’s House: Climb the stairs and knock on the door. Gybrash raise the flower pot.

“Roaring narrow”: Turn left and go to the “rustic narrowing”. Talk to Reginald Wang Vincel. You will learn that anyone can become captain if the captain drops from the deck. He lost a membership card for Club 41. Show him an announcement of the search and recognize something about Le Fla. Examine socks and rose underwear in Ryushki on a linen rope. Gybrash will come out of the sock of the membership card of the club 41.

Shop “Damn Shaty”: Return to the bench and talk to Haffer Krimdigitis. He will talk about crystal reefs near the island. Ask Haffer a glass letter similar to the tube – it will give you a U-shaped tube. Show an ad and he – he will also share information about Le Flaie.

Kilhauler: Return to the editor and talk to Nippers about pirates. He needs news about the seizure of the ship, treasure and scuffle in the kabaska. If Gaibrache provides noisy news, Nipperkin will tell him about deep strait. Show the newspaper advertisement. Troy’s stories about Le Flaie do not match.

Club 41: With Club Card Wincel will miss you. Gaibrache, and rather his hand, makes a scuffle as soon as the hero will skip in the zabach. Coming out of the Kabak, go to the newspaper stand and inspect the glass under it. Gybrash will raise a skeleton with olive.

Jungle: 2 roads lead to the jungle: the trail between the pillars near the glass bench or the trail immediately behind the club 41. Look at the Phold Island map and click on the aisle in the jungle. You need a lower left trail. On the way you will see a pirate playing with figures. Talk to the pirate of Joaquin d’Oro, treasure hunter. He collects porcelain figures of pirates. The rare figurine – Dave Dark Ninja. Pirate will give you a treasure map. Choose in the line dialog “LOOK! Yes this is a dark ninja!”Take a pink figure from a pile, gathered by Pierre Pajama Pants.

City: Return to the newspaper. Plunge the figure in ink. Connect the figurine with a skewer – Dave Dark Ninja will be released.

Jungle: Return to the crossroads where you met d’oro. Now look for a treasure, following a pirated map. If you are on the right track, hear bells. Hero himself will be from time to time to say something encouraging. If the trail is chosen incorrect, Gybrash will return to the well.

Trail: Once at the Crossroads, go to the road right in front of you. On the way you should meet a well. Plunge the map into the water – the land shudders, and the map will shine. Roll to the path to the right of you. Kabana’s grunting should be heard and bells. Choose a bomb from the ground (and Gybrash will raise all bombs). Go to the right again. Skimpanzee and bells will be heard. Follow the upper right path near the stone stand. Bees and bells are heard. At the intersection, roll up to the lower path. Surminate monkeys Vizg. At the crossroads d’or turn right. Kabana’s grunting and bells hear. Roll into the upper left trail. At the crossroads with the altar, you must hear the buzzing of bees and bells. Go on the left trail. Speed tweet. Go forward – before you will be dugged, labeled with a cross on the map. Put the figurine in the hole. Now go back to d’oro and talk to him about his map. D’oro digs the treasure – he is joy, and you are about treasure.

Docks: Click on the docks on the map. Turn to the left and go to the ship. Screw on the trim – the lifting will prevent fat. Try to climb the anchor chain – you will prevent hot coals. From coal fat will inflame. Throw a lit bomb to the fire and pink underwear. Lever use the right to wear. Throw the burning bomb on the underwear. Use clothes rope on site to the left of the linen. Now you’re captain Gybrash Tripvud. Nippers got the desired news.

Deep Strait: Now Nippers will tell everything that knows about the deep strait. Take a look at the map: Pay attention to the traces leading to the jungle, and the word “Dedilan”. Return to the passage in the jungle and follow the map of Nipperkin. Come to the crossroads d’oro, turn left to the stone stand. Roll to the trop leading to the well. Turn to the upper road leading to the round calendar on Earth. Turn to the upper right path and go to the hut. Leave and tell me the password “Dedilan”. You will open a wood-witch. It will require a saber of a cafe. Talk to the witch. It will determine that the hand is amazed by Phase. Single Medicine – La Esponia Grande. Witch’s friend’s hero will help – Koronado da Kava, who lives on Jercbeit Island. The witch will give you a medallion with the image of the “sweet couple” – herself and yes Kava (inspect the medallion in the inventory). Look around in the witch room. Click on the parrot to teach him to pronounce the name of the hero. Take the parrot to the left of you. When you get sideways, the sorceress will give you an ancient scroll in a unwanted bottle. Bottle can be pissed off from the table. Outside pick old weather. Turn left.

Docks: Go to the docks on the map. Nipperskin will tell you about a terrible threat, hanging over the island – Les Chuck. Go to glass water. Haffer admits that the undivided bottle is his work. It is made of crystals growing in reef. He has a device that can break the bottle, but it will no longer.

“Roaring narrow”: go to the left and scribble on an anchor chain. Wang Vincelought managed to appoint himself to the first assistant captain. Go down in the thresholds. Choose a circle of cheese next to a gun. Put the gun. The winds of the island blow out the kernel, so it will fall in the unicorns of the glass. Now fill the gun with a bottle and shoot. Bottle will fall in crisdigitis. Return to glass water. Raise the bottle from the ground and the breakdler from the shop. In the inventory, connect the bottle with the broken. Cursed Hand will prevent you.

Doctor: Lead to the doctor, Marquis de Shinju. Go to his laboratory and talk to him. The doctor will examine his hand and decide to amputate it. Gybrash turns out to be chosen in the chair. The doctor will acknowledge his hand and come out to sharpen a miniature guillotine. The key remains on the skeleton. The chair turns to the left and right with the keys A and D, respectively. Tilt and straightening are adjusted by the W and S buttons. Press the D and W buttons to turn right and lean. Take the key. Click and to turn to the monkey, Jacques. Give the key of the monkey. It will open the cage and come out from there. Click and to turn to the projector. Use the bell on the table. The monkey will take a picture and places it in the projector. A picture of a mouse cell and an electrical monkey antenna will appear. Click S and click on the right pedal – the banana will fall. Monkey will eat it, look at the picture and suitable for the mouse wheel. Click the left pedal – Monkey will get a shock. Jacques knocks out a picture. Click and lift the picture from the floor. Press W and S to turn to the projector and approach the floor. Put the picture on top of the rest. Right in the bell – monkey will change the picture. Showed by an infused hand Gaibrash. Press S. Click on the right pedal to give Jacques Banana. He will head to the skeleton. Click the left pedal – the key can get to the magnetized tail. Press W to lie down. Sorry to the bell. Monkey will put a picture with a pirated version of man da Vinci. Press S. Give Jacques Banana, pressing the right pedal. He will eat a banana and jumps on you. Now Gybrash can free themselves (the key on the tail of the monkey). De Shinj will hit the gybrash. During the chase, the hero treats the announcement of the pirates hryuette. Read it.

Ancient scroll: connect the bottle and dried in inventory. The scroll will be empty. Now you need Chamlock Makjji – Pirate, sitting on the steps of the courthouse. He will tell that the scroll was with him until Witch got him. Ask a magnifying glass with which a scroll is read (Laman’s eye). Connect in inventory eye and scroll. Examine the map. Press the cheese into the wall so that the eyes imprinted. Return to de Shinju – he looks into a telescope. Talk to him.

Jungle: Go to the aisle in the jungle. Turn to the upper left trail. Put the scroll on the altar. The hero will dance, and the earth shudders. Wrap and return to the passage in the jungle. Bugs and bells should be heard. Roll into the left lower path. At the crossroads hear a squeal monkeys and bells. In the inventory, hover the magnifying glass on the fluger – it will indicate to the right. Roll over the trail behind the hero or top path. When you find yourself at the well, throw flower there. Earth shudders. Again, hover the Lupu on the vane – you right. Run to the right side of the trop. Listen to buzzing bees, bells and happy commentary Hero. Place the fluger on the stand – it will point to the left. Remove the fluger and turn left. On earth will see a calendar. Go around the calendar several times: it will break up with different colors – red, yellow, green and green again. Earth shudders. Move the magnifying glass on the weather. Roll over the trail for the calendar and find yourself near the ancient portal. But you are already waiting for de shinzh with the intention to cut off the hero.

Ancient portal: inspect the sink on the right and portal, decorated with a Laman’s figure. Crystal nose can be broken down. Slide it and lift a strange face. Slisse the parrot in his nostril. Return to docks through the passage in the jungle. Talk to de Sinjem about the proof of my unkind design. Automatically go to the portal location. You will learn to observe how the marquise is lost. Now Gybrash can pick up an ancient tool. De Shinj will turn out that with the help of the gun you can control the wind and cause the god of winds. The gun has 4 fingers. Use the weapon on the shell, closest to the large device. Now they awakened 4 mysterious idols of the island – the gods of the winds.

Call of Gods:

Idol near the wind control device:

Turn right and inspect the idol with 3 wheels. At the top of the idol, make a vane. Turn the wheel so that they coincide with the face on the weather. Use an ancient tool on the sink to the right of the idol. It will make one of the fingers of a large device. Suddenly de Sinzh carries Gaibrash to the Jungle CHASH.

Mysterious idol:

Go to the right until you see idol. Take a vane to his top. Turn the wheel so that they coincide with the face on the weather. This idol has no nose. Fill the empty place with a floral pot (on the middle wheel). Use an ancient tool on the sink to the right of the idol. Another finger goes down. Marquis will again blow you into another jungle area.

Strange idol:

Return to the passage in the jungle and come to a strange idol. There is no wheel on this idol. Fill in an empty place with a circle of cheese. Take a vane to the top of the idol. Turn the wheel so that they coincide with the face on the weather. Use an ancient tool on the sink to the right of the idol. Another finger goes down. De Sinj will blow you into another jungle area.
Last IDOL: Return to the aisle in the jungle and go along the trail leading to the altar (left top trail). Here you will meet a doctor. In the dialog, select the line “Look, yes this is the Louis king”. As soon as he distracts, put on the U-shaped tube on the blow of a gun. De shinge will be riding an idol. Turn the wheels and make sure that De Sinj says. Choose that rotation of the wheel, which knocks out satisfied sounds from the marquise. Use an ancient tool on the sink to the right of the idol. And the wind blows off a glue cloud from the island. Winds blow up again.

“Roaring narrow”: “ruling narrow” will automatically be released in the open sea. Van Vincel will ask where to sail. Damned hand will not give Gibrash to answer. Climb to the helm, turn it, but the damned hand is drinned the steering wheel, and the ship will roll. Barrel resin will rush to the gun. Go down to the cannon and pumped it. Your actions will lead to the fact that the barrel will break. Look a puddle of resin. Gybrash will announce the intention to dip there. Click on the map to show Vinsloau where you want to sail. Hand will give the hero of the brace. As a result, he will fall into the puddle of the resin and emasculates the damned hand. Go to the rock of gelato. Now Elaine will have to save: Le Chuck in human doors cares for her.

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