The Crystal Key: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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November 30, 2022
19 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Crystal Key: Passage
The Crystal Key: Game Walkthrough and Guide

A few weeks ago we received a signal from the stars:

– Ozhard is defeated, but not destroyed. Return to Arkonia. Immediately roll all colonies:

A few days after the message, the alien ship appeared near our planet.

Powerful ship satellites changed the move of the waves and in the next two days caused terrible destruction and earthquakes. It became clear that this is the ship of Ozhardy himself…

And now, in order to save our civilization, you must go to search for a crystal key.

You are the last hope of our planet".

You see how the small spacecraft starts and, passing through the blackness of the space, landing on the green planet.

In the ship.

The game begins.

You are in the captain of a spacecraft.

Before you navigation panel, on which nine digits: 285 016 909. These are the digital coordinates of the planet to which you landed. Write them down – they will come in later.

Turn back and opening a massive door, select the surface of the planet.

House with torches (teleport 1)

Walking forward on green grass, you will find yourself in front of a wooden door. Opening it, you will fall into a stone house with torches.

The house has three rooms and a basement. If you look from the central entrance: left, central and right (with basement).

Go to the left room: about one torch is a vase with scrolls. From the vase, take the scroll – this drawing. Come to another torch (with a button), click on it and, from the opened panel, take (those books.

In the center room, go to the table to which the light falls out of the window. On the bright spot on the table Put the drawing. You will see how four symbols and sketch of basement are manifested. Symbols in the drawing correspond to symbols on books.

Go to the right (from the central entrance) room. On the wall, to the left of the window, find the shelf for books. Put the book on the shelf in the order of symbols in the drawing. With the correct placement of KN (g, you will hear the sound of the door to the basement. Now go to the basement: in the same room, go to the torch, turn left and, along the screw staircase, go down. In the basement opened

o Passage leading in a room with multi-colored columns. In this room, go to the table on which a holographic message and a book are located. Click on the lever and listen holographic

message. Then open the book. It is a picture-tip for a puzzle, when solving which you can get the crystal key. Under the picture of the buttons – five rows of hieroglyphs. If Mentally feathers a book counterclockwise, the lines will become columns. These columns of different heights and correspond to the level of the position of the buttons (upper position, lower position, lower position, "Touring position, middle position).

Return to the stairs up to the basement. Carefully inspect the wall in front of yourself and find a square with a ring. Click on it. Niche opens with a casket. There are five buttons on the box, waiting for three positions from which the top, middle and lower. Use the prompt from the book and set the buttons from left to right: Top, bottom, bottom, top, medium. The box will open and * your ristal key. He while still has one groove-edge (you will need to find 2 more faces).

Again, descend into the room with columns and go to the closed goal of the teleport. To the left of the teleport – the panel in the wall. Using the crystal key to the slot, turn on the control panel of the teleport OM. Pressing the blue buttons, you will see two images. They correspond to two places where you can move now. The first image corresponds to the room with columns where you are this Gas. Another image corresponds to the desert where you now have to get. Click on it, and the gate will open the way to a new place – the desert.

Desert (part 1).

You were in the desert, and, if you look around, you can get into several places:

a) Cave with all-terrain,

b) the generator station to which you can get on the all-terrain,

c) Dark cave (between the laboratory and the mounted bridge),

d) laboratory with two rooms,

e) Mountain with craters to which the mounted bridge leads.

a) Cave with all-terrain.

Between two high columns you will see the descent on the sandy stairs down. It’s the road to the cave with all-terrain. In the cave from the box, take the wire with the terminals (in the game it will come in handy twice). Then Sae

$ go to the all-terrain vehicle and go (cartoon) to a small structure with pipes – to the generator station.

b) generator station.

Get out and look around. Several pipes are suitable for generator station. Go along the pipes and you will see that iron stick is pressed to the pipe – take it.

Passing forward and right, you will find in the wall where the pipes come from, as soon as a noticeable item is a universal screwdriver. Take it and come inside the generator station.

Climb on a metal staircase to a multicolored control panel. Find three chicks and insert the iron stick in them.

Cartoon: Roots are lowered, the generator starts, and electricity goes to the laboratory and a dark cave (in the desert). Get out of the building, sit down to the all-terrain vehicle and return back


But here is a bad luck: from the raised dust and noise of the motor, you are discovering the people of Ozhard and are thrown into prison.

Prison building (part 1)

You are conducted by corridors to the chamber and close the door. You find yourself in a small room with miserable amenities… Need to get out.

Go to the metal plate (on the wall next to the door). In order to open it, you need to remove 3 bolts that hold it. Take a universal screwdriver from Inventory. Screwdriver has two tools: the upper position of the switch – gas burner, lower – nippers. Switching a screwdriver to the position of the gas burner, reset bolt hats. Under the plate is a mechanism

Opening-closing doors. Switching a screwdriver to the bustard position, bite the wire, blocking lever. Holding the lever of the mechanism, transfer it to the right position. The door will open. Hooray!

You are free.

But rejoice early – you are now in a building with three floors and many corridors. Prison is on the 2nd floor. Get out of prison straight, left, right. Before you, the staircase that leads up the 3rd floor and down on the 1st.

Climb on the 3rd floor. Turn the head to the left, and then go round twice right. You will be at the door with the window. Looking out the window, you will see that Ozghard kills the guard. Start and b Egypt straight, left and hide in niche (if you do not hide, then the game can be finished, as you will be killed). There is a cartoon: the peeles pass by, without noticing you. UV-F-F…

Return back to the stairs, go to the right. You will see another door with a window. Turning the head right, you will find a room on the wall of which the remote with yellow buttons, and under the remote control – I am a socket. Remember this place – here you will come in the final stage of the game.

Return to the stairs and go down to the 1st floor. Go on the first floor corridors: to the right, left, right, forward. Fall on the landing strip. Go towards the ship and sit in + Yulku-elevator. Click on the lever in the cradle (bottom, right corner of the screen) and raise the ship.

Turning to the entrance, you will see two blue semiring on the left side of the door – this is a combination of opening the external door of the ship. Remember this combination. Go to the middle compartment. With Leve.sides of the door You will see a similar button, but already with another combination: one blue semicircle (right) and one yellow (left). Remember this combination, as they come in handy in another month. Go inside the middle compartment – here is the same control panel with yellow buttons, which you saw on the third floor. But the annoyance: On the screen of this remote, only one sim

.l that gives you nothing. Get out of the compartment and go to the captain. Sit into the captain’s chair. Before you: Left – Empty tablo, in the middle – buttons, right – scored scoreboard. What is already scored on the right of the board – these are the coordinates of the prison building.

If you compare aliens with earthlings with numbers (as on a push button), the coordinates of the prison building: 327 845 483. They will fit later.

Using the same analogy, dial the code: 285 016 909 (these numbers glow on the dashboard of the earth’s ship at the beginning of the game).

The ship takes off, and you are postponed again on the green planet, where did you get the game. Now here are two ships: your previous and second on which you arrived now. You need to have a stenter route, come to a house with torches, find a room with teleport and move to the desert, where you are not inspected because of the vigilance of enemies.

Desert (part 2).

c) Dark cave (between the laboratory and the mounted bridge).

Since you previously launched the generator, now the dark cave between the laboratory and the mounted bridge turns out to be illuminated.

Go down and on the fork go to the left. Then go down to a closed metal door. Open it by clicking on the left button. Before you will open a view of a spacious cave with Metal Maine Ladders. Go to the right up and turn on the switches – the green light will turn around and switches the rail path. Go down the stairs to the end and turn on the second switches – will load the Aya green light, and the trolley will take you down the railway track.

Coming out of the trolleys, descend to the site with old units: Batispheree (away) and generator (closer).

First go to the generator and climb up the stairs to the two rubber. Run the gener, alternately turning on these rotches – right and left. Raise the rotches should be leisurely, on divisions, and until the stop up. If everything is successful, the sound of the started generator will be heard.

Then go down and go further to the batisper. Sit into it and click the button in the center.

There is a cartoon: the batisper descends down under water, takes several stones samples and returns back to top, giving samples in Inventory.

Return to the trolley and raise upstairs. Go out through the rail door to the surface and go to the laboratory.

d) laboratory with two rooms.

Go to the laboratory.

Go to the second room. Left from fans there is a container. Come to him and throw a stone.

There is a cartoon: the container opens, the stone flies there and the container closes.

Click on the large round button of the control panel, which is located at the bottom of the fans.

Mechanical unit will work activating the smelting procedure and chasing. At the exit of the unit, a gold coin will appear, which will immediately get into the investment.

Get out of the laboratory and go to the direct to the mounted bridge.

e) Mountain with craters to which the mounted bridge leads.

Pass on the bridge on the mountain.

On the top of this mountain there are 4 water crater. First you will see immediately at the entrance, but three others – away (left, straight, right). If you throw pebbles into each of the crater, there are circles on the water, cr .Left Crater. There pebbles across the blue of without a response – it’s holography. Throw the gold coin there – the holography will distort and disappear, opening the screw passage down.

Going away, you will see a closed metal door.

Lower the head down and watching a little, you will see a holograph device that created holography. It is screwed in one screw with a white hat. Pick this device needed, but this is the Neva.It is possible to do now. You will return after him later, getting a screwdriver.

From the google goes the wire to the outlet, which sticks out of the cliff, at the sand level. Disconnect this wire. To do this, click on the cord, to take it as far as possible to the left. Connect the wire with the terminal to the liberated Rayack, and the second end of the wire connect to the metal door handle. There will be a short circuit, the door knobs and it will fall out, opening the passage to the underground

We cave.

ATTENTION: Do not forget to pick up the wire with terminals. He is still useful.

Go forward, open another metal door. You will get to the goal of teleport number 2.

Teleport 2.

Go to the goal of the teleport and, to the left of the gate, clicking on a small lever on the table, listen to the holographic message.

Turn the K "Soselkov" and go forward to them. Holding his head to see "Soselki", Moderators "Rogat". Ties K "Rogat" Wire with terminals. Go down on the wire down and overflow under the terresth reservoir.

Right in front of you in the water Something glows. This is the second brown face for the crystal key. Take it.

Return back to the goal of teleport.

Wire you no longer need. About him you can forget.

Insert the crystal key to the teleport lock.

Press the right button to the green sheet, and then the sheet itself.

The transition to a new place – Jungle.

Jungle (part 1).

In the jungle there are two places in which you can get:

a) landing module disguised as a big smooth block,

b) the broken spaceship (you will go later in this place).

a) landing module.

I wondering a little on the jungle (finding the road, leading everything down and down), you will find a big smooth block. Go around it. Left on it three oval holes. By pressing one of them, you will get inside

b cosmic landing module.

Inside there is a small ship, and nearby, on the floor on the right, lever for supplying electricity to the ship. Click on the lever – metal contacts will connect.

Come inside the ship, turn right and take the screwdriver in the metal container.

Go forward and sit down in the chair.

Before you, the control panel on which the red light is on, and under it there are two buttons. Alternately click on them – the left and right engines will turn on, and the ship will take off. There is a cartoon: you fly through the jungle, rocks and fog to the city at sea.

City at sea.

Landing, go out of the ship. Ship will immediately fly away. After looking around, detect three places where you can go:

a) a mirror dome to which the bridge leads,

b) reflectors control panel (located opposite the trapezoid building), and the black trapezoidal building itself (the door is closed),

c) subway (will be available later).

a) mirror dome.

Go to a mirror dome through a small bridge.

Jump over the fence and go around the dome on the left.

Enter the inside of the dome and, to the right of the entrance, listen to the holographic message.

Then go to the writing desk with a colored puzzle.

The color hint to this puzzle lies in one of the paintings near the writing desk.

Solve Puzzle: Press only on corner figures, starting with the top yellow, clockwise, (yellow, blue, yellow). And go away from her.

The secret box of the table opens, from which take the portable gate of the teleporter and the CD disk.

Return to the landing band, to the reflector control panel.

b) reflectors control panel.

Click on the console handle… USTS – she broke. Instead, insert a screwdriver.

(If you forgot to take a screwdriver, you will have to return to the jungle with the help of a manual teleport and take it on the ship in which you flew to the city at sea). Push to the handle left-right, up-down, focus the light spot in the center of the circle above the door of a black trapezoid building.

A little waiting, you will hear the sound of unlocking the door of a black building.

Go to the door and click on the button – the door will open.

Go inside. On the floor, near the elevator, there is a device – this is a sound resonator. Take it.

Go to the elevator and click on the only available button. Elevator will go down.

After stopping the elevator, coming out of it, you will find yourself in the metro building.

In the underground.

Go towards the electric train.

Go down on the way.

Go on foot to the next station.

Climb on the station platform and leave the stairs through the turntable door in a spacious hall.

Go straight through the other door and, descending down the stairs, go through the third door.

You are in a room with teleport number 3.

Teleport 3.

To the left of the entrance, climb the stairs and go to 4 containers on the wall.

Pressing the container (second right), open it. Inside there is a third furrow-line to crystal key. But you can’t take it, as it is closed with a glass cap.

Clear the cap will help the sound resonator.

Remove the resonator (by clicking in the Inventory to it, and then on the glass cap). The resonator in the enlarged form will appear on the screen on the left. Turn it on with a button-ball on the right side of the resonator.

The resonator will appear the light spot, and you will hear the sounds of the sirens. Do not move the ball up, while moving up and the light spot of the resonator. Combining different positions, you need $ rolling the highest sound. The resonator will start to sound the piercing and more. Glass zadrock and burst.

Take the third Farrog.

Wrap and insert the crystal key to the Teplock Castle number 3.

By pressing the right button, you will see that another place is now available – the sun.

Attention! If you try to go through the gateway in the sun, they burn, and the game will be completed.

This entry you will need later.

Now you must return to the jungle again, so switch the teleport to "jungle" and transfer there.

Jungle (part 2).

b) crashed ship

In the jungle you were only in one place – near the smooth stone (landing module). Now look for the way to a broken spaceship. A little like the jungle, you can find this to Orabl.

Carefully follow the background. Ship is difficult to see. You must notice the vague outline of the fuel body nozzle – something like gray circles away. Come closer to the ship and wall

$ ite.

On the ship housing you will see a barely noticeable door opening button. Pressing the area around this button, you will see that it consists of two external (blue) and two internal (yellow) arcs. What to enter inside, click on the external arc. They will light up blue light and the door will open.

Sign in. You will notice that inside the ship is similar to the one with which you ran away from prison. Come to the middle compartment – the door is closed. Open the door to the compartment by pressing the button with the left from the Toron in the following combination: the left yellow, the right blue arc.

Inside the compartment – the control panel with yellow buttons, on the screen of which 4 characters. Hooray! Here it is a cipher to a computer located on the third floor of the prison building. Draw it. Then insert CD-di AK in the control panel. Click on the keyboard. You will hear the translation of these characters: "Leave the ship!".

Use a portable teleporter to move again to the desert – you still need to pick up a hood.

Desert (part 3).

Go through the mounted bridge to the grief with crater.

Go down along the screw pass down.

Find below hi-log.

On the right side on the goofore, find the bolt with a white hat. Unscrew it with a screwdriver. Take hi-log.

Using a portable teleport, and by typing the prison coordinates recorded earlier (327 845 483), move to the prison building.

Prison building (part 2).

Climb on the 3rd floor.

Find the panel with yellow buttons. Under the panel (on the floor) – electrical outlet. Connect the hood to the outlet. Holograph will automatically be installed in the corridor, facing the door with a window. Click on portable teleport, and then on a hood. Teleport will automatically be installed behind the google. Click on the teleport and selecting the Yellow Circle, open the gate in the sun.

Now, by clicking on the hood, you will see two buttons on it. Click on the right button: Holography takes pictures of an empty corridor behind yourself. Click on the left button: Holography will create holography this corridor ahead.

Turn to the yellow keyboard and type the cipher found on the ship in the jungle (press the 4 buttons sequentially, from left to right, in the second row), thereby submitting the command: "Leave the ship!".

The final.

There is a final cartoon:

The sound of sirens is heard.

Ozghar leaves his place and opening the door, sees an empty corridor. It’s holography, but he does not know.

Moving forward, it teleports in the sun and dies.

The goal is achieved.

Congratulations! You saved the universe from Ozhark and freed people. End.

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