The Mark: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 1, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Mark: Passage
The Mark: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Game for Fletcher

Siberia. East 3

Jumping down from the container, go to the aircraft standing in the room. You need to install on them in the nose in charge of explosives. After that, come back to the first fighter. To the right there is a container to which the board is leaning. On it you can go upstairs and go to repair “forests”. Learn to the top platform and go to the right by shooting the mercenaries that appear due to containers. Jumping onto the concrete, run to the left along the iron boxes, continuing to send to the light of various suggestions.

East 3. Inside

Talking with a partner, go along the corridor to the stairs and rise to the very top. Once at the entrance door, go to the rack that stands on the left of the wall. On his shelves you will find a new weapon. Opening the door, kill the left of two soldiers who appeared from the room, then take the position in the doorway and start shooting the mercenaries running out of the depth of the corridor. Next, go to the room on the right and go to the next room, occupied by the opponent. Open the door and shoot through holes in the floor of mercenaries located in the room floor below. After that, jump down down, kill a couple of soldiers located in the far room, and go out into the corridor, the passage by which is barrier. From there, go to a small room where some container is located. Through this room, you can go to the far part of the corridor, from where you come to the kitchen. Exit from it leads to the stairs. When you find yourself there, take the position at the bottom and wait for the appearance of militants, descending on the stairs. Having broken with them, go upstairs. Behind the door, located at the top, you are waiting for a pair of gangsters, so by opening the door, start shooting immediately. When you enter the corridor, deal with another couple of militants, which is located in the left part of the corridor. Next, throw a grenade into the right branch of the passage, and you will kill two more gangsters guarding the exit.

Up on the tower

Going inside the tower, go to the right through the door. Raising the stairs, go on the door to the left. You will find yourself inside the destroyed room, places covered by fire. Being at the entrance door, shoot the mercenaries at the bottom, after which jump into the floor. At this point, another couple of militants will appear in the room, who want to make you a couple of extra holes in the body. After you “calm down” them, go to the corridor through the door in the left corner. Near the standing rack will find a new machine. Next, you should go back and go through the destroyed wall in the nearby room. Inside him attacks the enemy group, which appeared from the door located at the top. Climb the door with the fight, from which mercenaries appeared, on the side racks. From there Close up the destroyed stairs and go out into the corridor. At the end of it there is a room where you will find AK-47. Next you need to enter the door located to the left of the entrance to the room. So you will come out again inside the tower. Just as for the first time, go to the right and go through the open door to the corridor. Having passed on it to the left, you reach the room where there is a pit laid out by brick. Go down to it and go to the right, at the end of the passage climb the stairs and immediately turn 180 degrees to reflect the attack that appeared from the doors of mercenaries.
Going out on the street, go ahead along the wall, killing three splas. At the end of the passage there is a door through which you will leave the tower again. At this moment you will be attacked on the left from the top platforms. Next Go to the right range of the Tower and go to the door. Control the left side, To the left of the door beyond the barrels hides a mercenary – a little procrastly, you risk becoming a corpse. When the opponent’s soldier drops, three of his comrades will be resorted from the stairs, disgraced with them, after what to go upstairs.
An explosion knocked out by an explosion will not be able to harm you, but the wage soldiers inside the room will be able to extend you if you do not quickly. Inside this room you can raise the first-aid kits and cartridges for the machine. Coming out of the room outside, go to the right along the wall, continuing to methodically destroy the enemies bar. When you reach the end of the way, go to the door leading inside the tower. From there, go to the door on the contrary, and you will only stay climbing the roof stairs. It is guarded by a large amount of militants. I do not advise you to pop up on open space and “water” from the machine to the right and left. It is best to get out of the stairs and shoot one terrorist standing on the left of the door, after which it’s time to go back and take a position opposite the doorway to attend appearing opponents. When everyone is interrupted, transportation will arrive at you.

Iraq. Entrance to the Birkim Mine

Go deep into the tunnel to the boxes, for which terrorists are hiding. During movement, stick to the left side, Right, where rails are located, mined. Having made the position of the boxes, take away the attack of the Mujahideen, appearing on the right side of the tunnel. Then go to a wooden box, near which the laser beam of the installed mine is visible. Picking up on the box and jumping out of it on the floor, you will be able to Maunda Minor completely painlessly. When you come to the door on which the lamp hangs, you will be waiting for a short dialogue with Hawk, after which your roads will be blinking for a while.

Where Sandy?

Having passed on the tunnel by the loader, delay in boxes covered with polyethylene. In this position, you will be more convenient to reflect the attack of the “perfumes” arriving from the depths of the tunnel on drinkers. After the end of the battle, go ahead, controlling the right side, From the doors located on the truck, the terrorists run away and will open fire. Next, move to the end of the tunnel, go to the truck and go to the passage on the right. Moving on it, be careful, You will meet a couple of militants wrapped with dynamite checkers. When you go to the site, at the end of which you will see Hawk, shoot on the attackers of His “spirits”, then transfer the fire to the left. There are three more mojaheds behind the drawers. Having finished with them, move the pipe straight and get out in the tunnel. You need to go on it to the left, sticking to the right wall. Passing by the trolleys, open the fire on the enemy, located at the boxes. Next, go ahead and cross the barricade by using the passage of the right wall.
Going into a dilapidated room, from the ceiling of which the chains hang, go to the right between the boxes through the mined passage. Mines need to be destroyed by shots from weapons, but in no case do not cross the laser beam, otherwise died. When you go out in a big round room, you will again meet with Hawk and see Sandy.

Underground pursuit

The first part of the tunnel you must pass as quickly as possible, despite the resistance of “spirits”. If you move slowly, you risk being wound on the caterpillars of the bulldozer pursuing you.
Going out on the railway, move in deep tunnel. When you get to the bridge, go to the trailer, standing on the right. Take the control panel to run the cable car and return to the bridge. Going to the railway canvas, wait until the container suspended to the cable, then jump on it. While you will be on the iron box, shoot on terrorists running out of the lower rooms. When the container reaches the extreme house, jump onto the ladder and go inside the room. In a small room on the wall between windows, there is a lever. You need to pull it to raise a cutting pass container. After that, go through the back door and come back to the bridge. Going through it, go deep into the tunnel. You again have to hurry, because the bulldozer pursuing you will appear again. While driving the tunnel, use grenades to destroy the numerous opponent with groups, and not shoot each one by one.
Going to the bridge, go to the other side. Wait until Hawk mines the bridge, then run to the right. You can linger to curb, how will the boring tractor collapsed in the abyss. On the approach to the concrete tunnel, delay to meet two Islamic bikers who will jump out to meet you. After their destruction, go inside the tunnel. Shooting the last group of militants, you can get out of fresh air.

Birk city

Coming out due to the corner, move forward down the street, but you need to go very carefully, look at every corner and inspecting each roof, The enemy’s soldier will be a lot. When you get to the intersection, take the position behind the barrels on which the first aid kits are. You need to wait for the moment when Hawk will blow up a part of the building where the machine gunner. After that, you can get out of the shelter and go left down the street. Passing through the doorway, turn the left, kill the “spirit” and roll to the right on the stairs. On it you climb into the room on the second floor where you will find grenade launcher and first aid kits. Before picking up all this wealth, you need to kill the roof of an enemy machine gun. Next, go out of the room through the door in the left far corner and find yourself on the square in front of the building. Without lingering on the stairs, run ahead. When you see the enemy, turn on the time deceleration mode to deal with it. Then take advantage of a newly acquired grenade launcher to knock down the helicopter hanging over the road, which prevents Hawk. After listening to the words of gratitude for the help, go on the door to the right of the fallen helicopter. Next, pass through a break in the wall to reach a small platform where you will fall into the ambush. The amount of Mujahidees will be quite large, so the most reasonable will be the decision to return to the destroyed building and take the defense there.
After the Hawk explodes the radioantenna, run to the square in the left far corner. There you can move through the broken fence on the street. Get on her before the intersection. On it you will have to support the fire of moving parallel hawk. Next, continue to move directly on the outskirts of the city, having previously armed with a large-caliber sniper rifle (5-1). Only shooting out of it, you can effectively deal with the new opponent, dealt in black shape and body armor. When you go to the airfield, go down to the tents. There you need to kill a couple of special forces and finish the mission to save Sandy.

Orly Tabor. Castle

Once in a trap, shoot the terrorists appearing from the doors. You need to withstand their onslaught while the hawk is underway with the lattice lifting mechanism. When she rises, go to the door in the left corner.
Passing through the metal detector to the far of the room, go left and go through the distant door to the repository. Relaying hiding between terrorist cabinets, go out into the corridor. When you find yourself near the toilet, shoot a guy standing at the urinal, and then go inside. In the shower, which is located in the far of the room, you can find a pair of aidhechk. Returning, you will soon go to a large dressing room, where you are waiting for the Committee on a solemn meeting in the face of people in civil costumes, but for some reason armed. Thank you for your attention, leave the hall through the door located in the right far corner of the room. Next, climb the stairs, go through the exhibition hall with a weapon in the nearby room to get to the billiard room, having passed on the door in the right corner. Coming out of it on the outer gallery of the castle, go to the right to the locked door. Install the explosive charge on it, and then begin to destroy the terrorists running around the courtyard. The door demolished by an explosion will open the road to the opposite part of the castle. You will only have to run along the fortress walls.
Taking a new assault rifle in a small room, go down the stairs and go to the bridge leading to a large goal. Go to the right through the door, go down the stairs and go to the milean hall. There you will meet three thugs, but if there is a good rifle – this is not a problem. After sending his opponents to hell, go to the left along the wall before entering the corridor.

Deep inside

Passing through the library to the outer gallery, start shooting along terrorists located in the windows opposite and running the castle in the courtyard. When the battle is over, go to the end of the gallery, install an explosive charge on the door located there, to lay a path further. When you start climbing on a wide stone staircase, keep the weapon at the ready to jumped from around the angle the villain did not mean you lead. The staircase will bring you into a wide corridor, which will be protected by a large number of bad guys, but one pomegranate can solve the case in your favor, and you will be able to get to the stairs, moving around with a fight, get to the second library. It has access to the gallery, from where you need to move right, shooting from terrorists, leading fire from the windows opposite.
When you leave the corridor to the balcony, jump out through the hole in the floor. Next go to the right, go to the door and run through the torture cameras in the basement. From it you can get into the fresh air, passing on the board, leaning to the window. Being in the courtyard, take the position of the well to reflect the attack of militants who fell behind the drawers in the depths of the yard. After the battle, run there and go left left from the boxes to the door leading.

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