The Moment of Silence: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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14 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Moment of Silence: Passage
The Moment of Silence: Game Walkthrough and Guide
If you really appreciate the playing atmosphere in the game, you will get great pleasure from the abundance of dialogues, gradually, in small portions that reveal the plot. However, most of them directly on the passage in no way affects, and if you did not have time to ask someone about something, do not be discouraged – it will not hurt the game. In addition, some actions in the game do not require a strict sequence. Thus, if you did something wrong, as described in passing, you should not have problems. As a rule, I will indicate additional possibilities, after describing the passage of the episode.

Raise the abandoned teddy bear from the floor in the corridor and inspect the effects of the raid. Return to your apartment and take the desk from the table drawer near the bed. Single number available to you – reference service. Find out the Communicator Number Mrs. Oswald;Call her and tell me that you found a bear.

You can turn on the computer and chat with Cristina. You can also go down on the elevator and go out to look around.
Return to the Oswald apartment and enter. Return the bear to Tommy’s bear and ask Deboor about what happened. Promise her to call the police and find out what happened. Say goodbye to Deborah and call back to reference, find out the number of the police station. Call the police and ask a couple of questions to the operator – learn that no special operations in the area. Call Mrs. Osvald, as promised, and tell me what you learned. Morning evening wisely – you come back to your room and go to bed.

Brooklyn – Next Day: The story begins
Take a look at Mrs Oswald. After talking with her, talk to Tommy and find out everything you can;When it comes to toy alien, offer to change. Return to your apartment. In the lower lines of the closet lies a superhero figurine. Take it and take Tommy. In return, he will give you aliens.
Also ask Deboor about the photos of her husband. She will say that there is a photo of Tommy. Ask the boy to lend you a photo. Exit the apartment and go down on the elevator. Go to the kiosk and go to the park.

A park
Talk to the insane guru and listen to his gloomy prophecies. Pay attention to some kind of totem – remove a piece of wire from it.

Talk to a deaf guitarist.

Now, if you can periodically call Mrs. Osvald and tell how your search is promoted. Get out of the park back to the kiosk and talk to the seller, Bob. Ask him if he did not see something suspicious last night (besides the complete machine of special forces with automata). Bob will tell you about postprokes posters. Show him a figurine of aliens, and he remembers that there was a similar image on the posters. Thank you for the information and sit down in a taxi. You have two options – go to work or go to the trails of posters.

Manhattan: Return to work – Loading Terminal – Conversation with the authorities
Suppose you decide to go to work. Go to the door and with the help of the Communicator, follow the identification from the terminal at the entrance. Try to climb the office – it will not work. We’ll have to communicate with Claire, the Botom of the Company’s Security Service. Since it will not be remembered, and you will not remember the password, you will have to contact directly with the boss, Mr. Greenberg, and get a new password. Having understood with a password, climb on the elevator to the office.

Job with your colleagues – Brian and Sistamin Bill. Call Brian to the kitchen for a personal conversation.

Then climb to Greenberg office. Increase from him for another couple of days to bring themselves in the form. Say goodbye to everyone and exit the building. Sit taxi.
East Side: theft – thermonuclear cafe
Go down the street and look into the yard. Communicate with the inhabitants of the area. When trying to call the police (as stupid on your part!) You will lose your communicator. It is also good that one of the guys is quite peacefully configured. See how Juan will go to some establishment with your communicator.

Job with a big Mike.

Follow Juan to the store. It will pass by you with a new game prefix and disappear around the corner. Try to knock on the store – no one will open you. Communicate with a prostitute on the other side of the street (her name is Rita). Ask her where the guy went with tattoos and a stolen communicator – she will tell you about a special knock at the door. Touch the cafe door and enter.

Thermonuclear Cafe: Communicator Return – Transaction
Contact LU and require your communicator back. Get the return of your property from him and take the Communicator from the table. Show Lou photography Oswald – Now you can go to the utility room to the Sayfera. Talk to the Safe and ask him to analyze the photo. He will offer you cooperation – you must download the club logo for the nearest teleexer. Take a drive with a logo from the cafe and leave the cafe;Return to work.

Manhattan: Breakfast for Bill – Download for Safe
This time, without unnecessary problems, climb the elevator to the office. Talk to Bill about a new terminal download. Bill plans to free it as soon as they gather something to eat. Naturally, to ensure it will have to feed it. Exit the building and go to Brooklyn. Buy in the kiosk at Bob Packaging of finished food and come back to work in the agency. On the wall in the corridor in front of the offices there is a camshaft, one of the switches is turned off – turn it on and go to the kitchen. Near the door is a socket – turn on the microwave oven in it, put the packaging of food and set the timer for two minutes. Get out of the room, come back – the food is ready. It remains only to find Bill and put him in fame that his breakfast is ready. Bill will go to the kitchen, leaving you alone with the loading terminal. Insert the SIFERS disk into the terminal, make your dirty business and go to East Side.

East Side: Mystery Photos
Pay attention – now on the television screen opposite the club, the logo inserted by you periodically appears. Go to the club and tell the Sayphar, which performed our part of the contract. In return, he will tell you where the photo of Oswald was made – a large parabolic antenna is visible in the frame, installed in SETI (organization engaged in the search for extraterrestrial mind). Looks like you have to go to Arecibo. Call Debora and tell us the news. It’s time to think about how you get to SETI. Looks like you need plane tickets.

Manhattan: Free tickets
Return to work again. Probably, Brian managed to tell you about tickets to Greenberg Cabinet. If not, I will tell you I – the key is hidden under the rubber lining. Greenberg himself flew away in Beijing, so do not be afraid. Climb into his office, take the hidden key and reinbox. Take tickets, leave the agency and go to the airport. Go to the terminal B, use tickets – and you are already on the way to Arecibo.

In SETI: Oswald’s bag
To start, go to the room and ask Dr. Price about the research center. After you find out that Oswald forgot his bag in the store of souvenirs, go through the hall to the courtyard and try to enter the store. Inside you will not be allowed, but you will get a bag.

Look at the stars through the telescope. Try to enter object coordinates and make photos.

Take the bag;Look inside – you have become richer on one old analog camcorder, a small segment of thread and knife. Thread definitely leads you to the idea ..? Return to Brooklyn.

You can flush a couple of words with bean and chat with Christina over the network.

Oswalid Apartment: Hidden Cassette
Tell Debrov about your finds. She remembers that she sewed a teddy bear Tommy. Ask Tommy Bear and taking advantage of a knife, cut the seam. Inside you will find a video tape, obviously removed using the antique camcorder you found.
Take a taxi and go to work. Ask Bill about video tapes, learn that you need a VCR, which can be bought in some antiques of antiques. One of these shops is located in Greenwich Village, and contains it someone Mr. Huntington. Find a bulletin board in the office and take with you one of the magnets, then go to Greenwich Village.

Greenwich Village: Buying a VCR
Find a Huntington shop and go to the door. The door is locked, and behind the glass you see a metal sign. Taking advantage of the magnet, thread and wire, you can build some kind of fishing rod. Through the gap for mail with a fishing rod, wipe the metal sign and consider it: Now you know the number of the Huntington communicator. Dial the number and ask you to open the door.
If you want, talk to Huntington – but be prepared for the fact that the conversation will be long. If you do not want to lose time, ask him about a video recorder. To the left of the cash register on the shelf lies the record of the radio station “Wars of Worlds”, take it with you. The desired video recorder lies on the table to the right of the cash register (it takes a little pass)
Start to East Side. If you remember, the Cable was lying in the Safe Room – he will need you. But Saifer does not intend to give the cable just like this – in return give him an audio recording. Take the cable and go back to Brooklyn.
Brooklyn: Key from Storage Camera – Oswald video cassette
Go to Debaore, find out (if you still haven’t learned) about the key from the chamber of storage at the airport. Take the key. Go to your apartment, put a video recorder on the table and connect it to the TV using a cable. Check out the video: Check the airport, airship and screen with coordinates.

In SETI: satellite photos
Go back to SETI. Go straight to the observatory, look in the telescope and enter the coordinates from the Videos of Greema (8227.9347 and 2234.6621). You will see satellites. Do not forget to print photos and go back. Now it’s time to visit Safefer in East Side. Show him photos, and he will explain that they are depicted by communication satellites.

Greenwich Village: Mr. Huntington reveals secrets – platform
Again, visit Mr. Huntington to Greenwich Village and tell him about your finds. It seems that he is not particularly surprised;Huntington will invite you to a mysterious locked room. Examine newspaper headlines (Something tells you that all this is true) and talk to Huntington. Ask him about the airship and platforms depicted in the photo. He will tell you about the allegedly scientific platform in the ocean and will offer his pigeon as a means of communication. Having finished the conversation, leave the room and take one of the pigeons in the cage.
Meanwhile, the day came to an end. Sit taxi and go home. Dark streets and rain cause the feeling of Deja Vu – all this was already long ago, in another computer game. Okay, go to bed and watch video.

Brooklyn – the next day

Turn on the computer and talk with Cristina. If there is time, visit the agency and talk to Brian. Going out of the house, turn a couple of words with Bob.

Go to the airport.

JFK – Luggage Storage
In order to open the cell in the storage chamber, in addition to the key you will need cipher. Talk to Mrs. Evans, then go to the window. After the comment on the fact that local bums are warm at the airport, Mrs. Evans leaves his post to get involved. And in the meantime, you will calmly take her place and find a record made by surveillance cameras. But one record can be seen how Oswald removes something into the storage chamber, and the approach gives you the opportunity to see the cipher – 2543. Now go to the storage chamber (right from the entrance), insert the key to the key well and type the code. And here in your hands Diary Oswald.

A diary
Read the diary. Please note that the story of Oswald to rarity resembles what happens to you – he also saw the mysterious items outside the window, talked online with a mysterious stranger, won the ticket to the Lunar orbital resort 5. Also in the diary contains information on the schedule of airships, which Huntington hinted for you and one of which is obviously captured on a video tape. Return to Brooklyn.

Brooklyn: Quarry with Christina – Apologies – Lottery: Invitation to Lunar 5
Go to Debora and tell her about the Graham Diary. Return to your apartment and talk to Cristina. Then talk again with Cristina and apologize. Open the entrance door – to you visitor. Take a won ticket for Lunar 5.

Return to Christine and find out what exactly she bought you a lottery ticket. Share happy news with bean.

Go to the airport, go to the left terminal and take advantage of the ticket. Sit on the space elevator and arrange more comfortable – you will be asked to the orbital station.

Lunar 5 – next day
So, you left the old Good Earth, and now you are on the orbital station Lunar 5. At first glance, this is a gorgeous recreation center for a rich buratin – some semi-ray stewardess of what are worth! You will immediately be offered to drink a cocktail, which will cause you extremely strange sensations.
Get out of your cabins and go along the corridor to the recreation area. Talk to Mrs. Evans, Mr. Stiller, as well as with Dr. Jenkins and a park attendant Linda. Universal calm and satisfaction suggests anxious thoughts. After you explain that you are obliged to drink cocktails, everything becomes relatively clear. Cocktails seem to contain some kind of tranquilizer. In addition, it becomes clear from conversations that guests are stations (after brainwashing) become employees of government agencies. It would be necessary to get out of here, it’s not too late, but just you will not be released. In addition, it is impossible to miss such a chance in everything – another may no longer be. Dr. Jenkins and Linda mentioned a certain mysterious “sector in” how to get there?

Pills for Dr. Jenkins
Take from the tray from the bar cocktail and return to your cabin. Take a towel and a toothbrush cup. Towel Show the ventilation grid and click the air conditioner button – the computer will report that it cannot be installed in the room the optimal air composition. Remember numbers.
Put a cup on a small table, cover with a towel. Now using the received filter separated from the cocktail the semi-solid drug capsules. Now you can slip them yourself – and you even know who exactly.
Just over the behavior of Dr. Jenkins. Usually he sits in a bar after a cup of coffee, and sometimes it stands by the pool. As a rule, he changes his location when you leave the room and immediately return. So: Wait for Jenkins to stand by the pool and come to his place in the bar. With the help of a knife, open the capsules and plug the doctor in coffee its own medicine. Exit, go back and watch Jenkins drink your coffee. When he leaves the bar, go and take a small radio transmitter, which he will forget to pick up with him. Now go to the entrance to the sector in and using the transmitter open the lid near the door. The button will seem;Click it and enter the opened passage.
You have penetrated the “Machine Branch” – the mysterious sector in
On the left wall you will see a device with which you can install the required pressure and the composition of the air in the sector. Enter values already known to you (21%, 78%, 1%), and the gateway door opens.

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