THE NEXT BIG THING: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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September 26, 2022
15 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

THE NEXT BIG THING: Game Walkthrough and Guide
After the reporters of Dan Murray and Liz Elleir drove up to the Fitzrandolf Fitzradolf Villa, where the darker blonde noticed in a big albert mansion, control over the heroine goes into your hands.

Liz Elleir – Villa

You can chat with Dan, but it does not burn with the desire to learn the causes of the incident just seen, so boldly heading to the villa alone. Come inward through the front entrance to find yourself in the fitpiendolf reception and talk with it. As soon as the conversation end, Liz will turn out to be on the street at the car. Return back to the house and look in the lobby. The staircase is topped with a guard robot guards, but the side rooms of the first floor are free for your visit. For a start we go into the dressing room and talk there with Edgar. It turns out that the guy wanted to act in a movie all his life, but his external data did not allow him to do. Now pay attention to the cardboard figure of the actor “Vulkan Flash”, similar to our sufferer, as if 2 drops of water – not enough small details. In the inventory you will immediately appear the figure of Edgar, which you need to supplement the most details and show the desperate guy. To begin with, we leave the dressing room and take stylish glasses dressed on a pumpkin with a railing of one of the stairs. Now go to the door located for the wardrobe and look in the room. Take here a blue paint can stand on the shelf at the table lamp without lampup. Now put the doll in your inventory in this vest and earlier the points found, not forgetting to smear her blue paint. Show your creation to Edgar, after which it will immediately change the following your advice, and give you your jacket. Inspect it in the inventory, finding 2 tickets to the boxing match in her pockets. Return back to your partner and hand it these tickets. Now he agrees to tear his fifth point from the chair of the car and in an embrace with Fitzrandolf will go watch the match.

Before returning back to the villa Prettyly prepare your inventory, having risen the Dano Blossom, standing on the wing of the car. Also look into the trunk and grab from there an oil canister. Correctly armed, go to the mansion and visit the empty fit of the Fitzrandolf. Since the owner went to the box, you can safely look at and pick up from his sofa a clock handle for a sapophone. With this wealth, go through the doorway behind the curtain and find yourself in the corridor with three locked doors guarded by another robot. Connecting a conversation with him, you find out that he cannot skip you into the Cabinet of the Secretary, as Liz does not pass identification during the scan of two parameters – the volume of the chest and the hips. And in what cases all the advantages of women look more weight? Right if the observer is pretty drunk. However, the robot does not want to drink from the flask, so we will go to the trick. From the portion of the engine oil, it will definitely not refuse, so we mix alcohol alcohol into the canister with oil and calmly pour this poorest mix in the robot. Now the test will be passed without problems and Liz will be able to enter the door broken by the guard. Big Albert escaped you, but you can calmly look in these two rooms. First, go to the adjacent Beverly Room and take a pencil from a glass desktop. Now return back and inspect the gramophone. If you start it using the handle found earlier, besides the music you will hear some movement in the beverly room. Let’s see what happened there. Ba! The working office has become a real Boo! Take advantage of sudden luxury and take the left of the bed with a black caviar of Russian production.

Go out and go to the dog booth. Using the cans of caviar, pull out a very extravagant animal from the coneers and take a notebook left here with great Albert. Strike his leaflet with a pencil, reading the inscription on the village-cut, then get ready for a heroine capture.

Dan Murray – Villa

Once in a mixing room, grab the thrown Liz belt near the stove, right under the clothes. Go out into the street, pose from the doorway the cans with paint. Get out on the other side of the villa, you will see a dormant Mexican. Farn his case from the guitar to explore its contents in its inventory. There is no tool and in risen, but inside a complete set for fun pastime – cactus, lemons, a bottle of tequila and stacks. We go further along the house and call for yourself a wonderful dog Tobby. Since Tobby is, no matter how cool, dog, then let him sniff the belt Liz, suddenly he will bring you to the abducted partner? Mda … led, but only exactly at that very basement, where you are this belt and picked up. But the grille in the floor is now open, but descend down Dan will not work out anyway – too deep, so you need to find the rope for insurance. We go out on the street and close to the working Edgar, we find a green leaf, which is “wool” Tobby. Get to your car and take a baseball bat out of her salon, and at the same time grab the watering device on the lawn near the road. Returning to the villa, pay attention to the small door, which is a little right from the Tobby booth. Freddie Kruger’s glove sticks to her, but Dano does not get out with bare hands. Then bring it off with a bat, and with a new acquisition we go to the pier (not far from the dormant Mexican). To the yacht, we still need to go, but pay attention to the rope attached to the pier. And again, with bare hands to cope with the Node at Dan will not come out. But with the help of gloves with claws, you can easily seal the rope to descend to the sewer. Going to an open lattice, bring the rope to it and go down. There you will find a voice recorder Liz, having received new information for searching.

Talking with Edgar about the temple of illusions, you need to find a way to penetrate there. To do this, we return to the berth and pass on a yacht where the professor’s laboratory is based. He conducts experiences in teleportation and he needs a current entity for experiments. However, it will not risk valuable people, so the applicant must be a worthless member of society, not to have long life prospects, and besides this, tested personally from Professor. Try to pro-examine the shining science you can right now. The meaning of testing is that you will show ink stains and ask what you see them. However, not knowing the right answers, to go through this test for “maybe” difficult, so we need to find someone with a developed figurative thinking who will throw us ideas for answers. But before leaving the yacht, go to the life expectancy meter, standing in the corner of the laboratory. When Dan smokes in it, the device will give an unacceptable for the applicant for the experience of values. Then use the sheet from the inventory from Tobby and safely pass the test by performing one of the three conditions of the professor. It remains only to grab the camera lying on the floor and you can go to fresh air.

On the pier sits a thoughtful type burning his hand with a magnifying glass. Suddenly it falls, and he utters a penetrated poetic line. It turns out that this is a poet, looking for insight and going for this to inflect. Obviously, this guy with figurative thinking is full of order, it remains only to help him with muses, and ready-made responses for the test will be in your pocket. First, crush the Freddie Kruger glove on graphite board, then give it a watering mechanism and cactus with lemon from its inventory. Remember all 4 lines that he said – they are the right answers to the professor test. If you play a German version of the game, then they sound like this:

Eine Hollische Sonne Versengt Mit Die Haut: Prazise, Grausam Und Verschlagen;

It remains only to become an insignificant member of society. To do this, go to the car and break it with a baseball bat, photographed the result of your increasingness. As soon as the photos of a broken car and standing near her wreckage of Dan with a bottle of tequila got on the table of the chef, then he was immediately fired from work, so you are now useless to society. It’s time to go back to the laboratory to the professor and call it from the ceiling to pass the test. Alternately call the ink spots shown by the replicas that heard the poet (see above in the text, if you have a German version of the game) and proceed to the teleportation experiment. Being safely passing the experiment, ask the professor to transfer one teleportal chamber to that basement, where you found the Liz belt and enjoy how the lonely poet will fulfill this order. Now paint the camera with selected cans, masking it under the Egyptian sarcophagus. Go out and tell Edgar that they found sarcophagus, after which it will be transferred to the temple of illusions, and you can move without any problems there. It remains only to hold a short dialogue in place and finish this game segment.

Dan Murray – Temple of Illusions

Having confessed the Egyptian queen in love, Dan will raise it and start kissing, but at this time you need not to admire the process, but to quickly explore the Vase from which to get a coin. If you explore it in your inventory, you will see that the duck symbol is depicted on it. In total, on this location, you need to find 4 more objects with images of hieroglyphic characters. Well, proceed. Go to the main hall and talk to the guard at the top. You would not prevent his staff, but just there he will not want to give him. Then offer him an equal exchange – a bit in exchange for staff. So now you can see the eye image on the staff. Go to the far end of the hall, where the fountain from the scarabs and two statues has a dual pass. At one doorway there is a room with 7 sarcophagami, in one of which is mummy. However, by opening a coffin from which she jumped out a moment ago, you will not find anything there, but the scored creation pops up from sarcophagus, located in four coffins to the right of the place of its previous “output”. In this algorithm, it always acts, so, knowing it, you can easily take the right coffin and take the dagger from her, where the next image is drawn. Coming out of this room and go to the next doorway under the two statues, you will see the pyramid soaring in the air, but you will not get it without help. Magic. Then go to the entrance to the theater and get a conversation with one of the guards, asking to demonstrate some focus. Having loved how carrots miraculously changed places with a rabbit toy, take a hat and a magic wand from the table and go back to the room with a package pyramid soar. Cover her hat and click the magic wand. Focus Pok! Now the toy hare craits in the air, and the missing pyramid lies on the theater table. Return there and take the find.

It’s time to visit Oracle, whose door is to the right of the stairs in the main hall. Before you have a conversation with a person behind the screen, pick up a red plate with a dick near the door near the opposite wall, and only then tick the oracle. Alternately give him all the found items: a coin, staff, dagger, pyramid and a sign, filling out, so special pencils by all 8 characters. But now get ready for a small test for attentiveness. You will be alternately to demonstrate a penalty with 6 different characters, and the list of hieroglyphs is indicated in the list below. The problem is that only one of the names coincides with the real location of the symbol in the penalty. That is, if the hieroglyph with a duck is in a sieve is the third left, then you need to choose its name only if the word “duck” goes the third in the list.

Below are the screenshots of the correct solutions of some combinations so that you feel easier to catch the essence of the test and the translation of the German names of the hieroglyphs, if you play the German version of the game, but do not know the gete language.THE NEXT BIG THING: Game Walkthrough and GuideTHE NEXT BIG THING: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Die Kaputte Auge – Eye;
Das Notausgansschild – man under the arch;
Das SchoHundchen – Goat;
DAS WEIB BILD IM PROFIL MIT HOREN – Sitting girl with horns on her head;
Die Schlage – Snake;
Die ENTE – Duck;
Die Zielscheibe – Spiral;
Die Krummen Striche – Wavy Lines

As a reward for your attentiveness, the shaman will give you a jar with a red scarab, which you need to release to the fountain filled with his blue fellows. The bowl will empty, and you can get an old book from there, locked on the castle. However, it easily opens with the help of the pyramid found earlier. Then we complete the episode, pretty parrot Tsaritsa spells from the book of the dead.

Liz Elleir – airship

Updated on the airship of the Fitzrandolf, take advantage of the moment and chat with his master. Widow talking, go out of the office in the hall and ask the robot chef that he cuts out. After that, explore the freezer where the door leads in the right corner of the room, where you admire the frozen skier and a huge seafood stock. Returning to the hall, take off the walls near the freezer chamber of a parachute wrench and grab from a wooden stand near the opposite door Hefty Claus. Now visit the remaining unexplored room in which hunting trophies are stored. From a stand with a weapon Take a gun and charge it with a dart with a sleeping pills, a box with which lies on the shelf from a target for a game of darts. You can make a snorke of a white bear, but it is better to immediately shoot a dart inside the drawer suspended on the rope to calm the literality. Switch the box to the floor with the block and remove the belt from it. Before leaving this room, take a ski stick from the cabinet in the corner. Fairly replenishing your inventory, return to Fitzrandolf and order in conversation with it a seafood dish. As soon as the robot goes to the freezer for the ingredients for the ordered dish, Liz will slam the door for him so that the cook is the company to make a company to frozen skier. But now you can safely explore the empty kitchen table from which the culinary syringe for cream and baking shape should be taken. We return to the fit of the Fitzrandolf and pay attention to the safe in the corner. It would be necessary to embarrass him somehow, but how to do it? The owner is watching you, and throw it away from the airship, without damaging the contents quite problematic. Let’s solve problems as they arrive. First combine in inventory syringe with darts with sleeping pills to pour the medicine in the smoking tube of Fitzrandolf. Nobody watches you for you, so, having familiarized yourself with the content of the document on the table you can proceed to the kidnapping of the safe. First, take the folding table for drinks and apply it to the safe. Take a safe to the table with a fastening strap from the inventory and fasten the parachute on this design. After that, go to the balcony, where with a pre-combined ski stick and baking mold you jerk by the top hook by opening the glass dome of the balcony. Return to the room and push the safe on the trolley from the window, leaving it with you on a motorcycle.

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