The Outer Worlds: Murder ON Eridanos: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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September 12, 2022
14 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Outer Worlds: Murder ON Eridanos: Passage
The Outer Worlds: Murder ON Eridanos: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Galaxy prepared for the “hopeless” team last test. “Murder on Eridan” – the last plot addition for The Outer Worlds, in which you have to take on the role of the inspector trying to reveal the motives and the reasons for the murder of the star actress Elena Alkionskaya. In this guide, I embrace all side and plot tasks, I will tell you how to get both endings, which of them are the best, but I will start with how to launch addition.

Note. In addition, the guide indicates the location of all unique and scientific varieties of weapons added in the framework of the last story DLC.

How to start an add-on

First you need to upload files supplements from store window (Steam, PS Store and so on). Remember that developers are recommended to undergo DLC content upon reaching 30 main characters. If you passed the “radio monarch” and left this planet, then visit “hopeless” and move to the navigation cutting to the hell. Artificial intelligence of the ship will notice that he managed to throw out a new essential wave. If you have not advanced in the plot so far, do it.

Talk to hell and browse the video. After all this, you will contact the Louis Administrator from the Rizzo Corporation, having learned the details of the tragic events. In addition, you can chat with Sedrik Kinnnon and Kin’s Constable. Then interact with the star card and go to Eridan – Planet in its upper left corner. Getting Starting The Outer Worlds: Murder ON Eridanos on StopGame.RU.

The last role of Elena Alkionan

On the landing site, talk with Messenger Norvillem, learning more about this planet. After receiving the information, go to the Grand Colonial Hotel, follow the reception and go to the entrance door. Located behind the garden. Sign in to the hotel, go through the lobby in a big ballroom behind the elevator. Here will be a line enclosing a crime scene. Talk to Constable Kin and Dr. Hudnight. They will share some facts. In the end, Dr. Hudnight will provide you an amplifier of inconsistencies – a powerful technological device that will help with the search for evidence. In addition, it refers to unique weapons.

Equip it in any weapon slot, and then learn the crime scene. For Kein there will be several traces that can be analyzed using inconsistencies amplifier. After that discuss the evidence, select all the dialog phrases, after which you learn what you need to go to purple gardens.

You can talk to Dr. Hudnight, then – once again from Kin, and then before you go to your apartment (hotel penthouse), analyze a broken bottle. On the floor there is a hint – Letter B. The task will end.The Outer Worlds: Murder ON Eridanos: Game Walkthrough and GuideAmplifier inconsistencies.

Instant taste purple

Return in the lobby and talk to the Cable Halston standing on the left. She will register you in Penthouse, and will also share some gossip. Ask her about Elena Alkionan, Gueri Girls Guard Black Hole and Partner Wolrich. Now go to the elevator and talk to the dispatcher. Ask to deliver you to Penthouse. Inside the penthouse will be a whole base for your team. Here every member of the crew of “hopeless”, workbench and so on. If you want to choose another satellite, go back to the penthouse and do it when you leave.

But before you go out, there are a couple of moments. To begin with, talk to the Louis Administrator using the terminal on the left side. Ask him to provide you with access to Purpuric Gardens. After that, the goal will change. In the dining room with Felix there is a helmet that increases the range radius and the effectiveness of the inconsistency amplifier. In the bedroom in the opposite side there is another evidence – disappeared by the legendary Pistol Elena Alkionskaya. Take the audio recording from the chest and listen to the incoherent message from Berti. Finally, use the terminal on the table. Read messages to get a new goal – to find a sales provider that had a disorder with Elena. Return in the lobby and leave the south side of the building. You will find yourself in a zone with a swimming pool.

Go across the bridge in Purpuric Gardens. On the way you can take a couple of secondary missions. On the island between the hotel and purple gardens, you can find a unique weapon “Freezer”. In the northern part of the island there is a small plot of land. From this side you can get into the room at the open door, and there will be this weapon.

Reaching purple gardens, you can take the side task of Devitta in the booth on the right or use the services of the sprawer on the left. Activate the amplifier and go to the trails of Elena. It is simple enough. Sooner or later you will find a telescope. Pick the key card rest nearby and go to the laboratory on the right. Also on the way between the laboratory and the place with the telescope cost containers. One of them is open, and inside is a unique weapon “Coper”.

Inside it, listen to Dr. Blossom and agree to help. Go down on the elevator to the lower level, carefully arouse past the enemies, following the clockwise on the perimeter of the floor. Or kill everyone. If you can sneak secretly, in the distant room, find the hole in the wall, followed by a terminal that allows you to run the sleeping (all madmen will be neutralized). Climb up, wait for the door, and inspect the laboratory. Examine three corpses amplifier, pick up the access card from the office of Blossom and go to the corridor to the right. On the left there is a technical room with open ventilation. Analyze its amplifier to make the final conclusion and complete the mission. In the office of Blossom there is orange vodka – one of the ingredients to obtain “spectral gatling”.

Queen Productivity

Return to the Grand Colonial and talk to all topics with Norville. Messenger stands in the lobby near the elevator. After communicating with him, you will learn that Elena quarreled with some Providian profits, which is located in the center of operation of the fauna. Go to this place on the marker and use the elevator that will raise up. There are several characters with side assignments. But in the plot you just need to go to the right upper part of the region, enter into an abandoned bunker and find the provincial there. Her tent stands on the left. Talk to the provincial, apply the amplifier on herbs lying on the bench at the entrance to her tent (inside, so more accurately say – in the exit of the tent). Shatter with Aliah, opposite, and read the messages on the terminal in the far wall. Talk to the provincial, go out and go left, in the footsteps that will lead to the place where she left the body of Elena. Use the amplifier everywhere, and then return to a woman. She will ask for her arrest, but in fact I did not kill Elena Alkionic profits.

In the same center of operation of the fauna stand in the center of the region and go up the map, north. Under the rock itself on the outskirts of the region, a corpse will lie with a unique weapon – “HumorUberry” (the subject sticks out in the corpse). We continue to pass the passage of The Outer Worlds: Murder on Eridanos on the StopGame portal.RU.The Outer Worlds: Murder ON Eridanos: Game Walkthrough and GuideAt any time you can visit Penthouse to Grand Colonial to familiarize yourself with the course of the investigation.

Prince Tosbol

Continue to communicate with Constable Kin in the Baln Hall “Grand Colonial” immediately after the end of the mission “The last role of Elena Alkionskaya”. So you will learn about the former guy Elena Alkionan, Bertie Black Hole. Complete in the lobby of the hotel and talk with a concierge on reception. Halston will not just give just a pass to the VIP-level, so you have to apply conviction, intimidation or pay several bits. After that, use the elevator nearby and go to the VIP-level. As soon as you find yourself upstairs, go to the left and look in the last apartment, belonging to the Black Hole. With the help of inconsistencies amplifier, it is necessary to search the room and analyze traces in the garbage urn and on the floor a little further, in the bed. When you make it, you will point to a new marker. Also in the Beri’s room, near the bed there is a unique weapon “Signed toustrated club”.

Move on the island with navigation deck, but instead, go to the building on the right. These are weather management stations, and there will be a corpse. Scan dead body and flask nearby. After that, visit the cosmoport of Piraeus. If there is no access, wait for the following tasks. Berry is located in the cosmoport bar. Job with a guy to learn about his Alibi. You can interrogate the gallery that will really confirm the words of Bertie. Return back to the Grand Colonial to report in front of Louis.

Man who knew

To start this mission, you must fulfill the quest “The last role of Elena Alkionskaya”, and then communicate on all themes with Hudnight and Constable Kin. Perform the mission “Instant Taste of Purpurics” and return to the hotel. Talk to Hudnight, which is in your laboratory, and then talk to Halston at the reception. Girl will refuse to give keys. Relax it or pay, and then climb up on the VIP floor (on the elevator). Do not confuse with a penthouse! There are several rooms here, but you are interested in apartments in the right corridor. Talk to Spencer Wulrich, who claims to be, as well as Elena, poisoned. Go down and go to the kitchen located behind the ballroom, where Elena Alkionic body was found. Talk to cook. He will reject any accusations.

The next part of the quest consists of two goals. You can do them in any order. One of the markers will lead you to the cosmoport of Piraeus, where you can personally meet with Sedrik Kinnnon. At the entrance to the cosmoport you will meet mysterious killers. Kill them all or try to convince. In any case, you should visit Kinnnon’s office and listen to a man. It will be part of the quest “Prince of Capination”. In the meantime, get to the specified building to be in the consignor. Job with drone, go further and discover the dead body. Take the key card and apply it to the terminal nearby to explore video recording from the kitchen. As soon as you do it, go back to the central island and follow the second marker. He will take you to the island nearby. Kill all opponents and wait for the Owens messenger corpse to get a receipt. Also next to Owens there is a cave. Go down to it and kill three media. Name of body, take the key and enter the building not far from the Owens corpse. Apply the key to the safe to get from it a unique weapon “Short circuit”.

After all this, go back to Wolrich on the VIP floor and interrogate. You will learn that he specifically poisoned Elena, but the substance was not a potent, and she had to maximize dinner. Notify about all Louisiko. You can cover Spencer or tell the truth. In any case, it will not affect the storyline or the ending.

Prince infection

To start this mission, you must fulfill the plot task “The person who knew how to sow”. Immediately after that, leave the “Grand Colonial” and go towards the cosmoport of Piraeus, where you can personally meet with Sedrik Kinnnon. At the entrance to the cosmoport you will meet mysterious killers. Kill them all or try to convince. In any case, you should visit Kinnnon’s office and listen to a man. Before leaving, take the inconsistencies amplifier and study the book in the corner of the Cedric office. It turns out that bug is hidden in it. Go down and go out out. Go past the bar to the toilet cabins in which another book will be labeled. Apply an amplifier on it to detect the receiver. After that, visit the Sliz warehouse, climb up and talk about all themes with a girl who will tell about everything. After conversation with Ella, you will receive a key card that can be applied to the terminal nearby. Leave the Sliz warehouse and go to the right point. Then find automatons. Apply the amplifier and, if possible, in a conversation with automatons, demand to disable the protective mechanism. If it does not work, automatons will subsequently have to destroy. Having done this, tell Cedric on the results of the investigations, and then go back to the “Grand Colonial” to report to the penthouse in front of Louis.

Note. When you find yourself inside the slope of the slope, be sure to go to the far right corner to find an open container with a unique weapon “Va-Bank”.The Outer Worlds: Murder ON Eridanos: Game Walkthrough and GuideUnique Weapon “Va Bank”.

Unfinished charge

This task is activated after 2-3 quests described above. And does not matter what order you passed them. It is important that you checked two suspects, then you can tell Lududiko who is who. It is important that each of the tasks above refutes the guilt of any suspects, that is, so you can come to the logical conclusion that none of the listed persons is to blame. And the opportunity to accuse Lududiko himself. We continue to pass the passage of The Outer Worlds: Murder on Eridanos on the StopGame portal.RU.

Naked guess

When you try to blame someone in a conversation with Louis, this task will start. He will tell that someone attacked the distillation station “Rizzo”. At the same time, all other plot tasks mentioned above will be failed (canceled). Go to the distillation station and look for the left elevator leading. That is, you need to go inside not through the main entrance, but through the elevator on the side of the station. On it and points the marker! Kill all enemies, go inside and interact with the remote control to remove the protective panel and see Elena Alkionic. Upon finding noting the truth, you can choose the side of Elena or Louis. The mission listed below depends on. And if you go inside the distillation station through the front door, go to the room with a huge head “Rizzo” and, if possible, hack the door in the left far corner. If you can do it, you will be swollen behind it and scroll into the room on the left. On the left behind the glass is the unique weapon “Recharge”. If you select the side of the administrator, you will soon have to kill Elena. And from her corpse will be able to pick up the scientific weapons “needleer” (shoots three different types of shells, to switch between which you should use the recharge key R; has an unlimited ammunition, does not require recharging to replenish the clip). And if you select the side of Elena, then upon returning to Penthouse, talk to it and go through the verification of the conviction 65. In this case, Elena itself will provide you with their weapons.

Infernal explosive mechanism Elena Alkion

If you say that they are ready to support Louis, Elena will turn around, and you will need to find a bomb. Follow through the whole complex, dine (jump off) from steam jets and apply the amplifier to all selected devices. One of them is a bomb. As soon as they deepen the subject, leave the distillation station and return to Penthouse. Take advantage of the terminal to discuss the action plan with the Louis Administrator.

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