The Testament of Sherlock Holmes: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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October 5, 2022
16 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Testament of Sherlock Holmes: Passage
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes: Game Walkthrough and Guide
We look at the introductory roller. Children found in the attic of the decoration of the puppet theater, and together with them and the figurines of Sherlock Hill and Watson. The girl begins a narrative of the manuscripts of Watson, and attention switches to the distant 1898 ..

Stolen Necklace Marquis Conincond.

After the conversation, following the prompts, inspect the showcase from which the necklace was stolen. Come to the window, inspect two active areas. From the fireplace, we take a magnifying glass, with the help of her inspect the notes near the piano. Look into the aquarium, we see the screen on the right, moving it away, but I do not find tracks. Under the chandelier notice the fallen candle. Let’s look at the fireplace, we see fallen objects. Safety deposit box nearby was not opened. In the center, look at the pile of securities and finally, we will examine the door. Further, Sherlock will demonstrate his genius and return the Necklace Marquis.

Baker Street.

Entering the room, read the newspaper. We learn about the fact that we are accused of replacing the necklace. Communicate with the arrived detective, choosing answers yourself. We inspect a fake necklace lying on the table. We notice the pearl of gray, immediately three running in a row of yellow pearls and one small pearl. We play for the Watson, on the desktop we select the map of London and choose Nitsbridge Diocese on it.

Nitsbridge Diocese.

We communicate with Rev. and proceed to the search. At the threshold, we will examine the traces: we measure each trail with a meter that can be taken on the right. Then a magnifying glass to the left upper area and take the pebbles. From the table to the right pick up the scalpel. Before the work desk is a flask with poisonous chemicals. We inspect the contents of the table and go to the corpse. Start from the bottom, right to pick a finger. In the middle part – a piece of rope from hand. At the top notice that in the teeth at the deceased slices of flesh. We study the closet, in which we find a safe, which is a chessboard. On the right side notice damage. At the bottom of the cabinet we find a pin on the belt. Let’s go to the neighboring room, but I will not find anything interesting here. After we all inspected, we turn to the deduction. Everything should work like this:The Testament of Sherlock Holmes: Game Walkthrough and GuideThe Testament of Sherlock Holmes: Game Walkthrough and Guide
We use a pin in inventory to open the door of the veranda. Bend it as follows:The Testament of Sherlock Holmes: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Passing inside, inspect the ink stain on one side of the carpet and on the other. On the table we will see the source of these spots – the fallen flask. But, apparently, the carpet moved, as the stains are on absolutely opposite sides. Rear to the table remove the napkin from a chess piece, pick up a horse. Click on the center of the carpet to completely remove it. Use a chess piece on a highlighted green frame floor. Our task is to get around all the cells one time. This can be done like this:The Testament of Sherlock Holmes: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Take off the central cage using a knife. We read letters and come back to the crime scene. After the roller, blackmailitate the presented and find out how to open a safe. From the closet, we get rods similar to we will find on the bedroom bedroom, in the veranda on the table and on the plant. Let’s go back to the safe and insert the rods in the chessboard in this way:The Testament of Sherlock Holmes: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Safe opened, but there is nothing important here. Meanwhile, Reverend managed to escape, and we will return to Baker Street.

Baker Street.

Let’s start learning evidence. First put on the table finger. Scalpel scraper nail, then tighten the contents above the nail. Next, put the bloody scalpel, we wash it with water and remove the brush. A piece of rope picking the forceps twice and grab it the same land formed on the left. Stone rinse with acid, and then remove the brush. Put a handful of land on the table, rinse them with water and connect the scalpel. Playing for Watson, go to the cabinet to the left of the fireplace. Take out a book from there with all London’s hospitals and put it on Sherlock’s table. Playing for Holmes, choose a shard from the bottle in the inventory and analyze it in the chemical aggregate to the right. So, we pour the contents of a fragment into a test tube with a question. Scroll through the test tubes with multi-colored content and dropwise pour them into the liquid we detected in a fragment. We observe the reaction and exhibit as many digits in the table, how many icons appeared on the connected fluids. Driving Watson, communicate with Sherlock. We play again for Sherlock, study notepad on the table and set the scheme as follows:The Testament of Sherlock Holmes: Game Walkthrough and GuideThe Testament of Sherlock Holmes: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Then the right to go from the scheme to another sheet and choose the second option on the left. At dawn, open the door and go to the next location.

Westgate prison.

Arriving in prison, the threshold will meet us warder and tell me how to go to the prison director. Moving to the end along the corridor and go to the last door to the right. Secretary to agree on the meeting, after which the director will inform us the password. We return to the ward and go to the room of the male. Inventory should be selected. Go down to Gansa Shilman and learn about his requirements: you need to get his feather from the storage chamber. Let’s go to the director and ask him the key. We get it and go to the opposite room from the Cabinet of the Director. We find the cell, open it and click on the mysterious box. Choose a wet and manuscript. For a knife open four little holes. There appeared letters denoting chemical elements. Choose them on the box: CA, BR, S, H. Get the pen from the box and some other manuscript.

We go to the overseer at the entrance, agree to help him. We go to the wardrobe, which is opposite the storage chamber. Using the key, enter inside. Another key unscrewed the locker, moving the sodium bicarbonate bank, click on the book several times and detect the key. Select uniform from inventory and hang it on the hanger. With the same key open the locker on the opposite side. We open the box, exhibiting items in this way:The Testament of Sherlock Holmes: Game Walkthrough and Guide
We take a medallion, a letter and, of course, a schedule of duty, without which we could not get to the prisoner. Give it to the guard, and we will be able to go to Schillman. After the conversation, we get to the director and inform him about a possible escape.

We play for Watson, try to activate the alarm. Speak with the guard on the other side of the lattice. We select keys from the table and go out into the corridor. Trying to unlock the door with them, then give a person downstairs. Return to a room with alarm. We are hacking it by moving the slider to the center. Moreover, it is impossible to touch the active sliders. Watch them and quickly move to the center. Playing for Watson, go around the chamber and find out, there is no escaped. Open the grid of the Schillman’s cell and instead we discover Sivan. We choose out and follow forward. We meet Shilman, who Sherlock Holmes helped escape. Choose a location where we can meet with Sherlock when he escorts the criminal to a safe place.


We are moving down the street until we will be in front of the hospital. We enter into and communicate with the old familiar Watson – Grant. Show him a scalpel and leave the building. We go to the definition right and fall on the cemetery. Come to a small building. From the cart on the right we will take the coupon for the issuance of soup, on the left – we will examine the rope. With the help of a magnifying glass, we notice that hanging rope and a piece of rope, which we found on the corpse are equally exterminated on one side. Let’s go through the second half of the cemetery, we also approach the construction and compare the tombstone and a piece of granite. Choose from the cemetery and turn right. Mobile kitchen will be right in front of us. We will examine the box on the right, communicate with the soup distributor and play the game with him. Throw the bone until you win or the skull will not fall. Of course, the skull loss is almost always more likely than the accumulation of 36 points. Therefore, after two or three throws, we save the glasses and thereby pass the opponent’s move. Winning, he will tell us about the grape Joe, as well as about the morgue in the hospital.

Let’s go back to the hospital and talk with a grant. Let’s go further along the corridor in the morgue. We will examine on the stand of the died. We go further, inspect the tools and take scissors. We study the jumpsuit hanging on a chair. He belongs to Kurta, grab the scissors to the left and cut off: sleeve, pocket and tumbler “Kurtz”. As a result, in the inventory turn out to be a rod, two keys and a territory scheme. We will get to the hubars in the cemetery, from where we took the rope and note about the distribution of soup. We try to open the door, insert the keys and turn them. With the help of a rod, push the castle on the right side. Inside pick ax and note. Select the ax and click on the box in the floor. I miss it, press several times and throw a double bottom with a knife. There we find a note in which it says about a certain tree. We leave from the hives and behind the fence on the right we will see the very tree. We study the most upper inscription – Sally and John. Let’s go through the end and inspect the ducklings of the grave. We inspect a magnifier and grave ground – they are identical. Looking for the grave of Sally and John in the first row. Dig it a shovel that you can pick up next to the hibara. Now you need to open the casket with the code, this is done in this way:

We change in places 34 and 26, we change in places 47 and 58, we change in places 47 and 34, we displace 34 to place 65, we change in places 23 and 47, we displace 23 to the place 86, we shift 86 to place 74, shift 74 to place 62, shift 62In place 87, we change in places 74 and 62, we displace 86 to place 44, we displace 78 to place 44, we displace 46 to the place 24, we displace 63 to the place 44, we displace 45 in place 63, we displace 63 in place 54, we shift in place 35 and46.

We will take the key, we will examine the candlesticks and a bloody hammer. We see the opening door of Hibars, there we will find children, one of which is wounded. Shattered a little with them, find out the location of Kurta: Let’s leave the cemetery, turn left, then in the alley right. Let’s go to the wall and, using the key, enter the apartment number eight right. We inspect the corpses of a person and two dogs. We notice numerous wounds. Pull the leukoplasty from the finger of the deceased knife. We continue to inspect the room where we will find a lot of interesting things. We do not miss anything from the view, actively use the highlighting of items. Near the cabinet we study the tray on which the tube with opium is. All found by comparing with deduction and in the end we get this situation:The Testament of Sherlock Holmes: Game Walkthrough and GuideThe Testament of Sherlock Holmes: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Playing for Watson, I get into the hospital and go to the morgue. After conversation with a grant, the control returns to Sherlock. Click on the corpse and proceed to the opening. Promotion wounds with wool and fake space for cuts. We make cuts with a scalpel, then expand the wounds by the expansion of the ribs. Picking the scalpel, on the lungs (right) we use a pipette, and on the stomach (left) – tweezers. Checking a pipette on chimreactles on a special table. We build a full chain of deduction:The Testament of Sherlock Holmes: Game Walkthrough and GuideThe Testament of Sherlock Holmes: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Coming out of the hospital, turn left, then in the alley right. Let’s go to the end and enter the smoke. Moving forward to the end, try to open the door to the right. It is necessary to somehow distract the receptionist, we collect: tea with jasmine, ash and clean glass. All this is on the tables next to the relaxed visitors. We connect everything found in the inventory together and let the sample not sleep visitor. The waiter distracted, now you can pick up the key. We are interested in the most extreme left of the top row. Open the locked door and watson will return the key to the place. Being inside, we take the sekhach and cane from the basket. Look through the ventilation grille in the corner in the next room. We continue to collect subjects. From the shelves we will take syringe and acid, from the floor – opium balls. In the next section inspect the cart. Gilt the smells of light, pushing the valve. Put the opium balls. In the inventory we connect the syringe with the liquid opium and all this with acid. Now we have sleeping pills, but we turned out to be locked in the room. Next to the door there is a lattice, we remove the rag from it. We use on the window first secchech, then the cane and then we can get out of the room. I choose the syringe in advance, Watson will distract harsh, and we add to him in the neck of the sleeping pill, please visit the sight and wait until it burns green! We go to the protected area, climb the stairs. Watch Roller.


We arrive in Kensington to the nephew of Bishop Henry Hamworth. At the threshold, we celebrate the owner of the house that Henry takes off the room. She does not want to let us in, but it does not mind that we examine the garden. Let’s go ahead and open the door to the right. We will examine underwear, pick up clothespins to the right. We approach the tree, study the primitive homemade signaling. I will select a rake from the ground, open the door with a small repository, where to pick up Kirk. Opposite the earth, from where we raised the rake, there is a door in the fence. We open it with the help of kirk, go ahead. We discover the hole in the fence through which Henry could be observed. Near the remains of food and the newspaper of four days ago. We approach the fell to the left of the hibars, look up and attract a shirt on a tree with robbles. Before leaving their garden, look into Henry’s room through the window. Now we can return to the main entrance and try to enter the house.

We pass inside and open the first door to the left. In the room Henry from the floor, pick up a scarf, inspect the bed. Look at the library and the coffee table. Next to the desktop, we will examine the garbage basket, where the pieces of paper leave. On the left on the table, we note the frame, in it we will collect a nail:The Testament of Sherlock Holmes: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Also on the table we see a candle and a stretched rope. Use matches on the candle and clothespins on the rope. Then the resulting sheet of paper hang on clothespins. Click on design and drive a candle on paper. Detected words and numbers need to be fixed. We add them to the full address – “Stink Street Pier 3 2 1 South Beach”. We look at the hanger on the right. Come to the window, inspect the area under it. Pull the plate with pickle and pull out the box. Fully inspecting it from all sides and fix four parts with numbers. As a result, we get the code – 8143. Inside empty, but here it was necessary to lie weapons. From the list of items, choose a revolver, case and shovel.


Play for PSA Toby. We climb the stairs, sniffing traces. Before us deadlock, go around the left. Pushing the door inside the building. Let’s go left and try to pull the jamble lever. We go on the central path and choose in the courtyard. Nyuhai traces and see that the criminal went to the right. And at the moment we will go right and pick up a can with lubricant with a barrel. Eliminate the problems of the lever and the wooden bars we move on the other side. Activate the mechanism to lower the bridge. We continue to move forward, sniffing traces and try to open the door to the left, it is closed from the inside. We are shown the right path, so we move to the left and overload the rope. Get up on the dropped wooden platform. Being inside, go down the stairs and open the door for Sherlock. We try to open a big gate. Left We see a stand with missing objects. Let’s go back to the door that we opened earlier and select a metal rod. They will open the gate.

Selecting outward, inspect the fire inventory right in front of us. Turn to the right and go to the next goal. We inspect them, and move to the rails to the left. Here not to go through, then let’s go a little back and in the side will notice the levers. Crouching on the other side, interact with the trolley. Then get to the door of the building (right from the bridge), which is locked from the inside. On the cart on the right, we can climb upstairs. Come to the window, Sherlock prohibits jumping down. Go down, to the left of the boxes are bags. Move them and pass inside.

Move the rope under the window so that Sherlock can go down to us. We go into the room with a red lamp and from there to the next, where in the boxes we climb upstairs. We are moving through the pipes, go down on the other side by the same boxes. On the stairs climb upstairs. Tobi ran over the cat, so we play for Holmes. Go straight, open the door. Go down to the lower level, we meet Henry. After the accident, the card opens, and choose Baker Street on it.

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